Guest guest Posted February 3, 2008 Report Share Posted February 3, 2008 Has anyone tried it? Any comments welcome Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 4, 2008 Report Share Posted February 4, 2008 , " Stan " <sjwolf wrote: > > Has anyone tried it? Any comments welcome > Stan, I have not tried it myself, but I do know people who absolutely swear by it. Ambrotose is good stuff, though I am appalled at the price. A friend of mine is taking it, and she is spending over $200 a month on Ambrotose alone, and other products on top of that. I can put people on a pretty complete program to cleanse, nourish, balance and regenerate with other good remedies for half that much. But, like all these high-end supplements, we all have the ones that have our name on it so to speak. If Ambrotose is the magic key that takes you from illness to wellness it's worth it. Thank goodness for the referral system that allows us to afford them! Ien in the Kootenays (blog) (Rainforest Herbs) (AFA algae) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 5, 2008 Report Share Posted February 5, 2008 Ambrotose is the brand name of a blend of tree bark extracts and sap extracts plus aloe vera. Mannatech claims " this nutritional supplement is a glyconutritional, a blend of specific plant saccharides that provides support for the immune system. " Unfortunately, most people eat nutrient-deficient food, too many toxins, and rely on fast food. Most of the Standard American Diet (SAD) is over-processed, cooked with no live enzymes. All of this is further complicated by chlorine in water, sugar, not drinking enough water, etc. Many nutritional supplements give results because we are basically malnourished....anything would help! When you check out information from the company, you read things such as: For all of history, food has provided these building blocks, and now, we are not eating foods that once supplied a greater variety of these sugars. While the body has the capacity to manufacture all of these monosaccharides from common sugars (like glucose) found in the diet, the conversion process is complicated, requiring energy and time as well as numerous enzymes and vitamins. The idea that we have to get glucose in our diet (according to Mannatech) because we can't make it or can't make enough of it is....well, not correct. It's the basic fuel for our cells -- blood glucose levels are normally maintained within the relatively narrow range of 70-110 mg per 100 mL. That happens whether or not we get glucose in our diet, whether or not we eat at all. All sorts of things can be converted to glucose by our liver, including amino acids. Many of these nutrients are assimilated by probiotics in a healthy body, from essential building blocks, such as found in nutrient-dense whole foods. In the Mannatech promo piece there are some striking contradictions. For one thing, they acknowledge we have the ability to synthesize these substances and then two sentences later they go and label them " essential " . Plus, they are not from a real, food source. The logic is that since one cannot find whole foods anymore, why not eat the isolated parts that we need? Hence, the popularity of vitamin and mineral supplements and a population of pill poppers that thinks that yellow urine is normal. If you eat food....whole food....and don't take chemical vitamins, your urine will not be a bright yellow color. Get yourself some real whole food nutrition that wasn't put together in a lab by some scientist mixing stuff up in a cauldron. Why not go to the source of all life on earth, the beginning of the food chain: Super Blue Green Algae (SBGA) - - which is still enzymatically active, full of everything good, and 97% absorbable without stress on the body's organs. It has the glyconutrients – in the cell wall – naturally occurring there, along with all the other nutrients you can name. ALL these micronutrients are needed, not just the glyconutrients. Why not skip the scientists and the lab-produced phytochemicals and simplify your life? Why do we hear so much about isolated/synthetic/man-made supplements that have lots of scientific research? These products are widely promoted (lots of advertising dollars behind them), and the scientific jargon seems to assure many people that they can be helpful....and many times they are. Promoters will assure you that these supplements....such as the Ambrotose products....are listed in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference). Well....fruits and vegetables are NOT listed in the PDR; likewise neither is the Super Blue Green Algae (a whole food). Whole foods are not glamorous or as profitable as some medications and supplements. As more people see the benefits of simplifying their lives, they look for " The Natural Way " . Read about the " Natural Health Model " -; and take the " Journey to Better Nutrition " - You will find out how health really works. I came across an article by Dr. J. Strickland comparing SBGA to man-made vitamin supplements. One might draw similar conclusions to all lab-produced supplements.... Dr. J. Stickland reports: " The way I came about the comparison was to take a few of my patients (including myself), and I took the easy thing, which is Vitamin B12, to check in blood levels and urine. I took the SBGA and measured blood levels of B12, waited and then measured urine levels of B12. We did the same thing with a couple of organic vitamin/mineral supplements from the health food stores and did the same thing again with chemically derived Centrum. In comparing the levels of B12, I found the SBGA staying at the 97% assimilation background. That was achieved by the blood levels of B12 were high initially after taking it, and then the urine values were very low after taking the SBGA. This told me that the body maintains a vast majority of the B12 that was within the SBGA. Then when I took the " other " blue green algae products on the market that were harvested off the same lake....what I found was about a 50% assimilation factor, so that meant that about half of the B12 showed up in the urine. Then, with the organic vitamin mineral supplements, that was really variable....that could as low as 10% and could be as high as 50%. But never higher than 50%. With the chemically derived vitamins such as Centrum, I found that it varied 5-10%, and some of these numbers you have heard before. Like the 97% assimibility factor with the SBGA, and then the 5-10% assimilation with a chemically derived vitamin. I just broke it down a little bit more, to look and see what the difference was between the " other " algae and the organic vitamin mineral supplements were, because I wanted to see whether there was a cheaper way of getting the same effect. I am quite convinced that the SBGA is the only way to go at this point. Now, with the other brands of the blue green algae, the amino acids and proteins have been destroyed by heat and production, and by doing so it is disrupting that bond that attaches those vitamins and minerals to them....that's why you would get a different assimilation factor with the " other " algae. Many of us enjoy reading how science has broken down the " whys " of how things work. Let's just not forget to put everything back together the whole picture...and see what the whole food does for you. A completed puzzle of a horse makes an interesting picture, but it lacks a lot compared to the real thing. So, that's why I choose the simple, organic whole-food that does more than I even can comprehend.....SBGA. " I feel that with the foundational micronutrients available in nutrient-dense whole foods, we are able to make the sugars for optimal health. Start at the beginning of the nutritional support chain, instead of what you would be doing with Ambrotose which is targeting specific sugars in the middle and end points. SBGA has a glycolipoprotein cell wall, and is a whole food complex (not parts of foods, isolates or extracts), as opposed to " piecemeal nutrition " . My vote is still with the SBGA, as a base nutrient, made by Nature, not in a laboratory. Carol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 6, 2008 Report Share Posted February 6, 2008 I've been taking it for some time now. It is amazing. Lisa , " Ieneke " <ienvan wrote: > > , " Stan " <sjwolf@> wrote: > > > > Has anyone tried it? Any comments welcome > > > Stan, > > I have not tried it myself, but I do know people > who absolutely swear by it. > > Ambrotose is good stuff, though I am appalled > at the price. A friend of mine is taking it, and > she is spending over $200 a month on Ambrotose > alone, and other products on top of that. > > I can put people on a pretty complete program > to cleanse, nourish, balance and regenerate > with other good remedies for half that much. > > But, like all these high-end supplements, > we all have the ones that have our name > on it so to speak. > > If Ambrotose is the magic key that takes you > from illness to wellness it's worth it. > > Thank goodness for the referral system > that allows us to afford them! > > Ien in the Kootenays > (blog) > (Rainforest Herbs) > (AFA algae) > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 You can bid for Ambrotose on EBAY....and get it for almost l/2 price. I've done it. ks -- I am using the free version of SPAMfighter for private users. It has removed 4331 spam emails to date. Paying users do not have this message in their emails. Get the free SPAMfighter here: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 Dear Carol, As you know, and as anyone who has known me online for a while knows, I totally share your enthousiasm for the miracle food at the basis of the food chain. I have been eating AFA for more than 10 years, and continue to bless the friend who brought it into my life. (those MLMs are so evil) It is number 1 on my " she's gotta have it " list. (Enzymes and Metabazon share spot 2) AND (always and, not but) After I spent some months trying to shove AFA into every tired body on my path, I learned that even this totally basic whole food does not agree with everyone. It may be a matter of detoxing first. Most people do better with a full program that introduces the algae gently through enzymes and probiotics. But sometimes, guess what, for whatever reason the vibration of AFA does not agree with someone. Those same people may well thrive on Ambrotose, or any other quality supplement. None of us have a monopoly. I am deeply bonded to AFA, and love my rainforest goodies. But if Mannatech, or Nature's Sunshine, or Neways, or Sunrider, or Waiora, to name just a few such companies had come my way first I might have become an ambassador for those, who knows. I have been kicking around this scene for a while now, and seen occasional bitter dissing by fellow direct sales people of others' products. Let's not do that, please. It belittles us all. There are many natural ways to cleanse, nourish, balance and regenerate the body. For my own use I take some products from 2 companies, never mind which and why right now. But either product line can do the job just fine and so can others, let's not kid ourselves. However it is made, whatever it costs, a lot of people benefit from Ambrotose. So be it. May a thousand flowers bloom. And Carol, I do appreciate your quality articles, keep them coming! Ien in the Kootenays (blog) (Rainforest Herbs) (AFA algae) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2008 Report Share Posted February 7, 2008 , " Stan " <sjwolf wrote: > > Has anyone tried it? Any comments welcome ======================================= Hi Stan, nice to meet another of us (Stan's that is). First off, I am a Mannatech Independent Associate and have been since early 2001. I have never earned a regular or large income from it in contrast to the fact that I believe emphatically in the company and its nutritional technologies. Why? Because they work and the company goes to great lengths and expense to make sure they are the best. No company or product is perfect for every situation and Mannatech is no different in this. However, when you've been around the " wellness " industry long enough you learn that wellness is extremely counterproductive to BigPharma and they spend obsecene amounts of money above and below the table to keep the path clear for their stockholders. I do not despise profit by any stretch, but how you get there is key. BigPharma has bought and paid for the FDA and wears it as a coat of armor to further protect their financial interest. Without going into a lot of background, it is becoming evident among those who know that when a " wellness " related company becomes a legitmate threat to BigPharma's pocketbook it routinely faces adversity at the hands of this big money and its rarely done out in the open. Mannatech is a good example of this during the last year. They have taken more than an average share of hits on the chin and not all of them from external sources. But its clear they have drawn an intense eye from BigPharma. Why? Certainly not because their technologies are not on-target or do not work and not because they have literally well over a million customers whose loyalty is based on experience. I have personally experienced, assisted and witnessed hundreds of " quality of life " improvements after the only change was in adding these products including " Ambrotose " to the diet. Yes, some of what Carol says is true, but sadly out of context. Our wonderfully designed bodies can convert many of the nutrients (like glyconutrients) to needed forms, but some of these 'essential' conversions are extremely complex and demanding on our bodies and do not occur if we are health compromised. This is not to mention the terrible depletion of nutritional factors from our ORGANIC fruits and vegtables. Then the rest of our food that most of us eat is modified, toxified, and processed beyond any capacity to deliver nutrition. Our foods were designed to give us what we need, but we have destroyed that ability for the sake of convenience and profit. And as for 'sugars' only needed for cellular energy, that is a very outdated scientific position. Harpers Biochemistry, a widely used textbook in modern medical schools, has been teaching the key aspects of these sugars for cellular communication and function since 1996. The whole field of Glycomics has exploded in scientific and medical institutions around the world. EVERY major US pharmaceutical company has been feverishly developing carbohydrate (glyco) based drug technologies for several years now. The assumption is easily sold that they do not all spend this kind of money if the outcomes would be futile. Last year Glaxo- SmithKline and another pharmaceutical company released the first glyco- based drugs. The cost reportedly ranges from $3,500 to $8,500 per month. Easy to see why 'someone' would be financially motivated to sweep a $200 per month nutraceutical (pharmaceutical grade nutitional supplement) out of its 'path to profit'. Ien (who I respect) makes a valid point that $200/month is expensive for some people but there are ethical and rewarding ways to overcome the cost. AND its certainly cheaper than the cost of loss of quality of life and " other " issues not to mention the potentially lethal toxicity of ALL pharmaceutical drugs. Summarily, it has been my experience that glyconutrients are absolutely necessary to cellualr communication that drives much of what our body does and that while we were designed to get them from nature, we can no longer do that because we modified, sterilized and commercialized most nutrition from our foods and topped it off with adding thousands of toxic chemicals and overwhelming stress to our daily lives. Even the JAMA reported several years ago that it is now necessary for Americans to supplement their diets to get the nutrition needed for healthy, well existance (paraphrased). It is now against policy and apparently the law to speak the truth about what supplements have done for people with various disease and disorders so we are left to choose between the toxic drugs or become informed about " alternative " choices. Yes there are naysayers for almost anything and it it also became vividly clear last year that BigPharma and BigBrother are members of eMail groups like this too collecting data for their cases against our independent wellness. A quick note about synthetic vs. natual vitamins, minerals, etc. We were designed to eat healthy foods from plant and animal sources, not to eat rocks and certainly not to eat man-made chemicals trying to fools us into thinking we were getting the right nutrition. If organic, 100% plant-based, standardized nutrition is what you would prefer you might consider a product called Phyto-Matrix in conjunction with glyconutrients. To have a Rolls Royce you must be able to afford it or settle for something less. To have the Rolls Royce of nutrion for your body(like Ambrotose) you can have it either by affording it OR referring it. I can replace my car but not my body. Stan Crane stancrane Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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