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The Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

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The Health Benefits of Royal Jelly




The Buzz On Royal Jelly


Queen Bee Food for You


By Sarah Wassner Flynn, SheKnows









Nope, royal jelly not some regal spread you slap together with peanut

butter for a quick-fix snack. Rather, royal jelly is a creamy substance

produced by young nurse worker bees to feed the Queen Bee in a hive. And

just as it services her Majesty, this bee-vital substance can provide a

healthy bonus to humans, too. Here is why you should make the Queen

Bee's food part of your diet...







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i used to work for a bee keeper....when a small boy...i used to crawl around the

rose bushes and wiggle over to the hives and watch the beeès coming and

going.....it was intregging to say the least....until i left a shadow on the

entrance and as i watched two excited bees zero in on me from the small

entrance....i had no idea what would happen....but they deffinately communicated

and zoom they were in my hair and i got a first hand example of their defense

system........i could not figure out why the had become so aggressive and

stingingly defensive..........years have gone by and so has the farm and the

beeès and bushes- but one of the greatest of bee keeping scientific revelations

and mans psychiatric modes came about in france during the reign of some LOUIS

the what-ever

it was noted and believed and accepted up to that time...that the center

throng of the hive....was the KING bee

that is the queen bee was thought to be the king bee.......not speaking of

drones...or males of the species...but it was noted often....by the LEARNED of

the influential circles....and i do not say this enlightly.....THAT THE CENTER



i do not recall who broke the bubble of ignorance......but near riots broke

out when it was prooved that the so called KING was laying eggs.......but that

was france ,itis documented.......and gives us...or me any-way a fine insite

into historicle BORACLES

the responses remained unchanged to many of the LEARNED POPULOUS...that the

king be had to be a king bee.....BECAUSE HE HAD SO MANY SERVANTS

this is a little worn out fact from where.....?

good question

because the art of bee-keeping was a total eurasian continental thing from

centuries india,china,japann,thialand,even northern russia and sweeden before

those boundries existed....and a lot of the religeous texts of the persian texts

as well as alliterations to john from the land of milk and honey etc


my only statement in the cold-warmth of scientific investigation is this.....a

bee knows how to be a bee

individualy they do a variety of jobs......and change jobs.......

they do not see the color red......generally but there were some small black

ones that i recall that did...they could be extinct now......i have not seen

them for years.

as far as attack methods.....it is not a hap-hazard retaliation

they have response sensors....and to get between their liht source is one of


but if you approach a hive.......one or two will check you out by flying

near,and resonating with yr sweat

then if they feel you a threat they will fly directly into and collide with

thespot directly between and above yr eye-brows

think about this....their vision spectrum is into the ultra-violet-

that collision drops them into the gras or ground near your feet....the daze

up and slowly circle around in a climbing circle then zero in on nose and

eyes,or mouth...any wet and to them smelly or fragrant or what sciences have

termed pharemone activators...and if they have connected with the right chemical

comboès...they will sett the alarm to others

if you kill or squash one that oder is also near immediatly sensed...and their

protection mechanism is locked in

bears are their and bee-keepers most usual nuisances

so wearing dark clothing can trigger bee riots

it is an interesting studdy

what is termed bee propylus....has a neet hive use,as well as people use,i

think it comes from early conifer and poplar,perhaps willow buds,and bee-pollen

is really flower pollen.......that for some synergizm nature has equipped these

friends with

the very annalysis if wax cone configuration is too a mathameticians and

structural engineers mental saliva


this little discertation per-haps is a hopeful share to this site

to me the beeès in our world are sometimes only rememberd because we

FERDANANDED and sat under a tree on a bee and contributed to the speed-butt


but there is a key here that could be something that some-one reading this may

recall or bee more aware of

there is a mite problem with bees......the mites are small preditors that

choke off a bees air supply

the last 40 yrs plus have seen very heavy use of chemical crop sprays used,and

some of the bee-hive chemicals are very toxic to keepers and pests alike

one of the systems my grand-father used to use was greasy-bacon patties with

peppr-mint leaves

thyose who studdy essential oils may find an inner-smile here.

those mites do not thrive in a mint environment

as some of the finest honeys are mountan flower-powerd.....these are precious

and difficult to harvest....bears love us to set hives in these areas


one of the difficulties in bee-kepts now is called colony collapse disorder

there is no sign of what happens...but in a month a colony can almost

completely disappear......it is empty of itès usual active workers...they do not


some of the ideas presented is that they could be too run-down from the mites

another is that the latest crop sprays are of a tobbacco-derivative that got

re-vamped because the tobbacco fields have lost their markets but the chemical

labs needed a market from the market they lost

ièm throwing this out to my fellow alternate practioners.........even those

who are aware of PH balancing and acid -base relations.......because if you look

at yr gardens some plants thrive in acidic soils....some in a more basic nature


ps...i remember a beekeeper who used to take a few bees over to a man who was

paralized...his wife would sting him ,as it was thought to aleviate and

eventually remove the paralysis

i didnèt go in to watch...but asked if it was working...the bee keeper

said...i hope so....cause i donèt like the idea of getting stung and not being

able to get away.....since then

yup since then iève been more impressed with what can happen just with touch

and the change to cerebral spinal fluids

a lot of words for the thrive of the hive....beest to ya



rod helfenstein; crescentwrench2003




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Dear Rod,


You sure have an interesting mind, and I loved the tidbit about the " King Bee " .


But if you want us to read it all you do need an inner editor!



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