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Book Review: America, Fascism, And God: Sermons from a Heretical Preacher

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Wed, 07 Dec 2005 10:19:30 -0800

America, Fascism, And God: Sermons from a Heretical Preacher










America, Fascism, And God: Sermons from a Heretical Preacher (Paperback)

by Davidson Loehr



Some BuzzFlash readers may remember a searing, insightful sermon by a

Texas minister that caromed around the Internet for awhile. It was

called " Living Under Fascism " -- and it fulfilled the hopes and

expectations that a religious leader would utter the " F " word and then

make a convincing case that the Republicans have crossed the line into

that form of government.


Rev. Davidson Loehr delivered his historical sermon on November 7,

2004. He warned then:


" You may wonder why anyone would try to use the word 'fascism' in

a serious discussion of where America is today. It sounds like cheap

name-calling, or melodramatic allusion to a slew of old war movies.

But I am serious. I don't mean it as name-calling at all. I mean to

persuade you that the style of governing into which America has slid

is most accurately described as fascism, and that the necessary

implications of this fact are rightly regarded as terrifying. That's

what I am about here. "


And he preached this sermon in, of all places, Texas. He concluded his

remarks that day with both words of hope and caution:


" Those who want to live in a reality-based story rather than as

serfs in an ideology designed to transfer power, possibility and hope

to a small ruling elite have much long and hard work to do,

individually and collectively. It will not be either easy or quick.


" But we will do it. We will go forward in hope and in courage. Let

us seek that better path, and find the courage to take it - step, by

step, by step. "


What a gift it was to read a man of the cloth abandoning canned,

cliche-ridden dogma and seizing upon words that struck at the heart of

the dangers facing the American nation.


Now Loehr's prophetic sermons are available in a fascinating book:

" America Fascism + God: Sermons from a Heretical Preacher. "


The foreword alone is reason enough to read this book: " A 'free

pulpit' isn't free, " Loehr writes, " and honest religion is always

heretical. Heresy isn't a bad word. Sometimes it is the only place

left where you can find the quality of spirit that was once rightfully

called Holy. "


And what can one say to the second paragraph of his introduction but

Amen! " I am concerned for this nation, and for its soul; both are in

serious trouble. The nation has revived the dangerous and arrogant

policy of preemptive invasions of sovereign nations that have

resources or locations we desire for our own economic ends-a policy

last made infamous by Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939. Our

politicians have rushed to endorse, in our name, imperialistic

ambitions too greedy and bloody to be defended by noble ideals. The

media are so unquestioning, they seem like co-conspirators. And the

churches seem to lack the vision and the courage to serve us or our

highest ideals. When our politicians, our media, and our official

religions cannot be trusted with our high ideals and tender mercies,

we are in deep trouble. And the way back to democracy, freedom, and

honest religion, if still possible, will be very hard. "


And of course, Loehr, in his sermons speaks of God: " God is discussed

in our culture like a cartoon character, like a critter....It's like a

simple true-false quiz. 'God is a big critter living up there

somewhere. Yes or no?' And that's really dumb. "


Do you want to attend this guy's church or what?


A Vietnam veteran and graduate of the University of Chicago Divinity

School, Loehr is senior minister at the First Unitarian Universalist

Church in Austin.


His book is the next best thing to being there on a Sunday morning and

feeling the spark of the miracle of life and democracy we cherish.


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Other Reviews


" This extraordinary book by one of America's most thoughtful religious

leaders reviews religion's special mission in American history and

heralds the return of religion to its natural place in the moral high

ground of our national politics. "

-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


" What is the difference between Christianity and Fundamentalist

Christianity? What happens when the world's most powerful government

and its army are put in the hands of fundamentalist religion? Davidson

Loehr tells us, with clarity and passion. "

-- George Lakoff, author of Don't Think of an Elephant!



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