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Isn't That Teflon in Your Microwave Popcorn?

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Isn't That Teflon in Your Microwave Popcorn?



Glenn Evers, a former DuPont Co. engineer, has accused the chemical

giant of deliberately ignoring evidence that its grease-resistant

coating on paper products may have been entering consumers' blood at

high levels.




Evers first became concerned about the health effects of a

perfluorinated chemical used for food packaging in 1987, when company

tests showed it was dissolving into wet paper at much higher levels

than the FDA had approved. When the paper coating is dissolved and

absorbed into the human body, it breaks down into perfluorooctanoic

acid (PFOA), a likely carcinogen.


DuPont has denied Evers's allegations, The FDA will also soon decide

how much to fine DuPont for failing to report for more than 20 years'

possible health effects associated with PFOA.


Millions of Bags of Popcorn


Meanwhile, an FDA study has revealed that PFOA could be present in

millions of bags of microwave popcorn. This alone could account for

over 20 percent of the PFOA levels present in the average U.S. citizen.


Most Americans have 4-5 parts per billion of PFOA in their blood; the

source has been largely unknown. Products such as nonstick cookware

such as Teflon pans, which are produced by a process that uses PFOA,

are thought to play a role.


Fluorotelomer Coatings


The FDA found that microwave popcorn bags are treated with more

grease-repelling fluorotelomer coatings than any other food wrappers.

Many of these coatings contain mixtures of long-chain chemicals that

can be metabolized to PFOA.


A significant amount of the fluorotelomers transferred from the bags

to the popcorn oil. Microwave popcorn bags are particularly dangerous,

because not only is the amount of fluorotelomers in the coatings is

high, but because popcorn bags get very hot, heating to more than 200

degrees Celsius in a short time. This significantly increases the

chances of the fluorotelomers entering the food itself.


Environmental Science and Technology November 16, 2005


Washington Post November 17, 2005


Dr. Mercola's Comment:


Maybe you have the impression of Teflon that I used to have. How could

anything so pervasive and useful possibly be harmful? If it were the

government certainly would not allow this on the market. Besides, it

is just too diffcult and time wasting to stop using non-stick pans.


Well, if this is your current thought process, time to reconsider. I

first started becoming alerted to this problem a few years ago and

then earlier this year Gary Craig reported amazing anecdotal

improvements for a chronic health problem once he threw away his

Teflon pans. Then we started receiving many other similar reports.


What really seals this issue is the federal government nailed DuPont

late last month for LYING about Teflon. They knew it caused health

problems for many years but never told the truth about. The government

is now deciding if they will fine them 1/3 of a billion dollars for

not reporting that Teflon posed substantial risk of injury to health

or the environment.


Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) -- the dangerous chemical used to make

Teflon -- can be difficult to avoid, as it likely coats both the

non-stick cookware with which you prepare meals and the paper plates

you use to eat them.


Fortunately many are starting to pay attention to this; Evers

testimony in a recent trial may have pushed his former company to

settle with thousands of Ohio and West Virginia residents whose tap

water had been contaminated with PFOA.


Aside from the issue of not using anything in the microwave, it is

probably best to avoid grains like corn as it will raise your insulin

levels. Additionally, nearly all corn is genetically modified.


Your best protection against PFOA is to throw away those non-stick

pans and avoid them elsewhere as much as you can. But, if you must

continue to use them, avoid doing so at high heat as that will

volatilize this potentially dangerous chemical.


It also sounds like it's a good idea to stay away from microwave

popcorn. So, if you're looking for healthier snacks for your family to

munch on during the holidays, you'll want to review Colleen Huber's

awesome list of safe and tasty treats.


Related Articles:


More Troubles With Teflon Toxicity


Teflon Chemicals are a Threat to Health


EPA Says Teflon Could Put Your Health at Risk

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