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Documents, Ammunition: Diebold stockholder suit BLACKBOX VOTING.ORG

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Two recent stories indicate that a Diebold stockholder lawsuit is


imminent. When a stock drops significantly and cannot rebound for approximately


two months, a stockholder lawsuit can result.


Diebold's first " hit " was in late June this year, when the company


admitted to mis-stating ATM sales revenues in a stockholder conference call.


Diebold's stock dropped again in late September upon the release of a


glum sales forecast based on additional problems with its ATM division.




An impending stockholder's lawsuit was predicted by Black Box Voting


on July 3, with a full blown story on this topic at BBV on Oct. 8.


July 3: http://www.bbvforums.org/forums/messages/1954/6804.html


Oct. 8: http://www.bbvforums.org/forums/messages/1954/10448.html




Today, Blogger Brad Friedman expanded scrutiny of potential


stockholder litigation.










- Due diligence failure on Global Election Systems acquisition


- Destruction of the Diebold brand name


- Persistent violations of the public trust








" We expect the U.S. voting marketplace to generate $1.5 to $2.0 billion


in hardware revenue during the next four to five years, " then-CEO


Wally O'Dell was quoted as saying in Diebold's June 25 2001 " 425 " SEC




Sec Filing: http://www.bbvdocs.org/legal/GESNacquisition6-21-1.pdf




O'Dell has now been shuffled out of his CEO position following a series


of gaffes, beginning with a letter he sent to Ohio Republicans




to " deliver the election to Bush. "




Diebold has collected less than one-eighth of the voting system revenue


O'Dell projected to stockholders.




The SEC documents refer to embarking on a process of due diligence


during the Global Election Systems acquisition. This due diligence is


more fittingly described as doo-doo diligence. What else can you say


when you buy a company whose product MUST elicit trust, yet the


head programmer and, SEC documents reveal, the LARGEST


STOCKHOLDER is a 23-count convicted embezzler? Something stinks.




Somehow Diebold let prison records for programmer and main stockholder


Jeffrey Dean get by them, and also forgot to look at the prison records


of John Elder, who they put in charge of their ballot printing




Jeffrey Dean prison records:




John Elder prison records:






Their doo-doo diligence managed to miss some of the shoddiest voting




on the market. Here's how Dr. Herbert Thompson, a security expert and


adjunct professor of computer science at the Florida Institute of




describes the software: When asked what he would do if one of his


students turned in a program like Diebold's, he said he would have to




them an " F " .








Diebold's brand name has become a source of mockery. The New York


Times featured a one-half-page photo of a chimpanzee altering a Diebold


voting system -- yes, the chimp actually achieved this after a one-hour


training session


video of chimp hacking Diebold machine:






Diebold is lampooned in comic strips, bumper stickers and popular




Hustler magazine published a full-page satire ad lamenting Diebold's




in the loss of democracy.




This is Diebold now. Just four years ago, this company had an




brand name dating back to the 1850s. For some reason, Diebold decided




expend its excellent brand name on a tiny rogue division providing less




five percent of its revenue.








- Poor security


- Secretive practices


- Ethical violations




Diebold's ethical failures include funky and improperly disclosed




lying to at least three different secretaries of state, and bait and




tactics with its voting system customers.


Link to Rose & Kindel under-reporting:




Undisclosed lobbying by Juan Andrade:






It is Diebold's ethical violations that we will explore further in this




Let's look at " the story behind the story " on just one incident, chosen


from of a veritable cornucopia of selections.




Documents were provided by Black Box Voting's Bev Harris and


Jim March to the California Secretary of State's office and to the




Attorney General's office (on behalf of a courageous source). These


documents prove legal misconduct, not just on Diebold's part, but on




part of their law firm, Jones Day. In these legal documents, Jones Day


writes of plans to lie to the California secretary of state.


Jones Day lies about votercard encoder (see #9):




Jones Day prepping Diebold to lie about San Luis Obispo Election Day


database leak :




more about San Luis Obispo:






After delivering the documents to state law enforcement authorities,


the Jones Day documents were provided by Black Box Voting to


Ian Hoffman of Ang Newspapers.




Hoffman was brave enough to take on the story, though it led to an


unsuccessful lawsuit by Diebold's Jones Day law firm against his


publication. Hoffman's newspaper prevailed on First Amendment


grounds. The information was of critical importance to the public






Harris also received a tip from an inside source from California


named James Dunn. It had that authentic feel, so she turned it over


to March, who lived near Dunn. March hopped on his motorcycle to


take a declaration from Dunn(1). Dunn's testimony, also delivered in


person to the secretary of state's Voting Systems and Procedures


Panel (VSPP) proved that Diebold's lawyers lied about the votercard


encoder, that Diebold had been warned that it would fail in the March


2004 California primary. Of course, it DID fail, and it represented the


THIRD time Diebold used uncertified and unauthorized software after


being explicitly told not to by the secretary of state.


Declaration from Dunn:






The California VSPP grilled Jones Day (Diebold's law firm). " Were you


lying, or simply trying to mislead us? " they asked.




Diebold lied. Jones Day lied. Diebold brought in a damage control




at a cost of over $100,000 in just a single quarter.




Then-secretary of state Kevin Shelley decertified Diebold's TSx




recommending the case to the California attorney general for






Diebold directly caused the disenfranchisement of thousands of


San Diego voters during a presidential primary, yet this company


continues to ask for our trust.




The likely stockholder lawsuit is a positive sign. Attorneys for the


stockholders will cream Diebold, because we'll be able to prove that


Diebold failed to perform appropriate due diligence when they acquired


Global Election Systems, failed to follow their own lawyer's advice,


failed to follow the law, and marketed knowingly shoddy software


using false claims.




If we do not consequate this kind of behavior, it will certainly result




civil unrest. Stockholder litigation should be followed by a nationwide


recall of defective GEMS central tabulators. Also likely: A recall of




flawed optical scan system, which provides the opportunity for poll


workers and other election officials to tamper with elections through


credit-card-sized removable media.












(1) Take a moment to read the Dunn Declaration.




We would suggest that the Dunn Declaration be considered a


blueprint for how a genuine insider's information should be treated.


Even if not using a formal declaration format, the factual information


has more power when sticking with just the facts, rather than




commentary and opinion.








Black Box Voting is a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501c(3) elections




We are fighting for your right to oversee your own elections, for


removal of secrecy, and for fair, honest and trustworthy elections.


Black Box Voting is developing evidence and documentation to


help you, as a citizen, fight effectively for clean elections.




Black Box Voting is supported entirely by citizen donations. To support


our work, go to http://www.blackboxvoting.org/donation.html or


mail to 330 sw 43rd St Suite K #547 Renton WA 98055Black Box Voting




" When the power of love becomes stronger than the love of power, we will have

peace. "

Jimi Hendrix










































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