Guest guest Posted December 19, 2005 Report Share Posted December 19, 2005 S Mon, 19 Dec 2005 18:49:34 EST Homeland Security Declares Open Season on Everybody Everyone needs to read this -- if you read anything at all today, this should be what you read. And then pass it on to others. Remember in Nazi Germany how people were afraid to say anything negative about Hitler -- how they were afraid to share any information with strangers... ***** by Al Martin Homeland Security Declares Open Season on Everybody (12-19-05) The shooting †" murder of a US citizen by federal air marshals at the Miami International Airport presages a new era in the United States -- an age in which everyone is presumed to be a “terrorist†or “enemy of the state.†On Friday, Dec. 16th, the important Senate vote to extend parts of the PATRIOT Act due to sunset on December 31 of 2005 was voted down. A Senate filibuster led by Democrats and moderate Republicans was expected because they did not have sufficient votes to defeat the bill. The morning of Dec 16 was, of course, the release of the front page New York Times article, regarding thousands of telephone conversations now being monitored regularly in the United States by the NSA and a host of other federal agencies. The majority of the phone conversations were by various native-born, Caucasian U.S. citizens who are members of various anti-Bush groups, which is really a catchall that covers anyone from “anti-abortion†to “pro-environment†to literally any group or organization that disagrees with Bushonian policies. It was this article that brought six additional Republican senators on board, Bush faction Republicans, who defected and joined their moderate and fiscally conservative Republican brethren along with Democrats in a solid majority to defeat the “measure to extend†-- despite pleas from the White House. Of course, what happened was that pro-Bush faction Republicans led by Senator Frist, knew that the bill was going to be defeated, so they used it as a way to appeal to the NFWC’s, the naive flag-waving crowd, by saying the defeat of this bill was a victory for terrorism in America. This is what he said on the Senate floor. Senator Schumer responded by telling him that a defeat of this bill was a victory for democracy in America. And he’s right. Schumer cited a number of polls on the Senate floor, wherein it was blatantly obvious that the majority of the American people believe†" to use Senator Schumer’s words†" that the real terrorists are not in Afghanistan or Iraq, but on Pennsylvania Avenue. Both Senator Schumer and Senator Grassley, the head of the moderate Republican faction, said the New York Times article was the turning point. Otherwise they would have had to filibuster, but it gave them enough votes to defeat the measure in a rebuke of what Senator Grassley calls the penchant of George Bush for imperial power. It is unusual for a Republican, even a moderate Republican, to say something like that. The New York Times article certainly threw a chill into the radical pro-Bush faction majority in the House that had already passed this bill, another win for the American people because George Bush himself asked for re-submission of the bill. Orrin Hatch and Bill Frist have told the White House that there isn’t any sense trying to resubmit it; it isn’t going to pass. Eventually this strategy is going to backfire. Senator Frist apparently told George Bush that public opinion polls show that most of the American people think the terrorists are in the White House. Bush’s approval rating right now is 38%. Frist understands that, with the continued attack of the Democrats and moderate Republicans, trying to link anti-Patriot Act sentiment to being seditious and supporting terrorism is not working anymore. In fact, it is having an opposite effect. You do have a growing conservative, religious-oriented Republican coalition led by former Congressman Robert Barr of Georgia and John Sununu, Jr., of New Hampshire that has coalesced largely around Pat Robertson. What is now being built in this country is an anti-Patriot Act movement that is coming out of the Religious Right. This is what the White House is most concerned about †" Religious Right turning against the PATRIOT Act. Why? Because the Bible-thumping Republican crowd sees it as a threat to their own power. Remember what Pat Robertson said -- that, of the so-called five classifications within Patriot II, one of those 5 groups that was being classified as seditious was anti-abortionists. Pat Robertson then is correct in pointing out, as he has repeatedly said on The 700 Club, that the PATRIOT Act is a threat to Christian Americans. Robertson understands that eventually they will be the targeted ones instead of the ones doing the targeting. And he’s right. He points out that there are a lot of historical precedents of how Christians have become scapegoats. The New York Times had the story, and they were waiting for the most opportune time to use it. I think Charlie Schumer is behind this. Schumer is very close to the New York Times. I think there was a little agreement made: Let’s wait to use this until it is most opportune. This is a major blow to the most sinister of the PATRIOT Act provisions. If you have seen Duncan Hunter and Dan Burton on C-SPAN in recent days, they knew that this bill was in trouble, and they tried to extend an olive branch by saying: Let us just retain what is important to the radical pro-Bush faction leadership and what is important to the President. And that is: the continuing power of secret arrest of U.S. citizens, the continued indefinite detention without charge, right of counsel, or ex parte communication of U.S. citizens both domestically and overseas. And of course, the continuing ability of the NSA and the Office of Internal Security to continue with its citizen-threat profile classification, and then the passage of the National Identity Card Act and overturning of posse comitatus. In other words, they were trying to front-load part of PATRIOT III. It was a smart tactic. I can understand why radical pro-Bush faction Republicans wanted to do this -- to strip out what they knew were the two most controversial provisions of PATRIOT III, which hasn’t even come up yet†" namely, the final funding for the National Identity Card Act and the overturning of posse comitatus. The Democrats knew that eventually the White House could break the filibuster, and that the longer they filibustered, the longer they remained political targets for Bill Frist and Orrin Hatch. The article said the NSA was doing the eavesdropping on US citizens. What it did not say is that the actual surveillance is being done by a new confederation of agencies -- the National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Intelligence Agency and this new Office of Internal Security. There is also a little esoteric counterintelligence unit hidden within the bowels of the Department of Defense’s internal security apparatus. But they’re just fronting it. It’s much bigger. The reason these intercepts are being made, by the way, is to further the compilation of the Citizen Security Threat-Profiling program. That’s the reason these taps are occurring. They’re not of Arab-Americans; they’re for the native-born, blond-haired, blue-eyed Republicans with names like Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones. Not the Abdul Mohammed’s from Afghanistan. Being targeted are the native-born American citizens who have expressed public opposition to the regime. Those are the people that are being specifically classified. Chuck Schumer made a reference to this on C-SPAN-2 a few days ago, expressing his chagrin in that he had notified the few remaining non-Bushonian-controlled radio stations in the United States that, indeed, there was an effort being made to penetrate and to record radio talk-show people, the few that remain that are trying to tell the American people the truth about George Bush and Company. Meanwhile the air marshals, which are under TSA and under Homeland Security, will be used to patrol trains and boats †" and not only planes. What has been released publicly is that the air marshals have now become the most powerful law enforcement agency in the United States because they are the only ones that act with full PATRIOT Act I and II powers. The air marshals can act in all jurisdictions, more importantly, even jurisdictions beyond that of the United States. That’s what gives them such power. Remember what George Bush said about PATRIOT II -- the United States was declaring unilateral ability to extend the original kidnapping policy that the Supreme Court signed off on in 1988, giving the then Reagan-Bush Regime the legal authority to illegally kidnap US citizens from foreign soil. What Patriot II has done, according to what the White House says, is that they’re taking that a step further. They are now kidnapping foreign nationals from their own soil or from the soil of third-party countries. And the air marshals’ authority is now being derived, in part, from that Supreme Court decision in 1988. The air marshals can also act aboard a U.S. air carrier, even though it is in international air space, or even in the air space of a foreign nation. Why? They’re claiming that on any U.S. property, or any property belonging to a domestically based American corporation, such as an aircraft, U.S. law still prevails, no matter where the aircraft is. That’s as imperial as you can get. Why do you think Michael Chertoff was so anxious to insure that total control of TSA remained under Homeland Security? That it was not split up and some given to the FBI like the FBI wanted, when even the FAA wanted some oversight capacity. Chertoff was able to outmaneuver all other federal law enforcement and regulatory agencies and keep total control of the TSA under Homeland Security. You may remember that the FAA had complained about this originally, saying that they’re not meeting any FAA safety protocols at all. The FAA had complained about this issue: The air marshals were actually becoming a threat to the safe operations of aircrafts. This was what the FAA had originally said, and what Charlie Schumer had originally propounded on: The air marshals, with their imperial power, had the absolute ability to shoot anyone. The man who was shot dead in the Miami airport is a good reminder of the power that the air marshals have. What’s interesting is that their power of arrest is actually extralegal. The odd thing about it is they do not have a specific power of arrest. The way Chertoff sees it (he’s running the show), the air marshals have the unfettered right to maintain the security of the state. They have the ability to shoot down any citizens. Yet it’s funny. They don’t have specific power of arrest, but they have the absolute authority to shoot anyone. The odd thing about it is that they do not have specific authority of arrest since they are not part of the regular U.S. Marshal service. They are part of the Transportation Security Administration, which is not a law enforcement agency. Even with this Miami case, when the plane was on the ground, even before the plane landed, the local police were contacted to come in and effectuate an arrest. That’s why the local police were called: to effectuate the arrest. The air marshals only have the power to detain, not to effectuate the arrest specifically. They have the power to restrain, detain and shoot. And what I think it is, and I’ve always thought this, this is being done on purpose. Why? Because if they have to be classified as a civilian law enforcement agency (which Chertoff could very easily do†" if Chertoff wanted them classified as a civilian law enforcement agency with the full power of arrest) it means they would also have to afford citizens their rights while they are under arrest. That’s specifically what Chertoff wants to avoid. Now the air marshals are going to be on board public trains, buses, subways, ferries, etc. Another reason why this is being done, and, I think, the ultimate reason, by the way, is that the air marshals’ extralegal ability to detain citizens means that the air marshals can keep them detained and move them directly into, using General Primakov’s words, “The New American Gulag.†In other words, they can keep them out of the normal state and/or federal jurisdiction, wherein they would be afforded some rights, and move them directly into the new post-Patriot Act gulag of secret arrest warrants, secret prisons, without legal representation or counsel, and without any contact with the outside world. It would be obviously more expedient to have some other regular law enforcement agency do this. Why have air marshals, who aren’t specifically trained to do it? It isn’t anything to do with them. It’s to do with their authority. Or in the alternative, their lack of authority. Their lack of specific law enforcement powers means that they do not have to afford any rights to those citizens that they are detaining. Here’s an example: You’re sitting on a train. You start talking to one of these air marshals, who is obviously operating under cover. And you say that you hate George Bush and his policies and you’re anti-, and on and on and on. The air marshal considers that you are a seditious citizen, or a threat. He then has the power to detain you. When the train stops, you can pass directly into federal custody, while being classified as a seditious citizen throughout the entire chain of custody within the federal process. In other words, you can be kept under the PATRIOT Act process from the time you are detained to the time you wind up in a secret prison. That is, I think, one of the real reasons to have these air marshals. The purview, not the power of the air marshals is now being extended to include other public transportation, as has been publicly announced this week. The air marshals will now be passengers†" under cover, of course†" on all public transportation systems, land and sea. That’s what it comes down to. In other words, trains, buses, subways, ferries†" what is delineated as ‘all public transportation systems regardless of venue.’ And they carry with them, of course, the same powers that they have on aircraft. Since they are not a law-enforcement agency, another interesting part of their function is that they can carry tape recorders with discreet microphones. One of their roles†" and what people do not understand, by and large†" is to ferret out and classify seditious citizens. Seditious citizens, of course, being any citizens who oppose the policies of the current regime. What they specifically do on aircraft is they will sit next to people, and they have been given false identification. It’s not just undercover police. They are given a complete set of false identification, business cards, everything. They listen and they engage passengers in conversation. “I’m Joe Smith. I’m a representative for Conoco. Here’s my card.†You know how people exchange cards. They shoot the breeze. They try to steer the conversation to politics. They purposely are attempting to identify seditious citizens. And I don’t think the American people, by and large, understand what Chertoff has made all of their function. This is in essence a new American Gestapo and it will be used to entrap citizens into talking about politics. In the post-PATRIOT II environment, the Department of Homeland Security is not required to list the number of people anymore that work for the federal marshal’s office. However, the TSA does have to. They, after all, are a civilian agency. But what they do is they list them under all sorts of different classifications, believed to be somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000. Chertoff said that they would like to eventually have 30,000 †" to 50,000. And the amount of money Chertoff wants is another $10 billion. This would be a more sophisticated version of the East German style Stasi neighborhood snitch program, a well-organized, more sophisticated version of it, that is both a security role against people with books of matches in their shoes that connect to bombs that don’t work, with also the capacity of ferreting out and identifying seditious citizens. This is a role that I think that is not generally understood. There was also the confirmation from the State Department that the United States has established secret prisons in foreign countries, and further revelations in recent days that these secret prisons are a well-organized operation and, in order to hide them, are coming under the portfolio of the National Intelligence Directorate, i.e., John Negroponte’s office. Look how little we’ve heard about them. Look how successful that agency, which is already a multibillion-dollar-funded agency, has been in keeping it out of the media. Senators Schumer and Grassley together are going to subpoena the National Intelligence Directorate, the NID, because they want to know how many of these secret prisons have been built and in what nations they have been built. Of course, they’re not going to get very far. It has been shown that many of them are former KGB prisons in Poland. Most of them appear to be in Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet Transcaucasus states, but there may be more. It’s done very secretively. It looks like Poland is going to get out of the game because they’re under the pressure from E.U. The E.U., despite pressure from the White House, has decided to go ahead with a full parliamentary investigation. They were under pressure from the White House not to do so. The E.U. has rebuffed the US and said -- We are going into a full parliamentary investigation. Any members of the E.U. that currently have a secret prison run by any agency in the United States on their soil will be thrown out of the European economic community. That is a big threat to the Eastern European nations, and there’s nothing Washington can offer to counter that threat. Therefore I think you are going to see the Eastern Europeans getting out of the business of secret prisons. I think that the secret prisons are now going to move to Africa and South America. It’s interesting what Schumer specifically said about the information he and Grassley are seeking. What they were concerned about was reports they had received (they didn’t name it) from former KGB generals who were consultants to the Office of Homeland Security about American anti-Bush citizens who were either cajoled outside of U.S. territory or actually waylaid in foreign soil and now residing in these secret prisons. The E.U. said essentially the same thing -- that their intelligence that they had received from Poland suggested that it isn’t simply people with turbans that are inhabiting these U.S. secret prisons. I think the CIA is actually controlling the prisons, but I think it’s been brought under the operational jurisdiction of the new NID to hide it -- both to hide it and to hide the funding for it. Schumer is alluding to how many native-born, blond-haired, blue-eyed Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones types with high security threat profile classifications, E-6 or above, that have been labeled seditious for having voiced criticism of the regime in public or in some other venue†" how many of these people have potentially been waylaid or cajoled to leave the United States under some pretext, then kidnapped by U.S. agents while on foreign soil and then wound up in one of these prisons? The next dangerous step (I think Schumer’s alluding to this) would be the outright kidnapping by security forces loyal to the Bush Cheney regime (under whatever alphabet soup they’re going by) of native-born, blond-haired, blue-eyed citizens of the United States, then their being unlawfully transported outside of the country into these facilities. How is it being funded? The money is all being hobbled together through a series of these newly created agencies. Of the 43 new federal agencies, bureaus, councils, commissions, etc. that arose because of Patriot I and Patriot II, 35 of them, as we know, can exist as skeleton organizations, but cannot be lawfully funded or have any administrative capability until the overturning of posse comitatus. Nonetheless, these agencies are still being funded. Mostly through Homeland Security, but they’re still being funded. All of these so-called ‘on paper’ organizations†" the Office of Internal Security, Northern Command or NorthCom, as it’s being called†" are all being funded. And yet the actual cost of most of their physical plant is still being picked up by the General Services Administration. What the regime is doing is using these on-paper, newly created government departments and agencies as a funneling mechanism for money to the maintenance of a much larger covert operation to spy on U.S. citizens to collect intelligence domestically, to form an intelligence unit around NID and, as I mentioned before. People forget about the comments John Negroponte made when Ed Gillespie was chairman of (I don’t know if he still is.) But they go back a long way. Negroponte had talked about how useful the loyalists could be to the National Intelligence Directorate in terms of forming, not a Gestapo, but a Stasi-like network of stool pigeons, on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis, informing on the seditious neighbors, block by block. Readers should be reminded that has published columns on these topics in recent years, when they were less believable. But now we see publicly what is happening that I had predicted 2- 4 years ago, when I received criticism for predicting such a future. Now you need only read through the archives of and what is happening today would be no surprise to you. The long and short of it is simple. We continue to live under the auspices of the current regime as the nation walks into the Twilight of American Democracy. American Democracy. It really is the “Twilight’s Last Gleaming.†* AL MARTIN is an independent economic-political analyst with 25 years of experience as a trader on NYMEX, CME, CBOT and CFTC. As a former contributor to the Presidential Council of Economic Advisors, Al Martin is considered to be a source of independent analysis for financially sophisticated and market savvy investors. After working as a broker on Wall Street, Al Martin was involved in the so-called " Iran Contra " Affair as a fundraiser for the Bush Cabal from the covert side of government aka the US Shadow Government. His memoir, " The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider, " ( provides an unprecedented look at the frauds of the Bush Cabal during the Iran Contra era. His weekly column, " Behind the Scenes in the Beltway, " is published weekly on Al Martin, which also publishes a bimonthly newsletter called " Whistleblower Gazette. " Al Martin's new website " Insider Intelligence " ( will provide a long term macro-view of world markets and how they are affected by backroom realpolitik. " The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State. " --Dr. Joseph M. Goebbels " If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. " James Madison They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin " first they arrested the communists -- but I was not a communist, so i did nothing. then they came for the social democrats, but i was not a social democrat, so i did nothing. then they arrested the trade unionists -- and i did nothing because i was not one. and then they came for the jews and the catholics, but i was neither a jew nor a catholic and i did nothing. at last they came and arrested me -- and there was no one left to do anything about it. " ~~rev. martin niemoller, nazi prison survivor Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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