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Tired of Fear

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Mon, 30 Jan 2006 05:15:37 EST

Tired of Fear





Information Clearing House




Tired of Fear


I am sick...and tired....


By Hugh Lipsius


01/28/06 " ICH " -- -- I am sick of being told who and what I must fear.

For over two centuries now, our administration in Washington has

exposed demons, marginalized races of people, described threats, and

effectively turned the American public into a fearful race of people

who cannot think for themselves or accept that there are other

cultures in this world apart from our own. They have not in any way

attempted to help us understand the goodness created by the diversity

of the world, but only what we should fear because it was not to their

liking, or other nations would not become like ours. These are always

presented as a threat to the national interest or security, yet never

naming what interest is threatened or what the threat is. It's merely

the language used that makes what they proclaim so ominous. It is the

justification behind whatever is desired. In this process, over the

last century, but especially the last five decades, I have watched as

the rich got richer, and the poor became more numerous through the

agencies of this fear that we are continuously fed in order that a few

can obtain our homage...not only our own nation, but throughout the world.


But it is a forced homage. There is nothing free or voluntary about it.


It would seem that if they are in the business of creating perceived

threats at a rate that far surpasses any other nation/state, then

perhaps it is something we all need to consider as to why we have so

many national enemies, and what exactly we are afraid of.


First, we have come to depend far too greatly upon the corporations

that back this government. Our food, our livelihoods, or children, our

homes are all provided for in some way or another by what we've grown

fond of. Yet, because we have come to rely so heavily upon this

system, we are helpless when it commits the abuses and atrocities we

wish only to condemn other nations for. We fear too much to lose if we

oppose anything. We are not even interested in what these perceived

national threats are as long as individually we are not affected by

them. In this way we give all our destinies into the hands of those we

are dependent upon.


This is by no means freedom. Nor is the fear of losing what we depend

upon called faith.


What threat has this nation imposed on the national interests of other

nation/states so that they may create this atmosphere of fear that we

are all now forced to live in? Whose visions have we been led to

follow, and why? What national interest has become more important than

the sovereignty, dignity and the very life of another people for the

sake of our own comfort; and not another people, but members of our

own human race?


Second, are we so special? Have we exalted ourselves to such a degree?


I am tired of being afraid anymore based on the word of another and

fortified by my own ignorance, innocence, or naivety so that these can

gain their power by it. All this is being done while much of the human

race rots under this type of oppression.


When I see the myriad of problems facing our own country's society

based on these same visions of fear, I recoil in disgust. I see the

destruction it has caused in the lives of some of our very own

countrymen, let alone what is not even under our watchful eyes in

relation to the rest of the world.


One thing I've learned to do for myself is to no longer take the word

of anyone in determining what I should be afraid of when it comes to

peoples or societies. I've learned that what others fear is mainly out

of ignorance and a laziness to discover for them selves any beauty in

the diversity of this great sea of humanity, instead relying on our

governments as well as the word of others to determine these things

for us. To this end, they will see the fruits of their inactivity,

blindness and ignorance. And against this end I make my stand.


And so...because I have grown tired of fear...and have become sickened

by all that it has created, I have determined in my mind to discover

for myself what exactly it is that must be feared, or should not be

feared. I have determined to confront the fears that others say I must

have, not allowing them to determine them for me; but rather embrace

those fears in every effort to overcome them. And what I've found is

that those who incite fear have every reason to be afraid because of

their own actions...which I do not own.


Their fear also lies in being discovered. But I also do not need to

own the same fears they do, nor do I need to support them in their

attempts to justify and excuse their own actions through the

propaganda of their fear. It is this very atmosphere of fear that has

given rise to some of the most corrupt and violent entities and

evilness man has ever known. Aggressive wars in general are not fought

for the protection of a nation's people, but rather are fought because

a nation's leadership fears loosing the power they crave, desiring

only more of it. These are the real national interests they say are

threatened. Yet they are not national interests, but collectively



As a lamb who will lie down with a wolf, or a child who has no fear of

placing his hand over the mouth of the cobras den, I will no longer be

told who the wolf is, or where the cobras den is hidden, but instead

seek it out for myself in order to determine that. And what I have all

to often discovered is that while there are many wolves in sheep's

clothing, so also are their many sheep in wolves clothing, not to be

feared, but to put upon them the proper skin, and call them what I

decide for myself...whether they be wolf , sheep, or cobra, according

to my own self, and not according to another.


I like it down here on this level plain with the majority of humanity.

It's where I find a greater diversity of culture to enjoy; and I would

not wish to be a part of the fearful governmental heavens on earth,

those who have set themselves over the thoughts and emotions of man.

Whose visions of fear that they will be uncovered as the wolves they

are, has them cowering in the mountain heights like sheep.


I can accept my own shortcomings. I have even learned to live with

them, which makes it easier to accept those of others. I won't attempt

to fix theirs as I have my hands full fixing my own, yet in owning

these shortcomings, I can fully appreciate the true meaning of grace.

And despite what some may have us believe about them, we all have

human flaws that do not allow anyone to pretend superiority over another.


It is the ones who wear an outside covering of moral superiority that

generally have the most to hide. It is these who should be trusted the

least for not having the courage to see their own flaws. If these were

only able to push aside their fear, what that opens to me is not a

fear of who they are, but an appreciation for the wonderful gift that

they are.


If only governmental administrations could do the same they might

begin to learn something from one another. But instead they are all

hell bent on presenting to each other only an image apart from who

they really are. Like bullies in a playground, they attempt, through

the image they've created, to insulate themselves by intimidation

those who they are afraid of the most....to play as others might, the

common folk of the world who they fear they might have something in

common with.


And why? Because they are afraid they might be seen as human like the

rest of us.


It's too bad that pride will not allow them to do this though...each

collective one is determined to be higher over others. Their own sense

of inferiority is demonstrated in this way. If they are not ruling

over others, they are no one in their own eyes. Like little pharaohs,

they sit atop their pride in fear of the very same ravaged souls that

they create for themselves. In the effort to appear as though they

have all the answers for all of humanity their pride will only stoke

this fear into doing everything possible to prevent that false image

from being unmasked. This includes the destruction of ours and any

other society that interferes with this image they have created for

themselves as man-gods.


I have finally learned to appreciate the full diversity of this race

we call humanity, learning to celebrate it as the rest of nature does,

by ministering to what I've been given to prosper with, and yielding

to whatever has a need from me. In pushing aside my own created fears,

what I attempt only, is to become an example of a greater way and a

greater hope, thereby allowing the freewill of all concerned.


Perhaps if all governments followed this, they would not need to build

armies that destroy, but rather armies able to build futures that have

hope, lands that prosper, and people that care. Perhaps then everyone

might desire to build, and to help accomplish a world order that is

not opposed like the one being built today. To build a world order

that is not founded on greed or a lust for the power necessary to

control it or the peoples in it; a world where every mountainous pride

is brought low, and every valley of despair is lifted, creating a

level plain that we can all stand on as a race of humans.


This is not done by fear, or coercion, or bribery, or violence It's

not done by the lust for power or through the agency of greed. It's

not done by any other corruption known to man...but truthfully,

faithfully and simply ...without fear of loosing a thing.



It takes trust, which at first makes one vulnerable, and some maybe

even afraid, opening the door for abuse. Yet, once found, it will

eliminate fear altogether ...that is , unless one is deceiving the

other...and using that rust only to gain for himself. It is the nation

who trusts the least that all other nations need to have nothing more

to do with, pushing it away as the runt of the litter, not allowing it

to nurture itself on the milk of human dignity, or the honey of human

kindness Until that fear turns to faith, hope and trust, it cannot

become the image it was created to be and will only be the image it

has made for itself.


I remember a speech by a man long ago, when I was just a child...I

won't mention his name, because the message he gave is immortal. What

he said is this, " The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself. "


These propagators of anxiousness in Washington, as well as other parts

of our nation have been pressing their own fears on the American

public for too long. It is the corporations who back them that have

the most to lose; and until they are able to see this folly, they can

never be changed. And yet, if there were no need for these, then no

one would pay them any heed. Once they are separated from the rest,

they will finally be faced with them selves and will be forced by this

very separation to deal with their own anxieties.


They are afraid based upon the direction of their own policies asking

the rest of us to defend them, as well as others to submit to them.

And if we have anything to fear, it is their own fear, which has done

more to ruin the delicate balance of human nature, more to create

strife and enmity between nations, than any effort to correct it or

create another balance.


Why should their enemies of the world become our enemies, which are

created out of their own meddling. And because they are afraid of

their own people, that fear will not even allow them to divulge the

true nature of these things. And yet, it is these created enemies,

national threats both within and without, that the lowly man is asked

to fight against, and maybe even to die for the protection of those

who fear them.


But more and more, the American people, behind the whole world, are

waking up to the fact that it is not these created enemies we need to

be afraid of...but rather the fear held by our own administrators, as

well as those corporations who support this system of things. Because

in their fear, they will attempt to force us if necessary to do their

fighting in order to protect them from what they have created or



Of course they won't see this. They will vigorously defend themselves

from this type of honesty...an honesty found by most every common man

who walks the level plain.


I am asking all who call themselves American to pull from within

themselves the courage to confront this fear, with the understanding

that it is created by those who are afraid. That we all need to call

upon that same courage demonstrated by our ancestors and founding

fathers in shedding this yoke of fear...which has become a burden to

us all...and to once again courageously reclaim the individual

freedoms guaranteed under the constitution as sovereign people who

control our own destiny.


We are not cattle to be herded or prodded. Within each and everyone of

us, despite our nationality or beliefs, we should push off anything

that plays upon those fears as an excuse to whittle away our right to

behold the self-evident truth that all are created equal in the eyes

of God , and in order that we all may realize and live and pursue our

own individual gifts of life. It is this latter thing that is most

often denied because of the continuous drama created.


In essence, we are becoming corralled as the domesticated animals and

beasts of burden these others so desire. Instead we should desire to

discover once again the freedom that comes from learning the truth for

ourselves rather than what some would like us to believe, both about

others, as well as ourselves. We all may find out that we have less to

fear from these perceived threats and enemies and more in common with

them than we were led to believe. We need to understand that we have

everything to fear from those who attempt to legitimize themselves and

their governments by it only when when we allow ourselves to believe

what they do and teach.


Hugh Lipsius - Email hughman5_8 @ msn.com



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