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The Macronutrients

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This article is an example as to why it is so hard to find information to post.

Most articles are a combination of truth and misinformation. Our system of

govenment regulation and education promotes the products and services that are

supported by large financial interests not on what constitutes the best or " more

healthy " interests of the people that consume them. Consequently good

information is hard to find. We all wander around in search of the truth. It can

become a full time job and, the misinformation is so pervasive, it is still hard

not to be misled in some areas. To cover everything one would not only " have to

write a book " but more likely have to write a set of encyclopedias. And that

probably still wouldn't cover it all, as everthing is tied together. Money,

politics, health, choices, etc., etc., etc., etc. until it would cover most

areas of our lives.


In this article there is a lot of good information, but some, to my mind, very

wrong too. Yes a lot of our problems are the result of eating the wrong kinds of

foods. Yes, pasturized milk isn't the best source for humans, yes, meat has

pesticides and other chemicals. Yes, most processed foods are terrible for you.

They are made out of cheap food parts not even from real whole foods. The

article states that the best source for protein is soy beans. Well, for anyone

who will " dig deep enough " will find out that soy beans should be used in

moderation and to use soy beans in a fermented form like tofu. To make matters

worse about 90% of the soy available in the USA is of the genetically modified

type. Soy beans are big business and that is what they (govt. and big business)

want to " sell you " .


The human animal developed as an omnivore, hunter gather type. All that we can

glean from his physiology is that he eats both vegetable and animal in his diet.

In this way he had a very varied diet. We are also socially conditioned as to

what is acceptable to eat and what is not. This is very unlike our cave man

ancesters who ate everything from insects on up. Most of what is best for us is

raw and uncooked. The closer that we eat as our cave man ancesters did the more

" natural " it would be for us. Unfortunately that is almost impossible for us.


We are limited by our available choices. Most all of the " modern " choices are

bad for us. Most of us are in a position that if we ate only natural, good

healthy food, we wouldn't be able to eat much as there isn't much out there to

buy, at a reasonable price, that hasn't been chemicalized or processed to death.

This didn't happen by accident. It is the result of moneied influence on

government policy. You are just the one who is supposed to shut up and pay the

price both in money and health. The system is designed so that you will have

very little choice in the matter unless you are wealthy. Just like the

allopathic medical system in which you will have very little choice unless you

are wealthy. This has been going on for a very long time. Most of the cereal

based eating habits grew out of a system where the government eletes and moneyed

class owned most all of they land and the serfs were used to do all of the work.

Since they were basically beasts of burden too, they ate mainly what the farm

animals ate....cereal grains. The best for foods was when the majority of people

lived on their own small farms and lived off the output.


To be able to " eat healthy " in this world you will either have to make your

government responsive to the health of it's citizens, have the cash to be able

to live and eat out side the business/govt. system, or grow your own. When you

add to that bad nutritionally defecient diet a load of chemical poisons in or

foods water, air, allopathic medicines, and radiation, etc. you get a very toxic

mix for health.


Most of us are the catagory of trying to do the best that we can with what we

have to work with. One thing that most of can do is to make sure that we take

our nutritional supplements daily to help ameliorate the bad effects of the

toxic nutritionally defecient foods. That and self education about real health,

nutrition, misinformation, and who benefits from flawed systems, etc. You are

going to have to rely on your own self education as very few articles, books,

etc. are completely devoid of error or misinformation..










The Macronutrients

by Ron Kennedy, M.D., Santa Rosa, California


We find ourselves in the middle of an ocean of myth and

misinformation regarding nutrition, in a circumstance so flooded with

advertisement and dogmatic belief that even doctors and nutritionists

are held prisoners to this ignorance. Our very lives are threatened

by the foods we eat, and the danger begins in the crib where mother,

thinking she is doing a good thing, offers a synthesized mixture of

proteins and chemicals called " formula. " Mothers are convinced by

their pediatricians that formula is good for babies, and

pediatricians are, in turn, convinced by the infant formula industry,

which spends millions of dollars every year to continue the brainwash

of doctors in the form of an ocean of " helpful, " unsolicited

literature, and " research " grants, etc.


A massive amount of high-powered advertising has overcome common-

sense reliance on nature. Mother's milk as the obvious way to nourish

a human being in the first years of life is no longer a given.

Without mother's milk, a human being in the first year of life is

much more susceptible to bacteria and viruses and twice as

susceptible to crib death. The effect of this threat is greatest in

underdeveloped countries where children are exposed to unsanitary

conditions which challenge their immune systems.


Once you have survived childhood, usually due to the timely treatment

of infections with antibiotics, you become a potential customer for

the meat, dairy and processed food industries. In a capitalist

society, the survival of these industries depends on their ability to

brainwash you into thinking that their products are necessary for a

healthy life.


The assault on your consciousness begins with commercials, which

punctuate kid shows on TV. Or is it that the kid shows punctuate the

commercials? The assault continues in the classroom where teacher has

been brainwashed into presenting you with " nutritional information "

about the importance of the " Basic Food Groups " : meat, milk,

vegetables and fruits, and bread and cereals. Our children are

presented with the " food pyramid, " which suggests to them that each

of these food groups is necessary to a healthy life. Even the poster

which teacher uses for this " education " is provided by these food

industries. The realities of food and nutrition are not taught to

children, because teachers themselves are without a clue. Go visit

the school lunch room and, if you know anything about nutrition

beyond what you read in Cosmopolitan or the Readers' Digest, you will

be alarmed.


Most of our children are growing up on a high-carbohydrate diet,

dominated by bread, pasta, and processed foods, because that is the

current fad about what is healthy. The meat they are presented is

also processed and full of saturated fat and cholesterol. They down

it with a glass of milk, full of homogenized bovine xanthine oxidase

which will be deposited in the plaques which form in the arteries of

children on this sort of diet. Then there is the prodigious amount of

candy our children consume — probably because parents are addicted to

the stuff themselves, or willing to give the kids anything to

distract them and not have to give them the parental attention they

so badly need.


Take a look at how people are faring on the standard American diet

(SAD). Observe a cross section of people at a shopping mall, for

example. The first thing you will notice is obesity. Most people are

more than a little overweight, and many are downright fat. Look

closer, and you will see acne and rotting teeth. Ask a few questions

about their medical history, and you will discover an alarming number

of people taking medication for high blood pressure, constipation,

stomach problems, and headache.


People are aging and dying before their time. When these people go to

their doctors, they are given pills to take and very little advice

about the cause of their diseases. Doctors themselves typically

practice very poor health habits. The classic example is the plate of

donuts served with coffee at a cardiology conference! Not even the

average doctor knows nutrition in depth. And dieticians, well my

advice is not to bother listening to any of them. They are the people

who design the menu with which you are presented if and when you

check into a hospital! It's worse than the food which got you to the

hospital, believe it or not.


The powerful food and pharmaceutical industries pour billions of

dollars into advertising campaigns, and they also fund research

designed to convince you that their products are good for you. The

final result is that people do not associate their poor health and

lack of vitality with the food they eat or the drugs they take.

Obesity and poor health is taken as a given, as inevitable, as if one

inherits these conditions!


The dairy industry tells us that if we do not drink their milk, we

will not have strong bones and teeth. Nothing could be further from

the truth. Milk is laden with fat — which would be all right, except

that the fat-eating enzyme (lipase) has been destroyed by

pasteurization — leading to free radical production and thus to

degenerative diseases such as arthritis and heart disease. The

lactose content in milk is equally hard on the body as plain table

sugar. Yet you are told " Milk, it does a body good! " Milk does a body

good only if you like to have excess gas, allergies, stuffy nose and

degenerative diseases. This stuff`is made for baby cows, not human

beings. Even baby cows would not do well on homogenized, pasteurized

milk, processes which destroy most of the nutritional value of milk.


Homogenization forces milk through tiny canals under extremely high

pressure. This coats the milk protein with fat, creating millions of

tiny fat balls with protein trapped inside giving homogenized milk

its smooth consistency and preventing separation of the fat and

protein. Therefore, you do not have to bother shaking the milk before

pouring, as was done before homogenization became a standard



One of these proteins in milk is an enzyme called " xanthine oxidase. "

When arterial plaque is analyzed, what do you suppose is found there?

Bovine (i.e., from cows) xanthine oxidase. Where do you suppose it

comes from? Homogenized, pasteurized milk, of course. These processes

produce milk in which the cream cannot rise to the top, but which

also cannot be properly digested.


When your health is finally destroyed, and you enter the hospital,

the food that greets you is the same food (or worse) which brought

you to the hospital! Even hospital " nutritionists " or " dieticians "

know next to nothing about the effects of foods on the body, yet they

are allowed to create the menus for sick people! Those good

nutritionists who do understand these things are instructed, by

profit-conscious hospital administrators, to toe the budget line or

else. The big problem is that almost no one thinks for him/herself or

bothers to find out the truth of the matter about food. Even

vegetarians, who believe their choice to be the right choice, do not

know why.


Our Pathetic Diet is Something New


Prior to 1900, the type of diet now prevalent in the West was

unavailable throughout the world except to the very rich. High-

protein, cooked foods, such as red meats, cheeses, eggs, as well as

refined sugar and flour, etc., were rarely eaten by the average

person, and when they were, they were considered delicacies. The

exception was the classical fat monarch consuming an almost

exclusively fat and protein diet and suffering gout for his reward.


Degenerative disease is not programmed into the genes. It is meant

for a human being to be healthy, thin, attractive and full of life

for at least 95 years, longer for some people. Few people realize

this potential because of disease derived from contact with the

environment. We contact the environment through food, water and air.

Air is the most important in terms of volume, food and water are tied

for second.


If you want to live a long, healthy life, free from degenerative

diseases ordinarily associated with aging, you must adopt a health-

supporting diet. The diet which best supports health is a balanced

diet of ten parts carbohydrates to seven parts protein, on a caloric,

weight, or volume (all the same) basis. Where fat is concerned, it

will take care of itself, as it will come associated with healthy

sources of protein. You can resign from the American Fat Phobia Club

(also known as the Fat American Club) and be healthy.


Proper sources of carbohydrates are vegetables, the kind with color,

not the white stuff like potatoes and rice. The stuff without color

is relatively empty of vitamins. The healthiest source of protein is

soy bean. If you must eat meat, stick with fish and skinless poultry

only occasionally.


You may ask why these particular percentages. The answer is that

these percentages have been demonstrated to balance a hormonal system

in the body called the " eicosanoids. " The eicosanoid system senses an

imbalance of your diet through insulin and glucagon output from the

pancreas. These hormones alter your fatty acid metabolism to produce

arachidonic acid which leads to the " Series Two Eicosanoids. " These

are the so-called " bad " eicosanoids which make you feel ill and which

cause degenerative disease.


When the eicosanoids are out of balance, your immune system is

depressed, resulting in fatigue and more frequent infections. You

have headaches, you need more sleep, have less physical strength and

energy, and your digestion is off.


In a certain sense, people of the third world are more fortunate than

you, because they cannot afford a diet of processed foods, low in

fiber and laced with pesticides and herbicides. They exist on the

likes of vegetables, corn, and soy which they grow for themselves.

These people are not afflicted with degenerative diseases although

they are, unfortunately, exposed to poor sanitation and thus

infective and parasitic diseases you are less likely to encounter

(although thirty percent of Americans are infected with parasites).


People of the third world also experience famine, with hunger and

starvation, from time to time. It is true that longevity is greater

in developed countries; however, this is not because of diet but

rather because of better sanitation and an abundance of food.


People eat primarily to satisfy hunger. Hunger is tricky business.

You may not be hungry until certain foods become available. A dish of

ice cream can transform a state of satisfaction into ravaging hunger.

The presence of tasty carbohydrates and the over-reliance on complex

carbohydrates as a food source result in rampant obesity in America.

People also eat to gain the nutrients needed by the body. Fast foods,

processed foods and high-cereal-and-grain- content foods, such as

pasta and bread, are lacking in many of the nutrients needed by the



Between craving for rich foods and this state of over consumptive

malnutrition, lies the explanation for the high incidence of obesity

in developed countries like Germany, England and especially the U.S.

People eat a load of rich food, which inspires hunger by its mere

richness but lacks basic nutrients. Trying to get the needed

nutrients, the body signals you to eat more through the mechanism of

hunger. Soon the stomach is stretched to a size much larger than

nature intended. Because a full stomach is then harder to achieve,

the sensation of emptiness and hunger is reinforced.


Diets Don't Work


Dieting, in the sense of restricting calories, does not work to stay

slim, because you are asked to limit the amount of food you eat in

order to limit the number of calories which enter your body. You

should be able to rely on hunger as an effective tool to lose weight,

but you cannot, if you eat a diet of addictive, carbohydrate-rich

foods. If you eat a balanced diet, you feel filled, and you can rely

on your hunger to tell you how much food you need. This will lead to

weight loss without dieting, if you are overweight — but not



Meat Contains Toxins


If you eat meat, you are eating the muscle tissue of dead animals —

which is made of protein, fat and a small amount of carbohydrate.

Unfortunately, you also are eating a number of other items. These

animals are fed artificially, in most cases, and the foods they are

fed have been grown using herbicides and pesticides. These

environmental contaminants are fat soluble and become concentrated in

the fatty tissue of these animals. When you eat their flesh, you get

these environmental contaminants in concentrated form. You also

receive a stiff dose of the hormones, stimulants and antibiotics fed

to these animals to make them produce the most meat possible in the

shortest time possible.


Chicken, farmed fish, dairy products, and eggs, unless produced using

strict organic protocol, are not exceptions to these conditions. A

breakdown of the contents of milk products shows that they can be

considered liquid meat and are loaded with environmental

contaminants, hormones, stimulants and antibiotics. Skim milk is no

solution either for, although stripped of fat, it is still laden with

milk protein and lactose, the two most offensive ingredients in milk,

plus it is still deficient in vitamins and minerals, and it contains

no fiber at all.




Eggs are another story. If they are cooked with the yolk exposed to

air, their cholesterol is oxidized and becomes worse than useless to

the body. Oxidized cholesterol is the stuff which is attracted to,

and deposited in, the inner lining of arteries in the scorbutic

(vitamin C deficiency)/hyperinsulinemia/free radical disease known as



While unoxidized cholesterol in the yolk of an egg is actually a good

antioxidant, as well as a precursor to many of the hormones your body

makes, the white of the egg may stimulate allergy in some people. If

you are one of those people, you should avoid eggs, or at least the

white part. If you eat eggs, be sure they are boiled or poached. This

way you avoid the grease associated with frying, and you are sure the

yolk has not been broken and the cholesterol oxidized. You should be

able to eat two or three properly prepared eggs per day without a



Some nutritionists of note say that you may eat as many boiled or

poached eggs as you wish, and I know some of them who have consumed

ten and more eggs per day for years. They report their blood

cholesterol to be normal. If you are particularly fond of eggs, I

suggest that you eat as many eggs as you want daily for one week,

then go for cholesterol tests. If these come out normal, then you can

consider yourself to have no restrictions regarding eggs as long as

you do not increase your consumption to above that number you ate the

week preceding the cholesterol tests.


Be certain that the eggs you eat are made by uncaged chickens, fed

vegetarian, organic feed. Caged chickens cannot peck around, and they

end up mineral deficient, as do their eggs. All this information

should be clearly printed on the egg carton you buy at your organic

grocery store. It should read something like " from organic,

vegetarian-fed, non-caged chickens. "


Animal meat and animal products, such as milk and milk-derived

products, are foods you are able to consume in excessive quantity

only because human beings have created the technology to mass produce

them. The same is true for cereal and grain-derived foods: pastries,

breads and pastas. This places you at the top of the food chain

where, at a price, you can consume concentrated doses of unhealthy

foods, contaminants, stimulants and antibiotics. You must make

yourself aware that being at the top of this food chain is a deadly


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