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Formula for Disaster

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" HSI - Jenny Thompson " <hsiresearch

HSI e-Alert - Formula for Disaster

Mon, 30 Jan 2006 06:50:00 -0500




HSI e-Alert - Formula for Disaster


Health Sciences Institute e-Alert


January 30, 2006



Dear Reader,


" I feel betrayed. But it's my own fault. "


That comment comes from a colleague of mine named Lou who sent me an

e-mail with some enlightening (and frightening) information about

foods that contain soy.


Lou writes: " When my son was born about 13 years ago my wife wasn't

able to breast feed (long story), so we looked at the various formulas

available and decided on one that had a soy base. Back then we were

convinced that soy was healthy. Looking back now I want to kick

myself. I dumbly accepted the soy-is-healthfood sales pitch without

ever really questioning it.


" I've attached some items about a study that was a real eye opener for

me and my wife. Maybe your readers will find this info useful and

avoid our mistake. "



Minimized consumption



According to an article in Mothering magazine (one of several articles

Lou sent), researchers with the Israeli Health Ministry spent about a

year assessing a wide variety of soy studies. The research team

included more than a dozen nutritionists, pediatricians and

oncologists. They announced their findings last summer.


The primary conclusions:


* Estrogen-like plant hormones (isoflavones) in soy may increase

the risk of health problems, including breast cancer and reduced

fertility in men

* Evidence that soy reduces symptoms of menopause is inconsistent

* Soy may slightly reduce cholesterol levels, but no clear link to

a reduced risk of heart disease was found


Researchers " strongly urged " minimized consumption of soy foods until

further studies are able to demonstrate soy's safety. In addition, the

Israeli team recommended that soy baby formula should be used only as

a last resort in cases where infants can't be breastfed and cow's milk

can't be given.


Another article Lou sent referred to a study that especially concerned

him. It was an animal study in which newborn male monkeys were fed a

soy formula. Researchers concluded that soy impeded the normal

testosterone production that occurs in the first months of life.



Heart & soy



This week I returned Lou's favor when I sent him some additional

information about soy.


The first item is an oldie that appeared in the March 1999 issue of

Natural Health. In that article, author Sally Euclaire Osborne cited a

New Zealand study that examined the isoflavone levels in soy formula

for babies. The recommended daily intake of the formula was found to

be FOUR TIMES the amount capable of changing the reproductive hormones

in women.


The second item brings us up to date with new information just

released by the American Heart Association (AHA).


In 2000, the AHA recommended soy consumption based on studies that

indicated soy had a cholesterol-lowering effect. But when further

research began to contradict those findings, the AHA launched a review

of more than 20 soy studies. Results showed that soy protein has no

effect on HDL cholesterol, and a very small effect on LDL cholesterol.

In addition, researchers concluded that soy does not reduce hot

flashes and other menopausal symptoms, nor does it prevent prostate,

breast or uterine cancer.


In an Associated Press (AP) article that covered the AHA study,

several pro-soy doctors and experts weighed in, minimizing the results

of these new findings. One clinical nutrition professor told the AP

that even though soy isn't a " magic bullet " it can still be " a

valuable contributor to a heart-healthy diet. "


STOP IT ALREADY! Soy is not health food!


Normally I'd be bucking the mainstream and endorsing an alternative

food product that enhanced health. But soy is not on the alternative

fringe. Anything but! Thanks to the aggressive marketing efforts of

soybean producers such as Monsanto and Archer Daniels Midland, soy has

won a mainstream reputation as a nutritional medicine of sorts, even

though evidence to the contrary has been steadily mounting for years.


If you like soy, try to limit your intake to soy products developed

from fermented soy. (HSI Panelist Allan Spreen, M.D., explains the

importance of soy fermentation in the e-Alert " Adult Swim " 4/16/03.)


Personally I'm afraid of a plant that can be processed into a

substitute for everything from tuna fish to chocolate pudding.






....and another thing


You try to feed kids right and make sure they eat nutritious meals,

but sometimes it just seems to be out of your hands.


A friend was having lunch with some women she knew and brought along

her three-year-old son. He played happily with his toys; lost in his

own little world and apparently oblivious to the chatter of the adults

who were discussing a somewhat delicate health topic he couldn't

possibly comprehend.


One of the women was talking about how delighted she was that her

husband was going to, um, " get snipped. " She had been eager for him to

do it for a while and it made her very happy to finally know it would

be done.


When it came time to place their orders, my friend asked her son what

he wanted to eat. Obviously responding to the other woman's

excitement, he said, " Mommy, I want a vasectomy for lunch. "


Not sure what the nutrition facts on that would read...


To Your Good Health,


Jenny Thompson











" Israeli Health Ministry Issues Soy Warning " Mothering, August 2005,


" Is Soy Good for You " Robert Jay Rowen, M.D., Second Opinion Health

Alerts, seconopinionnewsletter.com

" Study Casts Doubt on Soy's Heart Benefits " The Associated Press,

1/23/06, msnbc.msn.com



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