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PANUPS: How Many Are Poisoned?

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Tue, 31 Jan 2006 21:41:55 GMT

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PANUPS: How Many Are Poisoned?



How Many Are Poisoned?

January 31, 2006


Unlike many diseases, pesticide poisoning is completely preventable.

People can make decisions either to release toxic pesticides into the

environment, or to replace them with nontoxic alternatives. Meanwhile,

millions of victims of acute pesticide poisoning suffer in anonymity,

while pesticide manufacturers directly and indirectly insist on the

safety of their products. That's why documenting the extent of global

acute pesticide poisoning is a key step in creating the political will

to ban toxic pesticides at the international level.


The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains statistics on the global

incidence of common health problems ranging from diarrhea to AIDS. Yet

while acute pesticide poisoning affects as many as 39 million people

around the world, there is no current global mechanism to track

poisonings or diseases closely related to pesticide use. The WHO's

most recent estimates of acute global pesticide poisoning date from as

far back as 1973. Meanwhile, worldwide pesticide production doubled

between 1970 and 1985. Patterns of pesticide consumption have been

shifting as well: in the last three decades the percentage of

pesticides used in developing countries increased from 20% to 40%.


As pesticide use increases, the number of pesticide poisonings

increases as well. While both acute and chronic pesticide poisonings

seriously impact victims' health and livelihood, acute cases are

easier to identify, document, and quantify as arguments to curb the

use of hazardous pesticides. Recent and increasingly detailed studies

indicate that the WHO's outdated estimates of 3 million cases and

220,000 deaths from acute pesticide poisonings worldwide account for

only a tiny fraction of the real number of cases. This is because

these estimates are based on government records of pesticide-related

hospitalizations, while the vast majority of acute pesticide-related

illnesses do not result in hospitalization.


Underreporting of pesticides is the norm, given that farmers and

farmworkers frequently cannot afford medical treatment at all, much

less hospitalization. " Unless we are unable to move, we do not think

of going to a doctor or of taking medicine, " remarked a Pakistani

woman asked in a study if she seeks treatment for pesticide poisoning.

" Where can we get that much money to spend on treatment? " another

participant responded.


When researchers interview farmers and farmworkers directly, studies

in many countries show that 90% or more of all poisoning cases may go

unreported by the medical establishment. In Central America, the Pan

American Health Organization (PAHO) found that only between one and 20

of every 100 cases of acute pesticide poisoning are officially

reported. Over 95% of the cases of acute pesticide poisoning went

unreported in Nicaragua, Belize, and Guatemala. PAHO estimates about

3% of exposed agricultural workers suffer from an episode of acute

pesticide poisoning annually--with a population of about 1.3 billion

agricultural workers worldwide, that means that as many as 39 million

people may suffer from poisonings each year.


This pattern of shockingly high rates of pesticide poisoning reported

by researchers but missing from official sources and statistics is

repeated throughout the world. In Asia, a study of 228 Indonesian

farmers and professional pesticide applicators found that 21% suffered

from three or more symptoms per spray operation, a rate much higher

than previously documented in Indonesia or elsewhere. A study that

tracked 50 Vietnamese farmers' pesticide usage for one year found that

they suffered 54 potentially moderate poisonings per month, but only

two cases per month were treated at the local health center. In South

Africa, a study revealed that only 4.2% of acute pesticide poisoning

cases were officially reported during a five-year period.


Women especially face difficulties in seeking care for acute pesticide

poisoning. According to Pesticide Action Network Asia-Pacific, very

few women know that the highest absorption point is the genital area,

and do not realize the risks they are taking as pesticide sprayers.

When women workers experience severe vaginal burning sensations after

spraying, these workers are often too shy or ashamed to describe this

problem to male medical personnel.


Wealthier countries have not done much better at tracking acute

pesticide poisoning incidents. In 2000, the British Minister of State

for the Environment, Transport and the Regions admitted to Parliament

that " Comprehensive information on the number of people who are

poisoned by pesticides each year is not available. " The United States

does not have a national pesticide illness reporting requirement, and

only 13 states of 50 require doctors or employers to report

pesticide-related illnesses. Even in California, the state with

arguably the most rigorous pesticide use and pesticide-related illness

reporting, underreporting remains a problem for reasons common to

workers around the globe: lack of health insurance or accessible

medical facilities, fear of retaliation and job loss, and a seriously

inadequate understanding among both workers and physicians regarding

the recognition of pesticide-related illnesses.


Still, despite serious problems implementing existing reporting

requirements, California is considered a model for the rest of the

country and elsewhere. The state has established reporting systems for

both pesticide use and related illnesses, and provides public access

to the data. Public release of this information helps build public

pressure to improve pesticide regulations and worker protection.


On a global scale, the ongoing lack of data documenting the extent of

acute pesticide poisoning on a global scale is a recipe for continued

failure to address this serious problem. As long as the problem

remains officially invisible, its existence will continue to be

officially denied. Much better information must be made publicly

available about the true extent of pesticide poisonings, and its many

health and environmental consequences. The establishment of

coordinated systems of tracking acute pesticide poisonings around the

globe will require international collaboration and resources. Without

these efforts, the health and lives of millions around the world will

continue to be destroyed as part of " agriculture as usual. "


For information on identifying cases of pesticide poisoning, and on

reporting incidences in the United States see www.pesticideinfo.org.


For those of who you are Pesticide Action Network members, you can

look forward in mid-March to reading this article and many other

useful, provocative stories in our new publication. For those of you

who are not members, please become one today with a minimum

contribution of $35.



Agrow: World Crop Protection News. " Global agrochemical sales flat in

2002 " February 28, 2003 No 419. http://www.agro.co.uk/.


Habib, Nasire. " Invisible Farmers: Rural Roles in Pakistan " from

Silent Invaders: Pesticides, Livelihoods and Women's Health.


Kishi, Misa, Norbert Hirschhorn, Marlinda Qjajadisastra, Latifa N.

Satterlee, Shelley Strowman, and Russell Dilt. 1995. " Relationship of

Pesticide Spraying to Signs and Symptoms in Indonesian Farmers "

Scandinavian Journal of Work and Environmental Health, 21: 124-33.


London and Bailie. 1998. " Enhanced Surveillance for Pesticide

Poisoning in the Western Cape--An Elusive Target " South Africa Medical

Journal September 88(9):1105-9


Murphy, Helen H., Nguyen Phung Hoan, Patricia Matteson, and Alma Linda

C. Morales Abubakar. 2002. " Farmers' Self-Surveillance of Pesticide

Poisoning: a 12-month Pilot Study in North Vietnam " International

Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Vol. 8, No. 3, July/Sept.


Pan American Health Organization. 2002. " Epidemiological Situation of

Acute Pesticide Poisoning in the Central American Isthmus, 1992-2000 "

Epidemiological Bulletin, Vol. 23 No. 3, September.


Pesticide Action Network Asia-Pacific. Poisoned and Silenced.


Pesticide Action Network UK. 2000. " Pesticide poisoning--we still do

not know " Pesticides News No. 50.



Valentina, Forastieri. " SafeWork: The ILO Programme on Occupational

Safety and Health in Agriculture " International Labor Organization,

Geneva, October 1999. Available at ILO website:


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500, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA Phone: (415) 981-1771 Fax: (415)

981-1991 Email: panna Web: http://www.panna.org


Email us at: panna. Phone us at: (415) 981-1771.

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