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Even think about trading in other than dollars..of bourse..and get the hell

bombed out of ya...


HEADLINE: In Public's Eyes, Iran Biggest Foreign Menace (google it)


The escalating crisis over Iran's nuclear program appears to have persuaded the

U.S. public that Tehran now poses a greater threat to the United States than any

other country, or even alCIAeda, according to recent surveys.


And even though the public remains worried and unhappy about the U.S. invasion

and occupation of Iraq, a significant percentage has already begun thinking of

eventual military action against Iran.


" Americans are telling us that they would prefer we pack our bags and leave Iraq

now, and yet they appear ready to do some damage to Iran if it proceeds with its

nuclear programme, " said John Zogby, president of the polling firm, Zogby

International, which released a survey last week in which nearly half of the

respondents (47 percent) said they favoured military action, preferably along

with European allies, to halt Iran's nuclear program..




Nonetheless, the latest poll, released recently by the Pew Research Centre for

the People and the Press, found that some 27 percent of respondents cite Iran as

Washington's greatest menace -- three times the percentage who ranked it at the

top of foreign threats just four months ago. "


Just think about those figures. In just four months the American propaganda

machine has worked it's magic and three times as many American's now site Iran

as their biggest danger - a country that has complied fully with the

non-proliferation treaty (unlike the USA, India, Pakistan + Isreal), a country

that, according to the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is ten

years from a bomb even if they *did* want one, and a country that has constantly

stated it only wants to build nuclear energy facilities - something it is

allowed to do by International Law. Oh, and of course, a country has the

potential to cripple the American economy by trading oil in euros rather than



Where's the balance - where are the outlets helping Americans see through the









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