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Dear Group, How come most of you don't help carry water?

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Dear Group,


How come most of you don't help carry water?


The country is burning down and most of you guys have your head up

your arse, standing aound fiddling with your hair, and sheepishly

looking down at the ground in shame.


No, I didn't ask you to help carry water did I? Well, foolish me, I

thought maybe you might give a shit on your own. You are standing in a

house that is burning down and you have a million excuses. I have

heard a lot of them.


People write to me with all of their excuses even though I didn't

personally ask them to help. Why would they write? The excuses are all

over the map. I can't post because a, b, c, d, e, f, g, etc. I have a

job, family, old parents, children, lots of money to lose, the dog ate

my courage, etc.


I hate putting out this group newsletter. There wasn't any group at

the time when I started this group who actually told it like it is. I

have hated it since day one. I hate the obligation. I hate the work, I

don't personally like a lot of the members. I hate dumb ass questions.

I hate lazy, self centered people who come here and think that they

can demand that you please them. The one consolation that I have is

that I get to throw their asses out.


So, why have I done it for 4 and 1/2 years now. BECAUSE THE HOUSE IS



Where were you daddy when the house burnt down?

What were you doing mommy when we had the big fire and all was lost?


Oh, we have a few who piss and moan about things. Why isn't someone

(else) doing something about it? Why isn't the opposition party doing

something? Why aren't the newspapers doing something? Why isn't

someone stopping the allopathic medical machine from killing and

damaging the shit out of everyone. It is all the same thing. They

control your ass, lock stock and barrel. You control nothing.



You complacent little shits. You need to look into a mirror.

Most of you are so spoiled and so self centered (real word...selfish,

egotistical, etc.) to get off your lazy asses to do anything but bitch

about things.


The secret to taking control of anything is information. You all in

your self centered way want ton's of information to help yourself, you

just want someone else to do the work. Oh, I want my country to play

nice. Oh, mercy me what shall happen to me? I want it to be like this

but I don't want to get of my lazy ass and have to do something about

it, but I will bitch about someone else not doing it. It is the same

way in this group. I have your number as I have watched you for years

now. The major media, big pharma, big medicine, the neocons, the food

industry, the insurance industry, the energy industry, all big

business for that matter has your number too. Go look in that mirror

again. That is the reason that we are in deep shit up to our noses.

They know you. They know how you think. They know how you rationalize

being a weinnie. They know that you over rate yourselves on morality,

intelligence, courage, and most positive aspects. They know that you

avoid looking at yourselves to see any selfishnes, shallowness,

laziness, cowardlyness, etc. They tell you are... so smart, so

goodlooking, so chic, cool, withit, smart, knowledgeable, free,

patriotic, so special, so american, etc. You tell yourselves you are so chic,

cool, withit, smart, knowledgeable, free, patriotic, so special, so american,

etc. so pretty soon you have

this information loop between your own thinking and what major media

is feeding you. Every con game in the world has been based upon

telling the mark what he wants to hear. What most of you are.. are a bunch of

empty headed, egotistical, lazy, delusional jerks.


So what could you have done to help carry water? Well you could have

reposted information to help get it out there to others. Answer. Naw,

I don't like to move much. I kinda like to take it easy unless it's

for moi and then what I really want is for someone else to do it for me even



I could have looked up and researched some aspect of alternative

health and shared that information with the group. Answer. Naw, it is

easier just to ask everyone else. But I will contribute a one sentence

answer for someone else's problem, see cause I have all these answers

for others.


So, now I am asking. I would now like to hear why you don't help carry



Please write me and tell me all about it. I am dieing to hear it.




P.S. If this message offends you good. You have few cells still working.


If it really offends you, you can leave the group...thank you very

much and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. You

really aren't the kind of person who was welcome here anyway.


Make my day. If you all leave I can finally shut this group down and go do

something that I would like.

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Hey there Frank,


--- califpacific <califpacific wrote:

> So what could you have done to help carry water?

> Well you could have

> reposted information to help get it out there to

> others. Answer. Naw,

<snip for space>

> So, now I am asking. I would now like to hear why

> you don't help carry water.


One thing I'd like to note here is that although I've

only posted a few times, I do read and pass along A

LOT of what get's sent out here. Personally, I am not

that good a researcher - but I'm VERY good about

forwarding articles and information along to others. I

also print a lot of what gets sent out here and share

it that way with friends, family, and coworkers (who

then also share it with others, and so on). I'm sure

many folks here are doing that.


So even though you aren't getting feedback that way,

what you're doing IS helping a lot of people - myself

included - to understand more and more what's going on

in the world. You ARE making me more of an activist,

simply because I'm now starting to " get it " and

understand things that before just baffled the crapola

out of me or intimidated me.


All that being said, I also understand your

frustration. I run other lists, and am on other lists,

and do find that most folks are the ultimate

tv-generation. They want to simply be entertained,

though they also complain to high-heaven that there

isn't any " community " feeling online. I call it " sit

and get, instead of give and live " . It makes one want

to scream, to work so hard at getting a list community

going, and have so many simply sit back and suck, but

rarely give anything back for all they've gotten. I do

apologize for my part in that, as well.


At any rate, whether or not you keep up the list,

you've already done a GREAT job and a GREAT service to

all the folks who are here. I'll be here as long as

you are, and I will work more at sharing more. As I

said, I'm not a great researcher, but I can do what I

can do :)










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Hi Frank,

I have been carrying water now since about 1966 or so.

Since then, I have been working to wake people up to changes needed in

government. My tirades against the alopathic & drug cartel did not

start that far back. After burying a close friend in the late

1980s, I realized I hated & distrusted the alopathic profession. It

took the internet to gain me info. Your list opened up the



I am a Tarot and Palmistry counsellor by profession.

People come to me with problems. Cards and Palm reading is why my

clients think they come to me, but I give them my opinions on

government, the medical/drug cartel, vitamins, and supplements. I

nudge people to think outside the box. I give clients my e-mail &

the ones who write me get lists of URLS pertaining to their problems.

I sure do not have all the answers. But I feel I can point people

in the direction where they can begin to figure things out.


I also have a blog and I put all sorts of political and

health related material into my blog, some of which I grab from this

list. About 150-200 people read my blog regulalrly. I also get

people dropping in to my blog because of seeing a post of mine when

they do a google search on a particular topic.


So, Frank, I carry water all the time. Many people do. The

informational network is diverse. To be honest, I do not know what

to do other than pass around information. I am active on local

issues here in New Orleans as well. Embarassing local politicans can

be useful at times. But I am not real sure what to do beyond what I

am already doing.





On 2/11/06, califpacific <califpacific wrote:

> Dear Group,


> How come most of you don't help carry water?


> The country is burning down and most of you guys have your head up

> your arse, standing aound fiddling with your hair, and sheepishly

> looking down at the ground in shame.


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On 2/11/06, califpacific <califpacific wrote:


> Dear Group,


> How come most of you don't help carry water?


> The country is burning down and most of you guys have your head up

> your arse, standing aound fiddling with your hair, and sheepishly

> looking down at the ground in shame.






Dear Frank,


I appreciate everything you do. I feel like your group is home base.

Please dont give up!


My brother was a die hard Bush fan and he is a Mens minister at his church.

He did not vote for Bush last Nov. And is now researching alternative ways

to health.

He bought a book that goes into detail about Pharma corruption along with

the FDA, I cant remeber the name of the book. But he is one that I thought

would never

listen. I can have a conversation with him now without arguing, he is in

total agreement!



Please dont get burned out, Your group is helping a lot of people, and the

information is being spread around the net.


Here is my personal web site. Its not the best, I am not a computer geek and

had to make this site on my own! But this is close to my heart, and a lot of

people are reading it.


http://www.piczo.com/MercuryPoison?g=7127933 & cr=1



I know its not much, I do write to senators, ( I find it useless in my

state, Burr and Dole are both Neo-Nazi's) And I do send a lot of

information out to my political groups. Strange thing when the Avian Flu

scare was out in Oct, to scare everyone into getting the regular flu shot,

it was the Libs and Dems most scared! So I had to spend a lot of time

sending information out. The Cons, of course worked against me, because some

of them own stock in Pharma. But before you knew it, some of the Libs and

Dems, were starting to send info out about the scare tactics! I got most of

the information from your group! Thanks!!!


Again your group is home base, where we get our information and spread it

around. So dont think your work is in vain. Your work is helping a lot of



Thanks for all your hard work!!







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Thank you for the kick in the butt! I have often

wondered why we aren't all rioting in the streets! If

what happened in Nazi Germeny didn't teach us anything

(and I know that that example is overused and misused,

but it is just too appropriate), then I guess we are

doomed to relive history.


However, I am so sorry to hear your frustration. This

is such a valuable forum. I hope that each of us has

taken what you have said to heart and that each of us

will try to be better group members and contributors.


Please don't lose heart. Remember the point that

Gladwell makes in " The Tipping Point " --one person CAN

make a significant difference. In fact, it is

individuals that do make the difference.


Remember that you are working against terrible

odds--no free press; a government that sees its goal

as destroying the people in favor of the privileged,

big business, and the rich; people who just don't want

to hear or to think of the consequences of doing



--- califpacific <califpacific wrote:


> Dear Group,


> How come most of you don't help carry water?


> The country is burning down and most of you guys

> have your head up

> your arse, standing aound fiddling with your hair,

> and sheepishly

> looking down at the ground in shame.


> No, I didn't ask you to help carry water did I?

> Well, foolish me, I

> thought maybe you might give a shit on your own. You

> are standing in a

> house that is burning down and you have a million

> excuses. I have

> heard a lot of them.


> People write to me with all of their excuses even

> though I didn't

> personally ask them to help. Why would they write?

> The excuses are all

> over the map. I can't post because a, b, c, d, e, f,

> g, etc. I have a

> job, family, old parents, children, lots of money to

> lose, the dog ate

> my courage, etc.


> I hate putting out this group newsletter. There

> wasn't any group at

> the time when I started this group who actually told

> it like it is. I

> have hated it since day one. I hate the obligation.

> I hate the work, I

> don't personally like a lot of the members. I hate

> dumb ass questions.

> I hate lazy, self centered people who come here and

> think that they

> can demand that you please them. The one consolation

> that I have is

> that I get to throw their asses out.


> So, why have I done it for 4 and 1/2 years now.





> Where were you daddy when the house burnt down?

> What were you doing mommy when we had the big fire

> and all was lost?


> Oh, we have a few who piss and moan about things.

> Why isn't someone

> (else) doing something about it? Why isn't the

> opposition party doing

> something? Why aren't the newspapers doing

> something? Why isn't

> someone stopping the allopathic medical machine from

> killing and

> damaging the shit out of everyone. It is all the

> same thing. They

> control your ass, lock stock and barrel. You control

> nothing.



> You complacent little shits. You need to look into a

> mirror.

> Most of you are so spoiled and so self centered

> (real word...selfish,

> egotistical, etc.) to get off your lazy asses to do

> anything but bitch

> about things.


> The secret to taking control of anything is

> information. You all in

> your self centered way want ton's of information to

> help yourself, you

> just want someone else to do the work. Oh, I want my

> country to play

> nice. Oh, mercy me what shall happen to me? I want

> it to be like this

> but I don't want to get of my lazy ass and have to

> do something about

> it, but I will bitch about someone else not doing

> it. It is the same

> way in this group. I have your number as I have

> watched you for years

> now. The major media, big pharma, big medicine, the

> neocons, the food

> industry, the insurance industry, the energy

> industry, all big

> business for that matter has your number too. Go

> look in that mirror

> again. That is the reason that we are in deep shit

> up to our noses.

> They know you. They know how you think. They know

> how you rationalize

> being a weinnie. They know that you over rate

> yourselves on morality,

> intelligence, courage, and most positive aspects.

> They know that you

> avoid looking at yourselves to see any selfishnes,

> shallowness,

> laziness, cowardlyness, etc. They tell you are... so

> smart, so

> goodlooking, so chic, cool, withit, smart,

> knowledgeable, free,

> patriotic, so special, so american, etc. You tell

> yourselves you are so chic, cool, withit, smart,

> knowledgeable, free, patriotic, so special, so

> american, etc. so pretty soon you have

> this information loop between your own thinking and

> what major media

> is feeding you. Every con game in the world has been

> based upon

> telling the mark what he wants to hear. What most of

> you are.. are a bunch of empty headed, egotistical,

> lazy, delusional jerks.


> So what could you have done to help carry water?

> Well you could have

> reposted information to help get it out there to

> others. Answer. Naw,

> I don't like to move much. I kinda like to take it

> easy unless it's

> for moi and then what I really want is for someone

> else to do it for me even then.


> I could have looked up and researched some aspect of

> alternative

> health and shared that information with the group.

> Answer. Naw, it is

> easier just to ask everyone else. But I will

> contribute a one sentence

> answer for someone else's problem, see cause I have

> all these answers

> for others.


> So, now I am asking. I would now like to hear why

> you don't help carry

> water.


> Please write me and tell me all about it. I am

> dieing to hear it.


> Frank,


> P.S. If this message offends you good. You have few

> cells still working.


> If it really offends you, you can leave the

> group...thank you very

> much and don't let the door hit you in the ass on

> the way out. You

> really aren't the kind of person who was welcome

> here anyway.


> Make my day. If you all leave I can finally shut

> this group down and go do something that I would

> like.







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While I agree with what you say - and admire you for your effort, I

disagree with your choice of action.


People have been influenced by 'Mantras' of the

neo-(fascist)conservatives -- " tax and spend liberals " - " no student left

behind " - " clean air act " - " are you for the troops or not? " - on and on.

But that's what good advertisers do - repeat a message so that it becomes

part of the listener. He accepts it as his own. And all of this is based on

a frame of mind realized by controlled news.


Your messages are really good, but too wordy - like my comments now.


My newsletter is trying to make people aware of Big Pharma (the largest

contributor to Bush's people), and I do it with a TELEGRAMEEZE style of

writing - short messages of repeated - and it seems to be working!


I could go on, but I know you get my point. Be sure, Frank, we're with you

and want to help bring sanity to the US.


Jerry Mittelman



" califpacific " <califpacific


Saturday, February 11, 2006 8:59 PM

Dear Group, How come most of you don't

help carry water?

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