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Buzz: Bush Authorized Illegal Personal Black Bag Jobs on U.S. Citizens

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Mon, 20 Mar 2006 03:24:43 -0500 (EST)

" BuzzFlash " <alerts

Buzz: Bush Authorized Illegal Personal " Black Bag Jobs " on

U.S. Citizens




Bush, it now appears, authorized KGB-like " black back jobs, " with law

enforcement authorities breaking and entering into businesses and

homes of U.S. Citizens.


At his infamous hearings hearings on illegal NSA wiretappings,

Gonzales would NOT definitively say that Bush did NOT authorize

illegal NSA wiretapping conducted for partisan purposes. In short, one

can infer that he did allow snooping for political purposes.


Shouldn't that get the Democrats a little riled up, instead of angry

with Russ Feingold for calling for Bush's censure?


Like what would it take for the Democratic leadership in Congress to

really get outraged? Bush on a videotape having sex with a cow on his

ranch? Bush personally strangling a prisoner at Guantanamo who had

nothing to do with Al-Qaeda or the Taliban?


No, the Democratic leadership in Congress would probably say that, " We

aren't in a position to judge until hearings are held. " Of course, the

Democrats know that the Republicans will never allow hearings to be

held. Cults don't expose their leader.


Like how much more damage to America's interests will it take before

the Dems in leadership positions see Bush as the guy to get lathered

up about, not Dems who are trying to save the nation?


Exactly, why does the Democratic leadership keep thinking an

opposition party will come along to save THEM and America?


Would someone tell them that they are the opposition party -- and that

an unfit commander in chief is in the White House doing illegal things

and shredding the Constitution?


Please, someone tell them. But first get rid of all those Gucci-

loafered, losing political consultants that they use.


What a bunch of pocket stuffing wimps.


Four Alarmer: It Appears Bush Allowed Illegal Physical " Black Bag "

Searches of American Citizens

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Murtha rips up the " it's the media " defense: " They said the same thing

about Vietnam. They said the same thing over and over and over about

Vietnam. They said we're winning the war in Vietnam. You could go back

and get quotes from Vietnam and you'll see the same kind of reports.

The media is the one that's distorting. Everything is going fine in

Vietnam. Well, everything is not going fine in Iraq. They have to

realize it. "

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BuzzFlash.com. Outrage Matters. We Need Your Dollars. It's That Simple.

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BuzzFlash Guest Contribution

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Troops by Bringing Them Home Safe and Sound. Three Years Later, It is


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