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And Now: He-e-e-e-re’s Georgie! —

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Sat, 1 Apr 2006 03:16:31 -0800 (PST)

And Now: He-e-e-e-re's Georgie! —







And Now: He-e-e-e-re's Georgie!

by Jack Kenny



It was a tough decision, but I resolved this year to stay off the

Internet on April 1.


— It's too difficult to tell the real news from the April Fool jokes

these days.


Yes, as a comedian said years ago,

" Satire doesn't stand a chance against reality anymore. "


Even the reigning wits of late night comedy – Leno, Letterman, et al.

– must be finding it difficult to say things about what President Bush

says that are funnier than the presidential statements themselves.


Take, for example, this recent headline:

" Bush predicts mayhem in Iraq. "

— Wow! — No kidding. —

— Whose Phone do you suppose he had to Tap to get that information?


Yes, the Republicans, who used to be quite dull,

have become very entertaining.

You might say they're the life of the party.

To borrow a phrase from the president himself, don't

" misunderestimate " them.


Their comedic talents are considerable.

In fact, I sometimes think the whole Bush administration

should named Alice, after Ralph Kramden's wife in Jackie Gleason's

famous sitcom, " The Honeymooners. "


Remember how funny Alice was? ( " Oh, you're a riot, Alice! You're a riot! " )

And, of course, Republicans are very big on space travel, which also

brings the Kramdens to mind. ( " To the moon, Alice! Pow! Zoom! To the



Maybe Bush, who always seems to have time for long weekends and

extended vacations at the ranch, could do a little moonlighting as a

late night comic himself.

— Sure, why not? — Eliminate the middleman. —

Why have Jay Leno tell us about the hilarious things Bush says,

when we can get it straight from the horse's… well, you know.


Bush could walk out on stage and begin the monologue with something

like this:


" Today, we had a meeting at the White House of some of the top

educators from all around the country and I asked them the one

question that nobody's been askin':

— Is our children learning? "

Then he can look genuinely surprised and puzzled when the audience

starts laughing.

It will all come so naturally to him.


Or he could talk about how hard he's working to strengthen the

economy to " put food on the American people. "


Or he could tell us how he has warned " outsiders " not to meddle in

the internal affairs of sovereign Iraq.


Again, the laughter will likely take him by surprise and when he

reacts with surprise it will evoke further laughter.


Or he might explain how we are waging war in various parts of the

world to spread democracy, because democracies are more peaceful.


Democratic governments don't invade their neighbors or spy on their

own citizens.

— More laughter. — More surprise, evoking still more laughter. —


Eat your heart out, Leno.


Or, given his obvious powers of prognostication, Bush might be able

to find work as a meteorologist for one of the TV stations in a major

metropolitan area.


Surely anyone who, at this point, could predict mayhem in Iraq

(previous forecasts of " cakewalk " being no longer operative),

wouldn't need all those maps and charts and barometers and so forth.


He could merely stick his head out the window, bring it back in

soaking wet and make a " prediction " of rain.


This is not to suggest that Bush has a monopoly on comic talent in

Washington. Heavens, no!

His own party still talks about fiscal conservatism

in the face of budget deficits of $400 billion or more every year.


" Limited government " and federalism are still " talking points "

when the centerpieces of the Bush administration's domestic program

are the No Child Left Behind Act and the prescription drug benefit

under the Great Society's Medicare program.


And the Bushites are a riot ( " a riot, Alice! " )

when they talk about our troops defending our freedom in Iraq.


Who in Iraq was attacking Americans or our freedoms before our troops


— Never mind, I can't talk now. —

— I'm laughing too hard. —


April 1, 2006

Manchester, NH, resident Jack Kenny [send him mail] is a freelance

writer. 2006 LewRockwell.com


All Links at:

Jack Kenny Archives


Yes, as And Now: He-e-e-e-re's Georgie

Should he be a standup comic?

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Budgets

Jack Kenny on those frugal Republicans.

Censuring the Commander-in-Death

Jack Kenny on the mixed-up Frist.

Jonah and the Big Fish Story

Jack Kenny is cheering for the fish.

One Vietnam Vet to Another

Jack Kenny on the Iraq disaster.

Boy George

Who's your daddy?

Welcome to the Brrrrr! Series

Jack Kenny on the hockeyfication of baseball.

Anyone Want a (Slightly) Used Constitution?

The Worst Branch?

Jack Kenny on the courts.

Bush Discredits Everything

Even the Bushes.

'The Yig Is Up'

Jack Kenny on the Republicans.

Our Flunkies Is Leakin'

Thoughts from the Oval Office, by Jack Kenny.

Log Cabin Grammarian

Jack Kenny on where wings take minds with Bush.

The Regime-Change Reverend

And his pistolero plans for peace.

Don't 'Support the Troops'

It means shutting up.

More to Life Than Baseball?

Sez Who?

Weeping on CSPAN

Jack Kenny watches our rulers.

Letter to a Bushmonger

Jack Kenny on the injustice of this war.

Nobody Died in Rathergate

Unlike in Iraqgate.

Rewriting History

Bush and company want you to forget what they said.

Government Attacks Church

No separation now.

The Bad News

The Bush doctrine will work.

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