Guest guest Posted April 3, 2006 Report Share Posted April 3, 2006 MAXIMUM CONTAMINANT LEVEL ALLOWED IN U.S. DRINKING WATER: JoAnn Guest Apr 02, 2006 16:32 PDT ==================================================================== Water, water, everywhere, but none fit to drink. Less than 1 percent of the world's water is suitable for drinking. About 80 percent of the world's diseases are linked to impure water. Don't think modern man is immune from the effects of contaminated water. Chlorine, one of the most toxic chemicals on the planet, when added in small amounts to tap water, prevents the problem of typhoid and dysentery that still plague mankind in undeveloped populations. But chlorine produces its own by-products when combined with organic materials. These toxic chlorine by-products accumulate in organs like the kidneys or bladder that filter or store water. The result is an increased risk of bladder and kidney cancer. Some experts estimate more than 20,000 cases of these types of cancer occur annually from water chlorination. If you drink tap water, and you don't filter out the chlorine at the faucet, over the long haul you are exposing yourself to an avoidable health risk. This is not to mention the problem of cryptosporidium, a nasty parasite which cannot be killed by chlorine and which has contaminated various municipal water supplies, resulting in sickness and even death. Filter your tap water! As for all that hype about distilled water, think again. Distilled water kills all the undesirable organisms, but it also removes essential minerals, not only required for taste, but also for health maintenance. Tap water is softened by adding sodium, to replace calcium and magnesium, so we will not have scum on our bathtub and our skin after showering, so that our water heaters won't develop sediment, and so our dishwashers and clothes washers will produce sudsy water. So tap water is really designed for washing machines and water heaters, not humans!! We pay the price for drinking soft water with high blood pressure --- a malady that strikes 50 million Americans. We have so over-loaded our canned foods and water with sodium that it is nearly impossible to reduce salt consumption below 3000-4000 milligrams per day. If Americans consumed less than 2300 milligrams of salt per day, hypertension would probably cease to exist. Filtering your water at the tap won't alter its mineral content. Distilled water has no sodium, but it doesn't have any of the electrolyte minerals, calcium and magnesium, that are so important for proper heart function and bone formation. Drinking water without calcium and magnesium is asking for problems like kidney stones, osteoporosis and even sudden death heart attack! The best source of water is bottled spring water, that is, if you can find a bottled mineral water that is low in sodium, rich in magnesium, and balanced with calcium. That is really a difficult task, one that has led me on a worldwide search. To find out more, read my upcoming book IN PURSUIT OF THE WORLD'S BEST WATER. ===================================================================== EVEN GOOD CHOLESTEROL CAN BE BAD IF THE BODY'S DEHYDRATED We know that cholesterol has many important jobs. It is necessary for making hormones, insulation for nerves, and the membranes of all our cells. But in a condition of chronic dehydration, water is constantly being pulled out of our cells, for the body's many operations. To protect the cells from losing too much water, cholesterol is poured between the cracks of the cells, as a sort of protective sealant between cell membranes. (Batmanghieldj, p 83) Many people who eat a lot of eggs can still have normal blood cholesterol, as long as they always have plenty of water. The body only feels the need to seal off the cell membranes with cholesterol if there's a reason to conserve water. Thus high cholesterol. In the hydrated body, there's no excess cholesterol production. THIRST QUENCHERS When we're thirsty, we don't drink water. We drink coffee and Coke and diet Dr. Pepper and ice tea and beer and milk and anything else we've been conditioned to buy. And we tell ourselves we don't need to drink water because all these beverages have water in them. Right? Wrong. It's a long story, but the punchline is this: all these drinks are actually diuretics - they make the cells and the body lose water. The sugar and caffeine in those drinks pull water out of the cells in order to maintain the delicate pH and electrolyte balance in the blood. Result: cell dehydration. Cell dehydration is the #1 cause of aging. Also a big contributor to degenerative diseases, like arthritis, hypertension, and diabetes. One way to tell if you're dehydrated is to check the color of the urine. If it's dark all the time, you're probably dehydrated. It's a good bet that one of the above drinks is your beverage of choice. Only one solution: TWO LITERS A DAY It's no picnic. Unless you already have this custom, drinking two liters of water a day takes effort. That's a least eight large glasses full. Every day. It takes planning and discipline. But it's cheap and harmless, and if you have any health problem whatsoever, including premature crowsfeet, you owe it to yourself to give this self- evident shotgun approach a try. In the unlikely event that it " doesn't work' after two months, something else needs to be tweaked. Probably in the dairy or sugar category. I know - you're thinking you'll be spending your life in the bathroom if you drink 2 liters a day, right? Funny thing is, the bladder is a muscular organ. Like any other muscle, it weakens with inactivity and strengthens with use. The more water you drink, the more the strength and capacity of the bladder will increase. So very soon you won't have to make extra trips to the bathroom, even though you'll be drinking more water. Think of all the people who dehydrate themselves just because they wish to avoid the bathroom. Where are our priorities? Where is our education? Water is cell life. Two liters is the intake necessary to maintain normal good health. If you want to get into anti-aging applications, intake goes up to THREE liters. Obviously this is something you'd have to work up to. But for maximum hydration of skin cells, three is the number. -- Do You Drink Living Water? -- Not only should we put the kind of food into our bodies that will provide high quality fuel with few toxins, we also must of necessity provide our bodies with clean water that is free of toxins. Living water is water that is free of toxins and contains nutrients that the body requires for health. Living water brings life to the body, while " dead " water brings death to the body. The EPA has set standards for only 7 of the 70,000 toxic chemicals used in water treatment. However, only 50 of the 79,000 regulated public water systems in the United States use activated carbon filters. Without activated carbon filters, the majority of chemical contaminates are not removed. What kind of chemical contaminants are we talking about, and what are their effects? In my opinion, the number one contaminant in water today is the fluoride added to our drinking water. It is causing serious and massive health problems in people who do not even suspect that it might be a cause. In addition, most physicians are unaware that fluoride poses significant health risks, even though numerous articles have appeared in mainstream medical journals during the last decade about fluoride's dangers, and the largest study of the effect of fluoride on children's teeth showed that use of fluoride did not significantly reduce cavities. According to the book Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic. The US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has classified fluoride in the top 20 substances most dangerous to human health. Even extremely small amounts of fluoride can damage the immune system, inhibit the action of enzymes, create arthritic conditions or encourage pre-existing ones, and cause dental fluorosis in children. Fluoride has been shown to have a direct relationship to depression and symptoms of hyperthyroidism. It also has the ability to transform normal cells to cancer cells. This has been confirmed by research. It is also a cumulative toxin, meaning it is stored in the body until it reaches levels toxic enough to effect health (and it doesn't take long to reach that level). What is fluoride exactly? It is derived from the element fluorine, which is a corrosive, yellow gas. For this reason, when it is found in nature it is always combined with minerals. It is considered an environmental pollutant, a by-product of the aluminum, steel, phosphate-fertilizer, glass, cement and other industries. The dumping of this substance into the environment in the past caused the destruction of crops and animals, and many lawsuits ensued. However, in an interesting turn of events, the public was convinced that fluoride was a valuable and necessary nutrient, and instead of dumping this lethal compound into the environment, they began dumping it into the water supply. It saved them millions of dollars. Even though most chemical contaminants, such as chlorine, are removed by an activated charcoal filter, fluoride is NOT removed without a reverse-osmosis type filter. The concentration in water is supposed to be only 1 ppm (parts per million). However, in toothpaste it is 1000 ppm and in fluoride dental rinses it is 10,000 ppm. So not only should fluoridated water be avoided, but any fluoridated dental product. Lead is another extremely potent poison. The EPA estimates that 40 million Americans have excess lead in their drinking water, and it has been estimated that 60 to 80 percent of all cancers are the result of toxic chemicals in our air, water, and food. Lead poisoning can result in birth defects, mental retardation, high blood pressure, hyperactivity, and other brain and nervous system problems. According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, a dosage of lead which would have little effect on an adult can have a huge effect on a child, so children, infants, and fetuses are the most vulnerable. Infants who receive formula get 40 to 60 percent of their lead intake from the water mixed with the formula. Also, children who are in periods of rapid growth absorb any lead present in their diet more rapidly than anyone else would. Often, the symptoms of lead poisoning are mistaken for flu or other common illnesses. Sometimes, there are no symptoms at all. Among the chemicals used in the treatment of water are chlorine and alum (form of aluminum). Autopsy reports on Alzheimer's patients found 70% more aluminum in the brain than that of someone that did not suffer from Alzheimer's. Alum contributes to aluminum toxicity, which has been identified as a possible contributor to Alzheimer's disease. Of course, there is no EPA standard for aluminum. Many are sensitive to chlorine and become ill when consuming it through the water faucet. Furthermore, chlorine is know to react with organic compounds, forming THM (trihalomethanes), which are known to cause various types of cancer. Drinking tap water has been linked to bladder cancer in 10 out of the 11 studies researched on this subject. Also, the combination of chlorine and cholesterol in the diet (not cholesterol by itself) has been linked to increased heart problems. So, it is obvious that we want to avoid unfiltered water. It is preferable to have a system that uses both activated charcoal and reverse osmosis. What validation is there for the claims I have made? Here are some links that you can read for yourselves. Each link contains many more that you can follow, and I hope you will. Toxic Chemicals in Your Water Coronaries/Cholesterol/Chlorine - By Dr. Joseph M. Price, M.D. Environmental Research Foundation - Dangers of Chlorine in Water Canada - Scientific Proofs of the Dangers of Chlorine Drinking Water Contaminants The Dangers of Fluoride and Fluoridation - Michael Schacter, M.D. Hidden Dangers in Your Drinking Water and Toothpaste Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluorides There is much more that I could have included. I hope you will see just how dangerous these contaminants can be, and will avoid them. Now....assuming you are able to purify your water to the point that it is safe to should add to it some ionic trace minerals. The reason is, water that does not contain minerals leaches minerals from your body. Water should be " living " , not devoid of nutrition. Why? Because all water that exists in nature contains some kind of minerals. Not colloidal, those cannot pass through the cell membrane because of their size....only minerals dissolved in ionic solution can pass back and forth through the cell membrane freely. How much water should we drink? Take your weight, divide by two, and this will tell you the MINIMUM number of ounces to drink per day. The more you weigh, the more water you need to drink. I hope you will choose to drink living water, the only kind of water that can nurture your body. =================================================================== Fluoridation / Fluoride --Toxic Chemicals In Your Water -- Fluoride compounds which are put in water (fluoridation), toothpaste and supplement tablets (including some vitamins) were never tested for safety before approval. Recent independent research by scientists not associated with dental trade organizations has shown the following: Neurotoxic and Lowers IQ In 1995, neurotoxicologist and former Director of toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center in Boston, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix published research showing that fluoride built up in the brains of animals when exposed to moderate levels. Damage to the brain occured and the behavior patterns of the animals was adversely effected. Offspring of pregnant animals receiving relatively low doses of fluoride showed permanent effects to the brain which were seen as hyperactivity (ADD-like symptoms). Young animals and adult animals given fluoride experienced the opposite effect -- hypoactivity or sluggishness. The toxic effects of fluoride on the central nervous system was subsequently confirmed by previously-classified government research. Two new epidemiological studies which tend to confirm fluoride's neurotoxic effects on the brain have shown that children exposed to higher levels of fluoride had lower IQs. source: EPA National Primary Drinking Water Standards ( July 1987) ARSENIC _______ 50 PARTS PER BILLION LEAD___________15 PARTS PER BILLION FLUORIDE _____4000 PARTS PER BILLION Remember this citation: " Fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just less poisonous than arsenic. " - Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products - 1984 What's wrong with this picture? --- The tap water in this country seems to have a few problems: --- organochlorines fluoride PCBs THMs heavy metals resistant biologicals You'd think that since we created the problem, we could fix it. But even if Greenpeace or someone took over the government of the world tomorrow and stopped all further pollution tonnage, it would be years, decades before the water would be like it was before the Industrial Revolution. These contaminants will be around for centuries. By now everyone knows what the concept of half-life means. Different data sources, different time frames, but one thing is certain: the water cannot be cleaned up in our lifetime, no matter what is done. Writing a sentence like that is a shocker. Where is my ninja team? So what can we do? Don't drink the tap water for starters. But does that also mean don't wash vegetables, make ice cubes, or cook with tap water? Yes, it does, because heat doesn't destroy fluoride, heavy metals, or other contaminants. Remember the word bioaccumulative. - L. Alesen, MD, president of the California Medical Association Robotry, p14 " Fluoridation is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has. " - Albert Schatz, PhD Nobel Laureate for discovering streptomycin quoted in Sutton's Fluoridation:The Greatest Fraud " More people have died in the last 30 years from cancer connected with fluoridation than all the military deaths in the entire history of the United States. " - Dean Burk, PhD National Cancer Institute--Fluoridation:A Burning Controversy Why do we never hear any of this? -- IT ISN'T JUST THE WATER --- Adding fluoride to the drinking water causes bioaccumulation in our cells, year after year. If fluoride is in the water, it's everywhere: growing vegetables and fruit washing vegetables and fruit in the meat of animals who have drunk fluoridated water in toothpaste in canned foods in processed foods in soft drinks in beer A 1998 laboratory analysis done at Sequoia Analytical Labs in California showed very high concentrations of fluoride in the following foods: Dole pineapple, canned - Snapple - Coke Classic - Hansen's soda - Minute Maid orange juice - Gerber strawberry juice for babies - Amstel Lite beer - Rice Dream - Sunny Delight orange drink - Pepsi Another analysis done in 1998 by Jupiter Environmental Labs in Florida showed similar findings: food..................fluoride in PPM (parts per million) Gerber White Grape juice____ 3.5 Gatorade_________________________.44 Diet Coke_______________________1.12 Lipton Ice Tea___________________.58 Sprite___________________________.73 Hawaiian Punch___________________.85 Last one for now. A study in the Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry: food ----------------fluoride in PPM (parts per million) Welch's 100% Grape juice_____2.6 Ocean Spray Cranapple________1.8 Hi-C Apple-grape_____________1.16 Minute Maid Grape____________1.25 Minute Maid White Grape______3.0 Gerber's White Grape_________6.8 And it's not just the juices: Froot Loops cereal was found to have 2.1 ppm by Expert Chemical Analysis of San Diego. These are just a few examples of fluoride levels in some common grocery store items consumed by most Americans. The point is that there's an notable fluoride content in many, if not the majority of processed foods in our refrigerators and pantries. That's not mentioning our fruits and vegetables, even if they're " organic' but grown with city water. --- Buy a filter or be a filter. " That's one company's slogan. Today there is enough grassroots consciousness about the dangers of tap water that cheap carbon filters are now available in any hardware store which attach easily to the kitchen faucet. It is likely that such filters get rid of most of the chlorine - for awhile. But to really get the resistant biologicals, the fluoride, heavy metals, and other contaminants, the customer may consider one of the high-end drinking water filters. These cost between two and four hundred dollars and come in models for both over and under the sink. Names like Alpine, MultiPure, and Spectrapure are among the dozens of brand names that have come along during the past 20 years. Multipure seems to be far out front at this time. Everyone claims to be the best, of course, but we can find some important similarities in their advertising. When you begin to compare the better water filters, you notice common concerns: chlorine THMs chloriform chloramines cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia cysts fluoride pesticides and toxic chemicals heavy metals minerals MTBEs nitrates Killing microbials is not a big deal since most of that's been done by chlorine. Most contaminants are removed by the better filters. The problem when choosing a filter seems to come down to four main concerns: fluoride, minerals, THMs, and nitrates. Difficult to find one filter that does everything: many reverse osmosis filters take out most contaminants, but also the healthy minerals. Many of the high-end carbon filters will not remove fluoride or nitrates, but leave the healthy minerals. Fluoride is obviously a biggie. Find out if the filter you are about to buy removes fluoride, and what percentage. After what we've learned about fluoride, we should expect a filter to remove it, wouldn't you say? Problem is: the demand. Due to fluoridiot propaganda, most Americans don't even realize fluoride is bad, and therefore don't think about it when considering a water filter. NSF is a third-party non-profit testing agency that has been rating water filters for the past 50 years. Always ask - is it NSF- certified? For what? Don't be fooled if they say " NSF-tested.' Big difference. Minerals is an area of some controversy. You've got the hard water / soft water debate. Hard water has more minerals in it, which obviously is better for the bones and teeth, and probably for the heart as well. That makes sense, although as we saw in the Minerals chapter, elemental minerals are the least absorbed of all types. Elemental means from rocks, and that's the kind that would be in spring water, and therefore in filtered water, except for reverse osmosis. In my opinion, hard water is better than distilled. Most naturopaths and holistic nutritionists don't like distilled water because they say it leaches minerals from the bones and teeth. In general, that seems logical, although Dr. Y says it doesn't make any difference unless the person is extremely malnourished. The truth is, no formal studies comparing distilled with mineral water have been done, so it's all pretty theoretical. But thinking about the Hunzas and their 120-year lifespan that was attributed to the glacial mineral waters they drank, one can see the value of minerals in drinking water. A high-end water filter should take this discussion into consideration and give reasons about the importance or unimportance of filtering out certain minerals. Comes down to a choice: reverse osmosis or carbon block. With reverse osmosis you've got no fluoride filtration, no minerals, and wasting about 4-9 gallons to get one gallon of pure water. (A'o, p72) With most high-end carbon mesh filters, you can get rid of everything but fluoride, and you'll still have minerals. These are questions for the filter sales force. Make " em dance for you. Caveat emptor - only 5 states have any regulations about what water filter manufacturers can say. On the Internet - it's a total jungle! There is one excellent little book which can save a lot of research time: Don't Drink the Water. The author goes into great detail in comparing the attributes and quality of the basic filter units. He points out the advantages of placing a KDF filter before the carbon filter in order to insure that bacteria won't begin to grow within the carbon. Bottom line in my opinion, if you want to solve the whole filtration question, just buy a Multipure and put in under the sink. (1 831 763 1967) Next problem. THE REST OF THE ICEBERG Sorry if this chapter has been Information Overload. The materials cited really only scratch the surface of the research that has been done in these areas. The purpose of the chapter has been to acquaint the reader with some of the basic issues in regard to drinking water, issues which are systematically hidden from the media, for obvious reasons. Prove them wrong, if you can; just don't pretend like these problems don't exist. When you read something that proclaims the purity of tap water or the importance of fluoride, maybe now you will notice how studies are claimed but never cited. Look behind what you read and try to see the persuasive tactics of Freud's nephew. Appreciate the mastery of an art. The physiological importance of hydration has really been glossed over by doctors and nutritionists, not on purpose, but simply because it's not taught. The ideas of Dr. Batmanghelidj must be confronted - either he's right or else there's a major gap in our health information. It's unfortunate that the sludge of politics has to be hauled into a discussion of water purity. But once you discover how and why our water got this way, the political influences are like an elephant in the living room - pretty hard to ignore. Not exactly hot news; politics has been controlling science ever since they locked Galileo in that high-rise jail for discovering the earth went around the sun. Which is why you shouldn't expect much support if you try to discuss or substantiate what you've just learned in this chapter. Lemmings know what lemmings are told. The rest of the iceberg is left to you. This chapter is just the briefest glimpse of the top part. With a little follow-up, perhaps you won't make the same mistake the captain of the Titanic made: thinking that there's nothing in the water that can hurt you. DELAYED REACTION Tim O'Shea As California Medical Association president Dr. Alesen points out, concentration in parts per million sidesteps the issue, regarding something that accumulates in the body year after year. The EPA is comparing fluorine to vitamins, for which there are minimum daily requirements. But vitamins are completely used up in a day or less. They don't accumulate. In addition, setting an arbitrary level of 1 PPM fluoride in the drinking water provides for a wide variation in toxicity: some people drink half a glass of water per day, while others drink two liters. This idea is a very big deal when you're talking about something that never goes away in the body. Fluoride poisoning can be disguised - diseases like skeletal fluorosis may take 25 or 30 years to appear, since accumulation of fluoride in the bones is slow and gradual. (Shortt) _________________ JoAnn Guest mrsjo- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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