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When Your Not Bipolar Like They Said

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I have not known National Public Radio (NPR) to closely follow the

annual meetings of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Maybe

I just missed it, but I haven't noticed Carl Kasell roaming around

the 15 conventions I've attended. Hence my surprise to hear a report

on May 6, 2008 entitled " Study: Doctors overdiagnosing bipolar

disorder. " The interviewer described a study presented at the recent

APA annual meeting by Brown University psychiatric researchers in

which about 50% of patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder by

community psychiatrists, upon careful re-examination by research

psychiatrists, were deemed to fail to meet DSM-IV definitions of

bipolar disorder. Hence, bipolar disorder is overdiagnosed.


This seems straightforward and worthy of reportage; after all, one

can then blame the pharmaceutical industry for hyping up this

diagnosis, as with so many others, to sell their harmful poisons,

creating profits for Wall Street, irrespective of the weight gain,

diabetes, and other side effects suffered on Main Street. So went

the reporting - albeit with some equal time given later in the piece

to researchers on bipolar disorder who cautioned that the illness is

difficult to diagnose, and that many patients are also

underdiagnosed as having other conditions.

I had the opportunity to see the study described in the piece months

before the APA, at another research conference, and I gave the

researchers the feedback I am about to write here. It could be I am

wrong; or it could be that criticism is hard to hear. Either way, I

will risk repeating my view, since I think there is a major

scientific mistake here.


What is wrong with the Brown study? It seems like straightforward

overdiagnosis. Well, it may represent misdiagnosis, but whether it

is overdiagnosis needs to be shown in another way. Overdiagnosis

means that it is made more than others: where is the control group

which is underdiagnosed, and mistakenly labeled bipolar, by

contrast? There was none.


Perhaps more importantly - and this is the critique I made directly

to the researchers, to no apparent avail - the study mistook

reliability and validity, two terms that need definition.

Reliability means (in this case) that two doctors call an illness

(say, bipolar disorder) the same thing; what they call it may be

right or wrong (their definitions may or may not be right) but at

least they agree on what to call it (their definitions). Validity is

about whether their definitions are right or not.


This study assessed reliability - to what extent doctors agree - not

validity - how frequently clinicians are wrong.


Put another way: This study shows that when people are called

bipolar, they do not have it half the time. (The same applies for

all psychiatric conditions, see below). But many other studies show

that when people actually have bipolar disorder, they are not

diagnosed with it about half the time.


This is the problem, then: There is disagreement about diagnosis of

bipolar disorder, but it still remains underdiagnosed, not



Now the explanation:


Reliability studies start with a group of diagnoses, which may or

may not be correct, as with the Brown study. This group of patients

was seen as bipolar by clinicians. Then researchers (or a second

group of clinicians) reassess the same patients with what is our

current gold standard (a research diagnostic interview with DSM-IV

criteria). They disagreed about 50% of the time. That looks bad. But

the claim that it represents overdiagnosis of bipolar disorder runs

aground on the fact that such data also exist with similar results

when the initial diagnosis by clinicians is unipolar depression, or

schizophrenia, or alcoholism, or obsessive compulsive disorder, or

(for that matter) congestive heart failure. In the real world

clinical practice of psychiatry (and much of medicine), doctors

frequently disagree. Reliability of clinical diagnoses for any

psychiatric diagnosis is rarely more than 50%. In one large

community-base study (the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study, ECA),

reliability of psychiatric diagnoses ranged from 5-35%. Thus, all

diagnoses are overdiagnosed!


But that conclusion is mistaken too. To claim the wrong diagnosis

(whether over or under), we must claim validity. We must know

whether or not the diagnosis is valid, before we can tell whether it

is being over or underdiagnosed. We need to start with valid

diagnoses of bipolar disorder, and then assess past clinician's

diagnoses to see whether they were right - not the other way around,

as was done in the Brown study (and indeed in most studies claiming



Here is proof of underdiagnosis: a validly diagnosed bipolar sample

would have been diagnosed, in part, as having other conditions by

past clinicians. Here is proof of overdiagnosis: a validly

diagnosed bipolar sample would have been diagnosed, almost always,

as having bipolar disorder by past clinicians, and validly diagnosed

other conditions (like schizophrenia or unipolar depression) would

have been diagnosed, in part, as having bipolar disorder by past



That is the way to do it: yet no such study has ever been done that

shows overdiagnosis of bipolar disorder. In contrast, a few such

studies have been conducted and shown underdiagnosis of bipolar

disorder, and overdiagnosis of schizophrenia, unipolar depression,

or ADHD. In those studies, only about 40% of persons with bipolar

disorder receive that diagnosis despite repeated manic episodes.

They are misdiagnosed with the other conditions, receive the wrong

medications (antidepressants, stimulants, or antipsychotics instead

of mood stabilizers), and lead miserable lives for, on average, a

decade, seeing over 3 psychiatrists, before they get correctly



Doctors may call conditions bipolar that are not bipolar, just as

they call conditions congestive heart failure that are not

congestive heart failure (unreliability), but they also consistently

and demonstrably fail to diagnose bipolar disorder when it exists,

while diagnosing other conditions (like depression or ADHD) not only

in those who have them but in those who have bipolar disorder



My experience supports the scientific literature just described:

I've seen about a thousand such patients in the last decade, and

I've seen their lives turn around when they get off the wrong drugs

and get on the right ones.


This aversion towards bipolar disorder is a matter of some cultural

interest. It is an historical fact, worthy of note, that bipolar

disorder has generally not been commonly diagnosed. It was first

described 150 years ago by French and later German psychiatry

(especially Emil Kraepelin, pictured), much as it is now. (NB: There

were no functional pharmaceutical companies in that era).


But for much of the 20th century, the most commonly diagnosed mental

disorder, by far, was schizophrenia. In the 1950s, for instance,

when the first antidepressants were developed, the pharmaceutical

industry was relatively uninterested, because schizophrenia was

believed to be far more prevalent. A half century of interest in

depression has followed - and continues: depression received

increasing attention, and a slew of medications were developed and

marketed for it.


Bipolar disorder remained an orphan, with a single generic drug -

lithium - that was hardly marketed and infrequently used. Until the

last decade, other mood stabilizers were not proven or marketed, and

now that some attention is being given to them, academics and

skeptical clinicians raise concerns. The fact remains, though, that

despite being at least as common as schizophrenia (probably more),

and perhaps one-third as common as depression, research funds for,

and scientific studies about, bipolar disorder represent one-fifth

or less of what is spent on, or published in, either schizophrenia

or unipolar depression. Perhaps four drugs now qualify as mood

stabilizers, compared to more than three times as many

antipsychotics or antidepressants respectively. There are about

twenty research centers on bipolar disorder in American

universities, versus hundreds for schizophrenia or depression

separately. The pharmaceutical industry begins research on many

drugs in animal models of depression or psychosis, but hardly ever

mania; thus drugs are rarely specifically developed for bipolar



Too much attention would seem to be the last problem with bipolar



Rather, there seems to be a cultural resistance to the whole

concept, whereas depression or even schizophrenia seem to have been

more palatable to researchers, clinicians and the public. Also,

perhaps the claim of overdiagnosis itself is attractive: people

generally want to be told they are less ill, rather than more. And

attacks on the pharmaceutical industry, though often valid, easily

follow in what seems to have become a sudorific sport.


To sum up: Unreliability, yes (like most psychiatric illnesses);

overdiagnosis, no (unlike many other psychiatric illnesses) - a

century and a half later, and still counting.

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