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Yoga Month: Morning Stretch and Meditation

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Good Morning!


September is yoga awareness month. I am dedicating my writings to the

power of yoga! Yoga has been a huge influence in my life and has

given back to me in so many ways! So this week, I am introducing the

power of yoga and how it may have an influence over you.


Yoga Month: Morning Stretch and Meditation


The word nourishment is an enriching word meaning to promote the

growth and to furnish or sustain with nutriment. This is what we need

everyday. Nourishing the soul, enriching the mind and strengthening

the body.


When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes, while you are

still lying in bed, to gently massage your temples, forehead and back

of your head.


Gently open and stretch your mouth and move your jaw around. Rotate

your eyes around in all four directions. Give yourself a long stretch

by reaching your arms over your head and lengthening your spine.

Rotate your arms at the wrist and feet at the ankles. Roll to a fetus

position and gently push yourself up. Place you feet on the floor and

then take a deep, deep breath. Fill your lungs with a big nourishing

inhale and long exhale. Do this a few more times.


Gently stand and reach your hands up over your head. Reach... then

gently bent slowly at the waist and reach your hands to the floor.

Now do this a few more times each with an enriching inhale and

exhale. Wake up your hamstrings and intercostals as you reach and

stretch. Bend and reach to the sides. Clasp your fingers behind your

back and gently stretch your arms and shoulders back. Deep breaths

EVERY time.


Breath Meditation Flow of energy. Air is the primary nutrient.

Survival without it is measured in minutes. It is so important that

you do it without thinking. Your breathing is the voice of your

spirit. It's depth, smoothness, sound, and rate reflect your mood. If

you become aware of your breath and breathe the way you do when you

are calm you will become calm. Practicing regular, mindful breathing

can be calming and energizing. With the addition of music and it's

rhythm, the " musical breath " can even help stress-related health

problems ranging from panic attacks to digestive disorders. Fall into

the rhythm of the music and breathe. Focus on your breathing and the



Focusing on the breath is one of the most common and fundamental

techniques for accessing the meditative state. Breath is a deep

rhythm of the body that connects us intimately with the world around



Close your eyes, breathe deeply and regularly, and observe your

breath as it flows in and out of your body. Give your full attention

to the breath as it comes in, and full attention to the breath as it

goes out. Whenever you find your attention wandering away from your

breath, gently pull it back to the rising and falling of the breath.

Inhale through your nose slowly and deeply, feeling the lower chest

and abdomen inflate like a balloon. Hold for five seconds. Exhale

deeply, deflating the lower chest and abdomen like a balloon. Hold

for five seconds. Do this three or four times, then allow your

breathing to return to a normal rhythm. You will begin to feel a

change come over your entire body. Gradually you will become less

aware of your breathing, but not captured in your stream of thoughts.

You will become more centered inward. You will just " be there. "



Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac


Therapies for healing

mind, body, spirit

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