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how you can prevent and cure cancer with a bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese.

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(NaturalNews) This article is about how you can prevent and cure cancer with a

bottle of flax oil and a carton of cottage cheese. As incredible as this may

seem, it is a truth that has been well proven and documented. It is also a truth

that has been vigorously suppressed because the cancer industry is big business

at its worst.


You or someone you love may have been diagnosed with cancer, and you are very

much afraid. You have been taught by the disease establishment that you have a

life threatening condition, and you had better sign on for the " standard of

care " treatments before it is too late. Your doctors have thrown all sorts of

frightening statistics at you about what will happen if you don't have immediate

surgery followed by radiation, chemotherapy, and probably a lifetime of

debilitating drug use. You are being pressured to make an immediate commitment

to these toxic treatments.


Your mind is in a whirl, you can't think straight, and you're scared out of your

wits. Now the cancer industry has you right where it wants you. You are in no

condition to investigate alternatives. If you could gather your wits enough to

start investigating what cancer really is and how it should be treated, your

doctors know that you would run from them and their poisons. That's why the

pressure on you is so intense.


So what is cancer really? Does a person get cancer because he is suffering from

a deficiency of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and drugs? Once you realize

that the answer to this question is obviously 'no', you will see that

traditional " standard of care " treatments, even if administered at state of the

art cancer clinics, have no cure to offer you. So there is no rush to sign up

for those treatments. You really can afford to take the time to relax and regain

your composure, and then decide on a rational approach based on alternatives

that do offer you the potential for complete cure. Whether you have a lot of

money or not, and even if you have no health insurance, you really can make a

complete recovery from cancer.


Cancer is an indication that something is drastically wrong with what you are

putting into your body. If you have a family with a high incidence of cancer,

maybe you think cancer is in your genes and you really can't do anything about

it. This is not true. No matter what your genetic makeup, it is the choices you

make that determine whether genes that induce cancer will get switched on.

Cancer is not a deadly disease. Cancer is a life saving wake up call. So, with

all this in mind, let's get back to the flax oil and cottage cheese.


Johanna Budwig


Dr. Johanna Budwig was born in Germany in 1908 and died 95 years later. She

devoted her life to cancer research and was often referred to as the top cancer

research scientist in Europe. She was also a biochemist and physicist who was a

leading authority on fats, oils and nutrition. After original and exhaustive

research which included years of clinical trials, Johanna proved beyond doubt

that unheated and unprocessed flaxseed oil could provide the body with the

essential fatty acids that would replenish the loss of critically needed

phosphatides and lipoproteins missing from the diets of many people of her time

and are missing to an even greater degree in the diets of Americans today.


Through blood analysis of many cancer patients, Johanna determined that cancer

patients were always grossly deficient in these critical nutrients. Blood

samples from all patients with later stage cancer revealed a greenish yellow

substance in place of normal, healthy red oxygen carrying hemoglobin indicating

an inability of the blood to transport oxygen to the cells. After she treated

them for a few months with daily doses of flaxseed oil, their cancer tumors

gradually receded and the unhealthy blood color was replaced by healthy red

blood cells. This change in blood color signaled the rise of phosphatide and

lipoprotein levels.


Her discovery of how to make the fats water soluble was her crowning moment. She

realized that fats become water soluble and able to pass through the cell

membrane only when they are bound to protein. This is where the cottage cheese

comes in. It is the binding of the electron rich fats from the flax oil with the

sulphurated protein from the cottage cheese that ushers these electrons in

through the cell membranes and into the cell walls.


Johanna was adamantly against the use of hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated,

and polyunsaturated fats. She saw the chemical processing of these fats as

damaging to every organ in the body. The heart rejects these fats and they end

up as inorganic fatty deposits on the heart muscle, blocking circulation,

damaging heart action, inhibiting cell renewal and disrupting the normal flow of

blood and lymph fluids.


Johanna's patients were those so terminally ill that traditional medical

practitioners had given up on them, with many having been given only days or

hours to live. She treated these patients with a simple diet based on a

combination of flax oil and quark, the European version of cottage cheese. Her

published research is full of testimonials from people around the world that

were diagnosed with terminal cancer and were completely cured by the Budwig

diet. The benefits of Johanna's research extend to the healing of anyone with

any of the major debilitating diseases.


There are thousands of documented cases of recovery from cancer using the Budwig

protocol. For her research and practice, Johanna was nominated for seven Nobel

Prizes, but was kept from receiving any of them by the German pharmaceutical and

medical industries that subjected her to endless vilification and harassment and

blocked the publication of her writings and clinical studies.


We are the body electric


In addition to compromising the integrity of our cellular membranes, processed

and cooked oils lower the voltage in the cells of our bodies making us highly

susceptible to chronic and terminal disease. Boiled and processed unsaturated

fats have their field of electrons altered and destroyed resulting in the

inability of the cells to fire properly. The ability of fats to associate with

protein and to achieve water solubility in the body is destroyed. When fats are

able to bond with protein to achieve water solubility, they are able to enter

the cells, provide them with oxygen, and restore proper electrical energy

levels. Remember, it is only in an oxygen deficient environment that cancer

cells can thrive.


The proper metabolism of fats affects every vital function and organ of the

body, including cell regeneration and death. When new cells grow there is a

di-polarity between the positive charge of the nucleus and the negative charge

of the cell membrane. During the division phase of the cell cycle, the new or

daughter cell must have enough energy to completely divide off from the old

cell. It is electron rich fatty acids that facilitate this process. When this

process is interrupted because di-polarity is missing through lack of electron

rich highly unsaturated fat, cells do not completely divide from each other.


This process can be reversed by providing the body with food that restores the

ingredients necessary to return di-polarity and resolve the stagnated cell

cycle. The molecular configuration of flax oil, with its two unsaturated fatty

acid components composed of three pi-electron double bonds between atoms of the

molecule is capable of transferring an immense amount of energy, allowing the

body much greater assimilation and transport capacity of oxygen. This causes any

tumors present to dissolve, and the range of symptoms indicating lack of

di-polarity to disappear. Here is an excerpt from Johanna's research:


" The moment two unsaturated double links occur together in a fatty acid chain,

the effects are multiplied and in the highly unsaturated fats, the so called

" linoleic " acids, there is generated a field of electrons, a veritable

electrical charge which can be quickly conducted off into the body, thus causing

a recharging of the living substance –- especially of the brain and nerves. It

is exactly those highly unsaturated fatty acids which play a decisive role in

the respiratory functioning of the body. Without these fatty acids, the enzymes

in the breath cannot function and we asphyxiate, even when given extra oxygen,

as for example in hospitals. The lack of these highly unsaturated fatty acids

paralyses many vital functions. Primarily, it cuts off the air we breathe. "


Let the sun shine in


Johanna also investigated the relationship between fats, electrons, photons, and

the solar energy from the sun. She was aware of the health giving energy of the

sun and its effect on the body. This energy is in part due to the photons in

sunlight which are the purest form of energy. People are meant to be in

relationship with the sun as indicated by their high level of photons. This

concentration of the sun's energy is improved when we eat electron rich food

such as the flax oil, cottage cheese mixture which attracts the electromagnetic

waves of sun beams.


According to Johanna, " Matter always has its own vibration, and so, of course,

does the living body. The absorption of energy must correspond to one's own wave

length. " This is what makes the sun and the human body so compatible when the

body is in proper condition to receive it. Once Johanna's patients were feeling

better, they were instructed to sit in the sun and found it easily tolerated.


Johanna saw the electrons in the food we eat as our resonance system for the

energy of the sun. She viewed the human body as an antenna for the sun and the

interplay of the sun with the electrons in our food as the governing principal

for all vital functions of the body.


What this research means for you


Most of the foods and almost all of the snacks of the American diet contain

boiled or otherwise cooked oils, the oils that have lost their integrity and are

unable to provide the life giving energy and oxygen transport essential to the

proper functioning of your cells. If you have cancer now, have had it in the

past, or wish to prevent it in the future, you must come to terms with this

fact. Your doctor may tell you that what you eat has nothing to do with whether

or not you are a victim of cancer. But nothing could be further from the truth. 



 Muhammad Ahmad Al-Masry

64, Muhammad Korayem Street,

Gomrok, Alexandria, Egypt

Tel: 0020-03-4800555

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