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~~ Replys to The Fine Line With Being Spiritual ~~

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~~ Replys to The Fine Line With Being Spiritual ~~


Hi all,


A week ago now I posted a thred titled The Fine Line..

I have had so so many repsonces and its taken a while to read though

them all... great responces and thank you all very much...


I would like to share one of the replys I received via email from



Hello, there! A friend sent me your thread today and because of the

nature of what I do and where I live I thought it might be

beneficial if I wrote to you!


First off, my name is Jeanne Daniels and I'm a

healer/medium/intuitive reader/hypnotherapist in a small town in

northwestern Wisconsin. I have had an incredibly strong interest in

the metaphysical since I was a little girl with many experiences to

match, but it wasn't until I had a nervous breakdown a few years

back that I finally learned it wasn't just an interest, but rather

who I actually am. It was then that I let myself go further in my

healing studies and took a leap of faith in discovering and losing

fear of what intuitive abilities I have. It wasn't easy...I live in

a town with about 700 people in it...people here have known me and

my whole family my entire life and I was terrified at first at what

people would think as I embarked on and embraced this side of

myself - this authentic part of me that would probably be laughed at

by the majority of the people I live amongst.


Well, to make a long story short, I put myself right out there as

soon as I started working as a spiritual teacher/healer out of my

home. I put myself into mainstream expo's, even local ones, and

sent out e-mails to everyone I knew who might be there just to let

them know so they wouldn't be surprised when they saw what my sign

read if they showed up there. I wasn't looking for permission, but

was simply speaking my truth and saying this is who I am and I have

been happier than I have ever been. No one said a word unless they

were words of support. The same holds true even now.


After some shifting that happened at our home, I was given a big

nudge to work outside of my home and now have an office on the Main

Street of our little town. Again, outwardly I have experienced only

positive response. I know that people talk and do have fear, but it

truly does not bother me or make its way into my reality. I have

also learned not to wonder what's being said or take what is said



I have also spoken to many people about what I do and I don't hide

it...I do gauge other people's comfort levels though and don't bring

it up if I am aware they don't share my beliefs. I don't do that for

my sake...I do it for their's. It keeps my heart open and in doing

so have found that lessens other people's resistance to what I have

to say...they see me rather than what I do and that seems to open a

door for them for exploration and questioning. I don't feel the

need to convince anyone of what I do and respect and honor the

beliefs of other's and I believe that is why I have been shown the

same in kind. There was only one instance where some nearby

churches had issues with a psychic fair held near to their town and

I took it upon myself to meet with them and introduce myself.

People thought I was crazy for doing that, but it was important to

me that I not hide...I went into a meeting with them with the intent

and request to find some way for us all to exist within the same

community even withour differences...they said no. I responded by

simply saying that I would not engage in any kind of battle as I was

there to be an ambassador for peace...that I had no intention of

trying to convince them that I was right and they were wrong and as

such they would not be able to convince me they were right and I am

wrong. That was not my purpose in being there. I was so completely

aware of their fear of my presence and I sat through an hour-long

discussion about how they feel I am doing bad things, even if I

believe I am doing good things, knowing I was safe and protected

and guided by unconditional love. I left there feeling absolutely

liberated and they were still afraid.


So, what it boils down to is seeing each other simply as souls on

this same journey of life which is ultimately a journey of

learning....it's about the process of finding truth and having

respect for those whose truth is different from ours and trusting

that their soul remembers to respect and honor ours even when the

human has forgotten.


I hope maybe this helps a little.


Peace and Blessings~



Jeanne Daniels, CHHP, CHt


Intuitive Readings, Energy Healings, Hypnotherapy

715.566.2532 or 715.866.7080



And here is my reply... I also think this reply will be for everyone

who has posted on this subject...


Hi Jeanne,


Thank you so much for your email, and yes you make perfect sence to

me :D


I do live in the middle of a city in the UK called Derby, and its

hard place to live at times... And I have actually found my own

balance with what I do and know and how I share it... On all



I wrote this post for a number of reasons, partly though personal

experiences that I have over come in time and I would like to think

I may be considered an example o some, as you are with your story...


BUT SO SO SO many people are like that, and I know a lot of them

maybe need to see it writen down, go over this subject and maybe put

things into perspective.... I think some of us do forget that we

started somwhere and have maybe allready been though this....


Hence why I'm posting about it... I would love to use your email if

I may and post it on onebigcircle.org forums where I started this

post so as to maybe help people who are maybe new to spirituality

and could use the advise??


Maybe I'm a little mad but if I collect enough replys such as yours

( well writen and easyly explained ) that it could bring out some of

the closet spiritual people more..... I hope you know what I'm

rambling on about lol....


Thanks again for your email and I will wait your reply as regards to

using your email to help others....


Love and light





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