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Bees & healing the earth

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At 10:53 AM 3/17/07, you wrote:

Hi to

everyone on this list--------I received the following e-mail this

morning. The person's name and e-mail address are withheld for privacy.

This is an important issue--so I thought I would send this out to

everyone. My response is below----------here is the e-mail.

Hi, we need to start sending

frequency blessings for the bees. I have been learning of the die off of

the bees all over the world. It seems that genetically engineered crops

along with numerous pesticides,herbicides, and fungicides are major

reasons for this massive bee die off. You see some crops have had genes

inserted in them that produce pesticides to kill off insect pests. Well

these genetic pesticides are also in the pollen that bees consume and

turn into honey. This weakens the bees and when you combine the various

chemical toxins of pesticides,herbicides, and fungicides to the genetic

engineered crops, it is too much for the bees to handle. We need to start

blessing the bees to be able to detoxify themselves. We need to send

intent for the bees to add to their genes the ability to detoxify

themselves from these man made poisons. Also we need to send love and

healing to the bee spirits of each hive collectively. Each hive of bees

is an individual bee spirit. We need to bless these bee spirits

collectively so they will be increased in lifeforce to thrive again. We

are all dependant on the bees to eat. We need the bees. So we need to

start blessing them. This needs to start immediately to counter those who

want to end the bees, and thereby bring us humans closer to ending. I

think you know what I am saying.

In addition we need to work on sending frequencies to the bacteria

in the soil to be able to break down and detoxify all these chemical

poisons. These chemicals are getting into the water supply thru the soil.

Well please add this intent to your emails and frequency page somewhere.

The more of us who hold these beneficial intents in consciousness, the

more powerful and grounded these blessing become.


.....yes know about the bee problem, etc. Our

Military Remote Viewer, Major Ed Dames saw this happening about 15 years

ago and went public with the news.


I can't say much about this--as many would not

understand--but the bees are not in charge of this---even though they

certainly do their part. They are like 'servants' of another energy. It

is this energy or frequency that is responsible for the

pollination, renewal of crops and seasons ---------and we are working

with that--so if the bees die out--mankind does not. I guess the closest

thing you could call that energy-- would be " Mother

Nature "


There is already intent in place for the

purification of the earth and everything on it and within it. Without

that knowledge and that intent, started many years ago, I don't think we

would be here today.


It would be wonderful if daily everyone

would call in the Spirit of Purification and the Spirit of Perfection

for everyone and everything on this planet and then project the feeling

of gratitude. Everything responds to gratitude. That

would raise the consciousness and vibration of the planet, very quickly.

It would also being Peace and Healing to the earth. Not many are doing

this, or something like it, and that is one of the reasons we are in this



I guess the short response to your e-mail is,

" I'm on it! " However, I have not made a public broadcast

page for this--but I can. When I get the time, I will do that---------and

I will purchase and modify a machine to continuously broadcast the



I'm glad you cared enough to take the time to

compose and send your e-mail. We need more folks like



Love and Blessings,




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Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky








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