Guest guest Posted April 6, 2007 Report Share Posted April 6, 2007 Consumer alert!Beware of The Toxicity of Soy Products Hundreds of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, cognitive, immune system breakdown, and even heart disease and cancer. Contrary to popular belief that soy is a health food, evidence reveals that soy consumption has been linked to numerous disorders, including infertility, increased cancer and infantile leukemia, Type1 diabetes, and precocious puberty in children have been fed soy formula. (early maturation, such as breast development and menstruation as early as 6 years of age). Scientists have known for years that the isoflavones in soy products can depress thyroid function and cause goiters in otherwise healthy children and adults. A combined research team of Cornell University Medical College and Long Island Community Hospital medical experts have found that children who develop Type1 diabetes are twice as likely to have been fed soy formulas as those fed all other foods This confirms concerns based on animal studies raised in the 1980's and 1990s by Health Canada researcher Dr Fraser Scott and led to the American Academy of Pediatrics issuing their warning to pediatricians against any use of soy based formulas. moreWelcome to... Toxicity of Soy (aka: -A free educational web site on the internet since 1996 This site is being continuously updated so check in often to see what's new ---Last update 1/22/2007 Check the list of updates --- Contact Shirley---About Shirley--- Home--- Site map --- search this site USE OF THIS SITE SIGNIFIES YOUR AGREEMENT TO THE DISCLAIMER ---- Don't Forget: Bookmark This Page! Instant Free Translation of this site into: Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Norwegian or ItalianThere is considerable controversy with regard to soy products. One aim of my website is to present views which do not necessarily conform to the views of the establishment. It is very easy to find views which conform to the establishment's views. It is very often difficult to find opposing views. Therefore, you can read the views presented on my website and then visit other websites which present opposing views, and then you can make up your own mind. For example, John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America writes: "There are legitimate questions about certain soyfoods, and much we have yet to learn. Becoming soy-a-holics and automatically downing anything made from soybeans is not the road to health, but neither is shunning and stigmatizing soyfoods. The anti-soy crusade has needlessly frightened many away from a food source that has long been a boon to humankind, a food source that can, if we are respectful of our bodies and of nature, nourish and bless us in countless ways." more Dr. Mercola - "Soy formula is one of the worst foods that you could feed your child. Not only does it have profoundly adverse hormonal effects as discussed above, but it also has over 1000% more aluminum than conventional milk based formulas. Soybeans Can Damage Your Health Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid SoyThe Rise in Soy Allergies In the 1980s, Stuart Berger, MD, labelled soy one of the seven top allergens—one of the "sinister seven"Precocious (Early) Puberty - Beware of infant soy formulas and other soy productsOutbreak of lupus, multiple sclerosis and other immune disorders linked to canola and soyDetoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin.CANOLA OIL: Deadly for the Human Body!The page is loading. Please wait... Excerpt from: Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD "...the soybean contains large quantities of natural toxins or "antinutrients". First among them are potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors are large, tightly folded proteins that are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking. They can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. In test animals, diets high in trypsin inhibitors cause enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas, including cancer. Soybeans also contain haemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. Trypsin inhibitors and haemagglutinin are growth inhibitors. Approximately 25 per cent of bottle-fed children in the US receive soy-based formula - a much higher percentage than in other parts of the Western world. Fitzpatrick estimated that an infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent (based on body weight) of at least five birth control pills per day. Scientists have known for years that soy-based formula can cause thyroid problems in babies." read more "Dr Fitzpatrick's literature review uncovered evidence that soy consumption has been linked to numerous disorders, including infertility, increased cancer and infantile leukemia; and, in studies dating back to the 1950s, that genistein in soy causes endocrine disruption in animals."read moe about the this fascinating document The health claims of the soy industry have one purpose and one purpose alone - to sell more soy! That's why you'll only hear about the benefits of soy from the industry, but Soy Online Services thinks all consumers deserve the right to make an informed choice about what they are eating and feeding to their children, their household pets and their livestock. From the Weston-Price Foundation: Uncovering the truth about soy - Myths and Truths About Soy June 9, 2001 — From tofu and tacos to burgers and baby formula, soy products have swept the nation as a healthy source of high protein, with a reputation for being all natural and all good. But a 20/20 investigation has found that amid all of this praise, some scientists are now challenging this popular wisdom, and suggesting there may be a downside to this “miracle food.” ABC Researchers at Cornell University Medical College said that children who got soy formula were more likely to develop thyroid disease and that twice as many diabetic children had received soy formula in infancy as compared to non-diabetic children. In fact, in other countries such as Switzerland, England, Australia and New Zealand, public health officials recommend highly restricted medically monitored use of soy for babies and for pregnant women. "While even in 1966 there was considerable research on the harmful substances within soybeans, you'll be hard pressed to find articles today that claim soy is anything short of a miracle-food. As soy gains more and more popularity through industry advertising, we are moved once again to raise our voice of concern. Soybeans in fact contain a large number of dangerous substances. One among them is phytic acid, also called phytates. This organic acid is present in the bran or hulls of all seeds and legumes, but none have the high level of phytates that soybeans do. These acids block the bodyís uptake of essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and especially zinc. Adding to the high-phytate problem, soybeans are very resistant to phytate reducing techniques, such as long, slow cooking.Soybeans also contain potent enzyme inhibitors. These inhibitors block uptake of trypsin and other enzymes that the body needs for protein digestion. Normal cooking does not deactivate these harmful "antinutrients," that can cause serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and can lead to chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake.Beyond these, soybeans also contain hemagglutinin, a clot promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. These clustered blood cells are unable to properly absorb oxygen for distribution to the body's tissues, and cannot help in maintaining good cardiac health. Hemagglutinin and trypsin inhibitors are both "growth depressant" substances. Although the act of fermenting soybeans does deactivate both trypsin inhibitors and hemagglutinin, precipitation and cooking do not. Even though these enzyme inhibitors are reduced in levels within precipitated soy products like tofu, they are not altogether eliminated. Only after a long period of fermentation (as in the creation of miso or tempeh) are the phytate and "antinutrient" levels of soybeans reduced, making their nourishment available to the human digestive system. The high levels of harmful substances remaining in precipitated soy products leave their nutritional value questionable at best, and in the least, potentially harmful." Brandon Finucan and Charlotte Gerson moreTHE RISE IN SOY ALLERGIES Soy is one of the top allergens—substances that cause allergic reactions. In the 1980s, Stuart Berger, MD, labelled soy one of the seven top allergens—one of the "sinister seven". At the time, most experts listed soy around tenth or eleventh—bad enough, but way behind peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, shellfish, fin fish and wheat. Today, soy is widely accepted as one of the "big eight" that cause immediate hypersensitivity reactions. Allergies are abnormal inflammatory responses of the immune system to dust, pollen, a food or some other substance. Those that involve an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) occur immediately or within an hour. Reactions may include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, hives, diarrhoea, facial swelling, shortness of breath, a swollen tongue, difficulty swallowing, lowered blood pressure, excessive perspiration, fainting, anaphylactic shock or even death. Delayed allergic responses to soy are less dramatic, but are even more common. These are caused by antibodies known as immunoglobulins A, G or M (IgA, IgG or IgM) and occur anywhere from two hours to days after the food is eaten. These have been linked to sleep disturbances, bedwetting, sinus and ear infections, crankiness, joint pain, chronic fatigue, gastrointestinal woes and other mysterious symptoms. Food "intolerances", "sensitivities" and "idiosyncrasies" to soy are commonly called "food allergies", but differ from true allergies in that they are not caused by immune system reactions but by little-understood or unknown metabolic mechanisms.7–9 Strictly speaking, gas and bloating—common reactions to soy and other beans—are not true allergic responses. However, they may serve as warnings of the possibility of a larger clinical picture involving allergen-related gastrointestinal damage. PROFIT vs RISK The soybean industry knows that some people experience severe allergic reactions to its products. In a recent petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Protein Technologies International (PTI) identified "allergenicity" as one of the "most likely potential adverse effects associated with ingestion of large amounts of soy products". Yet PTI somehow concluded that "the data do not support that they would pose a substantial threat to the health of the US population". This statement is hardly reassuring to the many children and adults who suffer allergies to soy products. And it ignores a substantial body of evidence published during the 1990s showing that some of these people learn for the first time about their soy allergies after experiencing an unexpectedly severe or even life-threatening reaction. Severe reactions to soy are rare compared to reactions to peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish, but Swedish researchers recently concluded that "Soy has been underestimated as a cause of food anaphylaxis" (Foucard T., Malmheden Yman, I., Allergy 1999, 53(3):261-265).11 read the entire article Just How Much Soy Did Asians Eat? In short, not that much, and contrary to what the industry may claim, soy has never been a staple in Asia. A study of the history of soy use in Asia shows that the poor used it during times of extreme food shortage, and only when the soybeans were carefully prepared (e.g. by lengthy fermentation) to destroy the soy toxins. Soy is an important crop on American farms, and there is a strong soy lobby. The health claims of the soy industry have one purpose and one purpose alone - to sell more soy! But scientists have known for years that the isoflavones in soy products can depress thyroid function and cause goiters in otherwise healthy children and adults. Researchers at Cornell University Medical College said that children who got soy formula were more likely to develop thyroid disease and that twice as many diabetic children had received soy formula in infancy as compared to non-diabetic children. In fact, in other countries such as Switzerland, England, Australia and New Zealand, public health officials recommend highly restricted medically monitored use of soy for babies and for pregnant women. Soy also contains a natural estrogen, which is why it is recommended to women at menopause. The president of the Maryland Nutritionists Association, Mary Enig, Ph.D. stated that "The amount of phytoestrogens that are in a days worth of soy infant formula equals five birth control pills." Dr. Enig believes that soy infant formula may be associated with early puberty in girls and slower physical growth in boys. Others say it may effect fertility and normal brain development. reports an ongoing study involving 3,734 elderly Japanese-Americanmen. That research has found that the men who ate the most tofu during mid-life had up to 2.4 times the risk of later developing Alzheimer's disease. Lead researcher Dr. Lon R. White said that men who ate tofu at least twice weekly showed brain aging about five years faster than those who seldom ate tofu. Soy has also been implicated in interference with the absorption of zinc, calcium, protein enzymes and amino acids. Visit Soy Online Services for more information Soy research/references Babies and Soy: A Word of Caution By Katie Mehrer Considering all of soy's health benefits, it is tempting for new and expectant mothers to see soy-based infant formula as a "miracle food" and to stock their pantries sky-high with the stuff. Well, hold on there mama. That most vulnerable member of the population, an infant unable to breastfeed, stands at great risk of developing a serious thyroid disorder due to a diet based entirely on soy formula. That disorder is hypothyroidism, or an under-active thyroid and it is a common cause of fatigue, depression, obesity, constipation, extreme sensitivity to cold and a number of other symptoms, most so common that the disorder can go undiagnosed for years. Precocious (Early) Puberty - Beware of infant soy formulas and other soy products Elaine Hollingsworth, director of the Hippocrates Health Center of Australia and author of Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry, writes about the terrible effects of soy products on children: "I am not exaggerating when I say that HUNDREDS of people have rung me during the past year to tell me about dreadful health problems that started after taking up the soy habit. Serious thyroid malfunctioning is one of the most common complaints. This is not surprising, since it has been known for years that isoflavones in soy can depress thyroid function, causing autoimmune thyroid disease and even cancer. It is a medically recognised fact that our body absorbs significant amounts of what we put on our skin. With Certified Organic food rapidly becoming the nutrition of choice by the health conscious amongst us, why would you accept any less for your skin? of the thyroid. By far the worst calls are from women whose children have been fed soy formula. They tell me heartbreaking stories about baby girls who show signs of early maturation, such as underarm odour, breast development, body hair and even menstruation as early as two, three and four years of age! The risk appears to be greatest in girls who ingest soy formula for nine months or more. In baby boys, 12 months of soy feeding can lead to gross effects by the age of 11 or 12. Breasts can appear and testicles do not develop. Several women have rung asking what to do for these pathetic boys, who refuse to participate in sports, fearing shower-room ridicule, and who will be dependent upon thyroid drugs for life. I can't help, and I don't think anyone can. Nature did not intend infants to be fed hormones, and life-threatening consequences occur when they are. Of course, these horrible problems do not occur with every soy-fed baby, but is it worth taking such a chance? Your child will not thank you, and you may never have grandchildren. Drinking soymilk during pregnancy can cause a failure to produce breast milk, which can lead to feeding the baby soy formula. By far the worst cases of soy damage are reported to us by women who have drunk soy milk while pregnant, and then fed their babies soy formula. This is a deadly combination. These women cannot restrain their tears when describing the dreadful health problems their children have. They keep repeating to me, "I didn't know, I just didn't know, the doctor told me to drink it for my bones and give him soy formula." Soy research/references COT Working Group on Phytoestrogens Draft Report The British government's Committee on Toxicity in Food and the Environment (C o T) has assessed the risks to consumers of the phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in soy foods and other products, especially the risks to infants of hormonal disruption from consumption of soy infant formulas. Chapter 09 - Phytoestrogens and Fertility and Development Chapter 10 - Phytoestrogens and the Thyroid Chapter 11 - Phytoestrogens and CNS and Immune systems Chapter 12 - Phytoestrogens and Osteoporosis Chapter 13 - Phytoestrogens and the Cardiovascular system Chapter 14 - Hormonal Effects Chapter 15 - Phytoestrogens and Cancer . Dr. Whitaker on Puberty It's a common lament among parents that kids today grow up too fast — and they're right. Children today are reaching puberty earlier than previous generations. According to researchers, as many as 35% of children show signs of sexual maturation such as pubic hair or enlarged genitals or breasts before the age of 8! Dr. Mercola - "Soy formula is one of the worst foods that you could feed your child. Not only does it have profoundly adverse hormonal effects as discussed above, but it also has over 1000% more aluminum than conventional milk based formulas." more The Problem of Precocious Puberty Early sexual development, or precocious puberty, is a growing problem around the world; and while endocrine disruptors and oestrogen mimics are implicated, the medical profession generally regards this trend as perfectly normal Possible Legal Action On Medical Problems Caused By Soy The Weston A. Price Foundation is undertaking a new initiative to investigate instances and arrange possible legal assistance for individuals who believe that they or their child may have suffered serious physical or medical consequences as a result of ingesting one or more products containing soy. A growing body of credible medical and dietary research suggests that soy products may cause adverse medical and developmental conditions in susceptible persons, especially children – who in some instances may be affected by soy products consumed either by themselves (for instance, in baby formula) or by their mothers prior to giving birth. more Detoxification Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Naturopaths who hold that illness can be healed by the natural processes of the body are the most vigorous supporters of detoxification, since they believe that the primary cause of disease is the accumulation of uneliminated wastes. When the body's natural cleansing systems are no longer up to the task, proponents of detoxification say everyone should detoxify at some point. Detoxification Methods Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Dr. Ted H Spence, DDS, ND, PhD/DSc, MPH - "Detoxification comes in many forms and refers to many different programs that cleanse the body of toxins. Today, our environment is toxic and the foods we eat, even the air we breathe and the water we drink is laden with chemicals foreign to our system. Therefore, everyone is undergoing some type of detoxification to maintain life and health. Although basic detoxification begins with diet, detox programs may include nutritional fortification for the liver, lungs, kidneys, bowels and blood. Detoxification for the body may refer to the cleansing of the bowels, kidneys, lungs, the liver or the blood, since these are the organs involved in detoxification of chemicals and toxins from the body. The liver acts as an in-line filter for the removal of foreign substances and wastes from the blood. The kidneys filter wastes from the blood into the urine, while the lungs remove volatile gases as we breathe." Do Soy Foods Negatively Affect Your Thyroid? / Downsides of Soy by Mary Shomon It seems that there's isn't a newspaper, magazine or news program that hasn't recently featured a story on the amazing health benefits of soy food products and soy/isoflavone supplements. Soy is promoted as a healthy alternative to estrogen replacement for some women, as a possibly way to reduce the risk of breast cancer, as a way to minimize menopause symptoms, and as a healthier, low-fat protein alternative for meats and poultry. But what all the positive stories fail to mention is that there is a very real -- but very overlooked -- downside to the heavy or long-term use of soy products. Soy products increase the risk of thyroid disease. And this danger is particularly great for infants on soy formula. This is not information that the powerful and profitable U.S. soy industry wants you to know. The sale of soy products is big business, and the increasing demand for soy protein products, soy powders and soy isoflavone supplements is making that an even more profitable business than ever before. Thyroid disorder Two main thyroid disorders: Hyperthyroid and Hypothyroid. The thyroid hormones regulate (1) metabolism, (2) growth and developement,(3) the activity of the nervous system. An under production of these hormones is a hypothyroid condition, while an overproduction creates a hyperthyroid condition. Two main thyroid disorders: Hypothyroid / Hypothyroidism / Under Active Thyroid: Hypothyroidism is an under production of thyroid hormone. The two hormones produced by the thyroid controls the body’s temperature, ability to burn calories, and energy usage. It is estimated that hypothyroidism affects over 13 million people in the USA and even more worldwide, 90% of which are women. One in eight women may develop a thyroid condition at some time in their life usually between the ages of 30 and 50. Under production of thyroid hormoneSymptoms: Fatigue, loss of appetite, overweight, painful PMS, muscle weakness, dry and scaly skin, yellow orange coloration in the skin, particularly palms, yellow bumps on the eyelids, hair loss, recurrent infections, constipation, slow speech, myxedema (drooping and swollen eyes), depression. Most frequent symptoms are: intolellerance to cold and fatigue., A conditon called Hashimoto's disease (allergy to thyroid hormone). More information and Available Supplements Hyperthyroid occurs when tyroid gland produces too much hormone.Speeds up body processes (esp. digestion). Thyroid functions influence pituitary, parathyroid, and sex glands. All may be affected., Results: overactive metabolic state, malabsorbtion of food, increased fat breakdown and cholesterol excretion, increased use of glucose, over stimulation of protein synthesis., Symptoms: Nervousness, irritability, increased perspiration, insomnia and fatigue, weakness, hair loss, seperation of the nails, hand tremors, intolerance of heat, rapid heartbeat, and sometimes protuding eyeballs., The condition is sometimes called thyrotoxicosis, or Grave's disease. More information and Available Supplements Protecting The Thyroid Gland In Radiation Emergencies The toll of thyroid cancer carried by the fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster could have been prevented, new evidence suggests. Governments world-wide are now stockpiling a supplement that protects the thyroid from radiation fallout (radioiodine). Amongst them are Japan, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Sweden, etc., but not the U.S. Learn how to protect your thyroid gland. Soy: The Poison Seed by Dr. William Wong This piece will be short and very much to the point. As Americas largest cash crop soy is being touted as having a myriad of health benefits. Far from! Soy is poison, period! All paid for opinion to the contrary. Attention! Victims of soy products: a research needs your help Have you, or a member of your family suffered adverse reaction to soy products? Sue Dibb in New Zealand, is compiling research material and would like to hear your story. Please contact her: <suedibb Sue is a former panel member of the UK Committee on Toxicity of Foods and Chemicals and is currently with the UK National Consumers' Institute. Cheetahs and Soybeans by Sue Ann Bowling This article is provided as a public service by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, in cooperation with the UAF research community. Dr. Sue Ann Bowling is an Associate Professor of Physics at the Institute. Pity the poor cheetahs! These speedy spotted cats managed to survive one population crisis, which left them the most inbred wild animal known. Then human inroads on their habitat and hunting for their fur shoved them toward a second population crisis, which seemed headed off by captive breeding. Now it appears that the zoo diet in North America is simultaneously killing them off with liver disease and preventing them from breeding effectively. In 1985, 29 American zoo cheetahs died and only 18 were born, and 7 of the 18 died before adulthood. Only about 10% of North American adult female cheetahs have been producing live cubs in the last 5 years, compared with 60 to 80 % in other countries. Since North American cheetahs mostly eat a commercial feline diet based on horsemeat and soy, while the cheetahs living and breeding more successfully elsewhere are being fed whole carcasses, a group of researchers in Ohio decided to look at the zoo cheetah's food. They found that the soybean part of the diet (the same textured soy protein and soy flakes used increasingly as a meat extender in human diets) contained natural plant estrogens, chemicals akin to mammalian female hormones and having some of the same effects. When these chemicals were injected into immature female mice, they caused damage to the mice's uteruses. Experiments were carried out at the zoo as well as in the lab. When four cheetahs in the Cincinnati Zoo were switched to a diet based on chicken meat without soy, their liver function improved. Right now we don't know whether they will breed again or whether permanent damage has occurred. What does this mean in terms of other soy consumers? Cheetahs are likely to be exceptionally sensitive to problems of any kind because they are so inbred. On the other hand, soy made up a relatively small percentage of the cheetahs' diet, and apparently all cats are rather poor at getting rid of extra estrogens. Our pets might face some problems. A quick scan of supermarket dog and cat food labels indicates that about half of the commercial dry pet foods have soy as the main protein source, with soy appearing as the first ingredient after corn or (in some very high protein products such as kitten food) as the first ingredient. As a dog breeder I would hesitate to maintain my breeding stock on a commercial diet that used soy as the primary protein source, or listed soy as one of the top three ingredients. But other questions need to be answered, as well. How about the human consumption of soy? At the present time, our western diets don't contain all that much soy, though what they do contain is often in the form of textured soy protein, which has over twice the estrogen content of soy flakes. This in itself indicates that the method of preparing soy may affect the estrogen content of the final food. Oriental diets have used soy for far longer than have Western ones. Do traditional Oriental methods of preparing soybeans for consumption remove some of the plant estrogens? I asked one of the researchers, and he replied that tofu has far less plant estrogens per unit weight than does textured soy protein. No measurements had yet been made, however, based on the ratio of estrogens to protein. Agriculturists and plant breeders need to look at soybean estrogens, too. Do drought, temperature, soil fertility or day length affect their concentration? Do different varieties of soybeans differ in how much of these substances the beans contain? Can low-estrogen varieties be developed? The cheetah study has raised more questions than it has answered -- not an uncommon result of scientific research! Cheetahs and Soybeans from the Alaska Science Forum Soy in parrot's diets results in bone and beak disorders The harm that soy causes animals has been known for decades, but this fact currently appears to be ignored by manufacturers of animal feeds who are ever eager to utilise cheap sources of protein in their products. The Shadow of Soy Two isoflavones found in soy, genistein and daidzen, the same two promoted by the industry for everything from menopause relief to cancer protection, were said to “demonstrate toxicity in estrogen sensitive tissues and in the thyroid.” Moreover, “adverse effects in humans occur in several tissues and, apparently, by several distinct mechanisms.” Sheehan also quoted a landmark study (Cassidy, et al. 1994), showing that as little as 45 mg of isoflavones could alter the length of a pre-menopausal woman’s menstrual cycle. The scientists were particularly concerned about the effects of these two plant estrogens on foetuses and young infants, because “development is recognized as the most sensitive life stage for estrogen toxicity.” It wasn’t the first time scientists found problems with soy, but coupled with a Hawaiian study by Dr. Lon White on men, the controversy ended up on national television. While industry scientists criticized both the White study and the two FDA researchers (who are now disallowed from commenting publicly on the issue), other researchers weighed in on the anti-soy side. The tofu’d fight had begun. The Whole Soy Story blows the lid off nutritional dogma Soy is NOT a miracle food. - Soy is NOT the answer to world hunger - Soy is NOT a disease-preventive panacea. Hundreds of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies link soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, cognitive, immune system breakdown, and even heart disease and cancer. Infants on soy formula, vegetarians who favor soy as their main source of protein and adults self-medicating with soy to prevent cancer, heart disease or relieve menopausal symptoms are especially at risk. Soy Formulas and the Effects of Isoflavones on the Thyroid - Environmental scientist and long-time campaigner against soy-based infant formulas, Dr Mike Fitzpatrick, warns about the risk of thyroid disease in infants fed soy formulas, high soy consumers and users of isoflavone supplements. more High Soy Diet During Pregnancy And Nursing May Cause Developmental Changes In Children Two separate studies – one in animals and the other in humans, suggest that a diet high in soybeans and other legumes during pregnancy and breastfeeding may have a subtle but long-term impact on the development of children. Soy Can Cause Severe Allergic Reactions Soy, like its botanically-related cousin the peanut, could be responsible for severe, potentially fatal, cases of food allergy, particularly in children with asthma who are also very sensitive to peanuts. Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Soy Products In-utero exposure to genistein increases the incidence of breast tumors. Soy May Cause Cancer and Brain Damage - Two senior US government scientists have revealed that chemicals in soy could increase the risk of breast cancer in women, brain damage in both men and women, and abnormalities in infants. The Trouble With Tofu: Soy and the Brain -by John D. MacArthur - "Tofu Shrinks Brain!" Not a science fiction scenario, this sobering soybean revelation is for real. But how did the "poster bean" of the '90s go wrong? Apparently, in many ways — none of which bode well for the brain. Soy: Too Good to be True - by Brandon Finucan and Charlotte Gerson - While even in 1966 there was considerable research on the harmful substances within soybeans, you'll be hard pressed to find articles today that claim soy is anything short of a miracle-food. As soy gains more and more popularity through industry advertising, we are moved once again to raise our voice of concern. Learn The Truth About The Historical Use Of Soy - Just How Much Soy Did Asians Eat? In short, not that much, and contrary to what the industry may claim, soy has never been a staple in Asia. A study of the history of soy use in Asia shows that the poor used it during times of extreme food shortage, and only when the soybeans were carefully prepared (e.g. by lengthy fermentation) to destroy the soy toxins. Yes, the Asians understood soy all right! High Soy Diet During Pregnancy And Nursing May Cause Developmental Changes In Children - Two separate studies – one in animals and the other in humans, suggest that a diet high in soybeans and other legumes during pregnancy and breastfeeding may have a subtle but long-term impact on the development of children. Concerns Regarding Soybeans - Some good information abstracted from an article written by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, Ph.D. for Health Freedom News in September of 1995. Soy Can Cause Severe Allergic Reactions - Soy, like its botanically-related cousin the peanut, could be responsible for severe, potentially fatal, cases of food allergy, particularly in children with asthma who are also very sensitive to peanuts. Soy Supplements Fail to Help Menopause Symptoms - Supplements that contain concentrated phytoestrogens -- plant-based estrogens found in soy -- do not appear to improve mood, memory or menopause symptoms in women over age 45. 20/20 Feature on the Dangers of Soy - The ABC television news program 20/20 aired a feature story Friday June 8, 2000 on the dangers of soy. Soy Formulas and the Effects of Isoflavones on the Thyroid - Environmental scientist and long-time campaigner against soy-based infant formulas, Dr Mike Fitzpatrick, warns about the risk of thyroid disease in infants fed soy formulas, high soy consumers and users of isoflavone supplements. Pregnant Women Should Not Eat Soy Products - In-utero exposure to genistein increases the incidence of breast tumors. Soybean Crisis - Jane Phillimore of The Observer addresses some of the concerns raised by new research about the safety of soy. Response To Those Who Believe Soy Is Healthy - In a recent Letter to the Editor of the Townsend Letter, Sally Fallon and Dr. Mary Enig make the case that soy is not the health food that it is claimed to be. The soy campaign is, in fact, a case study in the use of propaganda to promote commercial interests, they allege. Soy Can Lead to Kidney Stones - Those who are prone to the painful condition known as kidney stones may become more vulnerable to it through the consumption of soy. Soy Online Service - Uncovering the truth about soy. Important soy articles Why Soy Can Damage Your Health Think Soy is Healthy? Here’s Why it’s Not as Good as You Think If You're Suffering From a Medical Problem Caused by Soy, you May Now be Able to Take Legal Action! Soy - Abundance of Health Hazards (Short Summary PDF) SOY AND THYROID FUNCTION: STUDIES SHOW LITTLE EFFECT By Mark Messina, Ph.D. There has been much discussion of late over the possible adverse effects of soy consumption on thyroid function in both infants and adults. In conclusion, there is no reason to restrict soy consumption over concerns about the impact on thyroid function. When consuming large amounts of soy, it is important to make sure iodine intake is adequate. But of course, all people, regardless of their dietary pattern, need to consume sufficient amounts of iodine. ARE SOYFOODS A BLESSING OR A CURSE? by John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America There are legitimate questions about certain soyfoods, and much we have yet to learn. Becoming soy-a-holics and automatically downing anything made from soybeans is not the road to health, but neither is shunning and stigmatizing soyfoods. The anti-soy crusade has needlessly frightened many away from a food source that has long been a boon to humankind, a food source that can, if we are respectful of our bodies and of nature, nourish and bless us in countless ways. Soy research/references What About Soy? by John Robbins (author of "Diet For a New America" and a number of other excellent books. Over the past months, I’ve received quite a number of requests from people asking for my views on soy products. Many of these inquiries have mentioned a stridently anti-soy article written by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, titled “Tragedy and Hype,” that has been widely circulated. This article presents a systematic series of accusations against soy consumption, and has formed the basis for many similar articles. Large numbers of people, as a result, are now seriously questioning the safety of soy. more Engineered Fats and Oils and The Degenerative Disease Epidemic "The degenerative disease epidemic that wracks the nation came coincidentally with the introduction of engineered fats and oils. It is the type of fats and oils that we consume that is directly correlated to the rise of epidemic degenerative disease; it is not the amount of fats and oils that we eat that causes the problem.It is by chronically consuming the fats and oils that cause degenerative disease that we impair our ability to consume healthy fats and oils. We also impair our ability to consume carbohydrates and thus become Diabetic and Obese." Thomas Smith, author of Insulin: Our Silent Killer more CANOLA OIL: Deadly for the Human Body! Beware of Canola Oil, Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil, Not Fit For Human Consumption Canola oil from the rape seed, referred to as the Canadian oil because Canada is mainly responsible for it being marketed in the USA The Canadian government and industry paid our Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the (GRAS) List "Generally Recognized As Safe". Thus a new industry was created. Laws were enacted affecting international trade, commerce, and traditional diets. Studies with lab. animals were disastrous. Rats developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland. When canola oil was withdrawn from their diets, the deposits dissolved but scar tissue remained on all vital organs. No studies on humans were made before money was spent to promote Canola oil in the USA. Refined canola oil, typically found in conventional food stores, is usually exposed to high temperatures, deodorizing and bleaching. Its health-giving constituents are processed away, and its omega-3s converted into the undesirable trans form. Even "lightly refined" and "expeller pressed oils can be exposed to deodorizing, which may raise the oil temperature to a sizzling 450°– 470°F. Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare fatal degenerative disease caused by in a build up long-chain fatty acids (c22 to c28) which destroys the myelin (protective sheath ) of the nerves. Canola oil is a very long chain fatty acid oil (c22). Those who will defend canola oil say that the Chinese and Indians have used it for centuries with no effect, however it was in an unrefined form. It is genetically engineered rapeseedIt has been shown to cause lung cancer (Wall Street Journal: 6/7/95)Generally rapeseed has a cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years before symptoms begin to manifest. It has a tendency to inhibit proper metabolism of foods and prohibits normal enzyme function. Canola is a Trans Fatty Acid, which has shown to have a direct link to cancer. These Trans Fatty acids are labeled as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Avoid all of them! According to John Thomas' book, Young Again, 12 years ago in England and Europe, rape seed was fed to cows, pigs and sheep who later went blind and began attacking people. There were no further attacks after the rape seed was eliminated from the diet. Water Therapy Water therapy has been used for centuries to heal the sick. Hydro- and hydrothermal therapy are traditional methods of treatment that have been used for the treatment of disease and injury by many cultures, including those of ancient Rome, China, and Japan. Water therapy has been around for centuries. The ancient Greeks took therapeutic baths. Water is an important ingredient in the traditional Chinese and Native American healing systems. more F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. - "Every function inside the body is regulated by and depends on water. Water must be available to carry vital elements, oxygen, hormones, and chemical messengers to all parts of the body. Without sufficient water to wet all parts equally, some more remote parts of the body will not receive the vital elements that water supplies. Water is also needed to carry toxic waste away from the cells. In fact, there are at least 50 reasons why the body needs sufficient water on a regular, everyday basis. Without sufficient water to constantly wet all parts, your body's drought-management system kicks into action. The histamine-directed chemical messenger systems are activated to arrange a new, lower quota of water for the drought-stricken areas. When histamine and its subordinate "drought managers" come across pain-sensing nerves, they cause pain. This is what I discovered in my research that I mentioned earlier." Benefits of Alkaline, Ionized Water, by Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, M.D. Water has the ability to attract and accumulate bio-energy. It also stores an energy memory of harmful or helpful vibrations to which it was exposed in the past. Chlorinated tap water is polluted with non-biological chemicals and negative energy imprints. It is also devoid of bio-energy and so may be regarded as being badly polluted as well as 'dead'. Alkaline living water is regarded by a growing number of health care professionals as the best water to drink and is listed as a medical device in Japan for the treatment of degenerative diseases. A growing number of households use the Ionized Alkaline Microclustered "Living" Water filter Dr. Robert Young - "What we do, what we eat or drink, even your thoughts can make the body over acidic." Ionized Alkaline Water helps to naturally flush toxins and acidic waste from your body and is a powerful antioxidant. Water is one of the best sources for detoxification.Ionized Alkaline Water makes more oxygen available to your cells than distilled, reverse osmosis, filtered only, bottled or tap water. Cancer doesn't thrive in an oxygenated body.Alkaline Ionized Water will help to optimize your body's pH. You could try to achieve an alkaline state with foods but alkaline water will turbo charge your efforts. As a result, it enables your body to better absorb and utilize nutrients, minerals and supplements.Benefits of Alkaline, Ionized Water, by Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, M.D. Chemicals and Toxins Are The Primary Cause of Illness, Disease and Obesity Substances that are toxic to our bodies come at us from all directions: the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the cleaning products we use, and the metabolic waste produced inside us. Toxins build-up in the body contribute to premature aging and chronic and degenerative diseases. Dr. Steve Nugent, the past president of the American Naturopathic Medical Association, reported recently that "in the typical American home there are more toxins inside the home than outside the home! Your cells actually contain over 400 new toxins that didn't even exist 45 years ago and we are losing the battle against toxins!" It's a fact. There are increasing amounts of toxins and chemical agents in the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe - they all contribute to the breakdown in cellular communication and disease. more Immune Disorders, Soy and canola " Recently there has been a tremendous increase in disorders like systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, "myelinoma", pulmonary hypertension and neuropathy. Soy and canola oils are players in the outbreak of these disease conditions. So are the organophosphates, insecticides such as malathion used in food production in the name of efficiency." "In 2004 I began to experience a lot of joint swelling in my hands, shoulders, knees and ankles. That pain would simply jump around in my body without warning and I kept going to the doctor who concluded I had either strained a muscle or had a torn rotator cup. Eventually after CATS and MRIs showed no problems the doctor gave me a blood test and when it came back she said that I had Lupus. I was prescribed a series of medications that made me very ill. After researching more about lupus it occurred to me that I needed to find a doctor that specialized in autoimmune deficiencies. I found a doctor who specialized in autoimmune diseases and after a series of blood test this doctor told me I had RA, Rheumatoid Arthritis. She said that my RA factors were over 200 and started me on a methotrexate, and other RA combo drugs including, prednisone, cortisone shots and painkillers. The side effects of the medications were at times unbearable. A friend of mine who at one time had stage four pancreatic cancer introduced me to Marine Phytoplankton and suggested that I talk to a friend of hers for more information. It was suggested that I began with 1 1/2 oz of Marine Phytoplankton a day and after 30 days I should see some change in my body. After being on so many over the counter drugs and prescribed medications I was a bit reluctant but decided to try it 3 days after purchasing it. After all, I really had nothing to lose. Within the first half hour of taking the Marine Phytoplankton I felt. The swelling had left my hands, completely (this is where the RA had settled). Each day I continued to take 1 1/2 oz of the Marine Phytoplankton and I have not looked back. It has only been 30 days and I have not taken any medications for arthritis. I have been pain free and I have not had any joint swelling. This is truly a miracle for me and it is what I have been looking for. I am recommending it to everyone I know that has RA. I believe that Marine Phytoplankton is the all-natural product that is healing my body from the inside out. You must give it a try." T. W. Dr. Jerry Tennant, M.D. says that marine phytoplankton contains almost everything one needs to sustain life and to restore health by providing the raw materials to make new cells that function normally. Marine phytoplankton has been called "the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet". Containing a wide range of trace elements, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes and cellular materials, marine phytoplankton promotes and maintains optimum health by boosting and supporting all systems within the body. Its antioxidants and unique polysaccharides can halt the genetic mutations that can lead to cancer. Both high levels of saccharides and adaptogens increase energy and stamina by improving our ability to consume and use oxygen. Adaptogens also improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and circulation. more about marine phytoplankton's healing power Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is widely believed to be an immune system disorder that causes the body’s own antibodies to attack the myelin sheath in the brain and the spinal cord causing inflammation and scaring. The myelin sheath is a fatty type wrapping that surrounds the nerve fibers throughout the nervous system of the body. The disease is progressive and slowly degenerates the entire central nervous system. The term Sclerosis actually means "to harden" and Multiple refers to "many locations" throughout the central nervous system. What herbs and other natural components may be effective with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Transfer factors - Support immune function by suppressing or inducing immune response.Glyconutrients Fisher Institute for Medical Research report that patients who added glyconutrients to their diet reported significant improvement in lupus symptoms. (Vol. 1 No. 1),Essential Fatty Acids – Found to be deficient in those with MS. Support immune and nervous systems.Calcium and Magnesium (CalMag Powder For Quick Absorption) – Helpful to maintain muscle strength and function as well as support the nervouse system.Grape Seed Extract – Support against free radicals that can have damaging effects on nervous system.Vitamin C – Helpful to support immune function and scavenge free radicals.Methylsulfonyl-methane (MSM) – Useful for healthy cell and muscle maintenance. THERE IS HOPE FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS! by Dudley Delany I am a 60 year old retired chiropractor, massage therapist, and registered nurse.I developed multiple sclerosis during the summer of 1991.Some of my symptoms included numbness, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, tremors, muscle spasms, depression, fatigue, failing memory, slurred speech, and bladder dysfunction.In the fall of 1991, I began using a painless, inexpensive treatment suggested by the late Edgar Cayce... more Excerpt WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE and the MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FOUNDATION: F.D.A. COLLUSION WITH MONSANTO Article written by Nancy Markle "I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on ASPARTAME, marketed as 'NutraSweet', 'Equal', and 'Spoonful'. In the keynote address by the EPA, they announced that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus, and they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant across the United States. I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject. When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis; thus people were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error. The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol toxicity is. In the case of systemic lupus, we are finding it has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially in Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers. Also, with methanol toxicity, the victims usually drink three to four 12 oz. Cans of them per day, some even more. In the cases of systemic lupus, which is triggered by ASPARTAME, the victim usually does not know that the aspartame is the culprit . The victim continues its use, aggravating the lupus to such a degree, that sometimes it becomes life threatening. When we get people off the aspartame, those with systemic lupus usually become asymptomatic. " more Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s own immune system attacks the skin, blood vessels, joints, and other tissues of the body. It is believed that there may be a virus that causes the development of antibodies, which then attacks good body tissues. Visual symptoms may include a butterfly shaped rash on the checks or the nose or in other locations on the body. Woman make up 90% of the people with Lupus and it is even more prevalent in Asian women. Lupus: Alternative Therapies That Work Moore suffered from lupus for 14 years. After taking control of her health care, though, and drawing on alternative therapies (usually called "complementary" therapies), she has "recovered." Books by lupus patients aren't unusual, but hers is the first to go into complementary medicine in detail. Nutrition and dietary supplements played major roles, Moore says, and naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, and mind-body medicine were in the mix, too. Epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus also related to aspartame (Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names, NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure.) Lupus Novice : Toward Self-HealingRecommended by Andrew Weil in Natural Health, Natural Medicine, Lupus Novice gives a moving account of the author's successful struggle with "incurable" SLE 9 systemic lupus erythematosus), affecting mostly women. Ms. Chester shares the personal discoveries behind her recovery, and a meditation on what it means for a body to be "attacking itself." Other detox resources: Marine Plants To Boost Immunity and DetoxifyClay: nature's age old aid to detoxification THE BITTER TRUTH ABOUT ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame (Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names, NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure.), the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame: Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. Sugar Free Products Alert! "I have observed severe intellectual deterioration associated with the use of aspartame products (NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Canderal/Benevia, etc.) It was usually manifest as great difficulty in reading and writing, obvious problems with memory and grossly impaired orientation to time, place and person." H. J. Roberts, M.D. "Aspartame has a profound effect on mood and cognition....depressed mood, anxiety, dizziness, panic attacks, nausea, irritability, impairment of memory and concentration." Ralph Walton, M.D. (Learn about the Legal class action against aspartame. ) more Rebuilding the Immune System: The body's defense department Your immune system is your bodyguard. It works both pro-actively and protectively to shield you from anything in your world that threatens your life and limb. The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. By rebuilding immunity, health is naturally restored and disease disappears. If health and immunity are thereafter conscientiously maintained, the individual is no longer vulnerable to disease. According t o Dr. George C Pack, MD, a cancer specialist at Cornell medical School, almost everyone has cancer cells present at times in our bodies. If our immune system is working properly, these cells are killed or reabsorbed by our defense system before they begin to grow and threaten our health. The only real defense against cancer is the immune system. Everyone gets cancer every day but if the immune system is where it should be those cancer cells are eliminated and we never know it. The Voice of Natural Health Consumers Citizens For Health is a free, grassroots, consumer advocacy group that champions public policies empowering individuals to make informed health choices. Let your voice be heard! Without your voice, there is no choice! California Citizens For Health Freedom The FDA - Who Do They Really Protect? Health Freedom is Under Attack. Worldwide pharmaceutical interests have launched a secretive global attack to limit access to information on health choices and restrict the right to obtain dietary supplements. Anti-Constitutional Activities and Abuse of Police Powerby the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other Federal Physicians Right to Practice Alternative Medicine Alternative Medicine Bill Bills that enable physicians to provide alternative treatments are called Medical Freedom Bills. New York, Alaska, and Texas in addition to other states have passed such bills. For more information on the states that have passed medical freedom bills or have pending bills. Sign the petition Mandatory Toxic Drugs for Babies and Children Medical Fascism in the USA Courts Order Kids To Take Toxic Drugs Parents pressured to put kids on AZT, Ritalin, and other dangerous toxic drugs Can a judge constitutionally order a controversial drug to be given to a child over the opposition of his parents? Parents are medicating their children for fear of having them hauled away by Child Protective Services. The FDA goes after pet store owners too! 1990 El Cajon, California: The FDA attempts to railroad Sissy Harrington-McGill, 57-year old owner of a pet food store, for violation of a proposed "Health Claims Law" because her literature stated vitamins would help keep pets healthy. Her store was raided and ransacked without a search warrant. . Lawsuits against the FDA have been filed. The FDA "partner" with the Pharmaceutical Industry YOUR HEALTH FREEDOM IS IN JEOPARDY James DeMeo, Ph.D.: "In recent years, there has been an upsurge of police activities in the USA, the nature of which most Americans would more readily associate with repressive dictatorships. We Americans have been educated to believe that democracy, due process, assumed innocence-until-proven-guilt, and Constitutional protections against illegal search and seizure are the laws of the land. On paper, these protections are there; but in reality, these basic Constitutional rights and freedoms have been gradually and steadily eroded away by new laws, judicial rulings, and bureaucratic decrees. One of the lesser-known but more significant leaders of this assault on American freedom has been the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)." more The FDA and Genetically Engineered food Tell FDA that you want mandatory labeling of GE foods The FDA does not require mandatory pre-market safety testing or labeling of genetically engineered foods. Consumers have the right to know the contents of the food they purchase and consume. Campaign to label GE food: more info on genetically engineered foodsPublic health Alert! Most modern maladies are caused by prolonged exposure to a combination of negative lifestyles and toxic environmental factors, including junk food and malnutrition, pesticides, antibiotics, microwaves, chemical pollution of food, water and air, lack of exercise and chronic stress. These factors are further aggravated by the failure of modern medicine to recognize them as agents of dis-"ease" and death and the consequent failure to take preventative measures against them. What you don't know can hurt you." Here's a partial list of topics: Microwaved food causes abnormal changes in human blood and immune systems.Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries About Cancer and Genetic Damage Steroids:(cortisone, prednisone): the sleaziest of drugs.Doctors tell you that steroids only cause side effects after many years. But new research shows that permanent damage is immediate and devastating.NutraSweet (aspartame). Aspartame accounted for more than 75% of all adverse reactions reported to the FDA's Adverse Reaction Monitoring System. Aspartame is a neurotoxin and teratogen (triggers birth defects ). It also triggers lupus. Dr. Roberts has declared aspartame disease to be a world epidemic.Refined table salt v/s organic unrefined sea salt Bottom line, is that yes it can be harmful to consume too much refined salt, but you cannot consume too much natural unrefined salt. Fluoride poisoning and autoimmune low-thyroid epidemic:Karilee Shames, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor of Nursing, points out that a major environmental trigger of low thyroid is likely to be the fluoride added to municipal water supplies. Killer Fats v/s Healer Fats: the difference between dangerous fats and fats that can save your life.Genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone in your milk: why is it banned in Europe and Canada?Dental amalgam:contains highly toxic heavy metal mercury which is involved in ALS and MS, as well as many other "diseases"Infant Circumcision: Circumcision is one of the most painful procedures that can be performed on an infant. Genetically Engineered Foods 1997 marks the entry of a wide variety of unlabelled genetically engineered foods onto supermarket shelves. Genetic tampering of our food supply threatens the health of consumers and of the environment.AIDS/HIV/AZT: lies, deceptions, genocide and profiteering ...and much, much more! Visit Consumer Alert! for a resource of issues that concerns your health and that of your love ones ENTER Public health Alert! What Every Parent Should Know BEFORE Their Childen Are Vaccinated! Why are a growing number of parents and health care professionals around the world questioning vaccination? The controversy stems from the thousands of deaths and permanent disabilities attributed to vaccination annually, as well as the many published medical studies, government statistics, congressional testimonies, and other credible sources that directly contradict commonly held assumptions about vaccine safety and effectiveness. "Bart Classen, a Maryland physician, published data showing that diabetes rates rose significantly in New Zealand following a massive hepatitis B vaccine campaign in young children, and that diabetes rates also went up sharply in Finland after three new childhood vaccines were introduced." Nicholas Regush In fall 1997, two influential professional magazines featured articles asking the question: Has the decrease of infectious diseases in childhood through the mass use of vaccines been replaced with an increase in chronic diseases such as diabetes and asthma? The Economist, a prestigious international magazine read by world leaders in government, business and public policy, and Science News, a magazine read by both health care professionals and the general public, explored the reported links between vaccines and chronic diseases in their November 22, 1997 issues. Learn more about vaccine and diabetes connection --- asthma and vaccine connection --- SIDS and autism and vaccine connection --- "Shaken Baby Syndrome": the vaccination link Please get informed!Enter the vaccine information site Homeopathy can be used successfully to prevent and treat smallpox, measles, whooping cough, chickenpox, and other ailments. One hundred years ago, children received 1 vaccine (the smallpox vaccine). Forty years ago, children received 5 vaccines routinely (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, and smallpox vaccines) and as many as 8 shots by 2 years of age. Children now receive 52 vaccines, in the form of 15 shots, by the time they are 6 months of age if they receive all the recommend shots, including the Prevnar pediatric pneumonia shot. Vaccines contain THIMERSOL (mercury), MSG, aluminum, formaldehyde, sucrose and phenoxyethanol, which is antifreeze, among many other things. Thimerosal, a vaccine ingredient, is nearly 50% mercury. Mercury is a NEUROTOXIN. EPA 'safe' levels are: .1 microgram per 1.0 kilogram of body weight per day. Vaccines contain 12.5 to 25.0 micrograms of mercury, and a 'well baby' visit can see your child have between 50 and 62.5 mcgs of MERCURY injected into their bloodstream. The CDC (US) has found a trend linking autism to mercury laden vaccines. Thimerosal is a registered pesticide with the Department of Pesticide Registration of the Environmental Protection Agency. - Law suit Would you allow big brother to enforce vaccinations on your kids? Government Enforced Vaccinations Vaccination Tracking Registry - Government programs that limit your choices -and your rights- in health care when it comes to mandatory vaccination. These mandates last for 40 or so years and they're impossible to repeal. Also, learn about Legal Requirements and Exemptions Are we placing our animals at risk too? Most recently, an article appeared in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association entitled "Are We Vaccinating Too Much?" Read the comments of veterinarians who believe that vaccines are damaging our pets. What's new at Shirley's Wellness Cafe: Check the updated list Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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