Guest guest Posted May 4, 2007 Report Share Posted May 4, 2007 At 02:57 PM 5/4/07, you wrote: >Patricia Cota-Robles <PattiCR >Opportunities for Change >thehavens > > >OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHANGE ABOUND >by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles > >For many decades, Lightworkers all over the world have been striving to >make a positive difference in the lives of Humanity and all life evolving >on this planet. Little by little, our individual efforts drew the >attention of like-minded people in our communities. Lightworkers began >gathering in groups to invoke the Light of God to assist Humanity in >healing the maladies existing on Earth. >Gradually, our heartfelt pleas drew the attention of our sisters and >brothers in the Realms of Illumined Truth. We asked these Beings of Light >to join with us and to assist us in our endeavors. Through an act of >unprecedented Divine Grace, our Father-Mother God granted a Cosmic >Dispensation, and the Company of Heaven was given permission to come >through the veil to meet us halfway. >Since that time, the floodgates of Heaven have opened. Miraculous things >have taken place, and the hearts and minds of Lightworkers around the >world are united as never before. This has created a planetary grid of >Divine Love. The grid flows from Heart Flame to Heart Flame engulfing the >entire planet. Our collective consciousness and the grid of Divine Love >have created the most powerful force of Light on the planet. Together, >Lightworkers are changing the course of history. >We are now on the brink of the greatest shift of energy, vibration and >consciousness ever to be accomplished in any system of worlds. Once again, >our unified efforts are needed. At this very moment, the I AM Presence of >every man, woman and child is standing in readiness awaiting the >opportunity to take full dominion of the physical, etheric, mental and >emotional bodies of each one. In order for this to occur, Humanity’s >Earthly Bodies must be raised in vibration to a frequency of Light that is >compatible with our I AM Presence. This is no small feat. >The end result of this acceleration of vibration within our Earthly Bodies >and the integration of our I AM Presence will be the Transfiguration of >our carbon-based planetary bodies into the perfection of our >crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies. >The Directors of the Elements and the Mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, >are assisting with this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan. >Incredible activities of Light are taking place all over the world to >assist us in accomplishing this mission. >One of those events involved a powerful gathering of Lightworkers that >took place in Turkey on November 1, 2006. I was invited to be on a >speakers’ panel for the global symposium titled “Call to World Peace from >the Universal Brotherhood” in Istanbul. This was the 12th annual event of >its kind. The Divine Intent of this gathering of Lightworkers is to build >the foundation for a happy and peaceful world by projecting Universal >Brotherhood and Reverence for ALL Life into the collective consciousness >of Humanity. This annual event is a unifying force that is creating a ring >around the world with Humanity standing hand in hand on the Path of >Light. >This annual event is sponsored by the World Brotherhood Union Mevlana >Supreme Foundation. The event itself was truly spectacular. It was held in >a beautiful community center that holds over 2,500 people. The center was >filled to capacity. The event was divided into three phases: >* The speeches of the four-member speakers’ panel >* The awards given to people who added to the Light of the world through >outstanding community service >* And the glorious music concerts that followed the ceremonies. >This event was truly a celebration of Light that filled the hearts of all >who attended. One of the speakers said that the grandeur of this event >seemed to be a combination of the Academy Awards and the honors for the >presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize. >During the days that we were in Turkey prior to the event, it became >obvious that multidimensional activities of Light were taking place. >Istanbul is a beautiful, modern city with a population of 17 million >people. It has long been known by Lightworkers that Turkey is a powerful >portal for the Divine Feminine. The Temple of Sophia, the Goddess of >Divine Wisdom, pulsates in the Etheric Realms above Istanbul. For >millennia this Temple has been a stabilizing influence in preparation for >the return of our Mother God. >Turkey is the birthplace of Roman kings, Trojan warriors, Sufi saints and >Old Testament prophets. It was the home to the Apostles John and Paul in >the early days of Christianity. Mother Mary is said to have lived there, >not far from Ephesus. That is where Paul preached his new ideas to the >masses. Part of the ancient Babylonian empire, including the cave believed >to be the home of the prophet Abraham, also exists in Turkey. >Mount Ararat is in Turkey. This is the location where Noah’s ark came to >rest according to Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions. There is a cave >in Turkey where Job is said to have spent seven years healing from his >wounds. Saint Nicholas, or the Being we know as Santa Claus, was born in >what we now call Turkey. >Turkey was a predominant world power for more than a thousand years >through the Byzantines and then through the Ottomans. It was the route >through which the first silk and spice traders began their world-changing >commerce between the Far East and Europe. >The influence of the Divine Feminine is everywhere in Turkey. The iconic >symbols on its bold red flag—the star and the crescent—have long been >associated with Islam, but its origins are traced to an earlier union of >East and West. The Goddess Diana or Artemis claimed the crescent moon as >her symbol, and Mother Mary was represented by the rising star. Turkey is >a bridge between two continents. The subcontinent is called Anatolia or >Asia Minor. Anatolia means “Full of the Mother.” >Hagia Sophia is a glorious edifice that was built in the form of a >basilica in 360 A.D., during the era of Constantine. This is the Temple of >Divine Wisdom, and it is dedicated to the Divine Mother. The physical >Temple of Hagia Sophia pulsates below the Etheric Temple of Goddess >Sophia. >As we visited the various sacred sites and historical places in that >wondrous city, it became clear that the Flame of Divine Wisdom on the >altar in the Etheric Temple of Sophia was expanding. This Sacred Fire was >flowing into the Chalice of Light that was being formed by the building >momentum for the gathering of the “Call to World Peace from the Universal >Brotherhood.” >That event began at 7:00 p.m. on November 1st and continued until 2:30 >a.m. the morning of November 2nd. During that time, the Feminine Aspects >of our Mother God from Suns beyond Suns and the Feminine Aspects of the >Spiritual Hierarchy throughout Infinity projected their luminous Presences >into the atmosphere of Earth above Istanbul. Then, as one unified >pulsation of our Mother God, these august Beings breathed the Flame of >Divine Wisdom through the Heart Flames of the Lightworkers gathered in >Istanbul and into the Heart Flames of every person evolving on Earth. >As the Flame of Divine Wisdom blazed through each person’s Heart Flame, it >began to expand through the planetary grid of Divine Love. This grid was >infused with the Divine Wisdom of our Mother God, and every facet of life >on Earth was lifted into a higher frequency of energy, vibration and >consciousness. >This gift from our Divine Mother was a Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Through >this sacred blessing, higher frequencies of Divine Love and Wisdom than >Humanity has ever experienced penetrated into our collective >consciousness. Since that time, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth >has been expanding this gift the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow, >according to each one’s individual Divine Plan. >The Solar and Lunar Eclipses in March, the influx of Light from the Vernal >Equinox and the influences from several rare planetary alignments have all >added to the expansion of this Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This has all >been part of the preparation for the integration of Humanity’s I AM >Presence and Solar Light Bodies, which is destined to occur later this >year through the unified efforts of Lightworkers everywhere. >Now we are ready for the next critical step of our preparation. Day by >day, our I AM Presence is gently guiding each of us through the >preparation that will be most beneficial for our personal transformation. >Some people are getting the inner promptings to change behavior patterns >that no longer serve their highest good. Others are being guided to >cleanse and purify their bodies and to raise their vibrations through >harmony and balance. Some are being guided to increase their spiritual >disciplines and to focus more on becoming One with the Divinity within. >Still others are being guided to increase their spiritual activities and >to intensify the Light they are adding to the world. >In addition to our individual preparation, we are being asked to join >together in consciousness for some global events that will catapult us >forward in our preparation process. One of those events will take place >May 19-20, 2007, in Japan at the Fuji Sanctuary at the foot of Mt. Fuji. >This event is called the Symphony of Peace Prayers. >The sponsor of this profound global event is the Byakko Shinko Kai. For >over fifty years the Byakko Shinko Kai has been dedicated to world peace >and the conscious development of Humanity. They have been organizing >ongoing prayer ceremonies and promoting various activities and initiatives >for peace around the world. One of the main events is The World Peace >Prayer Ceremony, during which vibrations and prayers for peace are sent to >every country on Earth. >In 2007 the event will be expanded to further integrate the three aspects >of Science, Spirituality and Youth. The synthesis of science and >spirituality, both of which have a vital mission and purpose, is paramount >to the creation of peace on Earth. The Byakko Shinko Kai also feel that >the pure and sincere voices of the younger generation are crucial in >enhancing the consciousness of Humanity. It is most auspicious that >members from these three areas will be invited for the very first time to >Fuji Sanctuary in 2007 to commune in united prayers for peace to prevail >on Earth. This event is expected to draw over 10,000 participants from >around the world. >The Symphony of Peace Prayers 2007 will be a two- day event. In addition >to the main prayer event on Sunday, May 20th, there will be a Round Table >Discussion on May 19th. Special guests will be invited to sit at this >table to explore and share their visions for the evolution of >consciousness and the creation of peace on Earth. A group affirmation will >be presented on the day of the main event. >I have been invited to be a guest at the Round Table Discussion in Japan, >and I am deeply honored. I am grateful to be able to participate in such a >powerful opportunity to add to the Light of the world. Global gatherings >of this magnitude, like the ones in Turkey and Japan, offer the Company of >Heaven multifaceted and multidimensional opportunities to assist Humanity >and all lifestreams evolving on Earth. This assistance is possible not >only because of the unified Chalice of Heart Flames created by the >Lightworkers physically present, but through the collective consciousness >of all of those who are focusing on the particular activity of Light as >well. >The Divine Timing of this gathering in Japan is impeccable. In the >Heavenly Realms, May is known as the Mystical Month. This is due to the >many activities of Light that take place during this time. May 1st is >celebrated as Saint Germain’s Ascension Day. May 8th is Guatama Buddha’s >Day of Enlightenment. The Full Moon of Taurus, which usually occurs in >May, is the Wesak Festival. In many places around the world, one day in >May is celebrated as Mother’s Day. In addition to these celebrations, the >entire month of May is dedicated to Mother Mary and the opening of the >Immaculate Heart Temple, which pulsates in the Etheric Realms in the >complex of Temples above the Holy Land. >The most important service Beloved Mother Mary performs for the Children >of Earth is that she holds the Immaculate Concept for the expansion of the >Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in every heart. Through her steadfast >focus on the Divine Potential—the Immaculate Concept—within every Heart >Flame, Mother Mary has assured the Sons and Daughters of God a pathway >Home. >This year, because of the awesome opportunity for change being presented >to every person on Earth, Mother Mary is intensifying her service to the >Sons and Daughters of God. She is creating the circumstances that will >allow each of us to expand at a greatly accelerated pace the Immortal >Victorious Threefold Flame within our hearts. >As the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame within our hearts expands, it >dissolves the shadows and the effluvia of our past human miscreations. >This purification creates the environment for the Transfiguration of the >lower consciousness into the I AM Presence. This is a vitally important >step in our preparation for the Divine Plan that is unfolding this year. >In Japan, within and above Mt. Fuji, pulsates the sacred, multidimensional >Temple of Divine Alchemy. The Hierarch of this focus of Light is the >Ascended Being Kamacura. Divine Alchemy is a potent quality of the Violet >Flame, and it is a critical element in the Transfiguration of our >carbon-based planetary bodies into the infinite perfection of our >5th-Dimensional crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies. >During the sacred gathering at the base of Mt. Fuji May 19-20, 2007, >Mother Mary will join with Kamacura and the entire Company of Heaven to >expand the Heart Flame within every man, woman and child on Earth. As the >Prayers for Peace flood the Earth, a shift will take place within the >Divinity of each heart. >As each Heart Flame expands, the I AM Presence will assist in dissolving >the shadows cloaking the electrons of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental >and emotional bodies. This will allow this base substance to be purified >and drawn into higher frequencies of purity. This process of Divine >Alchemy will pave the way for the integration of Humanity’s Solar Light >Bodies in preparation for the integration of the I AM Presence. This will >be the initial impulse of the eternal Era of Peace. >This is a global opportunity for every person on Earth no matter where we >are on the planet. Those of us who are aware of this opportunity have the >ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of all Humanity. All we have to >do is focus on this Cosmic Moment and ask that as the Light of God expands >our Heart Flames and Transfigures our Earthly Bodies, it does so for all >Life evolving on this precious planet. >May Peace Prevail On Earth. >And so it is, >I AM, I AM, I AM. >Patricia Diane Cota-Robles >New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc. >a 501 © 3 nonprofit educational organization > >E-mail: PattiCR ; FAX: 520-546-6143; Phone: 520-885-7909 >PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717 >This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it >through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included. >©2007 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles >The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the >Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of >this information is to encourage, empower, uplift and inspire all of us by >allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but extremely >challenging times. >WEEKLY ON-LINE RADIO SHOW > >TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE >Host Patricia Diane Cota-Robles > >Patricia also shares information from the Beings of Light on her radio >show every week. These celestial sharings are being given to Humanity at >this time to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding about the >events occurring on Earth. > >The radio program airs Online every Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. Pacific >Time or 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the website . >This is a powerful opportunity for all of us to add to the Light of the >world. Once the program has aired, it is available anytime, day or night, >in the Content Library on Patricia's link on the 7th Wave Network website. > >As you listen to this on-line radio broadcast, know that you are joining >in consciousness with Lightworkers all over the world who are listening to >this program with you. Together, through our collective consciousness, we >are cocreating a Chalice of Light that serves as an Open Door through >which the Light of God is flowing to bless Humanity and all Life on this >sweet Earth. > >You are d to patticr as thehavens. >To , send a blank email to leave-909404-1495249W ****** Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky thehavens 606-376-3363 --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.859 / Virus Database: 585 - Release 2/14/05 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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