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[Information4U] GMcorn,Aspartame,bone cancer-flouride, and soy

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At 09:21 AM 5/7/07, you wrote:

>GM Corn, Aspartame, Bone cancer-fluoride connection, soy, +

>Posted by: " VoiceAnalysis " VoiceAnalysis soundstonedchick

>Sun May 6, 2007 4:37 pm (PST)

>Monsanto's GM corn MON863 shows kidney, liver toxicity in animal studies

>A variety of genetically modified corn that was approved for human

>consumption in 2006 caused signs of liver and kidney toxicity as well as


>changes in rats in a study performed by researchers from the independent


>for Independent Research and Genetic Engineering at the University of Caen in



>The corn in question, MON863, is made by the Monsanto Company and approved

>for use in Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, Japan, Mexico, the

>Philippines, and the United States. It has had a gene inserted from the


>Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which causes the plant's cells to produce a



>Researchers fed rats either unmodified corn or diets containing 11 or 30

>percent MON863 for 90 days. The rats who ate modified corn were found to


>signs of liver and kidney toxicity, as well as signs of hormonal changes.


>Male rats lost an average of 3.3 percent of their body weight, and their

>excretion of phosphorus and sodium decreased. Female rats gained an

>average of 3.7

>percent of their body weight, while their triglyceride levels increased by 24

>to 40 percent.


>The mechanism that causes the toxicity is not yet known, but the researchers

>say there is evidence that the Bt toxin may cause the perforation of blood

>cells. They expressed concern that the methods used by Monsanto in initial


>of the corn were statistically flawed and called their own tests " the best

>mammalian toxicity tests available. "


>Greenpeace responded to the study by calling for an immediate recall of all

>MON863 corn and the reassessment of all genetically modified foods currently

>approved for the market.


>Beyond junk vitamins: Secrets the public isn't supposed to know about the

>vitamin industry...an exclusive interview with Greg Kunin from Ola Loa


>Ever take a vitamin and actually feel your energy drop? There could be a

>reason for that: Some vitamins literally steal energy from your body's cells,

>while other vitamins delivered in a more natural chemical configuration


>donate energy to your cells!

>In terms of nutrition, there's a huge difference between " junk " vitamins and

>higher end vitamins -- called " premethylated " vitamins. And while most


>cosumer vitamin companies rely on the junk, energy-stealing forms of these

>vitamins, quality vitamin companies use the higher-end (and more expensive)

>premethylated forms.

>Here's one way you can tell the difference. Take any multivitamin product and

>look for the B vitamins section on the Nutrition Facts label.


>Cheap vitamins (non-methylated) will use standardized " USP " vitamins such as

> " Thiamin USP (thiamin HCL) vitamin B1. " That's the chemical form of vitamin

>B1, and it actually requires a donation of cellular energy from your body


>you can use it. The form of B12 in cheap vitamins is cyanocobalamin.


>Quality vitamins, on the other hand, will use the " coenzyme " forms of the B

>vitamins. Thse will often be listed with the word " coenzyme, " and the form of

>vitamin B12 will appear as either methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin.

>That's a

>sure sign of a high-end, quality multivitamin.


>Here it is again:

>USP = cheap

>B12 as cyanocobalamin = cheap

>Coenzyme or methylated = quality

>B12 as hydroxycobalamin or methylcobalamin = quality


>People who experince no results from typical vitamin tablets usually see very

>obvious results from liquids or products that give you food-based nutrition

>such as The Feast (www.URIinternational.com/VoiceBio). This is especially


>for those with poor stomach acid production. People simply feel better, with

>more energy, because they're fueling their methylation biochemical pathways.

>(The boost in energy is especially noticeable in those who take statin

>drugs, s

>ince statins seriously interfere with normal cellular energy production.)


>Cream of Tartar for Candida?




>In October of 2001, my sister started getting very sick.


>She had stomach spasms and she was having a hard time getting around.


>Walking was a major chore.


>It took everything she had just to get out of bed; she was in so much pain.


>By March 2002, she had undergone several tissue and muscle biopsies and was

>on 24 various prescription medications.


>The doctors could not determine what was wrong with her.


>She was in so much pain, and so sick.she just knew she was dying.


>She put her house, bank accounts, life insurance, etc., in her oldest

>daughter's name, and made sure that her younger children were to be taken

>care of.


>She also wanted her last hooray, so she planned a trip to Florida

>(basically in a wheelchair) for March 22nd.


>On March 19, I called her to ask how her most recent tests went, and she said

>they didn't find anything on the test, but they believe she had MS.


>I recalled an article a friend of mine e-mailed to me and I asked my sister

>if she drank diet soda?


>She told me that she did.


>As a matter of fact, she was getting ready to crack one open that moment.


>I told her not to open it, and to stop drinking the diet soda!


>I e-mailed her the article my friend, a lawyer, had sent.


>My sister called me within 32 hours after our phone conversation and told me

>she had stopped drinking the diet soda AND she could walk!


>The muscle spasms went away.


>She said she didn't feel 100% but she sure felt a lot better.


>She told me she was going to her doctor with this article and would call me

>when she got home.


>Well, she called me, and said her doctor was amazed!


>He is going to call all of his MS patients to find out if they consumed

>artificial sweeteners of any kind.


>In a nutshell, she was being poisoned by the Aspartame in the diet soda...

>And Literally dying a slow and miserable death.


>When she got to Florida March 22, all she had to take was one pill, and that

>was a pill for the Aspartame poisoning!


>She is well on her way to a complete recovery.


>And she is walking! No wheelchair!


>This article saved her life.


>If it says 'SUGAR FREE' on the label;


>DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD

>ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on " ASPARTAME, " marketed as 'NutraSweet,' Equal,'




>In the keynote address by the EPA, it was announced that in the United States

>in 2001 there is an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus.


>It was difficult to determine exactly what toxin was causing this to be



>I stood up and said that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject. I

>will explain why Aspartame is so dangerous: When the temperature of this

>sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, The wood alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to

>formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic



>Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants.


>The methanol toxicity mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis and

>systemic lupus


>Many people were being diagnosed in error. Although multiple sclerosis is not

>a death sentence,


>Methanol toxicity is! Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as multiple

>sclerosis, especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers.


>The victim usually does not know that the Aspartame is the culprit.


>He or she continues its use; irritating the lupus to such a degree that it

>may become a life-threatening condition.


>We have seen patients with systemic lupus become asymptotic, once taken off

>diet sodas.


>In cases of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, most of the symptoms



>We've seen many cases where vision loss returned and hearing loss improved



>This also applies to cases of Tinnitus and fibromyalgia.


>During a lecture, I said, " If you are using ASPARTAME (NutraSweet, Equal,

>Spoonful, etc.) and you suffer fromfibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting,

>pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches,


>joint pain, unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech,


>vision, or memory loss you probably have ASPARTAME poisoning! " People were

>jumping up during the lecture saying,


> " I have some of these symptoms. " Is it reversible? "


>Yes! Yes! Yes! STOP drinking diet sodas and be alert for Aspartame on food

>labels! Many products are fortified with it! This is a serious problem. Dr.

>Espart (one of my speakers) remarked that so many people seem to be


>for MS and during his recent visit to a hospice, a nurse stated that six

>of her

>friends, who were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS.


>This is beyond coincidence! Diet soda is NOT a diet product!


>It is a chemically altered, multiple SODIUM (salt) and ASPARTAME containing

>product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates.


>It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight!


>These products also contain formaldehyde, which stores in the fat cells,

>particularly in the hips and thighs.


>Formaldehyde is an absolute toxin and is used primarily to preserve tissue



>Many products we use every day contain this chemical but we SHOULD NOT store

>it IN our body!


>Dr. H. J. Roberts stated in his lectures that once free of the " diet

>products " and with no significant increase in exercise; his patients lost

>an average

>of 19 pounds over a trial period.


>Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics.


>We found that some physicians, who believed that they had a patient with

>Retinopathy, in fact, had symptoms caused by Aspartame.


>The Aspartame drives the blood sugar out of control.


>Thus diabetics may suffer acute memory loss due to the fact that aspartic

>acid and phenylalanine are NEUROTOXIC when taken without the other amino


>necessary for a good balance.


>Treating diabetes is all about BALANCE. Especially with diabetics, the

>Aspartame passes the blood/brain barrier and it then deteriorates the

>neurons of the

>brain; causing various levels of brain damage, seizures, depression, manic

>depression, panic attacks, uncontrollable anger and rage. Consumption of

>Aspartame causes these same symptoms in non-diabetics as well.


>Documentation and observation also reveal that thousands of children

>diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in their

>behavior when these

>chemicals have been removed from their diet. So called " behavior modification

>prescription drugs "


>(Ritalin and others) are no longer needed.


>Truth be told, they were never NEEDED in the first place!


>Most of these children were being " poisoned " on a daily basis with the very

>foods that were " better for them than sugar. "


>It is also suspected that the Aspartame in thousands of pallets of diet Coke

>and diet Pepsi consumed by men and women fighting in the Gulf War, may be

>partially to blame for the well-known Gulf War Syndrome.


>Dr. Roberts warns that it can cause birth defects, i.e. mental retardation,

>if taken at the time of conception and during early pregnancy.


>Children are especially at risk for neurological disorders and should NEVER

>be given artificial sweeteners.


>There are many different case histories to relate of children suffering

>grande mal seizures and other neurological disturbances due to the use of



>Unfortunately, it is not always easy to convince people that Aspartame is to

>blame for their child's illness.


>Stevia, which is a sweet herb, NOT A MANUFACTURED ADDITIVE, helps in the

>metabolism of sugar, which would be ideal for diabetics.


>It has now been approved as a dietary supplement by the FDA.


>It is known that for many years the FDA outlawed this true sweet food, " due

>to their loyalty to MONSANTO Chemical Company. "


>Books on this subject are available:


>EXCITOTOXINS: THE TASTE THAT KILLS written by Dr. Russell Blaylock (Health

>Press 1-800-643-2665) AND: DEFENSE AGAINST ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE-w ritten by

>DR H.

>J. Roberts, also a diabetic specialist.


>These two doctors will soon be posting a position pape on the Internet with

>case histories on the deadly effects of Aspartame. According to the


>of the American College of Physicians,


>We are talking about a plague of neurological diseases directly caused by the

>use of this deadly poison. "


>Herein lies the problem:


>There were Congressional Hearings when Aspartame was included 100 different

>products and strong objection was made concerning its use.


>Since this initial hearing, there have been two subsequent hearings, and

>still nothing has been done.


>The drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets.


>Sadly, MONSANTO'S patent on Aspartame has EXPIRED!


>There are now over 5,000 products on the market that contain this deadly

>chemical and there will be thousands more introduced.


>Everybody wants a " piece of the Aspartame pie. "


>I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of Aspartame, knows how deadly it is.

>And isn't it ironic that MONSANTO funds, among others, the American Diabetes

>Association, the American Dietetic Association and the Conference of the

>American College of Physicians?


>This has been recently exposed in the New York Times.


>These [organizations] cannot criticize any additives or convey their link to

>MONSANTO because they take money from the food industry and are required to

>endorse their products.


>Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote and presented a bill that would require label

>warnings on products containing Aspartame,especially regarding pregnant

>women, children and infants.


>The bill would also institute independent studies on the known dangers and

>the problems existing in the general population regarding seizures,

>changes in

>brain chemistry, neurological changes and behavioral symptoms.


>The bill was killed.


>It is known that the powerful drug and chemical lobbies are responsible for

>this, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting and

>uninformed public.


>Well, you're informed now! YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW!



>The Bone Cancer, Fluoride Connection




>Dr. Elise Bassin, while working on her PhD in epidemiology at Harvard

>University, conducted a study that found a significant relationship

>between fluoride

>and osteosarcoma, the most common type of bone cancer.


>The study found that boys who drank fluoridated water at ages 6-8 were five

>times more likely to develop the cancer. The water looked at in the study had

>only a fourth the maximum allowable level of fluoride considered " safe " by




>These findings contradict those of Bassin's dissertation adviser, Chester

>Douglass, whose $1.3-million, 15-year study did not find a link between

>fluoridated water and osteosarcoma. He claimed Bassin's study was a subset

>of his

>study, and that he had not been able to replicate Bassin's results.


>However, Douglass has received widespread criticism for defending the use of

>fluoride while a paid editor of the Colgate Oral Care Report, a newsletter

>funded by the toothpaste maker. Harvard and the National Institutes of

>Health are

>investigating whether Douglass misrepresented his research findings.


>The Harvard Crimson April 10, 2006

>Boston Herald April 6, 2006


>The Other Side of Soy: Scientists Concerned Over Potential Health Risks






>What's Really in a McDonald's Chicken McNugget? - The ingredient list is far

>from natural, and may be a surefire route to increasing your risk of cancer.




>Soy Formula Kills Three Babies

>The " Remedia " brand of soy-based baby formula appears to have caused or

>contributed to three infant deaths and illness among other babies.

>The formula, which is sold as a Kosher feed and is thought to be popular

>among Orthodox Jewish communities in New York and other areas, did not


>enough vitamin B1, which is vital to brain development. A company


>said that tests have shown the formula contained at least 10 times less B1

>than was advertised.

>An investigation is still underway to determine for sure whether the absence

>of B1 was to blame for the deaths and illnesses. The product has been


>in Israel and parents who have fed their babies the formula are urged to get

>them booster shots of the vitamin.

>BBC News November 10, 2003


>Starting in August or September of 2007, raw almonds available in the USA,

>Canada and Mexico, will no longer be " truly raw " due to a mandate passed

>by the

>USDA, FDA and the California Almond Board, announcing that all almonds

>including organic must be pasteurized.


>The problem is the law has been passed with little public input(if any) or

>notification whatsoever. In addition all pasteurized almonds available in the

>marketplace will still be labeled as raw almonds. Can this be considered

>fraudulence or an out right lie? Are you willing to give up your food freedom



>The primary reasons for passing this law are two isolated outbreaks of

>salmonella, in conjunction with conventional almond farms a few years ago.

>To the

>best of our knowledge no salmonella outbreaks have EVER been associated with

>organic almonds.


>Within the past 10 years tomatoes, spinach, green onions, peanuts, grapes,

>melons, lettuce, and sprouts have all been linked to salmonella outbreaks.


>that mean we should eliminate all fresh produce? Absolutely not!!!


>Almonds, the heartbeat of all nuts, literally, have been associated with

>reduced risk of heart disease, a rich source of calcium, magnesium,

>vitamin E,

>protein, fiber and antioxidants to name a few . These amazing and life


>health benefits, will be devastatingly reduced if not completely

>eliminated in

>the pasteurization process. Three of the potential suggested methods of

>pasteurization are:


>-Propylene oxide(PPO) fumigation(propylene oxide was also used as an

>insecticidal fumigant till 1988 when its registration was terminated.

>California prop.65 rates PPO as a carcinogen. Cited from www.mbow.org)


>-High heat(which degrades the integrity of the nuts and enzyme structure).


>-Steam pasteurization (will also further devalue the nutrients, enzyme

>activity and antioxidants.)


>This is a call to all those who care about their health, we need to join

>forces by bringing this to the attention of everyone from the mass media

>to the

>common consumer before it goes any further than almonds! It is our basic


>to choose unprocessed foods! We have created a petition that we will

>present to

>the California Almond Board, the FDA and the USDA. Go to

>www.livingnutz.com and click on the almond pasteurization petition link on

>the front of our page and sign your name as well as your state, town, and

>zipcode. E-mail us at info with any other questions, media

>relations, ideas or information you may have relevant to this cause.


>To sign the petition go to:






Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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