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SOMETHING ELSE THAT WILL 'KILL US'/ Cancer risks from microwaves confirmed

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- V.K. Durham

V.K. Durham

Sunday, June 03, 2007 10:38 PM




FairUseNotice: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

Well..this morning I discovered my cell phone will kill me, along with my microwave, slips on the stairs, auto accidents, auto emissions, electrical shock, drowning, idiot politicians selling law making powers to Big Corporations through Lobbyist intermediaries, presidents in office operating in Conflict of Interest, rail-road crossings without warning lights, leaky boats, icebergs, drunken rages of neighbors (or maybe perhaps simply a family member or family friend), blowing up of tall buildings because they are full of 'asbestos' and it's too expensive to 'tear them down' so blow them up, claim OBL did it..and collect the insurance, or someone commits suicide over ENRON or PARMALAT and you just happen to be in the path of whatever the individual intends to use as his method of 'way out'..


Or perhaps it might be those nasty cigarettes the U.S. paid the American Farmers to grow the tobacco for.. and then President Clinton and the GAIA GORE CROWD decided to 'make tobacco' a dirty killing thing as it was a good money maker for the American Tobacco Growers, but it made more sense for Clinton to sell off the Tobacco Industries to CHINA along with the COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY..then enter into Trade Agreements which allowed these nations to ship foods into the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that had been raised with HUMAN CHIT for fertilizer..and the FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION 'TURNED' ITS HEAD ignoring the danger being brought to the American People... But, that was not enough..we were not DYING FAST ENOUGH so incomes the TB infected ILLEGAL ALIENS bringing in CONTAGIOUS DISEASES to a Population of Citizens here in the United States that the Federal Government "appropriated tax dollars for inoculations"... but..the President's and the U.S. House Members thought the "appropriated tax dollars" would be better spent BRIBING more politicians, judges and, and, and~ as more ways are figured out by these 'busters' how to 'kill off 3 Billion people on the Planet Earth'..by Treaties..


Read the following-















Cancer Risks from Microwaves Confirmed

ISIS Press Release 24/05/07 Microwaves from wireless mobile phone transmitters may be more potent than lower frequency electromagnetic fields in promoting cancer.Dr. Mae-Wan Ho A fully referenced version of this article is posted on ISIS members’ website. Evidence linking weak electromagnetic radiation (EMR) to leukaemia and other cancers has been fast accumulating in recent years [1-3] (Electromagnetic Fields Double Leukemia Risks, Mobile Phones & Cancer, SiS 18; Electromagnetic Fields, Leukaemia and DNA Damage, SiS 24). Such ‘non- thermal' effects of EMR – due to levels well below that sufficient to bring about any heating - have been observed even before World War II [4] (Non-Thermal Effects, SiS 17).During the cold war period, a four-fold excess of cancer cases was diagnosed among the staff of the American Embassy in Moscow that had been secretly irradiated with microwaves at well below the threshold set in current guidelines. The US State Department study on this episode was described in a paper published in 1997 [5]. This was among the earliest evidence for non-thermal effects of microwaves, and many studies are now confirming the high cancer risks of people exposed to microwaves from mobile phone base stations and transmitters around the world. Microwaves are no different from EMRs in the lower frequency range in that respect; except that microwaves may be even more potent in promoting cancer and other illnesses [6] (Drowning in a Sea of Microwaves, the Wi-Fi Revolution, SiS 34). Ten year study in a German city found cancer risk trebled In June 1993, a GSM transmitter antenna was set up in the Southern Germany city of Naila, and became operational since September 1993. The transmitter antenna has a power of 15dbW (31.6W) per channel in the 935 MHz range. In December 1997, an installation from another company was added. Several doctors living in Naila decided to respond to the call by Wolfram König, President of the Federal Agency for Radiation Protection, to collaborate in assessing the risk posed by mobile phone radiation. They carried out a study to examine whether people living close to transmitter antennas had increased risk of cancer [7]. They found that the proportion of newly developed cancer cases was significantly higher among those who had lived during the past ten years at a distance of up to 400m from the cellular transmitter site, compared to those living further away, and the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier. In the years 1999-2004, five years after the transmitter has been installed and operating, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for the residents within 400 m of the installation compared to inhabitants outside the area. For the purpose of the study, an inner and an outer area were defined. The inner area covered the land within a distance of 400 m from the transmitter, the outer area comprise land further than 400 m. In the inner area, additional emissions come from the secondary lobes of the transmitter. Thus, the outer area has significantly reduced radiation intensity. Computer simulation and measurements both show that radiation in the inner area is 100 times higher compared to outer area. The measurements of all transmitter stations show that the intensity of radiation from the cell phone transmitter station in Naila in the inner area was higher than the electromagnetic fields from radio, television, or radar, according to measurements made in previous studies. Data gathered from nearly 1 000 patients covered almost 90 percent of the local residents, and all patients had been living during the entire observation period of 10 years at the same address. The social differences are small, there is no ethnic diversity, no heavy industry and in the inner area there are neither high voltage cable nor electric trains. The average ages of the residents are similar in the inner and outer areas. For the entire period from 1994 to 2004, the odds ratio (OR) for getting cancer in the inner, strongly exposed area compared to the outer area was 2.35. The average age of developing cancer was 64.1 years in the inner area, whereas in the outer area it was 72.6 years, a difference of 8.5 years. The average for Germany as a whole for developing cancer is 66.5 years, among men, 66 and women 67. The new cancer cases showed a high annual constant value. Considering only the first 5 years, there was no significant increased risk of getting cancer in the inner area. However, for the period 1999 to 2004, the OR for getting cancer was 3.38 in the inner area compared to the outer area. Breast cancer topped the list, with an average age of 50.8 year compared with 69.9 years in the outer area, but cancers of the prostate, pancreas, bowel, skin melanoma, lung and blood cancer were all increased. Four fold cancer risk in Israel Researchers from Tel-Aviv University, Israel, compared 622 people living near a cell-phone transmitter station for 3-7 years who were patients of one health clinic in Netanya, with 1 222 controls who get their medical services in a clinic located nearby, with very closely matched environment, workplace and occupational characteristics [8]. The exposure to mobile phone radiation began one year before the start of the study. The cell-phone transmitter came into service in July 1996, and people in the first health clinic live within a half circle of 350 m radius from the transmitter. The antenna has a total maximum transmission power of 1 500 W at 850 MHz, with a 50 Hz modulation. Both the measured and the predicted power density in the whole exposed area were far below 5.3 mW/m 2, and hence far below the current guidelines. There were 8 cases of different kinds of cancer diagnosed in a period of just one year (July 1997 to June 1998): 3 cases of breast cancer, one of ovarian cancer, lung cancer, Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymphatic system), osteoid osteoma (bone tumour) and kidney cancer. This compares with 31 cases per 10 000 a year in the general population of Israel, and 2 per 1 222 in the matched controls of the nearby clinic. The relative risk of cancer was 4.15 for those living near the cell-phone transmitter compared with the entire population of Israel. As seven out of eight cancer cases were women, the relative cancer rates for females were 10.5 for those living near the transmitter station and 0.6 for the controls relative for the whole town of Netanya. One year after the close of the study, 8 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the microwave exposed area and two in the control area. Read the rest of this article herehttp://www.i-sis.org.uk/CRFMC.phphttp://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Mae-Wan+Hohttp://omega.twoday.net/search?q=cancer+microwaveshttp://omega.twoday.net/search?q=EMR+leukaemiahttp://omega.twoday.net/search?q=EMR+cancerhttp://omega.twoday.net/search?q=non-thermal+effectshttp://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Nailahttp://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Netanya

Starmail - 24. Mai, 08:53

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