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[Renegades] Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In Vaccines for babies

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- Bea Bernhausen

Bea Bernhausen

Saturday, July 21, 2007 12:48 AM

[Renegades] Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In Vaccines for babies


This should make the depopulation agenda fairly clear even to those who have their heads stuck deep in the sand...


Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In VaccinesClear links to neurological disorders ignored, removed from animalvaccines but fine for babies

Infowars.net | July 20, 2007Steve WatsonPresident Bush is to veto a bill that would ban mercury in fluvaccines for children despite its known links to autism and otherneurological disorders and despite the fact that he pledged in 2004 tosupport such a move when campaigning for re-election.The White House stated on Tuesday that President Bush would veto theFY 2008 HHS-Labor-Education Appropriations Bill because of the costand "objectionable provisions" such as a measure to ban the use ofchildhood flu vaccines that contain thimerosal, a mercury-basedpreservative, a press release from Autism advocacy group Safe Minds onthe PRNewswire-USNewswi re states.Bush is calling for an amendment that would remove the children'ssafety provision from the bill.Safe Minds warns:"Under the current administration, mercury has been and will continueto be knowingly injected into the youngest of American citizens. Thecontroversial mercury-containing preservative thimerosal has beenlinked by thousands of parents as being the cause of their children'smercury poisoning and autism."The flu vaccine, which continues to be manufactured with mercury, isrecommended for all pregnant women, infants and children despite thefact that the Institute of Medicine in 2001 recommended against thepolicy ofexposing these same sensitive groups to thimerosal containing vaccines.Mercury is the second most toxic metal known to man behind Uranium.Thimerosal is used in vaccines not because it is good for you, butpurely because it prevents vaccine contamination. Yet some havequestioned why thimerosal is even considered for vaccines becausethere are obviously safer alternatives to preventing contamination.Questions also remain about how pharmaceutical companies conductvaccine research and how the government regulates those companies.Despite these facts, sickening reports such as the one below continueto make out that injecting the second most poisonous substance in theworld into babies is actually GOOD for their health:During Bush's reelection campaign in 2004 he stated:"I support the removal of Thimerosal from vaccines on thechildhood national vaccine schedule. During a second term asPresident, I will continue to support increased funding to support awide variety of research initiatives aimed at seeking definitivecauses and/or triggers of autism. It is important to note that whilethere are many possible theories about causes or triggers of autism,no one material has been definitely included or excluded."Despite this he now plans to veto a bill that would remove Thimerosalbecause of "costs". What costs would these be? Do the costs of bigpharmaceutical companies and fat government kickbacks outweigh thecosts of the healthy brains of every child in America? Seemingly so.Furthermore, though Bush stated that the evidence for links betweenmercury laden vaccines and autism are not concrete, there are scoresof studies and testimony from credible figures asserting the exactopposite.Starting in the early nineties, government regulators dramaticallyincreased the amount of Thimerosal exposure to babies by adding twonew vaccines to the roster of mandatory immunizations children musthave before enrolling in school. The combination of the Hepatitis Bvaccine and the HiB vaccine more than doubled the amount of mercurychildren.Mercury expert Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky hastestified before Congress and the Pentagon as well as the FDA as oneof the nation's leading experts on Thimerosal and mercury poisoning,revealing that his research leads him to believe that some childrenare genetically predisposed to storing mercury in their brains,leading to neurological disorders, including autism.The combination of the Hepatitis B vaccine and the HiB vaccine morethan doubled the amount of mercury children in the 90s. "If you take aten-pound baby in, and it gets four shots on that one day, which is acommon practice - that's equivalent to giving a 100-pound person fortyshots in one day," said Haley.Haley has also proposed that Thimerosal in infant vaccines was alsothe most likely toxic agent involved in Gulf War syndrome and autisticspectrum disorders. Think about this, they are injecting into babiessomething that is breaking down the bodies of full grown combat veterans.While the FDA questioned thimerosal's safety in the 80s, noting thatit was "not safe for 'over-the-counter' topical use because of itspotential for cell damage", and while it was removed from animalvaccines for the same reason, the government regulatory committees didnothing to question its use in childhood vaccines.It's too dangerous for cats and dogs but the government is happy forour babies to be pumped full of the stuff on a regular basis.Dr Haley has also pointed out that it is also well known by any goodbiochemist that thimerosal and aluminum react dangerously whencombined together. Given that Aluminum is a compound added to manyvaccines as a catalyst you would think the government would haveheeded this warning, yet it has still done nothing.Despite the continued reports doubting the link between Thimerosal andautism, more studies have continued to verify the link. As reported inthe Capitol Times recently:A study done at the University of Washington in 2006 showed that babyprimates exposed to injected thimerosal (50 percent mercury), at arate equal to the 1990s childhood vaccine schedule, retained twice asmuch inorganic mercury in their brains as primates exposed to equalamounts of ingested methylmercury. We know from autometallographicdetermination that inorganic mercury present in the brain, followingthe dealkylation of organic mercury, is the toxic agent responsiblefor changes in the microglial population and leads to neuroinflammation.In other words thimerosal, inorganic mercury, leads toneuroinflammatory disease which is proven to be the underlying medicalcondition of autism.Furthermore In a study done at the University of Arkansas last year,autistic children were found to have significantly lower levels of theantioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is the major antioxidant neededfor the elimination of mercury at the cellular level.Moreover, Professor Philippe Grandjean, from Harvard University andthe University of Southern Denmark, considered the foremost scientificauthority on the development of children's brains, has recentlyclaimed that the average human IQ is plummeting primarily due to IQpoints in the population being chemically destroyed via low levelmercury exposure in children.The links between the ingestion of mercury and neurological breakdownare clear and proven. Professors all over the world are telling usoutright that it is literally destroying people's brains. Even if youchoose to believe, in the face of all the evidence, that the links arestill somewhat questionable, the solution is still obvious. GET IT OUTOF THE VACCINES NOW.Safe Minds also point out that according to the EPA, one in every sixwomen of childbearing age already has blood levels of mercury highenough to cause neurological damage to their unborn children due toenvironmental exposures alone."Injecting even more mercury into the bodies of pregnant women,infants and children when it is not a necessary component of vaccinesis just bad medicine," said Lyn Redwood, president of Safe Minds andparent of a mercury-injured child. "It defies logic that a flu vaccinemust be disposed of as a hazardous waste if it is not used, butsomehow injecting the same mercury-containing vaccine into a baby issafe."Yes it defies logic to someone who believes in the unabatedprogression of the entirety of the human race, however, to an elitedevoid of all morality and interested only in the endgame pursuit oftheir own biological, spiritual and financial monopoly over the wholeplanet, it makes perfect sense.Related Video: Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine AgendaRelated Audio: Alex Jones on the Mercury in VaccinesPrison Planet Data Page: Vaccines The Deadly Curehttp://www.infowars .com/articles/ science/vaccines _mercury_ bush_veto_ mercury_ban. \htm



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