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At 08:28 AM 9/5/07, you wrote:

>Drug-resistant bacteria found in wildlife

>Posted by: " Mark Graffis " mgraffis mgraffis

>Tue Sep 4, 2007 5:45 pm (PST)


>Drug-resistant bacteria found in wildlife




>Japan's ecosystem could be at grave risk following a finding that at least

>15 varieties of wildlife are carriers of anti-biotic-resistant bacteria.


>This means that huge numbers of birds and animals would not respond to

>conventional treatment if they fall sick.


>In a worst-case scenario, wildlife possibly could be wiped out if disease

>broke out and the problem was not kept in check. Experts also point to the

>need for continued surveillance over possible effects on humans.


>Through separate surveys, researchers said that at least 15 types of birds

>and animals--such as Japanese cranes in Hokkaido, Okinawa rails, Okinawa

>woodpeckers and mongooses--were found to carry bacteria that are immune to



>Quite how the bacteria reached the natural environment is still a matter

>of speculation, but it is generally accepted that the use of

>anti-bacterial agents in agricultural chemicals and human and livestock

>excrement are to blame.


>The researchers noted that anti-bacterial drugs are used extensively to

>treat diseases in humans and domestic animals and in agricultural chemicals.


>In one survey, a group led by Hideto Fukushi, a professor of biology at

>Gifu University, collected droppings of wild animals and birds which were

>assumed not to have come into contact with anti-bacterial drugs.


>Members found that Escherichia coli and Enterococcus bacteria in 285

>samples from 15 kinds of wild animals and birds contained

>antibiotic-resistant bacteria at levels of between 20 and 25 percent.


>The survey was conducted in cooperation with the Environment Ministry's

>Yambaru Wildlife Center in Kunigami, Okinawa Prefecture, and other



>A group led by Yutaka Tamura, a professor of animal hygiene at Rakuno

>Gakuen University based in Ebetsu, Hokkaido, analyzed the droppings of 128

>Amami rabbits on Amami-Oshima island, Kagoshima Prefecture, in 2006 and

>again this year.


>It found that 2 percent of the Escherichia coli bacteria was

>antibiotic-resistant. In droppings of 196 rats captured in primeval

>forests in Hokkaido, 7 percent of the bacteria was immune to treatment

>from antibiotics.


>The survey was conducted in cooperation with the University of Tokyo's

>Institute of Medical Science.


>Each year in Japan, about 500 tons of anti-bacterial drugs are used to

>treat infections in humans. About twice that figure is used in the

>treatment of domestic animals. In addition, 600 tons are used in

>agricultural chemicals.


>Researchers cited human excrement as one of the likely factors in the

>spread of anti-biotic-resistant bacteria in the natural environment.


>Yasuyoshi Ike, a professor of bacteria infection control at Gunma

>University, said the ramifications for the natural environment could be huge.


> " If it's really true that anti-biotic-resistant bacteria have spread so

>widely, it's going to be a big problem, " he said. " It does not pose an

>immediate threat to humans, but there is a possibility that new pathogenic

>bacteria that are immune to a wide range of anti-bacterial drugs will

>appear in wild animals. " (IHT/Asahi: September 4,2007)



Kraig and Shirley Carroll ... in the woods of SE Kentucky







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