Guest guest Posted September 5, 2007 Report Share Posted September 5, 2007 Global dimming and the persistent jet contrails (first noticed in the late 1980s), that produce man-made clouds, may have serious impacts on crop production. “…I began to take notice of surprising accumulations of dust on my panels which also diminishes charging potential. Knowing the ingredients mentioned in some U.S. patents, I decided to take a few dust samples to a lab in our area that performs all of California’s testing in the region. This was to be the beginning of a chain of alarming data and tests. The dust was full of ALUMINUM and BARIUM…” It is believed that the synergistic combinations of these programs have caused significant climate change ******************************* CHEMICALS, PHOTOSYNTHESIS & SOLAR POWER CONNECTION By Rosalind Peterson September 4, 2007 NOAA lists more than fifty current and ongoing weather modification programs being implemented across the United States on a yearly basis. In addition to the programs listed by NOAA, there are private, university, military, and ongoing government sponsored atmospheric testing and heating programs underway in Alaska and across the United States. Artificial weather modification can impact all of us by chemically polluting our water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles and micro-climates, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since most experimental weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public could be subjected to increasingly toxic or unknown substances that could adversely impact agricultural crops, pollute drinking water supplies, and cause declining tree health. If the weather is changed in one state, region or county it changes local micro-climates needed for agricultural crop production. These changes can cause dramatic shifts in weather conditions in other locations both nearby and thousands of miles away. And who is going to decide the type of weather modification experimentation and who will benefit or suffer from the adverse consequences of these programs? Who will be responsible for studying the synergistic effects of these programs or pay for unintended disasters created by this experimentation? If these programs change growing seasons and interrupt the pollination process crop losses could be substantial. All of these unregulated, private, government, and public weather modification programs, may also have unintended synergistic effects. There is not one government agency that is conducting direct oversight with regard to these programs. Many experimental weather modification programs are being implemented without a national debate, agriculture, or public oversight. The Alaska H.A.A.R.P. atmospheric heating program may have the capability of changing the jet stream, which could also change our weather. These programs have both national and international implications and may be responsible for many types of dramatic climate shifts since the late 1980s. Alaska, California, Arizona, and other areas across the United States are beginning to feel the impacts of climate change. Enormous changes are being seen in the declining health of native plant and tree communities in many areas across the United States and also dramatic climate shifts. Many private weather modification companies admit that precipitation effects may be positive or negative and that they can’t control the consequences of their actions. And we are also seeing the consequences of a multitude of atmospheric heating and testing programs. The increasing use of atmospheric chemicals like aluminum (coupled with increasing air pollution), can severely impact tree health by depriving trees of water and nutrients normally absorbed through their root systems. The lack of photosynthesis and increased aluminum in our soils may be two prominent reasons for sharp declines in tree health in Shasta, Lake, Sonoma, and Mendocino Counties in California, and other areas across the United States. Trimethylaluminum (TMA-NASA’s Night Clouds Experiments), and barium (NASA’s CRRES Program), are just two of the toxic chemicals being used in a myriad of atmospheric heating and testing programs. It is believed that these atmospheric testing programs (including the Alaska H.A.A.R.P. experiments), have exacerbated climate change around the world since the late 1980s. Global dimming and the persistent jet contrails (first noticed in the late 1980s), that produce man-made clouds, may have serious impacts on crop production. A recent corn crop study in Illinois shows that cloud cover reduces corn crop production while direct sunlight increases production. In addition, increasing man-made clouds reduce the effectiveness of solar voltaic panels. D. Wigington wrote an important Solar Power article on: “DIMINISHED SOLAR CHARGE CAPACITIES DUE TO PERSISTENT JET CONTRAILS” in Shasta County, CA on August 18, 2007. “...In Shasta County, California, this past winter, solar voltaic panel output went from just over 30 kW on an otherwise clear winter day, to an output as low as 18 or 19 kW when persistent jet contrails were present. During the summer of 2007 output has gone from just over 40 kW on average, to averages in the low 30 kW range. Again, both these readings are on days when the only obstruction in the sky is expanding and lingering jet trails. These jet contrails create conditions that have a substantial negative effect on the function of a solar voltaic panel’s ability to produce power and they reduce the amount of direct sunlight reaching the earth, which may disrupt normal photosynthesis needed for plants and trees to grow normally and produce crops…” Mr. Wigington has a background in solar power having worked on the construction one of the first commercial solar electric facilities in the United States in the early 1980s, located in Dagget, California. He had extensive education in the electrical industry, holds a journeyman's card in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union, and has held contractor’s licenses in California and Arizona. His “off grid” residence in Shasta County, which is located on 2000 acres of wilderness, was the cover article on the nations largest renewable energy magazine. Portions of his article below give important reasons to investigate and study what has been happening to our skies since the late 1980s, when uncontrolled atmospheric experiments became widespread. Wigington: “…During our first two winters here between 2001 and 2003, there was considerable difficulty maintaining adequate battery charges due to the lengthy storms. This was further worsened by the long aircraft trails that would cover the skies during the occasional breaks in weather fronts. These jet trails alone would, at times, drop my charging potential to less than half…” “…The winter drop in power production due to these jet trails is more substantial as the thickness of the trails seem to be enhanced due to the lower winter temperatures and higher humidity produced as the result of emissions of water vapor from jet engines. Even so, there were occasional days with exactly the same conditions mentioned above that had no trails whatsoever…The sharply contrasting observations made clear to me that there was a profound difference in aircraft activities from one day to the next…” “…I began to take notice of surprising accumulations of dust on my panels which also diminishes charging potential. Knowing the ingredients mentioned in some U.S. patents, I decided to take a few dust samples to a lab in our area that performs all of California’s testing in the region. This was to be the beginning of a chain of alarming data and tests. The dust was full of aluminum and barium…” Wigington has found extremely high tests results for these chemicals in the Shasta County area which correlates with high test results in areas of California (California State Department of Heath, Drinking Water Division, water test results). “…My difficulties getting adequate power in the winter months continued. As far as the summer months, there were difficulties there also. Jet trails that turned into man-made clouds and haze continued in the other seasons, especially spring and fall. Their appearance was less thick but more complete in its coverage of the skies above. My loss of solar uptake was in the 20 to 30% range. Still more than enough to severely hamper my potential to pump adequate water from my well for dryer season needs…” “…The bottom line is that I have been unable, at many times during the year, to produce adequate solar output due to the jet trails alone. There is no consistency to these periods of persistent contrails whatsoever nor is there any logical explanation, (other than patent #5,003,186, and other patents consistent in nature). I began to research the issue and was shocked to discover the high number of U.S. Patents that described exactly the sort of solar obscuration that was blocking so much of my systems ability to produce solar power. I can find no other explanations for these inconsistencies based on weather conditions or humidity…” “…There are random days and periods during all seasons when there are no trails at all and solar uptake is normal. These clear periods seem to be fewer now than only two years ago, and farther between in time. I have had to install a hydroelectric unit in three wind turbans to make up for the lost solar power that seems to be continuing to wane due to increases in jet induced cloud cover and haze…” “…The lack of photosynthesis and increased aluminum in our soils may be two prominent reasons for sharp declines in tree health in Shasta County. I can only hope that some higher level of investigation is commenced that will expose the true nature of this apparent program on solar power production, human, and tree health.” NASA noted in an October 2005 newsletter, and in several studies, that increasingly persistent jet contrails are “…trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming…” NASA goes on to state that: “…Any change in global cloud cover may contribute to long-term changes in Earth’s climate. Contrails, especially persistent contrails, represent a human-caused increase in the Earth’s cloudiness, and are likely to be affecting climate and ultimately our natural resources…” Discover Channel Best Evidence Program February 2007 – Segment: Narrator: “…Geoengineering is the artificial manipulation of earth’s environment on a large scale. In the early 1990s, American Nuclear Physicist, Edward Teller was among the first scientists to model an experiment that would address the issue of global warming. He speculated that aluminum oxide could be injected into the upper atmosphere. It would act like tiny mirrors and deflect a portion of the sun’s rays back into space…” Dr. Wayne Evans, Atmospheric Scientist: “…You see the two contrails forming…cirrus clouds… While most natural clouds actually reflect more sunlight back into space than they supply infrared heat energy towards the earth. However, cirrus clouds are different. They actually radiate more heat energy than they reflect solar energy back into space. Therefore, cirrus clouds contribute to global warming...” Patrick Minnis, NASA: “…We had found that (jet) contrails were producing much more cloud cover than we ever thought they did. This one particular aircraft produced a contrail that covered an area of four thousand square kilometers and lingered for six hours. But we also found that there were contrails covering much larger areas and lasting more than twenty hours...” End of Segment Gil Smolin, an Avian Bird Flu expert, noted on the Ron Owens Show on KGO Radio (January 5, 2006), that the flu was spread more quickly in the winter when there was a “lack of sunlight”. Are man-made clouds contributing to the lack of sunlight which may cause Avian Bird flu or other possible flu pandemics to spread more quickly throughout the entire year? Experimental weather and geoengineering programs could also exacerbate this problem by changing climate patterns, increasing man-made cloud cover, and raising humidity. It is believed that the synergistic combinations of these programs have caused significant climate change, exacerbated global warming, increased human health problems, and have reduced crop production in the United States. An international and national dialogue on this subject is needed at this time. We discourage the use of artificial geoengineering schemes and continued atmospheric heating and testing programs until such time as an investigation can be conducted, and agriculture and public oversight is instituted to protect both the public and the environment from the negative consequences of these programs. (GOOGLE SOME OF THESE) ADDITIONAL PUBLIC INFORMATION: 1, "DIMINISHED SOLAR CHARGE CAPACITIES DUE TO PERSISTENT JET CONTRAILS" August 18, 2007 By Dane Wigington, Shasta County, California. E-Mail, and complete article. 2, Wikipedia Global Dimming: 3, Between September 5-7, 2007, Rosalind Peterson was invited to address the Sixtieth Annual Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI). The Conference, entitled "Climate change: How It Impacts Us All", was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This historic Conference focused on the growing concern associated with climate change and its profound and decisive impact on human well-being. Website: 4, Additional U.N. Workshop: September 5, 2007 - 1:15 P.M. Climate Change, Geoengineering, & ENMOD - Speakers Include: Allan Buckmann, CA State Dept. of Fish & Game (Retired August 2007) Tree Decline, Weather Modification, Solutions + What is triggering such a broad decline and die-off response to an entire suite of plant and tree communities? U.N. Workshop Information: Website. 5, "Toxic Sky" KNBC TV4 News Items Los Angeles May 23, 2006 - Weather Modification - Part I You-Tube 6, "HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR SKIES…NATURAL OR MAN-MADE?" BY Blackmon (2007) You-Tube 7, These climate changes have the potential to negatively impact crop production and cause agricultural and tree pests to proliferate, along with molds, mildews, and fungus. The unusual lack of freezing temperatures at night in the winter of 2005 - 2006 resulted in a fruit tree crop production loss - Northern California. It is believed that the lack of direct sunlight reaching the earth from persistent jet contrails (we have had only three days free of persistent jet contrails between January 1st and March 25, 2007), may have resulted in a reduction in photosynthesis which has retarded native grasses from growing normally as they would if direct sunlight were hitting the earth and providing the energy that grass (from crops to rangeland grasses), needs to grow. 8, January 18, 2006 - Farm Bureau: 9, March 7, 2007 - Lawrence Livermore Laboratory: "Crops Feeling The Heat" 10, The NASA / U.S. Air Force CRESS 1990 Press Kit outlines an atmospheric NASA testing program (linked to H.A.A.R.P. and the U.S. Air Force. In this program canisters are loaded with chemicals and superheated at different atmospheric levels. These canisters contain the following chemicals that could be polluting our air and are showing up with unusual spikes in drinking water supplies in across California (California State Department of Health, Drinking Water Division Water Test Results-Public Records, Sacramento, California), Arizona and other states. Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Lithium, Calcium & the man-made: SF6-Sulfur hexafluoride. Note that SF6 is a very potent, toxic gas. It has the energy-trapping potential of 25,000 times that of Carbon Dioxide. The EPA has taken action to restrict release of this dangerous greenhouse gas and yet it is being used in atmospheric testing programs. 11, Kilowatt: The kilowatt (symbol: kW) is a unit for measuring power, equal to one thousand watts. A kilowatt is roughly equivalent to 1.34 horsepower. 12, Aluminum Information: Read, Read 13, Barium Information: In 1995, Rosalind, now retired, became a certified California United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency Agriculture Crop Loss Adjustor working in more than ten counties throughout California. Rosalind has a BA degree from Sonoma State University in Environmental Studies & Planning (ENSP), with emphasis on using solar power, photosynthesis, agriculture, and crop production. Between 1989 and 1993 Rosalind worked as an Agricultural Technologist for the Mendocino County Department of Agriculture. After leaving Mendocino County she took a position with the USDA Farm Service Agency as a Program Assistant in Mendocino, Sonoma, and the Salinas County Offices, where she worked until becoming certified as a crop loss adjustor for the State. E-Mail: info Global dimming and the persistent jet contrails (first noticed in the late 1980s), that produce man-made clouds, may have serious impacts on crop production. Shortcut to: "Let food be thy medicine andlet medicine be thy food" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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