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A book by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

Published by HEALTH PRESS, P.O. Drawer 1388, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504


The following is all from the Introduction:

‘snip’ page xviii QUOTE

Until this time, (the 1960’s) neuroscientists assumed that glutamate supplied the brain with energy. Based on this idea scientist in one clinical study, fed large doses of MSG to retarded children to see if it would improve their IQ. The experiment failed. Then, in 1957, two ophthalmologists, Lucas and Newhouse, decided to test MSG on infant mice in an effort to study an eye disease known as hereditary retinal dystrophy. But, when they examined the eye tissues of the sacrificed animals, they made a startling discovery. The MSG had destroyed all of the nerve cells in the inner layers of the animal’s retina which are the visual receptor cells of the eye.

‘snip’ page xix

Instead of adding pure MSG they added a substance known as hydrolyzed vegetable proteine that contains three known excitotoxins and has added MSG. As we shall see later this substance is even more dangerous than MSG. They continued this practice for seven more years, and there is evidence that excitotoxins are still added to baby foods today. Usually these are in the form of caseinate, beef or chicken broth, or flavoring.

Another type of food sold by these manufacturers is directed at toddlers. At least some of these foods contain hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Experimentally we know that the brain is extremely vulnerable to excitotoxins even at this stage of development.

In this book I shall present research findings and discuss experiments that will demonstrate that glutamate and other excitotoxins can alter the way the brain is formed during development. It is hypothesized by some neuroscientists that exposure to these powerful compounds early in life could cause developmental brain defects that would produce learning difficulties and behavioral problems as the child grows older. There is also some evidence that it may contribute to violent behavior as well.

In experimental animals “MSG babies” are found to be short in stature, obese, and to have difficulty reproducing. This effect only becomes evident long after the initial MSG exposure. More detailed studies have found that “MSG babies” have severe disorders involving several hormones normally produced by the hypothalamus.

Unfortunately, MSG is not the only taste enhancing food additive known to cause damage to the nervous system. In fact, there is a whole class of chemicals that can produce very similar damage-they all share one important property. When neurons are exposed to these substances, they become very excited and fire their impulses very rapidly until they reach a state of extreme exhaustion. Several hours later these neurons suddenly die, as if the cells were exited to death. As a result, neuroscientists have dubbed this class of chemicals “excitotoxins”.

Often food manufacturers will mix MSG with other substances to disguise it, or use substances known to contain high concentrations of glutamate and/or aspartate. For example, the label designation ‘NATURAL FLAVORING” may contain anywhere from 20 to 60 percent MSG.

Earlier I mentioned a substance called hydrolyzed vegetable protein, also referred to as vegetable protein or plant protein. This powerful excitotoxin mixture is often portrayed as a perfectly safe and “natural” substance. ”After all,” manufacturers say, “it’s made from plants.”






Actually, this mixture is made from “junk” vegetables that are unfit for sale. They are especially selected so as to have naturally high contents of glutamate. The extraction process of hydrolysis involves boiling these vegetables in a vat of acid. This is followed by a process of neutralization with caustic soda. The resulting product is a brown sludge that collects on the top. This is scraped off and allowed to dry. The end product is a brown powder that is high in three known excitotoxins –glutamate, aspartate, and cystoic acid (which converts in the body to cysteine). It is then added by the food industry to everything from canned tuna to baby food.

More and more diseases of the nervous system are being linked to excitotoxin build-up in the brain. For example disorders such as strokes, brain injury, hypoglycemic brain damage, seizures, migraine headaches, hypoxic brain damage, and even AIDS dementia have been linked to excitotoxin damage. There is also evidence that some individuals born with metabolic defects in certain brain cells may be particularly susceptible to excitotoxin damage.

‘snip’ page xxii

I was warned when I submitted the manuscript for this book to my publisher that I should prepare for the backlash from the food industry, and especially from the representatives of the glutamate manufacturers. These two industries have joined together to fight anyone who would dare criticize the use of flavor enhancers. In fact, they have formed a special lobby group to counter any negative claims about their product. This group, called The Glutamate Association, is made up of representatives of major US food manufacturers and the Ajinomoto Company, which, based in Japan, is the chief manufacturer of MSG and hydrolyzed protein.

Many have been scared off by these powerful businesses and organizations. But I feel that the message is too important to be left alone. The FDA has FAILED in its stated purpose of protecting the public from harmful substances being added to the food supply. Millions of lives are at stake-including those of future generations. People must be warned.






(In reference to hypoxic brain damage above)


From Blakiston’s New Gould medical Dictionary:


Hypoxic h., hypoxemic h. Reduction in availability of oxygen to tissue due to a decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) in the arterial blood, as in low oxygen tension in inspired air, interference with gas exchange in the lungs, and arteriovenous shunts.



"Let food be thy medicine andlet medicine be thy food"http://vanokat.wholefoodfarmacy.com/2005/ga_home.asp

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