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America, Meet Our Unvaccinated Kids

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We're pleased to announce a full-page Ad, featured today in the NewsSection of USA Today (right across from the editorial page!):http://www.generationrescue.org/pdf/070626. pdfAmerica, Meet Our Unvaccinated Kids, Version 2.0By J.B. Handleyhttp://www.rescuepo st.com/rescue_ post/2007/ 09/america- meet-ou.htmlBack in June, we released what we felt was an astonishing data set for thefirst ever study comparing the rates of ADHD, autism, and asthma betweenvaccinated children and unvaccinated children. Our conclusion was weighty:We surveyed over 9,000 boys in California and Oregon and found thatvaccinated boys had a 155% greater chance of having a neurologicaldisorder like ADHD or autism than unvaccinated boys.And, the mainstream media wouldn't cover it.Cynics will say this is because our survey was only a phone survey?despite the fact that phone surveys are reported in the news every day,and despite the fact that the CDC uses a phone survey toestablish the prevalence of autism!As the Director of the CDC's two phone surveys on autism noted: "theconsistency of prevalence estimates across the two surveys supports highreliability or reproducibility of parental report of autism andreliability is one important component of validity."Were we blacked out Was our story too hot for the mainstream media tohandle Perhaps, we'll never know for sure. That said, we got

plenty ofcoverage and heard from places like UPI reporter Dan Olmsted, Daily Kos,and NewsMax.com, to name a few.Fast forward to September, and the climate for listening to theparents has changed, perhaps permanently, thanks to Jenny McCarthy.So, we ran our Ad again today, the one describing the survey results, butthis time we ran it in USA Today.With that as background, America please meet our unvaccinated kids:For the first time ever, we know something about them that may help our kids.Yup, they live right down the street from you, they are 5.6% of thepopulation, and they have less asthma, less ADHD, and less autism than ourkids seem to have. At least according to our survey.Do we expect you to believe us?

Not really. Not if you're a member of themainstream media or the mainstream medical establishment. But, we reallyhope you will look at our data. Because today, unlike the CDC, we aremaking all of our data public simultaneously with the release of oursurvey. Crunch away, and decide for yourself.We followed a very straightforward process, so anyone can retrace oursteps. We told a market research firm what we wanted to know. Theydesigned a questionnaire they felt would get us an answer. We approved thequestionnaire. They ran the survey and sent us the data, which you can nowaccess. Decide for yourself.Some of the numbers really jump out, particularly amongst the boys. ARisk Ratio is a way to compare prevalence, so that if 10% of vax kidsand 5% of unvax kids have ADHD, the Risk Ratio is 2.0, or a 100%difference. Risk Ratios above 2.0 tend to be allowed in a court of law toshow correlation. We found many Risk

Ratios well in excess of 2.0, andsome higher than 4.0, the equivalent of a 300% difference.Decide for yourself.Have we proved anything today? Yes and no. We've proved thatunvaccinated kids are easy to find, and that a straightforward surveyyielded some disturbing results. What we haven't done is design astudy with enough scale and controls to be published in a first-tier,peer-reviewed journal. But, we've certainly highlighted the screaming needfor such a study to happen.So, now what?Everyone should send an email to Dan Olmsted and thank him for his Age ofAutism series from UPI. He's the one who asked about unvaccinated kidsfirst, and asked it loudest. He even asked Julie Gerberding, CDC Director.He just kept on asking it until we got so tired thinking about what anobvious question it was that we did something about it.Our data should be scrutinized, analyzed, challenged, and debated by

anyand everyone in the autism community who cares to do so. (If you want acopy of the Excel spreadsheet with the primary data in it,email us and we will send it to you.)Everyone and their grandmother needs to cajole their Congressperson tojump on the bandwagon and support Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney's bill tostudy unvaccinated children.This incredibly brave Congresswoman from New York said in a pressrelease in June: What is ultimately needed to resolve this issue one wayor the other is a comprehensive national study comparing outcomes betweenvaccinated and unvaccinated children. As the mostscientifically advanced country in the world, we should be jumping at thechance to conduct a comprehensive national study to resolve the questionsthat have been raised. Parents deserve answers, andchildren deserve no less than

absolutely certainty and safety.The autism community should pull together and fund our own independentstudy, in addition to the Maloney bill, to gather as much data asquickly as possible. Autism Speaks, with the biggest war chest, shouldtake this opportunity to fund or lead the funding for such a study, andhelp put this issue to rest once and for all. It would be a greatopportunity for them to repair a badly burned bridge with many of us, andI hope they jump at the chance. The study must be run byresearchers who have no history in this fight, on either side of theargument, and it must have the scale and controls to achieve wideacceptance through journal publication.As for me, nothing much changes. My son is getting better, and wethink the road map drawn by considering him vaccine injured is why.Knowing cause is so incredibly important to figuring out how to help andtreat our kids, and I'm grateful for the

pioneers who have been demandinganswers for years. My wife and I hope, in some small way, that this surveymoves things forward, and creates a deafening demand from parents for moreanswers. Now.J.B. Handley is co-founder of Generation Rescue.

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