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Symptoms Of Morgellons Affliction

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What are the exact symptoms of Morgellons? It seems they could overlap with many things. Here is the symptoms list, it's very long: Symptoms Of Morgellons Affliction Material ©2006 Rense.com 10-24-6

The rest can be found at this link: http://www.rense.com/general74/morg4.htm


(A comprehensive list of symptoms compiled from first-hand input and a consensus of sufferers.)

You - or someone you know - may have Morgellons Disease and not realize it yet. Morgellons symptoms fit into many other illness profiles. They may appear slowly and take years to culminate into full-blown Morgellons Disease. And symptoms may occur intermittently over time, appearing to go into remission and then resurfacing. Symptoms are often rationalized as being "nothing," thoughtlessly disregarded or misdiagnosed. Even worse, victims are placed in the diagnostic category: Delusional Parasitosis. It is believed that pets also get Morgellons, exhibiting many of the same symptoms as humans, which are sometimes fatal. For the most part, medical professionals and veterinarians are unaware of Morgellons. At present, no official diagnostic code exists for insurance companies. Research is currently under way. Labs are soon to report in-depth results of their findings. As grassroots awareness continues, it is sadly inevitable that many more sufferers - both human and animal - will surface. And that's the hairy, 800-pound gorilla in the room. Our comprehensive symptoms list is compiled from first-hand input and consensus of sufferers. Morgellons Disease Symptoms List Head Bumps, lumps, lesions or "channels" on head Headaches Brain and Personality Memory loss (short term, recent memory - "What was I saying? Where did I put my coffee mug? What did I do yesterday?") Brain fog - groggy, unclear thinking Thought processing becomes very taxing, difficult Unable to think of specific words when communicating Writing, and especially spelling, becomes difficult Inability to focus or concentrate - ADD/ADHD symptoms Mood disorders and mood swings, including loss of temper Libido - lack of Loss of interest in things that normally interest you Depression and/or confusion or disorientation Personality changes, like loss of creativity or loss of existing skills Neurological problems - clumsiness, stumbling while walking, impeded speech Hair Hair appearance - stiff, brittle and dry Wiry, uncontrollable hairs replace normal hair Hair texture and color may change as more "wiry" ones grow in Hair loss Small glob of clear sticky substance at root end of hair when it falls out, substance may coat hair shaft Hair color does not adhere well to new hair growth Eyes Floaters on eyeball surface Loss of visual acuity Increase in discharge, often stringy Sandy or gritty feeling in eyes Feeling of foreign objects in eyes but cannot locate or remove Eyes are extra-sensitive to light Eyesight is generally weakened Night blindness Eyelashes fall out, may be replaced with thick, wiry discolored lashes Ears Ears itch as motile fibers move inside Ears ring or beep (but ears are clean) Ears become clogged due to sinus drainage Ears develop excess thick hair which may emerge from inside ear and feel very deep-rooted Nose Allergies or sinus problems - excessive congestion, mucus production Mucus is thick, stringy, cohesive, dries into very hard substance - almost glue-like Scents are not perceived correctly, may fluctuate from keen sensing ability to no ability to perceive any scent at all Nostrils develop excess thick hair Nostrils develop very sore pimples Mouth & Throat Teeth become sensitive, crack, chip, feel like they're becoming hollow Teeth become loose and/or fall out Sore or tickling throat Hacking cough Constant sinus drainage Glob of congestion always hanging at back of throat Taste buds malfunction, may fluctuate from keen tasting ability to having no taste perception at all Skin Crawling feeling on the skin, like invisible bugs Pinching, biting, stinging or prickling on the skin Lesions - itchy, sore or painful, very slow-healing with little or no infection, sometimes containing "fuzz" Crusts/scabs/callus-like formations on lesions - painful and difficult to remove because of tentacles clinging to flesh Open cuts or wounds - very slow healing with little or no infection, sometimes containing"fuzz" Objects described as "granules," hard and crystal-like, similar in size and shape to sand grains, can occasionally be removed, or can emerge from either broken or intact skin Objects described as "shards," hard and crystal-like that are similar to glass that emerge from skin Black seed-like "specks" or "dots" on, or in, the skin or emerging from lesions Tiny "fuzzballs" in the lesions, emerging from lesions, and on (or falling from) intact skin Black tar-like substance coming from skin pores Skin texture - leathery, callus-like areas often where lesions had previously been located Growth of new wiry or thick hair over the top of where lesions had previously been Pimples - sore, long-lasting, can't squeeze out - contents are removed in same fashion as a splinter and are moist but cohesive Rashes - unusual, appear/disappear rapidly for no apparent reason, also appear where adhesive portion of Band-Aid is applied Skin pigment changes (gets lighter or darker, more difficult to see in fair skin tones) Stationary or 'creeping' worm or wire-like structures can be seen just beneath the skin surface Skin loses its elasticity and appears to sag, especially when warm, less so when cold Body Cannot sense temperature of water - water is very hot and it is not recognized Alert!! This is very important if you have young children or animals that you bathe. Alcohol/liquor intolerance Appetite decrease or increase Weight loss or weight gain Food cravings or total lack of interest in food Gastrointestinal problems Swelling or edema, including breast edema, feet especially known for swelling Back ache - lower back Back pain - neck and shoulder pain Chronic fatigue - total exhaustion, physical depletion Insomnia during nighttime, or sleep abnormally long amounts (day and night) Weakness - strength diminishes Bloating Joint pain Muscle twitching or cramping Dizziness, disorientation, vertigo Seizures Blood pressure problems (high or low) Heart races or beats irregularly for no apparent reason Liver problems Here is the smart/Golem Dust(nano)that may be playing a part in all of this: http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/archive/users/warneke-brett/SmartDust/index.html

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I did not get the the connection with the Smart dust link. How would that related to Morgollens? Any is there any known relief? ThanksMisty <misty3 wrote: What are the exact symptoms of Morgellons? It seems they could overlap with many things. Here is the symptoms list, it's very long: Symptoms Of Morgellons Affliction Material ©2006 Rense.com 10-24-6 The rest can be found at this link: http://www.rense.com/general74/morg4.htm (A comprehensive list of symptoms compiled from first-hand input and a consensus of sufferers.) You - or someone you know - may have Morgellons Disease and not realize it yet. Morgellons symptoms fit into many other illness profiles. They may appear slowly and take years to culminate into full-blown Morgellons Disease. And symptoms may occur intermittently over time, appearing to go into remission and then resurfacing. Symptoms are often rationalized as being "nothing," thoughtlessly disregarded or misdiagnosed. Even worse, victims are placed in the diagnostic category: Delusional Parasitosis. It is believed that pets also get Morgellons, exhibiting many of the same symptoms as humans, which are sometimes fatal. For the most part, medical professionals and veterinarians are unaware of Morgellons. At present, no official diagnostic

code exists for insurance companies. Research is currently under way. Labs are soon to report in-depth results of their findings. As grassroots awareness continues, it is sadly inevitable that many more sufferers - both human and animal - will surface. And that's the hairy, 800-pound gorilla in the room. Our comprehensive symptoms list is compiled from first-hand input and consensus of sufferers. Morgellons Disease Symptoms List Head Bumps, lumps, lesions or "channels" on head Headaches Brain and Personality Memory loss (short term, recent memory - "What was I saying? Where did I put my coffee mug? What did I do yesterday?") Brain fog - groggy, unclear thinking Thought processing becomes very taxing, difficult Unable to think of specific words when communicating Writing, and especially spelling, becomes difficult Inability to focus or concentrate - ADD/ADHD symptoms Mood disorders and mood swings,

including loss of temper Libido - lack of Loss of interest in things that normally interest you Depression and/or confusion or disorientation Personality changes, like loss of creativity or loss of existing skills Neurological problems - clumsiness, stumbling while walking, impeded speech Hair Hair appearance - stiff, brittle and dry Wiry, uncontrollable hairs replace normal hair Hair texture and color may change as more "wiry" ones grow in Hair loss Small glob of clear sticky substance at root end of hair when it falls out, substance may coat hair shaft Hair color does not adhere well to new hair growth Eyes Floaters on eyeball surface Loss of visual acuity Increase in discharge, often stringy Sandy or gritty feeling in eyes Feeling of foreign objects in eyes but cannot locate or remove Eyes are extra-sensitive to light Eyesight is generally weakened Night blindness Eyelashes

fall out, may be replaced with thick, wiry discolored lashes Ears Ears itch as motile fibers move inside Ears ring or beep (but ears are clean) Ears become clogged due to sinus drainage Ears develop excess thick hair which may emerge from inside ear and feel very deep-rooted Nose Allergies or sinus problems - excessive congestion, mucus production Mucus is thick, stringy, cohesive, dries into very hard substance - almost glue-like Scents are not perceived correctly, may fluctuate from keen sensing ability to no ability to perceive any scent at all Nostrils develop excess thick hair Nostrils develop very sore pimples Mouth & Throat Teeth become sensitive, crack, chip, feel like they're becoming hollow Teeth become loose and/or fall out Sore or tickling throat Hacking cough Constant sinus drainage Glob of congestion always hanging at back of throat Taste buds malfunction, may

fluctuate from keen tasting ability to having no taste perception at all Skin Crawling feeling on the skin, like invisible bugs Pinching, biting, stinging or prickling on the skin Lesions - itchy, sore or painful, very slow-healing with little or no infection, sometimes containing "fuzz" Crusts/scabs/callus-like formations on lesions - painful and difficult to remove because of tentacles clinging to flesh Open cuts or wounds - very slow healing with little or no infection, sometimes containing"fuzz" Objects described as "granules," hard and crystal-like, similar in size and shape to sand grains, can occasionally be removed, or can emerge from either broken or intact skin Objects described as "shards," hard and crystal-like that are similar to glass that emerge from skin Black seed-like "specks" or "dots" on, or in, the skin or emerging from lesions Tiny "fuzzballs" in the lesions, emerging from lesions, and on (or

falling from) intact skin Black tar-like substance coming from skin pores Skin texture - leathery, callus-like areas often where lesions had previously been located Growth of new wiry or thick hair over the top of where lesions had previously been Pimples - sore, long-lasting, can't squeeze out - contents are removed in same fashion as a splinter and are moist but cohesive Rashes - unusual, appear/disappear rapidly for no apparent reason, also appear where adhesive portion of Band-Aid is applied Skin pigment changes (gets lighter or darker, more difficult to see in fair skin tones) Stationary or 'creeping' worm or wire-like structures can be seen just beneath the skin surface Skin loses its elasticity and appears to sag, especially when warm, less so when cold Body Cannot sense temperature of water - water is very hot and it is not recognized Alert!! This is very important if you have young children or animals that you bathe.

Alcohol/liquor intolerance Appetite decrease or increase Weight loss or weight gain Food cravings or total lack of interest in food Gastrointestinal problems Swelling or edema, including breast edema, feet especially known for swelling Back ache - lower back Back pain - neck and shoulder pain Chronic fatigue - total exhaustion, physical depletion Insomnia during nighttime, or sleep abnormally long amounts (day and night) Weakness - strength diminishes Bloating Joint pain Muscle twitching or cramping Dizziness, disorientation, vertigo Seizures Blood pressure problems (high or low) Heart races or beats irregularly for no apparent reason Liver problems Here is the smart/Golem Dust(nano)that may be playing a part in all of this: http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/archive/users/warneke-brett/SmartDust/index.html

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