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Help! Wife with stage 4 brain tumor looking for some support for her

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Hi, my wife (Shelaine) has stage 4 brain tumor on her brain stem and just went

through her 4th surgury back in jan. of this year. they were able to remove 60

to 70% of it and was told that hopefully chemo/radation would take care of the

rest of it. they told us that's the only thing that will work. Well, she

completed over 28 treatments & mri revealed that the tumor had shrunk and she

need to do more radation. So, she went through 8 treatments and just had a mri

done on fri may 8th. she sees her oncologist this thrusday and she just seen the

surgeon for a check up yesterday and he looked at the mri and said that it's

still there but it is shrinking. So, I know her oncologist is going to want to

do my chemo/radation which I don't want her doing.But, I know her she's going to

because he's the doctor. So,I order Sutherlandia OPC Capsules which just got in

the mail yesterday also order Cell Forté® MAX3 that should be here sometime this

week. I got her taking herbal minral trace,oliveleaf extract,coq-10,vitamin

c,Probiotic Eleven. The problem is she won't take the Sutherlandia OPC Capsules

until she talks to her oncologist, which I know he's going to tell her NO, don't

take that it could cause swelling to the tumor or if he wants her to do more

chemo/radation that could cause problems with the chemo/radation going its

job.All the reading I have been doing leads me to having her take Sutherlandia

OPC for the type of tumor she has.But, hearing about how you can only order it

from south africa and that it isn't fta aproved in the US and the plant is very

poisons, believes her into thinking that it could kill her or do more harm than

good. So, if I could get some people who is taking this with good resolves email

me so I can show her how good this stuff would be for her I would be very


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Hi Ken,

I hope that you wife takes your advice. I don't hold much hope in the oncologist approving oleander, as they will not approve anything natural in healing any type of illness. Maybe your wife could join the forum, or at least read the posts. Also, I would recommend that she read the Oleander Series of Articles at the top right of:


Chemo and radiation severly compromise an already weakened immune system. And sometimes these very treatments are responsible for the spread of cancer. However, if this is the path she chooses, oleander will lessen to eliminate its side effects, and it also makes the chemo more effective. Either way, whatever you can do to convince her, Oleander is a total necessity. It will also stregthen her immune system. Along with Oleander, may I recommend that she follow the Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol. /anticancer.htm This entire protocol, which includes Oleander, is over 90% effective against all types of cancer. Of course, it would be ideal if she fought her cancer with only natural alternatives.

Oleander is extremely toxic in its raw state, but when made into an extract it becomes a powerful healer. In fact, I recommend that everyone take this supplement, not only as a cancer preventative, but for overall health.

As for me, I take it as a preventative, and I have reaped other health benefits because of it. If you could point out to her that I have been taking Oleander now for about three years and am very much alive and healthy. Our other members are experiencing success with their cancers and I ask them to please post so that you wife can make the right decision.

Let us just hope that her oncologist doesn't use pressure or fear tacticts. Unfortunately, this too often influences patients to make the wrong decision. Do all you can to convince her Ken.

I wish you and your wife my very best.


oleander soup , "sounddynamics" <kenwoody2 wrote:>> Hi, my wife (Shelaine) has stage 4 brain tumor on her brain stem and just went through her 4th surgury back in jan. of this year. they were able to remove 60 to 70% of it and was told that hopefully chemo/radation would take care of the rest of it. they told us that's the only thing that will work. Well, she completed over 28 treatments & mri revealed that the tumor had shrunk and she need to do more radation. So, she went through 8 treatments and just had a mri done on fri may 8th. she sees her oncologist this thrusday and she just seen the surgeon for a check up yesterday and he looked at the mri and said that it's still there but it is shrinking. So, I know her oncologist is going to want to do my chemo/radation which I don't want her doing.But, I know her she's going to because he's the doctor. So,I order Sutherlandia OPC Capsules which just got in the mail yesterday also order Cell Forté® MAX3 that should be here sometime this week. I got her taking herbal minral trace,oliveleaf extract,coq-10,vitamin c,Probiotic Eleven. The problem is she won't take the Sutherlandia OPC Capsules until she talks to her oncologist, which I know he's going to tell her NO, don't take that it could cause swelling to the tumor or if he wants her to do more chemo/radation that could cause problems with the chemo/radation going its job.All the reading I have been doing leads me to having her take Sutherlandia OPC for the type of tumor she has.But, hearing about how you can only order it from south africa and that it isn't fta aproved in the US and the plant is very poisons, believes her into thinking that it could kill her or do more harm than good. So, if I could get some people who is taking this with good resolves email me so I can show her how good this stuff would be for her I would be very greatful.thanks,ken>

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hi. every case is different.every brain cancer is diferentside efects of radio/chemio alwasy differetn.but what i want tell it , my sister even tumor in head was so big... she always was ok.after 6 years she decided to do radio, and chemio.......... it destroyed her totaly.if i can back time .. ii never wanted if she make all this what oncologist has in there programs. my sister tumor was very very big.. it was not good to make radiation.doctors should tell her this.but they did. other person who i know here was with smaller tumor . radiation didnt give any site efects. he was ok after it..but after 2 months.... tumor came back with dublle power. !difficult is to give advise..but for me radiation for brain - no. --- On Tue, 5/12/09,

May <luellamay129 wrote: May <luellamay129 Re: Help! Wife with stage 4 brain tumor looking for some support for heroleander soup Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 8:05 PM


Hi Ken,

I hope that you wife takes your advice. I don't hold much hope in the oncologist approving oleander, as they will not approve anything natural in healing any type of illness. Maybe your wife could join the forum, or at least read the posts. Also, I would recommend that she read the Oleander Series of Articles at the top right of:

http://www.tbyil. com/articles. htm

Chemo and radiation severly compromise an already weakened immune system.. And sometimes these very treatments are responsible for the spread of cancer. However, if this is the path she chooses, oleander will lessen to eliminate its side effects, and it also makes the chemo more effective. Either way, whatever you can do to convince her, Oleander is a total necessity. It will also stregthen her immune system. Along with Oleander, may I recommend that she follow the Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol. http://www.tbyil. com/anticancer. htm This entire protocol, which includes Oleander, is over 90% effective against all types of cancer. Of course, it would be ideal if she fought her cancer with only natural alternatives.

Oleander is extremely toxic in its raw state, but when made into an extract it becomes a powerful healer. In fact, I recommend that everyone take this supplement, not only as a cancer preventative, but for overall health.

As for me, I take it as a preventative, and I have reaped other health benefits because of it. If you could point out to her that I have been taking Oleander now for about three years and am very much alive and healthy. Our other members are experiencing success with their cancers and I ask them to please post so that you wife can make the right decision.

Let us just hope that her oncologist doesn't use pressure or fear tacticts. Unfortunately, this too often influences patients to make the wrong decision. Do all you can to convince her Ken.

I wish you and your wife my very best.


oleander soup, "sounddynamics@ ..." <kenwoody2@.. .> wrote:>> Hi, my wife (Shelaine) has stage 4 brain tumor on her brain stem and just went through her 4th surgury back in jan. of this year. they were able to remove 60 to 70% of it and was told that hopefully chemo/radation would take care of the rest of it. they told us that's the only thing that will work. Well, she completed over 28 treatments & mri revealed that the tumor had shrunk and she need to do more radation. So, she went through 8 treatments and just had a mri done on fri may 8th. she sees her oncologist this thrusday and she just seen the surgeon for a check up yesterday and he looked at the mri and said that it's still there but it is shrinking. So, I know her oncologist is going to want to do my chemo/radation which I don't want her doing.But, I know her she's going to because he's the doctor. So,I

order Sutherlandia OPC Capsules which just got in the mail yesterday also order Cell Forté® MAX3 that should be here sometime this week. I got her taking herbal minral trace,oliveleaf extract,coq- 10,vitamin c,Probiotic Eleven. The problem is she won't take the Sutherlandia OPC Capsules until she talks to her oncologist, which I know he's going to tell her NO, don't take that it could cause swelling to the tumor or if he wants her to do more chemo/radation that could cause problems with the chemo/radation going its job.All the reading I have been doing leads me to having her take Sutherlandia OPC for the type of tumor she has.But, hearing about how you can only order it from south africa and that it isn't fta aproved in the US and the plant is very poisons, believes her into thinking that it could kill her or do more harm than good. So, if I could get some people who is taking this with good resolves email me so I can show her how good this stuff

would be for her I would be very greatful.thanks, ken>

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This scenario is far too common. Chemo and radiation much too often do more harm than good. At best one can only home for remission but the cancer almost always returns, and sometimes with a vengeance where nothing can be done. In your sister's case, it didn't help at all, merely inflicted damage in your sister's body. The only hope is in natural healing, addressing the cancer from its source.


How is your sister today?





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