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Essiac ingredients - cancer remedy

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I have this burning question . . . I searched the archives but there

appears to be no prior discussion of this.


The four main herbs that make up Essiac are Burdock Root, Slippery Elm

Inner Bark, Sheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root.


I am curious, are these roots and herbs used in TCM or Ayurveda? if

so, would they be indicated for someone who has cancer (and some say

even diabetes)?


A canadian nurse gave the formula its name but it is of Native

American origin.


Just curious, I have a friend whose husband had prostate cancer, it is

now in remission and he swears by it. My grandfather went the

traditional route (surgery, chemotherapy) which really limits quality

of life afterwards compared to other types of cancers.





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Would you happen to have the latin names for these?

I've been researching a few Chinese cancer remedies

and wonder if there is any relation.


Regards, Jack


--- zenisis7 <findme wrote:


> I have this burning question . . . I searched the

> archives but there

> appears to be no prior discussion of this.


> The four main herbs that make up Essiac are Burdock

> Root, Slippery Elm

> Inner Bark, Sheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root.


> I am curious, are these roots and herbs used in TCM

> or Ayurveda? if

> so, would they be indicated for someone who has

> cancer (and some say

> even diabetes)?


> A canadian nurse gave the formula its name but it is

> of Native

> American origin.


> Just curious, I have a friend whose husband had

> prostate cancer, it is

> now in remission and he swears by it. My

> grandfather went the

> traditional route (surgery, chemotherapy) which

> really limits quality

> of life afterwards compared to other types of

> cancers.


> Thanks,


> Zenisis
















Qi Men Dun Jia / Chinese Divination































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Burdock Root (Arctium lappa)

Slippery Elm inner bark (Ulmus Fulva)

Sheep Sorrel (Rumex Acetosella)

Indian Rhubarb Root (Rheum Officinale)


From http://www.essiacinfo.org/


Chinese Traditional Medicine , Jack Sweeney

<mojavecowboy> wrote:


> Zen:


> Would you happen to have the latin names for these?

> I've been researching a few Chinese cancer remedies

> and wonder if there is any relation.


> Regards, Jack


> --- zenisis7 <findme@z...> wrote:


> > I have this burning question . . . I searched the

> > archives but there

> > appears to be no prior discussion of this.

> >

> > The four main herbs that make up Essiac are Burdock

> > Root, Slippery Elm

> > Inner Bark, Sheep Sorrel and Indian Rhubarb Root.

> >

> > I am curious, are these roots and herbs used in TCM

> > or Ayurveda? if

> > so, would they be indicated for someone who has

> > cancer (and some say

> > even diabetes)?

> >

> > A canadian nurse gave the formula its name but it is

> > of Native

> > American origin.

> >

> > Just curious, I have a friend whose husband had

> > prostate cancer, it is

> > now in remission and he swears by it. My

> > grandfather went the

> > traditional route (surgery, chemotherapy) which

> > really limits quality

> > of life afterwards compared to other types of

> > cancers.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Zenisis

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> Qi Men Dun Jia / Chinese Divination

























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Thanks so much for this link. Coincidentally, red clover is included

among some of the other variations of Essiac. You know, the nurse

that discovered this formula was so adamant that that they be used as

a decoction and not be freeze dried and put in capsules that I was

surprised to learn that TCM decoctions are often put freeze dried and

put into capsules as a matter of course.


Anyway, I had a loved one try the formula for prostate but he felt so

weak that he refused to continue because he felt he had other

responsibilities to attend to. Too bad.




Chinese Traditional Medicine , " Penel " <hyldemoer> wrote:


> <snip>

> > I am curious, are these roots and herbs used in TCM or Ayurveda? if

> > so, would they be indicated for someone who has cancer (and some say

> > even diabetes)?


> For a TCM perspective try looking at this

> <http://www.happyherbalist.com/essiac_and_tcm.htm>


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I would like to strongly echo Victoria's comment -


'Some herbs can increase bleeding and should not be taken for at

least two weeks prior to surgery.'


This is very important and should not be taken lightly since many

herbs create their theraputic effects by breaking up stagnations and

blocks of various types by thinning the thick - stuck - toxic -

blood.One should not have surgery until discussing the issue with

their herbalist - not their surgeon as few surgeons know anything

about herbs.


A few comments about Essiac. Every herbal tradition in the world has

many of these types of formulas - there is nothing new or different

about this formula. The concept is classic - cool and invigorate the

blood - create mild laxative and diuretic effects - stimulate liver

and kidney function. All such formulas are the basic understanding

about how to lighten and clean someone out - cooling the overheated

blood - breaking stasis in the blood - and moving the kidneys and

bowels - this is why it is helpful for diseases like cancer. For

most cancer cases breaking up the stasis and getting 'everything'

moving down and out will be very helpful (especially since many

scholars believe that cancer is a disease of stasis). In ayurveda

there are many of these types of formulas - the Vedic scholars

called the energy that controls all downward moving processes -

defecation - urination - ejaculation - menstruation - etc. Apana

Vayu - if this energy moves up instead of down then many types of

blockages occur like constipation - urine retention - menstruation

problems - etc. So they emphasize this constant free flowing of the

downward moving energies as an essential element of health. Formulas

like essiac are helpful with this. The problem is that these

formulas can be to cold for an already cold individuual - so if any

cold symptoms arise or stomach weakness then one should add

something warming (like ginger) and if the cold sensations persisit

another type of approach must be used and the Essiac left alone.

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Are these classic formulas useful only in the early

stages of cancer?


I'm helping to research a Chinese herb that is useful

only within the first three months of cancer cases.

The herb is poisonous and its function is to clean out

the intestines, so it is a laxative and has diuretic

effects. It probably also stimulates liver and kidney



Regards, Jack



> A few comments about Essiac. Every herbal tradition

> in the world has

> many of these types of formulas - there is nothing

> new or different

> about this formula. The concept is classic - cool

> and invigorate the

> blood - create mild laxative and diuretic effects -

> stimulate liver

> and kidney function. All such formulas are the basic

> understanding

> about how to lighten and clean someone out - cooling

> the overheated

> blood - breaking stasis in the blood - and moving

> the kidneys and

> bowels - this is why it is helpful for diseases like

> cancer. For

> most cancer cases breaking up the stasis and getting

> 'everything'

> moving down and out will be very helpful (especially

> since many

> scholars believe that cancer is a disease of

> stasis). In ayurveda

> there are many of these types of formulas - the

> Vedic scholars

> called the energy that controls all downward moving

> processes -

> defecation - urination - ejaculation - menstruation

> - etc. Apana

> Vayu - if this energy moves up instead of down then

> many types of

> blockages occur like constipation - urine retention

> - menstruation

> problems - etc. So they emphasize this constant free

> flowing of the

> downward moving energies as an essential element of

> health. Formulas

> like essiac are helpful with this. The problem is

> that these

> formulas can be to cold for an already cold

> individuual - so if any

> cold symptoms arise or stomach weakness then one

> should add

> something warming (like ginger) and if the cold

> sensations persisit

> another type of approach must be used and the Essiac

> left alone.















Qi Men Dun Jia / Chinese Divination































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> Vinod:


> Are these classic formulas useful only in the early

> stages of cancer?


Since Jack has asked this question - I would like to express my

prejudice about treating cancer - as well as all other chronic

disease processes.


First in my opinion there is no healing of chronic disease without

changing lifestyle patterns - the very patterns which are causing

the disease - the most important being diet - those who eat properly

do not get diseases like cancer, arthritis, etc. - after that all

universally accepted toxins should be stopped - cigarettes, drugs

(including common over the counters like aspirin, anti-acids, etc.)-

recreatinal drugs - alcohol - we should stop eating foods that have

been poisoned by inorganic substances (like insecticides, etc.)- we

should eat simple non poisoned foods. An important issue in the

development of advanced states of many diseases, are toxic

substances in the food, air, and water that we take into our bodies.

We must learn to relax and calm ourselves through some sort of

mind/body training. Most know what it is they do that is harming

them. It is simply that they do not have enough will to achieve



If a patient is even beginning that kind of path of living a less

stressful and toxic life then a physician or healer MIGHT be able to

help them in the process - indeed herbs and other theraputics can be

very important in slowing or stopping chronic processes like cancer -

but not if the patient is living a disease forming life. Such

patients rarely stay with the doctor anyway as there isn't much any

doctor from any discipline can do for those who are not able to

participate in the healing process. Passive healing of disease is

not common - the patient must be willing to do what is necessary to

have a healing.


If the patient is able to work toward their own healing then this is

my opinion about what every traditional healer should do - do not

prescribe universal palatives such as Essiac - do not see the

patient as a 'cancer' patient and give some 'anti cancer' medicines.

analyze the patterns just as you would every patient and treat those

patterns just as you would any other patient. Although there are

many formulas developed over the years that are classically used for

particular syndromes - still each patient is unique and should not

recieve a one size fits all formula - cancer as an example is much

to serious an issue to not take all of the patterns into account and

treat each patholgical process that is discerned. It is rediculous

to think that every cancer patient should recieve the same medicine -

such an idea is against everything TCM has ever taught. We do not

treat 'diseases' we treat people. Resolve the imbalances within and

between the organs and if you and the patient are succesful at doing

that - one will find first the disease state slows down in it's

progression - next if one is lucky the disease stops progressing -

if the path is kept then perhaps the disease process will reverse -

and if not to much damage has been done one can see healing - I have

seen many people healed of cancer - but not easily - it takes faith

and hard work - on the part of the patient and the healer.

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> First in my opinion there is no healing of chronic

> disease without changing lifestyle patterns - the

> very patterns which are causing the disease - the

> most important being diet - those who eat properly

> do not get diseases like cancer, arthritis, etc.


I agree with you completely up to this point.

(Perhaps you'd agree with me on this also.)

Some people come into this world with genetics

working against them.

But if that's the case, I agree it would be flat

out foolish not to try to buy an extra decade or

so by adjusting their lifestyle to postpone

negative health adventures as long as possible.


A friend recently confided to me that her nephew

might have inherited a life threatening condition

that usually hasn't progressed to the physical

until the ages 25 to 50.

The boy is age 15.

Her sister wondered if he should go in for genetic testing.


She was afraid if he tested possitive for the condition he'd give up all hope.


I have a life threatening genetic condition.

It was diagnosed by genetic testing several years ago

but since age 9 I've had the feeling that I had inherited it

and lived with caution.

Had there been a simple test I could have had done

many years ago I certainly would have gotten it done.


I've never lived a wild life but had I known FOR SURE

that I could be crippled or dead sooner than others

I probably would have lived even more to the side

of caution.


As it stands today the process of my genetic

predisposition is about 30 years behind schedule.


My daughter has the condition as well. She didn't

have a clue she had it until the testing. Up until

then she thought I was crazy for living the way I do.


She lived a healthy lifestyle when she lived in my

house because then she was a child.

Since moving out 10 years ago she's life the average

American lifestyle of junk food et cetera and she's

just now realizing its cost.

Things are going wrong for her but thanks to lifestyle

foundations while she lived with me what is going

wrong is still 5 years behind schedule.


She's making big changes fast towards maintaining

the healthy lifestyle I'd modeled for her as she was

growing up.


Many people don't realize that if their father dies of

cardiovascular problems or their mother of cancer

and if

its in their genetic make up to do the same, perhaps

they can still postpone the whole ordeal by years,

decades or perhaps a lifetime by correcting ills

in their lifestyle.


Its a matter of paying attention.


In areas where a person's understanding feels

overwhelmed, consult specialists.

Ask questions.

Get second opinions, third opinions ...

Wake up.




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Penel wrote:


> Its a matter of paying attention.


> In areas where a person's understanding feels

> overwhelmed, consult specialists.

> Ask questions.

> Get second opinions, third opinions ...

> Wake up.


> Agreed?

> Penel


I agree. I think lifestyle is cheaper than diseasestyle. ;-)

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