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Nightmares, Anxiety, & Stomach ulcers

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I have a friend who frequently has nightmares (not so much reoccurring or

anything that specific)...Generally speaking almost every night. Naturally, she

is a " worrier " which contributes to her anxiety level. She doesn't appear to be

overly anxious but I guess this is her nature. Perhaps this stress also

contributes to the nightmares. In addition, even though she's young, she also

has a history of stomach ulcers.

There is an obvious correlation between her stress levels contributing to her

nightmares as well as stomach ulcers.

As her friend I'm deeply concerned for her long term health and feel if she

doesn't get her grounding now she will continue to spin out of balance. What

type of TCM imbalances would one generalize in this case? What effective TCM

therapies can she consider to curb her over stress and anxiety level. Would

something as simple as a Bach Flower Remedy (Rescue Remedy) help her?


Sophia Gonty

Restorative Bodywork

Certified Massage Therapist






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Hi, Sophia:


Can you please give any additional information about

your friend's physical condition, diet, age, etc.?


Years ago as a smoker, nicotine would give me anxiety,

so there could be a number of factors at play here.


Would you be able to reveal any of your friend's dream



Kind regards,




--- Sophia Gonty <sophiagonty wrote:


> Hello,

> I have a friend who frequently has nightmares (not

> so much reoccurring or anything that

> specific)...Generally speaking almost every night.

> Naturally, she is a " worrier " which contributes to

> her anxiety level. She doesn't appear to be overly

> anxious but I guess this is her nature. Perhaps this

> stress also contributes to the nightmares. In

> addition, even though she's young, she also has a

> history of stomach ulcers.

> There is an obvious correlation between her stress

> levels contributing to her nightmares as well as

> stomach ulcers.

> As her friend I'm deeply concerned for her long term

> health and feel if she doesn't get her grounding now

> she will continue to spin out of balance. What type

> of TCM imbalances would one generalize in this case?

> What effective TCM therapies can she consider to

> curb her over stress and anxiety level. Would

> something as simple as a Bach Flower Remedy (Rescue

> Remedy) help her?


> Sophia Gonty

> Restorative Bodywork

> Certified Massage Therapist







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> http://autos./new_cars.html


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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If I remember right nightmares mostly come from the kidney channel

(deficient kidney yin if I remember right), but as far as what to do

about it, you'll probably find better results going to a good

practitioner, as they can balance all the intricacies and see what

the root is, and treat that while balancing the symptoms. Someone

who is not familiar with it will most likely not be able to do that,

but may notice a few positive results from more simple treatment.

Here is how I look at it, your health is really important, it's one

of the few things when it's gone you can't replace it, and you need

it to function. So I go to a Dr to get treatment, and ask him

questions about what goes on so I can learn and get a better

understanding of what is going on and what I can do to help.


I found some good quotes in a book called " The Foundations of

" by Giovanni about dreams (nightmares too). All of

the following quotes come from that book.


Bladder – pg 207 – " When the Bladder is deficient, one dreams of

voyages. "


Gall Bladder – pg 203 – " When the Gall Bladder is deficient, one

dreams of fights, trials and suicide. "


Heart – pg 115 – " When the Heart is weak, one dreams of fires; if

the dream takes place in summertime, one dreams of volcanic

eruptions. " " When the Heart is deficient, one dreams of mountains,

fire and smoke.


Large Intestine – pg 196 – " When the Large Intestine is deficient,

one dreams of large open fields. "


Liver – pg 125 – " When the Liver is in excess, one dreams of being

angry. " " When the Liver is deficient, one dreams of very fragrant

mushrooms. If the dream takes place in spring, one dreams of lying

under a tree without being able to get up. " " When the Liver is

deficient, one dreams of forests in the mountains. "


Lungs – pg 140 – " When the Lungs are in excess, one dreams of

weeping. " " If the Lungs are deficient, one will dream about white

objects, or bloody killings. If the dreams take place in autumn,

one will dream of battles and war. " " When the Lungs are in excess,

one will have dreams of worry and fear, or crying and flying… if the

Lungs are deficient, one will dream of flying and seeing strange

objects made of gold or iron. "


Kidneys – pg 163 – When the Kidneys are weak one dreams of swimming

after a shipwreck; if the dream takes place in winter, one dreams of

plunging in water and being scared. " , " When the Kidneys are in

excess, one dreams that the spine is detached from the body… when

they are weak one dreams of being immersed in water. "


Small Intestine – pg 192 – " When one has Small Intestinal parasites,

one will dream of crowds; when one has long intestinal parasites,

one will dream of fights and mutual destruction. " " When the Small

Intestine is deficient, one dreams of large cities. "


Spleen – page 151 – " If the Spleen is deficient, one dreams of being

hungry; if the dream takes place in late summer, one dreams of

building a house. " " If the Spleen is in excess one dreams of

singing and being very heavy… if the Spleen is deficient, one dreams

of abysses in mountains and of marshes. "


Stomach – pg 188 – " When the Stomach is deficient one dreams of

having a large meal. "


Triple Burner – pg 220 – " Dreams of flying indicate emptiness in the

Lower Burner. " " Dreams of falling indicate fullness in the Lower

Burner. "


Just as a reminder organs that are capitalized refer to the Chinese

organ, or the organ function or meridian, rather than the western

anatomical organ.


I don't really know how to apply these guidelines of dreams to

promote healing. That's where it's good to consult someone who

heals with these methods. Maybe some other members of the group

will have some more good insights =)


If you need help to find someone to go to, I would be glad to help

you, I just need a zipcode or a city and state and how far you are

willing to travel. Thanks =)

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Sophia Gonty <sophiagonty wrote: Hello,

I have a friend who frequently has nightmares (not so much reoccurring or

anything that specific)...Generally speaking almost every night. Naturally, she

is a " worrier " which contributes to her anxiety level. She doesn't appear to be

overly anxious but I guess this is her nature. Perhaps this stress also

contributes to the nightmares. In addition, even though she's young, she also

has a history of stomach ulcers.

There is an obvious correlation between her stress levels contributing to her

nightmares as well as stomach ulcers.

As her friend I'm deeply concerned for her long term health and feel if she

doesn't get her grounding now she will continue to spin out of balance. What

type of TCM imbalances would one generalize in this case? What effective TCM

therapies can she consider to curb her over stress and anxiety level. Would

something as simple as a Bach Flower Remedy (Rescue Remedy) help her?


Sophia Gonty

Restorative Bodywork

Certified Massage Therapist

Hi Sophia, some people believe that nightmares are a product of eating too much

Red meat Or a diet of too much protein. Or maybe there is something in your

friends life that she doesn't want to face. Maybe she needs to learn to relax

more, maybe through Tai Chi, or the like. It's hard to say without knowing her

but these maybe avenues to explore. Aikido, is an internal martial art which is

also great for relieving stress. I wish your friend all the best, but with a

friend like you looking out for her, the battle is half won. By for now, Ian.


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Chinese Traditional Medicine , Sophia Gonty <sophiagonty



> I have a friend who frequently has nightmares (not so much

reoccurring or anything that specific)...Generally speaking almost

every night. Naturally, she is a " worrier " which contributes to her

anxiety level. She doesn't appear to be overly anxious but I guess

this is her nature. Perhaps this stress also contributes to the



I suspect that one is not causing the other but both are influenced

by the same Root. The stomach ulcers is an important clue.


Digestive problems can be reflected in nightmares. Clear up the

digestive problems, and both the nightmares and the anxiety stop.


Some of the symbolism in dreams that can point to digestive problems

are making a series of right-hand turns (which is what the large

intestine does) and being on a winding road with a series of hairpin

curves (which is the small intestine).


When there are digestive system problems, symbolism in dreams can

take the form of images of decay and death like corpses, zombies,

muck, etc. The symbolism of nightmares that reflect digestive

problems can be very gruesome and frightening.


Any digestive system problem that can trigger that type of symbolism

is going to trigger anxiety. At some level the person knows that

something very basic and important is wrong in the body. The

conscious mind may or may not be aware of the problem (or the extent

of the problem), but the body as a whole is aware that there's a

problem; hence, the anxiety.


This is not TCM, but fennel seed and thyme tea sometimes can relieve

the digestive problems that are triggering the nightmares and

anxiety. Use 2 teaspoon of fennel seed and 1 tsp. of thyme. Pour

boiling water over them in a cup and let stand for 20 to 25 minutes.

Since I don't know the TCM criteria for this treatment, she may want

to proceed very, very cautiously to make sure that the tea doesn't

upset her stomach or make existing problems worse. Maybe start out

with a couple of sips of the tea to make sure it won't cause problems.


Gastic ulcers can have one or more of several TCM Roots. So it's

going to be critical to determine which one(s) in her case. There

also may be other digestive system problems as well as other

problems. Does she fear going to sleep at night? Any feelings as

she's drifting off to sleep like she's falling or has left her body?


Does the tongue have a coating? What color is the coating and the

tongue tissue.


Are her bowel movements regular? How often? Food that is not moving

through the system as it should can trigger some very gruesome

nightmares with symbols of decay and death.


Is she on any NSAIDs (Non Steroid AntiInflammatory Drugs)s? Some

NSAIDs can trigger digestive problems and nightmares and anxiety.


Unpleasant dreams of snow storms - especially blizzards - can point

to problems with dairy. (The symbolism can point to other things as

well, but problems with dairy is one thing to be considered.)

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Yeah I was thinking there needed to be more info also because it could be food

stagnation. Also a tablespoon of Aloe Vera will help this problem.


victoria_dragon <victoria_dragon wrote: --- In

Chinese Traditional Medicine , Sophia Gonty <sophiagonty



> I have a friend who frequently has nightmares (not so much

reoccurring or anything that specific)...Generally speaking almost

every night. Naturally, she is a " worrier " which contributes to her

anxiety level. She doesn't appear to be overly anxious but I guess

this is her nature. Perhaps this stress also contributes to the



I suspect that one is not causing the other but both are influenced

by the same Root. The stomach ulcers is an important clue.


Digestive problems can be reflected in nightmares. Clear up the

digestive problems, and both the nightmares and the anxiety stop.


Some of the symbolism in dreams that can point to digestive problems

are making a series of right-hand turns (which is what the large

intestine does) and being on a winding road with a series of hairpin

curves (which is the small intestine).


When there are digestive system problems, symbolism in dreams can

take the form of images of decay and death like corpses, zombies,

muck, etc. The symbolism of nightmares that reflect digestive

problems can be very gruesome and frightening.


Any digestive system problem that can trigger that type of symbolism

is going to trigger anxiety. At some level the person knows that

something very basic and important is wrong in the body. The

conscious mind may or may not be aware of the problem (or the extent

of the problem), but the body as a whole is aware that there's a

problem; hence, the anxiety.


This is not TCM, but fennel seed and thyme tea sometimes can relieve

the digestive problems that are triggering the nightmares and

anxiety. Use 2 teaspoon of fennel seed and 1 tsp. of thyme. Pour

boiling water over them in a cup and let stand for 20 to 25 minutes.

Since I don't know the TCM criteria for this treatment, she may want

to proceed very, very cautiously to make sure that the tea doesn't

upset her stomach or make existing problems worse. Maybe start out

with a couple of sips of the tea to make sure it won't cause problems.


Gastic ulcers can have one or more of several TCM Roots. So it's

going to be critical to determine which one(s) in her case. There

also may be other digestive system problems as well as other

problems. Does she fear going to sleep at night? Any feelings as

she's drifting off to sleep like she's falling or has left her body?


Does the tongue have a coating? What color is the coating and the

tongue tissue.


Are her bowel movements regular? How often? Food that is not moving

through the system as it should can trigger some very gruesome

nightmares with symbols of decay and death.


Is she on any NSAIDs (Non Steroid AntiInflammatory Drugs)s? Some

NSAIDs can trigger digestive problems and nightmares and anxiety.


Unpleasant dreams of snow storms - especially blizzards - can point

to problems with dairy. (The symbolism can point to other things as

well, but problems with dairy is one thing to be considered.)







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--- victoria_dragon <victoria_dragon escreveu:


> Digestive problems can be reflected in nightmares. Clear up


> digestive problems, and both the nightmares and the anxiety

> stop.


Hello Victoria,


I am curious, there are external factors and internal ones, the

internal ones include the 6 emotions.

Now, you stated that the anxiety(emotion) is caused here by the

digestion; this means wrong food, weaknesses and imbalances of

Spleen,Stomach, maybe by excess of Heart or Liver, etc?

I would think first(normally that is what i observe in my

clients), that stressful situations in home, work,

relantionships, and so on, would be the unbalancing factor in the

organs, the nightmares would depend on the affected organ as to

type, as you illustrated. The food would be secondary.

Of course, if there was no stress and STILL the person had

digestive and anxiety problems, i would seek answers in another





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Chinese Traditional Medicine , marcos <ishk18 wrote:


> I am curious, there are external factors and internal ones, the

> internal ones include the 6 emotions.

> Now, you stated that the anxiety(emotion) is caused here by the

> digestion; this means wrong food, weaknesses and imbalances of

> Spleen,Stomach, maybe by excess of Heart or Liver, etc?

> I would think first(normally that is what i observe in my

> clients), that stressful situations in home, work,

> relantionships, and so on, would be the unbalancing factor in the

> organs, the nightmares would depend on the affected organ as to

> type, as you illustrated. The food would be secondary.

> Of course, if there was no stress and STILL the person had

> digestive and anxiety problems, i would seek answers in another

> direction.


It can be either - physical problems or stress from life situations.

If the nightmares are particularly gruesome with images of decay and

corpses and perhaps symbolism of 90-degree turns or winding, hairpin

curves, I would suspect digestive problems giving rise to the

nightmares and the anxiety. This doesn't mean that there might not be

anxiety from life situations, but the anxiety from the digestive

problems isn't going away until the digestion is corrected.


Very often these kinds of problems come from something the person

ingested. Antibiotics can trigger these types of digestive problems

in some people. Some of the prescription NSAIDs can trigger very

extreme reactions in some people. Problems with dairy can trigger

this problem in some people. Some people are born with a tendency to

these kinds of problems.


Antihistamines are notorious for triggering anxiety and even panic

attacks in some people, especially children. Whenever anyone is

having a lot of anxiety and panic, it's a good idea to ask if the

person is on any kind of antihistamine.


Undiagnosed, slight breathing problems also can have anxiety as a

symptom. The breathing problems are slight enough that the person

doesn't consciously realize s/he's having trouble breathing but at

some level realizes it. Hence, the anxiety. An allergy nurse told

me that nurses and doctors used to be trained to suspect possible

breathing problems whenever a patient appeared anxious. (More anxiety

than is usual when seeing a healthcare professional.) Usually in

these cases the person also will complain of fatigue and/or tiring

easily. In the case of anxiety and/or panic due to sensitivity to

antihistamines, the person usually will be very agitated. Usually,

but not always. Talk about a double whammy when a person with

allergies that affect the lungs also has a problem with


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Victoria, Marcos;


At this time I'm working with someone who has profuse

dreaming, which appears to be due to heart - spleen

vacuity and noninteraction of heart and kidney. This

is what I've assessed as his largest problem at the



There are other types of dreams that are related to

either heart and gallbladder Qi vacuity or phlegm -



The person reports that the dreams are quite vivid,

and detailed, almost technicolor.


Kind regards,



--- victoria_dragon <victoria_dragon wrote:


> Chinese Traditional Medicine , marcos

> <ishk18 wrote:

> >

> > I am curious, there are external factors and

> internal ones, the

> > internal ones include the 6 emotions.

> > Now, you stated that the anxiety(emotion) is

> caused here by the

> > digestion; this means wrong food, weaknesses and

> imbalances of

> > Spleen,Stomach, maybe by excess of Heart or Liver,

> etc?

> > I would think first(normally that is what i

> observe in my

> > clients), that stressful situations in home, work,

> > relantionships, and so on, would be the

> unbalancing factor in the

> > organs, the nightmares would depend on the

> affected organ as to

> > type, as you illustrated. The food would be

> secondary.

> > Of course, if there was no stress and STILL the

> person had

> > digestive and anxiety problems, i would seek

> answers in another

> > direction.


> It can be either - physical problems or stress from

> life situations.

> If the nightmares are particularly gruesome with

> images of decay and

> corpses and perhaps symbolism of 90-degree turns or

> winding, hairpin

> curves, I would suspect digestive problems giving

> rise to the

> nightmares and the anxiety. This doesn't mean that

> there might not be

> anxiety from life situations, but the anxiety from

> the digestive

> problems isn't going away until the digestion is

> corrected.


> Very often these kinds of problems come from

> something the person

> ingested. Antibiotics can trigger these types of

> digestive problems

> in some people. Some of the prescription NSAIDs can

> trigger very

> extreme reactions in some people. Problems with

> dairy can trigger

> this problem in some people. Some people are born

> with a tendency to

> these kinds of problems.


> Antihistamines are notorious for triggering anxiety

> and even panic

> attacks in some people, especially children.

> Whenever anyone is

> having a lot of anxiety and panic, it's a good idea

> to ask if the

> person is on any kind of antihistamine.


> Undiagnosed, slight breathing problems also can have

> anxiety as a

> symptom. The breathing problems are slight enough

> that the person

> doesn't consciously realize s/he's having trouble

> breathing but at

> some level realizes it. Hence, the anxiety. An

> allergy nurse told

> me that nurses and doctors used to be trained to

> suspect possible

> breathing problems whenever a patient appeared

> anxious. (More anxiety

> than is usual when seeing a healthcare

> professional.) Usually in

> these cases the person also will complain of fatigue

> and/or tiring

> easily. In the case of anxiety and/or panic due to

> sensitivity to

> antihistamines, the person usually will be very

> agitated. Usually,

> but not always. Talk about a double whammy when a

> person with

> allergies that affect the lungs also has a problem

> with

> antihistamines.










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Chinese Traditional Medicine , Jack Sweeney

<mojavecowboy wrote:


> At this time I'm working with someone who has profuse

> dreaming, which appears to be due to heart - spleen

> vacuity and noninteraction of heart and kidney. This

> is what I've assessed as his largest problem at the

> moment.


> There are other types of dreams that are related to

> either heart and gallbladder Qi vacuity or phlegm -

> fire.


> The person reports that the dreams are quite vivid,

> and detailed, almost technicolor.


When I was the sickest, it was like I had miniseries AND their

sequels every night. Except these miniseries and their sequels didn't

make any sense. They were quite detailed and vivid. They faded as my

overall health improved.


What are some of the characteristics related to Heart and Gall

Bladder Qi Deficiency and to Phlegm-Fire dreams?



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> What are some of the characteristics related to

> Heart and Gall Bladder Qi Deficiency and to

Phlegm-Fire dreams?


The information about dreams came from Wiseman and Ye,

but they don't seem to have anything else on dream

content related to the Gall Bladder or Phlegm Fire,

except to say, " profuse dreaming. "


I lent a Chinese book about dreams and disease to the

wife of this person I'm helping. She may find some

pertinent information, and I'll let you know when she



Getting back to Sophia's friend, it would be

interesting to know a little more about the content of

her nightmares, that might provide some good

diagnostic hints.


Kind regards,









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Chinese Traditional Medicine , Jack Sweeney

<mojavecowboy wrote:


> Getting back to Sophia's friend, it would be

> interesting to know a little more about the content of

> her nightmares, that might provide some good

> diagnostic hints.


I agree.


This might be an area of study to pursue. Not only in regard to

Sophia's friend but anyone who has excessive dreaming or even

recurring dream symbolism.


The symbolism will tend to recur and recur when there's an on-going

health problem. For example, I've dreamed a lot of a series of right-

hand turns. As the digestive problems improved, this dream symbolism

became less and less frequent.


It's not surprising that things like this would make it into dreams

as the nervous system is in contact with all of the body and doesn't

shut down just because a person is sleeping.

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