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yes Keith I understand evil,I use to spend much time coming against it and still

do BUT now realize who is in control of even that.You cannot be a little bit

pregnant and He cannot be a little bit soverign. We are told to fight the good

fight and I always will--- just have had my understanding adjusted.

We are tea-party people,Beck is a favorite but none of happenings will take our

eyes off of the ruler of providence.This is warfare,we are to expect it. imho


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An interesting interview with Franklin Schaefer, the author of Crazy For God: " Maddow: Do you think that calling the president a Nazi, calling the president Hitler, is an implicit call for politically-motivated violence?Schaefer: Yes I do. In fact, this rings a big bell with me, because my dad, who was a right-wing evangelical leader, wrote a book called A Christian Manifesto -- it sold over a million copies. And in that book he compared anyone who was pro-abortion to the Nazi Germans, and he said that using violence or force to overthrow Nazi Germany would have been appropriate for Christians, including the assassination of Hitler. He compared the Supreme Court's actions on abortion to that. And that has been a note that has been following the right wing movement that my father and I helped start in an evangelical context all the way.So what's really being said here is two messages. There is the message to the predominantly white, middle-aged crowds of people screaming at these meetings, trying to shut them down, but there's also a coded message to what I would call the loony tunes -- the fruit loops on the side. It's really like playing Russian Roulette -- you put a cartridge in the chamber, you spin, and once in awhile it goes off.And we saw that happen with Dr. Tiller, we've seen it happen numerous times with the violence against political leaders, whether it's Martin Luther King or whoever it might be. We have a history of being a well-armed, violent country. And so really, I think that these calls are incredibly irresponsible.The good news is that it shows a desperation. The far right knows they have lost, they've lost the hearts and minds of most American people, for instance, who want health care. But they also know that they have a large group of people who are not well-informed, who listen to only their own sources, who buy the lies -- for instance, all this nonsense about euthanasia being mandatory, and all the rest of it. And these people can be energized to go out and do really dreadful things.And we've seen it in front of abortion clinics, I'm afraid we're going to see it with some of our political leaders. And the Glenn Becks of this world literally are responsible for unleashing what I regard as an anti-democratic, anti-American movement in this country. It is trying to shut down legitimate debate, and replace it with straight-out intimidation. " - Steveoleander soup <oleander soup >oleander soup <oleander soup >Sat Aug 08 15:48:11 2009 healthcare yes Keith I understand evil,I use to spend much time coming against it and still do BUT now realize who is in control of even that.You cannot be a little bit pregnant and He cannot be a little bit soverign. We are told to fight the good fight and I always will--- just have had my understanding adjusted.We are tea-party people,Beck is a favorite but none of happenings will take our eyes off of the ruler of providence.This is warfare,we are to expect it. imho sandy

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oleander soup , " Norton, Steve " <stephen.norton wrote:


> An interesting interview with

> Franklin Schaefer, the author of Crazy For God:



> And we saw that happen with Dr. Tiller, we've seen it happen >numerous times

with the violence against political leaders, whether >it's Martin Luther King or

whoever it might be. We have a history of >being a well-armed, violent country.

And so really, I think that >these calls are incredibly irresponsible.



What a post. To sum it up, Dr Tiller = good , Glenn Beck = Bad.


Mentioning Tiller in the same paragraph with Martin Luther King is an

pornographic insult to MLK.


I know about Dr. Tiller. I live in his neighborhood. Well, his former


I had a ringside seat for the past decade or so. I know things the general

public doesn't know.


They DO know what Dr Tiller did to make all his money. We don't need to discuss

details of late term abortion that Dr Tiller was so proud to specialize in, do

we? No - this is not the place..


I watched all details of the Tiller saga very closely for the past 10-12 years.

I saw the local liberal media mount an extraordinarily aggressive campaign of

complete and absurd lies against then D.A. Phil Kline, after he brought charges

against Tiller. They LIED to the public. Over and over and over and over again.

It was amazing.


The newspapers framed it as if Kline was trying to pry into confidential

doctor-patient records in the case, which would result in setting a precedent

that would foreverafter grant the State power to get everybody's records anytime

they wanted. They repeated that mantra ad nauseum. They howled about how

terrible that would be ... they wailed that if such a thing were allowed, it

would certainly be used to persecute people for political reasons at some point

in the future.


One might note.... that THEN, they were on fire about the issue of government

access to health records -- NOW with obamacare, they want to do exactly that

same thing, but nationwide, on a much grander scale, and now apparently, it is a

good thing to do. Hard for me to understand a mind that works like that.


This was my first observance of mass mind control as it is practiced today. I

mean, I always knew they slanted the news and had agendas, but this was the

first time I realized that they often completely fabricate news stories. It was



The result was that the average joe on the street knew only one thing about Phil

Kline ( & I know this, because I asked people in the street -) and that was

" he's the one who wants to snoop in my medical records " . Completely 100% false,

yet it is all most of the public knew about Kline or his opponent.


And it worked - Kline was defeated in the next election, which occurred in the

midst of the Tiller case. The new DA, who was elected primarily because of this

single issue and media deception of it, had indicated that he was not interested

in pursing the Tiller case. He then resigned midway through his first term due

to scandal involving a an extra-marital affair.


Here is what it really was about:

Kline wanted to subpoena certain records from Tiller's clinic that involved

several 10 to 14 year old girls, who were in abusive homes. In these homes,

there was an sexually abusive step-father or momma's boyfriend. Pregnancies

resulted, in some cases, repeatedly. Dr Tiller provided his special form of

healthcare - and confidentiality... enabling the abuse to continue.


I observed the cozy relationship between Tiller and then Kansas Governor

Kathleen Sebelius, now Secretary of Health and Human Services. ( sidenote -

interesting tidbit about Sebelius - did you know she was an invitee to the

previous two annual Bilderberger meetings? The route to DC in interesting



I truly understand now what a sacred cow abortion is to leftists. I watched them

attack like rabid dogs. They will attempt to destroy anybody or anything that is

perceived as a threat. I saw that to protect the shrine of abortion, they would

- and did - turn their backs on abused children, and shield the predators.


Tiller funneled millions of his death money into local politicians and media

influences, who in turn protected him with every means available, and he funded

fake organizations, set up for the sole purpose of attacking Kline.


Dr. Tiller died in the same way he personally had delivered death thousands of

times before. Subject to someone else's arbitrary decision - and with force. He

had no choice in the matter. Tragic.


- kcpopps

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