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trip to the cardiologist

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Im so angry i have to voice, my husband of 1 month had been passing out for 2-3

sec at a time after a stress test and a head scan they found nothing and the

doctor said he didnt have a clue. 3 days later my husband woke in the nite with

flu like symptoms. I called an ambulance and his heartbeat was 30 beats per

min and after two hospital transfers he was put in a coma. the outcome was a

pacemaker. we went today to see the cardiologist and he asked me what my

husband was taking for his cholesterol. I told him CoQ10. he preceded to tell

me the homeopathis was hogwash I was out of my mind and he would not be

responsible. Now normally I would of took a stance but i was in shock of his

response and misguided attitude. He told my husband who has all faith in the

medical field i was killing him. My husband against his better wishes also

takes vit d. I would love to send this doctor a bit of information about statin

drugs. help me with this. im so upset

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Bless your heart, I don't blame you for being angry. I have had the exact same reaction from doctors and, actually, that was the last time I darkened their doors.

Here is an informative link describing the dangers of taking Statin Drugs.


But I warn you..... Your doctor will not be impressed or "enlightened." They have their own agenda. Chances are, he will say this is "hogwash" too.

When I used to visit assisted living and nursing facilities I came upon quite a few residents that were given statins and I witnessed the damage that these drugs do. All had impaired muscles and became exrtremely ill. One's health deteriorated rather rapidly, I suspect other complications. The doctor's remedy? Switch to another statin drug which had the very same effect.

Have your husband read this information and hopefully he will understand. Statins are killers.

My very best,


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Do a Google search for "Statin Drugs Natural News" and see what turns up!

http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient & ie=UTF-8 & rlz=1T4GFRD_enUS253US264 & q=statin+drugs+NaturalNews

Pretty eye opening.

High cholesterol is pretty much a mainstream myth created to push statin drugs and all their many side effects.

Ever wonder why those commercials with the healthy looking actors usually include a disclaimer that statin drugs have not been shown to decrease the risk of heart attack or stroke?

If you really want to get some scary info, do a search for "statin drugs side effects death"

Yep, it might lower your cholesterol (often including the good cholesterol too) but it also can kill you.

For better options of lowering cholesterol naturally and treating heart disease naturally, see:

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease

You might want to tell your doctor that naturopathic and homeopathic are not at all the same, and ask him when exactly did doctors and scientists become God and God and Nature become quacks?

You could also ask him what kickbacks and incentives, such as cruises, he has received from the drug companies that make the statin drugs he prescribes.


All the best,

oleander soup , "joreine4655" <brenda_peterson wrote:>> Im so angry i have to voice, my husband of 1 month had been passing out for 2-3 sec at a time after a stress test and a head scan they found nothing and the doctor said he didnt have a clue. 3 days later my husband woke in the nite with flu like symptoms. I called an ambulance and his heartbeat was 30 beats per min and after two hospital transfers he was put in a coma. the outcome was a pacemaker. we went today to see the cardiologist and he asked me what my husband was taking for his cholesterol. I told him CoQ10. he preceded to tell me the homeopathis was hogwash I was out of my mind and he would not be responsible. Now normally I would of took a stance but i was in shock of his response and misguided attitude. He told my husband who has all faith in the medical field i was killing him. My husband against his better wishes also takes vit d. I would love to send this doctor a bit of information about statin drugs. help me with this. im so upset>

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