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type 2 diabetes

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Thanks & everyone for there input! This group is awesome!


Tracy--- On Tue, 11/10/09, May <luellamay129 wrote:

May <luellamay129 type 2 diabetesoleander soup Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 12:47 PM





Hi Tracy,Below are remedies for Diabetes.http://www.tbyil. com/Diabetes. htmHugs,

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A person on another list is trying Blazei Extract to try and get his wife off diabetes medication. His wife bas been using Blazei Extract for only a short time and fasting blood sugar back into normal range. Here is his protocol:



> Marshall,

> Can you give general dosages and protocol used for each for reference?

> Also, what type of chelation, and products.>

> Thanks>

> Dan


> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Marshall wrote:


>> Our family has had a number of successes with alternative protocols

>> in the last few months. I would like to share with everyone what

>> ailments we have successfully treated:


>> 1. Completely got rid of high blood pressure, no longer taking drugs,

>> with serrapeptase


Two 100,000 SerraGold per day, one morning, one night. After about a month the blood pressure had dropped to normal. Still continuing with 1 Doctor's Best a day 40,000 units, for my prostate, and my wife's inflamation. Switched due to the difference in cost purchasing the Dr. Best via the net.

>> 2. Bluing of fingernail moons on 6 of the 10 fingers completely gone

>> on wife, and other 4 moons much lighter with about a month of oral

>> chelation


Following the standard protocol on the bottle of the Heart Chelation for Extreme Health, basically, one a day of the AM and PM pill, after 10 days, 2 a day, then go to 3 a day of each after another 10 days.

>> 3. Brought fasting blood sugar back into normal range with Agaricus

>> Blazei Extract


Taking one with each meal along with a product called Glucose enhancer.

Still taking doctor's prescribed medicine at half dosage, but hope to stop it completely in a few weeks. With full dosage of the doctor's prescribed medicine, fasting was high, about 106 to 125 every morning, now it is 89 to 99.

>> 4. Cured my grandson of autism with oral chelation in 30 days. This

>> was absolutely remarkable. Within one week there was significant

>> improvement (started establishing eye contact for first time), and

>> now 30 days later all signs of autism are gone. Unfortunately he has

>> had to deal with this condition for the last 5 years or so.


The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product. I think it was something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half a pill every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We followed the directions they gave us in the shipment.

Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the chelation pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral supplement to replace all the good minerals the chelation may have taken out of the body.



Here is a posting from the same list regarding Blazei Extract :

Brooks Bradley

Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:33 AMSilver-listSubject: CS>Glucose management commentary


During a recently-past immune system modulation evaluation study, we experienced a serendipitous circumstance. Several of the volunteers were presenting (as a corollary) various stages of insulin resistance and/or general glucose fluctuations of considerable magnitude. We were quite surprised....and intrigued....by the spontaneous stabilization of glucose parameters---among a majority of these volunteers. Following an extensive literature search, we were able to confirm that some investigative research had, already been conducted relative to this mushroom's effectiveness in helpfully modulating glucose metabolism. Apparently, the beneficial effect sprang from the ability of Agaricus Blazei to boost the levels of adiponectin.....a substance which QUICKLY clears sugar from the bloodstream.....without detrimental side-effects. To our knowledge, Agaricus Blazei is the only substance (at present) that can boost adiponectin levels. We are, at present, in the midst of conducting evaluations concentrating on verifying the speed and/or effectivity of Blazei on a variety of volunteers presenting with glucose management challenges. Although early into (6 weeks duration) these evaluations, we are quite impressed with the positive results. Most especially, in the fact that raising the adiponectin levels have, unaided by supporting protocols-----effected surprising improvements/stabilization of glucose management problems, among our experimental volunteer population. Most impressive have been the reduction in wide fluctuations of fasting glucose levels and the mood swings which, normally, accompany pronounced glucose variations. List experimenters interested in pursuing their own, personalized, trials....can find a large number of Internet-based suppliers of this mushroom....in both extract and powdered form. I hope our experiences are of some value to the List Membership. Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

I hope this is helpful.

- Steve







oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of irish4151Monday, November 09, 2009 3:44 PMoleander soup Subject: type 2 diabetes





I am trying to find something for my Aunt to take to keep her Type 2 diabetes under control. She is on meds, but they are not doing the job. She is careful about what she eats and is not overweight but still having problems. I read that cinnamon is good, but then I also read about something in it that is bad for the liver. Any suggestions??Thanks,Tracy





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There is no one particular pill that will do it all, so if she's really serious,

she should change her diet. Remove white foods from the diet - grains (rice,

wheat, corn), white potatoes, and all processed foods, including, of course,

white sugar and chemical sweeteners. Add foods to the diet that have different

colors. It sounds simple, but food cravings are a real force to overcome.


My husband has type 2 diabetes and has been controlling it with diet. The way

we've been eating, it's been easy to slip and hard to keep it under control. I

found a book called " Diet Wise " which describes an allergy (sensitivity)

elimination diet. My husband found a web site

http://www.ultrasimplediet.com/is/home?UID=630027 which tells about removing the

toxic load on your body, including foods that can hurt your body. We have

started to eliminate most grains from our diet and plan to be completely off

processed and non-natural foods starting right after Thanksgiving.


We recently started to drink fruit smoothies every day, and his blood sugar has

been going down. This is our experience and opinions.


Best of luck to your aunt.

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I made mistakes below, in my haste.

My references to Blazei Extract should have said Agaricus Blazei Extract.

- Steve



oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Norton, SteveTuesday, November 10, 2009 3:07 PMoleander soup Subject: RE: type 2 diabetes


A person on another list is trying Blazei Extract to try and get his wife off diabetes medication. His wife bas been using Blazei Extract for only a short time and fasting blood sugar back into normal range. Here is his protocol:



> Marshall,

> Can you give general dosages and protocol used for each for reference?

> Also, what type of chelation, and products.>

> Thanks>

> Dan


> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Marshall wrote:


>> Our family has had a number of successes with alternative protocols

>> in the last few months. I would like to share with everyone what

>> ailments we have successfully treated:


>> 1. Completely got rid of high blood pressure, no longer taking drugs,

>> with serrapeptase


Two 100,000 SerraGold per day, one morning, one night. After about a month the blood pressure had dropped to normal. Still continuing with 1 Doctor's Best a day 40,000 units, for my prostate, and my wife's inflamation. Switched due to the difference in cost purchasing the Dr. Best via the net.

>> 2. Bluing of fingernail moons on 6 of the 10 fingers completely gone

>> on wife, and other 4 moons much lighter with about a month of oral

>> chelation


Following the standard protocol on the bottle of the Heart Chelation for Extreme Health, basically, one a day of the AM and PM pill, after 10 days, 2 a day, then go to 3 a day of each after another 10 days.

>> 3. Brought fasting blood sugar back into normal range with Agaricus

>> Blazei Extract


Taking one with each meal along with a product called Glucose enhancer.

Still taking doctor's prescribed medicine at half dosage, but hope to stop it completely in a few weeks. With full dosage of the doctor's prescribed medicine, fasting was high, about 106 to 125 every morning, now it is 89 to 99.

>> 4. Cured my grandson of autism with oral chelation in 30 days. This

>> was absolutely remarkable. Within one week there was significant

>> improvement (started establishing eye contact for first time), and

>> now 30 days later all signs of autism are gone. Unfortunately he has

>> had to deal with this condition for the last 5 years or so.


The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product. I think it was something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half a pill every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We followed the directions they gave us in the shipment.

Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the chelation pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral supplement to replace all the good minerals the chelation may have taken out of the body.



Here is a posting from the same list regarding Blazei Extract :

Brooks Bradley

Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:33 AMSilver-list (AT) eskimo (DOT) comSubject: CS>Glucose management commentary


During a recently-past immune system modulation evaluation study, we experienced a serendipitous circumstance. Several of the volunteers were presenting (as a corollary) various stages of insulin resistance and/or general glucose fluctuations of considerable magnitude. We were quite surprised....and intrigued....by the spontaneous stabilization of glucose parameters---among a majority of these volunteers. Following an extensive literature search, we were able to confirm that some investigative research had, already been conducted relative to this mushroom's effectiveness in helpfully modulating glucose metabolism. Apparently, the beneficial effect sprang from the ability of Agaricus Blazei to boost the levels of adiponectin.....a substance which QUICKLY clears sugar from the bloodstream.....without detrimental side-effects. To our knowledge, Agaricus Blazei is the only substance (at present) that can boost adiponectin levels. We are, at present, in the midst of conducting evaluations concentrating on verifying the speed and/or effectivity of Blazei on a variety of volunteers presenting with glucose management challenges. Although early into (6 weeks duration) these evaluations, we are quite impressed with the positive results. Most especially, in the fact that raising the adiponectin levels have, unaided by supporting protocols-----effected surprising improvements/stabilization of glucose management problems, among our experimental volunteer population. Most impressive have been the reduction in wide fluctuations of fasting glucose levels and the mood swings which, normally, accompany pronounced glucose variations. List experimenters interested in pursuing their own, personalized, trials....can find a large number of Internet-based suppliers of this mushroom....in both extract and powdered form. I hope our experiences are of some value to the List Membership. Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

I hope this is helpful.

- Steve







oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of irish4151Monday, November 09, 2009 3:44 PMoleander soup Subject: type 2 diabetes





I am trying to find something for my Aunt to take to keep her Type 2 diabetes under control. She is on meds, but they are not doing the job. She is careful about what she eats and is not overweight but still having problems. I read that cinnamon is good, but then I also read about something in it that is bad for the liver. Any suggestions??Thanks,Tracy





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Incredible Steve! Especially your Grandson! I do not quite understand what you gave him, can you be a bit more specific please? This is truly a Miracle Blessing for you and your family! May God continue to Bless You All! Sincerely, Elizabeth




"Norton, Steve" <stephen.nortonoleander soup Sent: Tue, November 10, 2009 5:31:24 PMRE: type 2 diabetes


I made mistakes below, in my haste.

My references to Blazei Extract should have said Agaricus Blazei Extract.

- Steve



oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of Norton, SteveTuesday, November 10, 2009 3:07 PMoleander soupRE: type 2 diabetes


A person on another list is trying Blazei Extract to try and get his wife off diabetes medication. His wife bas been using Blazei Extract for only a short time and fasting blood sugar back into normal range. Here is his protocol:



> Marshall,

> Can you give general dosages and protocol used for each for reference?

> Also, what type of chelation, and products.>

> Thanks>

> Dan


> On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Marshall wrote:


>> Our family has had a number of successes with alternative protocols

>> in the last few months. I would like to share with everyone what

>> ailments we have successfully treated:


>> 1. Completely got rid of high blood pressure, no longer taking drugs,

>> with serrapeptase


Two 100,000 SerraGold per day, one morning, one night. After about a month the blood pressure had dropped to normal. Still continuing with 1 Doctor's Best a day 40,000 units, for my prostate, and my wife's inflamation. Switched due to the difference in cost purchasing the Dr. Best via the net.

>> 2. Bluing of fingernail moons on 6 of the 10 fingers completely gone

>> on wife, and other 4 moons much lighter with about a month of oral

>> chelation


Following the standard protocol on the bottle of the Heart Chelation for Extreme Health, basically, one a day of the AM and PM pill, after 10 days, 2 a day, then go to 3 a day of each after another 10 days.

>> 3. Brought fasting blood sugar back into normal range with Agaricus

>> Blazei Extract


Taking one with each meal along with a product called Glucose enhancer.

Still taking doctor's prescribed medicine at half dosage, but hope to stop it completely in a few weeks. With full dosage of the doctor's prescribed medicine, fasting was high, about 106 to 125 every morning, now it is 89 to 99.

>> 4. Cured my grandson of autism with oral chelation in 30 days. This

>> was absolutely remarkable. Within one week there was significant

>> improvement (started establishing eye contact for first time), and

>> now 30 days later all signs of autism are gone. Unfortunately he has

>> had to deal with this condition for the last 5 years or so.


The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product. I think it was something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half a pill every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We followed the directions they gave us in the shipment.

Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the chelation pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral supplement to replace all the good minerals the chelation may have taken out of the body.



Here is a posting from the same list regarding Blazei Extract :

Brooks Bradley

Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:33 AMSilver-list@ eskimo.comCS>Glucose management commentary


During a recently-past immune system modulation evaluation study, we experienced a serendipitous circumstance. Several of the volunteers were presenting (as a corollary) various stages of insulin resistance and/or general glucose fluctuations of considerable magnitude. We were quite surprised... .and intrigued... .by the spontaneous stabilization of glucose parameters-- -among a majority of these volunteers. Following an extensive literature search, we were able to confirm that some investigative research had, already been conducted relative to this mushroom's effectiveness in helpfully modulating glucose metabolism. Apparently, the beneficial effect sprang from the ability of Agaricus Blazei to boost the levels of adiponectin. ....a substance which QUICKLY clears sugar from the bloodstream. ....without detrimental side-effects. To our knowledge, Agaricus Blazei is the only substance (at present) that can boost adiponectin levels. We are,

at present, in the midst of conducting evaluations concentrating on verifying the speed and/or effectivity of Blazei on a variety of volunteers presenting with glucose management challenges. Although early into (6 weeks duration) these evaluations, we are quite impressed with the positive results. Most especially, in the fact that raising the adiponectin levels have, unaided by supporting protocols--- --effected surprising improvements/ stabilization of glucose management problems, among our experimental volunteer population. Most impressive have been the reduction in wide fluctuations of fasting glucose levels and the mood swings which, normally, accompany pronounced glucose variations. List experimenters interested in pursuing their own, personalized, trials....can find a large number of Internet-based suppliers of this mushroom.... in both extract and powdered form. I hope our experiences are of some value to the List Membership.

Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

I hope this is helpful.

- Steve







oleander soup [ oleander soup ] On Behalf Of irish4151Monday, November 09, 2009 3:44 PMoleander soup type 2 diabetes





I am trying to find something for my Aunt to take to keep her Type 2 diabetes under control. She is on meds, but they are not doing the job. She is careful about what she eats and is not overweight but still having problems. I read that cinnamon is good, but then I also read about something in it that is bad for the liver. Any suggestions? ?Thanks,Tracy





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Thanks but it was not my Grandson but the Grandson of a gentleman named Marshall on the silver list.What he used was:


"The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product. I think it was something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half a pill every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We followed the directions they gave us in the shipment.

Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the chelation pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral supplement to replace all the good minerals the chelation may have taken out of the body."

He used the extreme health brand chelator at http://www.extremehealthusa.com/. Is there another specific question you would like me to pass on to him? Or you could join the silver list at


and ask him directly.

- Steve



oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Elizabeth DeedrickTuesday, November 10, 2009 3:56 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: type 2 diabetes



Incredible Steve! Especially your Grandson! I do not quite understand what you gave him, can you be a bit more specific please? This is truly a Miracle Blessing for you and your family! May God continue to Bless You All! Sincerely, Elizabeth

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Thanks but it was not my Grandson but the Grandson of a gentleman named Marshall on the silver list.What he used was:


"The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product. I think it was something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half a pill every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We followed the directions they gave us in the shipment.

Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the chelation pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral supplement to replace all the good minerals the chelation may have taken out of the body."

He used the extreme health brand chelator at http://www.extremehealthusa.com/.

Is there another specific question you would like me to pass on to him?

- Steve



oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Elizabeth DeedrickTuesday, November 10, 2009 3:56 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: type 2 diabetes



Incredible Steve! Especially your Grandson! I do not quite understand what you gave him, can you be a bit more specific please? This is truly a Miracle Blessing for you and your family! May God continue to Bless You All! Sincerely, Elizabeth



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Thank You Steve, I do not have an autistic child, however I have seen and heard of many children this has happend to, and always wonder, what could help reverse and cure these precious children, bringing them back to normal. Thank You again for this information, I was reading about the products. Hopefully stories like this can help many more children. Sincerely, Elizabeth




"Norton, Steve" <stephen.nortonoleander soup Sent: Tue, November 10, 2009 6:19:27 PMRE: type 2 diabetes




Thanks but it was not my Grandson but the Grandson of a gentleman named Marshall on the silver list.What he used was:


"The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product. I think it was something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half a pill every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We followed the directions they gave us in the shipment.

Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the chelation pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral supplement to replace all the good minerals the chelation may have taken out of the body."

He used the extreme health brand chelator at http://www.extremeh ealthusa. com/.

Is there another specific question you would like me to pass on to him?

- Steve



oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of Elizabeth DeedrickTuesday, November 10, 2009 3:56 PMoleander soupRe: type 2 diabetes



Incredible Steve! Especially your Grandson! I do not quite understand what you gave him, can you be a bit more specific please? This is truly a Miracle Blessing for you and your family! May God continue to Bless You All! Sincerely, Elizabeth



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Oh.. your talking my language, it's the

Agaricus Blazei Mushroom extract yup good stuff.





Norton, Steve wrote:



> I made mistakes below, in my haste.

> My references to Blazei Extract should have said Agaricus Blazei Extract.

> - Steve


> ------

> ** oleander soup

> oleander soup *On Behalf Of *Norton, Steve

> *Sent:* Tuesday, November 10, 2009 3:07 PM

> *To:* oleander soup

> *Subject:* RE: type 2 diabetes




> A person on another list is trying Blazei Extract to try and get his

> wife off diabetes medication. His wife bas been using Blazei Extract

> for only a short time and fasting blood sugar back into normal range.

> Here is his protocol:



> > Marshall,


> > Can you give general dosages and protocol used for each for reference?


> > Also, what type of chelation, and products.>


> > Thanks>


> > Dan


> >


> > On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Marshall wrote:


> >


> >> Our family has had a number of successes with alternative protocols


> >> in the last few months. I would like to share with everyone what


> >> ailments we have successfully treated:


> >>


> >> 1. Completely got rid of high blood pressure, no longer taking drugs,


> >> with serrapeptase


> >>


> Two 100,000 SerraGold per day, one morning, one night. After about a

> month the blood pressure had dropped to normal. Still continuing with

> 1 Doctor's Best a day 40,000 units, for my prostate, and my wife's

> inflamation. Switched due to the difference in cost purchasing the Dr.

> Best via the net.


> >> 2. Bluing of fingernail moons on 6 of the 10 fingers completely gone


> >> on wife, and other 4 moons much lighter with about a month of oral


> >> chelation


> >>


> Following the standard protocol on the bottle of the Heart Chelation

> for Extreme Health, basically, one a day of the AM and PM pill, after

> 10 days, 2 a day, then go to 3 a day of each after another 10 days.


> >> 3. Brought fasting blood sugar back into normal range with Agaricus


> >> Blazei Extract


> >>


> Taking one with each meal along with a product called Glucose enhancer.


> Still taking doctor's prescribed medicine at half dosage, but hope to

> stop it completely in a few weeks. With full dosage of the doctor's

> prescribed medicine, fasting was high, about 106 to 125 every morning,

> now it is 89 to 99.


> >> 4. Cured my grandson of autism with oral chelation in 30 days. This


> >> was absolutely remarkable. Within one week there was significant


> >> improvement (started establishing eye contact for first time), and


> >> now 30 days later all signs of autism are gone. Unfortunately he has


> >> had to deal with this condition for the last 5 years or so.


> >>


> The child protocol for the Extreme Health Heart product. I think it

> was something like half a pill (AM and PM) every other day, then half

> a pill every day, then 1 pill every day, and finally 2 a day. We

> followed the directions they gave us in the shipment.


> Note that when I say one pill, I mean one PM pill which is the

> chelation pill and the morning one AM pill which is the mineral

> supplement to replace all the good minerals the chelation may have

> taken out of the body.


> Marshall




> Here is a posting from the same list regarding Blazei Extract :


> ** Brooks Bradley


> *Sent:* Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:33 AM

> *To:* Silver-list

> *Subject:* CS>Glucose management commentary


> During a recently-past immune system modulation evaluation study, we

> experienced a serendipitous circumstance. Several of the volunteers

> were presenting (as a corollary) various stages of insulin resistance

> and/or general glucose fluctuations of considerable magnitude. We were

> quite surprised....and intrigued....by the spontaneous stabilization

> of glucose parameters---among a majority of these volunteers.

> Following an extensive literature search, we were able to confirm that

> some investigative research had, already been conducted

> relative to this mushroom's effectiveness in helpfully modulating

> glucose metabolism. Apparently, the beneficial effect sprang from the

> ability of Agaricus Blazei to boost the levels of adiponectin.....a

> substance which QUICKLY clears sugar from the bloodstream.....without

> detrimental side-effects. To our knowledge, Agaricus Blazei is the

> only substance (at present) that can boost adiponectin levels.

> We are, at present, in the midst of conducting evaluations

> concentrating on

> verifying the speed and/or effectivity of Blazei on a variety of

> volunteers presenting with

> glucose management challenges. Although early into (6 weeks duration)

> these evaluations, we are quite impressed with the positive results.

> Most especially, in the fact that raising the adiponectin levels have,

> unaided by supporting protocols-----effected surprising

> improvements/stabilization of glucose management problems, among our

> experimental volunteer population. Most impressive have been the

> reduction in wide fluctuations of fasting glucose

> levels and the mood swings which, normally, accompany pronounced

> glucose variations.

> List experimenters interested in pursuing their own, personalized,

> trials....can find a large number of Internet-based suppliers of this

> mushroom....in both extract and powdered form.

> I hope our experiences are of some value to the List Membership.

> Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.


> I hope this is helpful.


> - Steve




> ** oleander soup

> oleander soup *On Behalf Of *irish4151

> *Sent:* Monday, November 09, 2009 3:44 PM

> *To:* oleander soup

> *Subject:* type 2 diabetes




> I am trying to find something for my Aunt to take to keep her Type 2

> diabetes under control. She is on meds, but they are not doing the

> job. She is careful about what she eats and is not overweight but

> still having problems. I read that cinnamon is good, but then I also

> read about something in it that is bad for the liver. Any suggestions??

> Thanks,


> Tracy


> .





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You can get rid of the diabetes naturally. You can check out

Andreas Moritz book. Timeless secrets for his information.


I personally have my mom on this and she went from shots to

NO MEDS in 7 months.. she is doing great now.. it is all under control and she

eats right.





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