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NAC and Oleander protocol??

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This is the protocol that your mom should be following while taking Oleander. I will also add that, under the circumstances, I would follow everything listed in A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol to the letter. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.


Protocol for cancer

(1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.

(2) Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein.

(3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind you otherwise they will surely kill you.

(4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm

(5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).

(6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice is a good example.

(7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.

(8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.

(9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.

(10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer protocol (/anticancer.htm)

(11) Add curcumin as a supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).

(12) For very advanced cases of anti-fungal infection, take a prescription medicine like Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks. For those who do not want to take prescription medication, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive leaf extract on a daily basis.

(13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day after meals.

(14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize Glutathione). If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.






























These are The Best Years in Life

Colloidal Silver/Supplements Utopia Silver

Come visit Curezone Health Forum and

Cancer Natural Health Forum at Let's keep our furkids healthy at Oleander Soup for Pets


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In addition to the protocol that Mae posted please do the castor oil packs over your mother's liver area. Any health food store sells castor oil kits that include the bottle of castor oil and the white cotton flannel sheet along with instructions for use. I'll assume you already have a heating pad. This procedure will start to reverse the cancer immediately which is crucial if you are running out of time. Don't give up on your mom and don't let an AMA medical professional tell you "she's too far gone" to be helped with alternative care. Conventional medicine likes to take away all your hope. Please keep us up to date on this and God bless you and your mom.BetsySunheeK <incastar7oleander soup Sent: Thu, November 12, 2009 5:26:05 AM NAC and Oleander protocol??



I am suppposed to receive Oleander tomorrow and about to start Oleander protocal for my mom who is a stage IV cancer that started out from liver and now to abdominal area.

I am wondering if she needs to take Selenium and NAC while she does oleander protocol. She has been taking Selenium for two weeks and NAC for two days. Is there anyone can answer this question?


I think her case is complicated than just a case with only cancer because she has cirrohsis which caused cancer and diabitic as well. Although she has a long history of diabetic and cirrohsis, she managed them very well until recent. Right now, her legs and feet started swelling( dropsical swellling) as well as abdominal dropsy.


The doctor said 2-3 months left for her but I am not giving her up yet.

I think the surgery she did in Mar, 09 to remove of a tiny cancer from her liver was a staring point to move to other organ. In Aug, the doctor found another one inside abdominal area and in Oct, it is all over in the abdominal area.



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I think you might want to change part of the protocol. You said to eat starches... well those should be in the form of unrefined grains (brown rice, buckwheat, etc.) and not the refined forms. Also white bread is to be avoided. Some folks see "starches" and they think bread, pasta, etc.






oleander soup

Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:12 AM

NAC and Oleander protocol??






This is the protocol that your mom should be following while taking Oleander. I will also add that, under the circumstances, I would follow everything listed in A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol to the letter. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.


Protocol for cancer

(1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.


(2) Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein.


(3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind you otherwise they will surely kill you.


(4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm


(5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).


(6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice is a good example.


(7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.


(8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.


(9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.


(10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer protocol (/anticancer.htm)


(11) Add curcumin as a supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).


(12) For very advanced cases of anti-fungal infection, take a prescription medicine like Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks. For those who do not want to take prescription medication, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive leaf extract on a daily basis.


(13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day after meals.


(14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize Glutathione). If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.

































These are The Best Years in Life

Colloidal Silver/Supplements Utopia Silver

Come visit Curezone Health Forum and

Cancer Natural Health Forum at Let's keep our furkids healthy at Oleander Soup for Pets


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Thank you Bob. That should be clarified. I can see how that would mislead new members.


oleander soup , "Bob Banever" <bbanever wrote:>> ,> > I think you might want to change part of the protocol. You said to eat starches... well those should be in the form of unrefined grains (brown rice, buckwheat, etc.) and not the refined forms. Also white bread is to be avoided. Some folks see "starches" and they think bread, pasta, etc.> > Bob

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Thank you so much for your reply.

My question was posted suddenly before I finished my question

oleander soup , May <luellamay129 wrote:


> This is the protocol that your mom should be following while taking

Oleander.  I will also add that, under the circumstances, I would follow

everything listed in A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol to the letter.?Please know

that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.

> ?> Protocol for cancer

> (1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.

> (2) Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as

sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take

un-denatured whey protein.

> (3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind

you otherwise they will surely kill you.

> (4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm

> (5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).

> (6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice

is a good example.

> (7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.

> (8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.

> (9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.

> (10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer

protocol  (/anticancer.htm)

> (11) Add curcumin as a supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).

> (12) For very advanced cases of anti-fungal infection, take a prescription

medicine like Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks. For those who do not want to

take prescription medication, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive

leaf extract on a daily basis.

> (13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day

after meals.

> (14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with

fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize

Glutathione). If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be

doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of

Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace

mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.

> ?> ?>






















> ?> These are The Best Years in Life

> Colloidal Silver/Supplements Utopia Silver

> Come visit?Curezone Health Forum  and

> Cancer Natural Health Forum at

> Let's keep our furkids healthy at Oleander Soup for Pets


> ?>

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Thank you so much for your reply. One thing I want everyone who read my message

to know is that every time I write a message, it is suddenly posted before I

finish the message completely. I see the cursor is moving anywhere and somehow

clicks 'send' button. This time I am very cautious with my cursor!


I have a couple of questions for you.

She wants to eat but can't take much due to the abdominal dropsy.

Her abdomen is like a pregnant woman's belly. Is there any other way to get rid

of abdominal dropsy other than taking a diuretic? She has taken a diuretic for

it but it does not work well. The doctor is considering using a niddle to

extract dropsy from abdomen.


How does Inositol works for cancer?

Where can I get Nigella cutiva and Inosital/IP6?


Lots of thanks.






oleander soup , May <luellamay129 wrote:


> This is the protocol that your mom should be following while taking

Oleander.  I will also add that, under the circumstances, I would follow

everything listed in A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol to the letter.?Please know

that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.

> ?> Protocol for cancer

> (1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.

> (2) Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as

sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take

un-denatured whey protein.

> (3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind

you otherwise they will surely kill you.

> (4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm

> (5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).

> (6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice

is a good example.

> (7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.

> (8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.

> (9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.

> (10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer

protocol  (/anticancer.htm)

> (11) Add curcumin as a supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).

> (12) For very advanced cases of anti-fungal infection, take a prescription

medicine like Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks. For those who do not want to

take prescription medication, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive

leaf extract on a daily basis.

> (13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day

after meals.

> (14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with

fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize

Glutathione). If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be

doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of

Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace

mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.

> ?> ?>






















> ?> These are The Best Years in Life

> Colloidal Silver/Supplements Utopia Silver

> Come visit?Curezone Health Forum  and

> Cancer Natural Health Forum at

> Let's keep our furkids healthy at Oleander Soup for Pets


> ?>

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Hello Betsy


I just found your reply and really appreciate it!

Unfortunately, I am in Seoul, Korea to take care of my mom. Because of it, I

have a hard time to get stuff quickly. I will try to find if a store here but I

am doubtful. As you said, I am not giving her up yet although time is running.

I'll keep you up to date.

I am not following what the doctor says because they already give up her and do

not do anything other than giving a diuretic or protein/fat supply.



Thanks a lot again.




oleander soup , Betsy Sinkey <westoo wrote:


> In addition to the protocol that Mae posted please do the castor oil

packs over your mother's liver area. Any health food store sells castor oil

kits that include the bottle of castor oil and the white cotton flannel sheet

along with instructions for use. I'll assume you already have a heating pad.

This procedure will start to reverse the cancer immediately which is crucial if

you are running out of time. Don't give up on your mom and don't let an AMA

medical professional tell you " she's too far gone " to be helped with alternative

care. Conventional medicine likes to take away all your hope. Please keep us

up to date on this and God bless you and your mom.

> Betsy






> ________________________________

> SunheeK <incastar7

> oleander soup

> Thu, November 12, 2009 5:26:05 AM

> NAC and Oleander protocol??



> I am suppposed to receive Oleander tomorrow and about to start Oleander

protocal for my mom who is a stage IV cancer that started out from liver and now

to abdominal area.

> I am wondering if she needs to take Selenium and NAC while she does oleander

protocol. She has been taking Selenium for two weeks and NAC for two days. Is

there anyone can answer this question?


> I think her case is complicated than just a case with only cancer because she

has cirrohsis which caused cancer and diabitic as well. Although she has a long

history of diabetic and cirrohsis, she managed them very well until recent.

Right now, her legs and feet started swelling( dropsical swellling) as well as

abdominal dropsy.


> The doctor said 2-3 months left for her but I am not giving her up yet.

> I think the surgery she did in Mar, 09 to remove of a tiny cancer from her

liver was a staring point to move to other organ. In Aug, the doctor found

another one inside abdominal area and in Oct, it is all over in the abdominal



> It


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Can she take Iodine? The Iodine bottle I just got has ingredient of Ethyl

Alcohol. Is this the form of Iodine she needs to take? It looks like being used

as first and andisetic.




oleander soup , May <luellamay129 wrote:


> This is the protocol that your mom should be following while taking

Oleander.  I will also add that, under the circumstances, I would follow

everything listed in A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol to the letter.?Please know

that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.

> ?> Protocol for cancer

> (1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.

> (2) Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as

sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take

un-denatured whey protein.

> (3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind

you otherwise they will surely kill you.

> (4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm

> (5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).

> (6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice

is a good example.

> (7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.

> (8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.

> (9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.

> (10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer

protocol  (/anticancer.htm)

> (11) Add curcumin as a supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).

> (12) For very advanced cases of anti-fungal infection, take a prescription

medicine like Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks. For those who do not want to

take prescription medication, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive

leaf extract on a daily basis.

> (13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day

after meals.

> (14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with

fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize

Glutathione). If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be

doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of

Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace

mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.

> ?> ?>






















> ?> These are The Best Years in Life

> Colloidal Silver/Supplements Utopia Silver

> Come visit?Curezone Health Forum  and

> Cancer Natural Health Forum at

> Let's keep our furkids healthy at Oleander Soup for Pets


> ?>

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Is Sutherlandia OPC differnt from Rose Laurel OPC?

Should I get Sutherlandia OPC instead of Rose Laurel OPC for my mom?


Day one; When I got to the hospital, she looked no energy left and did not want

to eat anything. But I had her take 2 tablets of Rose OPC at about 11:30 this

morning. An hour later, she fell asleep and kept sleeping until 4:30 pm, which

was kind of unusual to see her taking a long nap. She was awake for half an hour

and went back to sleep until 7:30 pm.


When she woke up she said that she felt like vomiting, nausea and discomfort. I

was not sure if it was one of side effcts of OPC because this morning before I

got there, the doctor gave her a diuretic medication. Everytime she takes that

kind of medication, she feels nausea and vomiting. The doctor is going to drop

it tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to have her take 1 tablet in the morning. Then

I will know better whether it was from the medication or OPC.


I understand that whoever reads my message, nobody is going to give an answer

for me. However, just reading other's recommendation makes me feel like that I

am not alone to deal with this. I am still holding hope and not giving her her



Many thanks to everyone.




oleander soup , May <luellamay129 wrote:


> This is the protocol that your mom should be following while taking

Oleander.  I will also add that, under the circumstances, I would follow

everything listed in A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol to the letter.?Please know

that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.

> ?> Protocol for cancer

> (1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.

> (2) Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as

sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take

un-denatured whey protein.

> (3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind

you otherwise they will surely kill you.

> (4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm

> (5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).

> (6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice

is a good example.

> (7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.

> (8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.

> (9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.

> (10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer

protocol  (/anticancer.htm)

> (11) Add curcumin as a supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).

> (12) For very advanced cases of anti-fungal infection, take a prescription

medicine like Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks. For those who do not want to

take prescription medication, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive

leaf extract on a daily basis.

> (13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day

after meals.

> (14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with

fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize

Glutathione). If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be

doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of

Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace

mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.

> ?> ?>






















> ?> These are The Best Years in Life

> Colloidal Silver/Supplements Utopia Silver

> Come visit?Curezone Health Forum  and

> Cancer Natural Health Forum at

> Let's keep our furkids healthy at Oleander Soup for Pets


> ?>

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Hi -

My understanding is that the Rose Laurel is stronger than the Sutherlandia when dealing with cancer. As to the nausea, it could very well have been the OPC, but if she is able to just soldier on through it, you might want to encourage her to do so. The nausea side-effect should pass with time, and she needs the OPC even if she does feel nauseated afterward. I don't know if that was what allowed her to nap, but it was good whatever it was. She needs the sleep. There are others who know more than I do, and may answer differently, but at least this is my take on it. Good luck and prayers to you. Jan--- On Fri, 11/13/09, SunheeK <incastar7 wrote:

SunheeK <incastar7 Re: NAC and Oleander protocol??oleander soup Date: Friday, November 13, 2009, 8:20 AM

HelloIs Sutherlandia OPC differnt from Rose Laurel OPC?Should I get Sutherlandia OPC instead of Rose Laurel OPC for my mom?Day one; When I got to the hospital, she looked no energy left and did not want to eat anything. But I had her take 2 tablets of Rose OPC at about 11:30 this morning. An hour later, she fell asleep and kept sleeping until 4:30 pm, which was kind of unusual to see her taking a long nap. She was awake for half an hour and went back to sleep until 7:30 pm. When she woke up she said that she felt like vomiting, nausea and discomfort. I was not sure if it was one of side effcts of OPC because this morning before I got there, the doctor gave her a diuretic medication. Everytime she takes that kind of medication, she feels nausea and vomiting. The doctor is going to drop it tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to have her take 1 tablet in the morning. Then I will know better whether it was from the medication or

OPC.I understand that whoever reads my message, nobody is going to give an answer for me. However, just reading other's recommendation makes me feel like that I am not alone to deal with this. I am still holding hope and not giving her her yet.Many thanks to everyone.Sunheeoleander soup, May <luellamay129@ ...> wrote:>> This is the protocol that your mom should be following while taking Oleander. I will also add that, under the circumstances, I would follow everything listed in A Natural Anti-Cancer Protocol to the letter.?Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.> ?> Protocol for cancer > (1) Take the Sutherlandia OPC regularly.> (2)

Cut out ALL animal proteins (meat, milk, eggs, yoghurt, fish) as well as sugar. If you are worried that you won't get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein.> (3) Get rid of stressful situations in your life and put past traumas behind you otherwise they will surely kill you.> (4) Go to bed by 10:30 pm> (5) Drink enough water (6 - 8 glasses per day).> (6) Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Carrot juice is a good example.> (7) Get at least half an hour of direct sun per day.> (8) Do a liver cleanse every 4 weeks until you don't pass any gallstones.> (9) Take 200 micrograms Selenium per day with your food.> (10) Take Inositol/IP6 as suggested in Tony Isaac's Anti-cancer protocol (http://www.tbyil. com/anticancer. htm)> (11) Add curcumin as a

supplement (as per the work of Dr H Kremer).> (12) For very advanced cases of anti-fungal infection, take a prescription medicine like Nystatin or Diflucan for 2 weeks. For those who do not want to take prescription medication, take an anti-fungal like Colloidal Silver or olive leaf extract on a daily basis.> (13) Take 1 teaspoonful of Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) 3 times per day after meals. > (14) Take 2 x 600mg Time Release capsules of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) with fruit juice three times per day on an empty stomach (to help the body synthesize Glutathione) . If wasting (weight loss) is already advanced, these amounts can be doubled. There are reports that high dosages of NAC can lead to the loss of Zinc, Copper and other trace minerals and it may be advisable to take a trace mineral supplement to prevent this possibility.> ?> ?> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > May > ?> These are The Best Years in Life> Colloidal Silver/Supplements Utopia Silver> Come visit?Curezone Health Forum and> Cancer Natural Health Forum at > Let's keep our furkids healthy at Oleander Soup for Pets> > ?>

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You started your mom on too large of a dose of Oleander and this is the reason why she is vomiting and not feeling well. You must start with one capsule and then work up gradually.

Sutherlandia OPC ( 60 Capsules)

Start off by taking 1 capsule with breakfast for 2 days.

Increase dosage to 1 capsule twice per day (2 caps total) with breakfast and lunch for a further 2 days.

For more serious ailments increase dosage to 2 capsules twice per day (4 caps total) with breakfast and lunch for 1 month.

If no improvement, increase dosage to 3 capsules twice per day (6 caps total) with breakfast and lunch for 2 months.

When in remission, the dosage can be reduced to 2 capsules per day for at least a further 3 - 6 months


The only difference between Rose Laurel OPC and Sutherlandia OPC is that Rose Laurel OPC contains 33% more Oleander which may be more effective when treating cancer.


Don't give up. My prayers are with you.




oleander soup , "SunheeK" <incastar7 wrote:>> Hello> > Is Sutherlandia OPC differnt from Rose Laurel OPC?> Should I get Sutherlandia OPC instead of Rose Laurel OPC for my mom?> > Day one; When I got to the hospital, she looked no energy left and did not want to eat anything. But I had her take 2 tablets of Rose OPC at about 11:30 this morning. An hour later, she fell asleep and kept sleeping until 4:30 pm, which was kind of unusual to see her taking a long nap. She was awake for half an hour and went back to sleep until 7:30 pm. > > When she woke up she said that she felt like vomiting, nausea and discomfort. I was not sure if it was one of side effcts of OPC because this morning before I got there, the doctor gave her a diuretic medication. Everytime she takes that kind of medication, she feels nausea and vomiting. The doctor is going to drop it tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to have her take 1 tablet in the morning. Then I will know better whether it was from the medication or OPC.> > I understand that whoever reads my message, nobody is going to give an answer for me. However, just reading other's recommendation makes me feel like that I am not alone to deal with this. I am still holding hope and not giving her her yet.> > Many thanks to everyone.> > Sunhee

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I just read your post on Curezone. Please disregard my prior post as her vomiting is not due to a large dose of Oleander, there is something else going on.

In any event, please keep us posted and know that I am praying for you.

My very best,


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Hi Sunhee,


No, not anything with Ethyl Alcohol. What she needs to take is Lugol's Iodine.


My Best,



























--- On Thu, 11/12/09, SunheeK <incastar7 wrote:

SunheeK <incastar7 Re: NAC and Oleander protocol??oleander soup Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 8:00 PM

Can she take Iodine? The Iodine bottle I just got has ingredient of Ethyl Alcohol. Is this the form of Iodine she needs to take? It looks like being used as first and andisetic.Thanks

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