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The 8 energy bodies of Taoist meditation

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I'm currently reading a fascinating book by B.K. Frantzis called

Relaxing Into Your Being: Breathing, Chi & Dissolving the Ego: The

Water Method of Taoist Meditation: Volume 1.


The following post contains info that gets a bit esoteric, so some

readers may want to skip it.


The Taoists recognize 8 energy bodies. The first is the physical

body itself. The 2nd is the Qi Body (aka, etheric body, aka aura).

The Chi Body occupies the same space as the physical body but also

extends out beyond the physical body from a couple of inches (in the

case of people who are sick) to 2 or more feet in people who have a

great deal of vitality. " The chi of Chinese medicine is the

equivalent of the first and second energy bodies of the Taoists (the

chi body), which refers to our physical anatomy and the energy that

makes it alive. " (p. 31.)


As one moves " outward " through the various energy bodies, they are

less and less dense and vibrate at higher and higher frequencies and

extend further and further out.


The 3rd energy body is the emotional body. This is where emotional

energy blocks (what the Chinese call " ghosts " and " demons " ) are

resolved. This is also where others' demands and expectations -

negative programming - is broken. Working on this body allows the

individual to take full emotional responsibility.


The 4th body is the mental body. " The refinement of the fourth or

mental body enhances the mind's ability to discriminate between what

Taoists call 'the real and the false.' " (p. 52.)


" Development of the fifth, or psychic energy body, more subtle yet,

allows us to find our hidden inte4rnal capacities. Primary among

these are perception of the unseen or 'spirit' world, the awareness

of energy within solid matter, and intuition about events of which

one has no direct knowledge, such as information gained through

clairvoyance or clairaudience. " (pp. 52-53.) This body frequently

is " blocked " in many people for their safety and the safety of

others. This is the body that has awareness of the shamanistic world.

Frantzis stresses that one must first develop the emotional and

mental bodies before accessing this one as refining the emotional and

mental bodies are what allows a person to be stable and not have

emotional blocks (3rd.) and to be able to differenciate between what

is real and what is unreal.


" The causal body, the sixth, is the body related to time and space. "

(p. 53.) Frantzis stresses the importance of having a stable center

when one works on this body. Tremendous amounts of energy are passed

through it.


" It is the cultivation of the seventh body, or body if indiviuality

that entails the actual birth of the full spiritual being. " (p.

53.) " The eighth energy body is called the body of the Tao. This

energetic level entails the joining of the human consciousness to the

whole of the universe. In other words to fully realize the eighth

body is to achieve utter and complete unity with the Tao. " (p. 54.)


Readers who are interested in learning more can Google for " Frantzis

Tao " .

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