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Demon medicine?

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Hi Robert!


" Demon " medicine? I have never heard of this. Might you be more specific?


At 04:59 AM 3/20/2004, you wrote:

>Hello and greetings,


>my name is robert, i am studying traditional chinese medicine with special

>focus on acupuncture and shiatsu for 2 years now and my final exam is

>coming up in june.

>additional to practical and theoretical examinations, i write an essay

>about demon-medicine in china. unfortunately, there is very literature to

>be found in germany and english and american books are mostly very

>expensive and cost a lot of shipping and taxes to import so it is not easy

>to access a wide range of authors. i search continuously the internet, but

>until now there appeared only good hints concerning literature and

>articels, but no really helpful sources for profound study.

>so that is how i found you, i beg you, if you have any first-hand

>knowledge or know of online sources about demon medicine in china, please

>contact me.


>with deep respect and highest regards,







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hi pete,


this is exactly my problem - me lacks the knowledge to be more specific. i

can tell you this far:

there are different theories. one says, in ancient times, the chinese

healers believed every illness to be a result of the influence of a ghost

or demon. like with the pathogen factors cold, heat, dampness, etc. , these

ghosts can only attack the body when the wei qi is weakened

to cure the suffering persons, the healers stabbed the air with long lances

to hit the demons and kill or weaken them. one legend says that this i how

initially acupuncture was discovered.

now, there are 13 points on the body which are still called " ghost points "

besides there normal names. these points are still treated when there are

symptoms of psychic derrangements, for the thought of malady through

possession has not vanished yet.

some ghost points are du 26 (gui gong - ghost palace) or lu 11 (gui xin -

ghost faith), but you also find hints in gb 41 for example, which is

indicated to be needled to clear your aura from people clinging to her.


so far what i know, so if you find any more material, please send me.











" Pete Theisen " <petet

<Chinese Medicine >

Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:21 AM

Re: " Demon " medicine?



Hi Robert!


" Demon " medicine? I have never heard of this. Might you be more specific?


At 04:59 AM 3/20/2004, you wrote:

>Hello and greetings,


>my name is robert, i am studying traditional chinese medicine with special

>focus on acupuncture and shiatsu for 2 years now and my final exam is

>coming up in june.

>additional to practical and theoretical examinations, i write an essay

>about demon-medicine in china. unfortunately, there is very literature to

>be found in germany and english and american books are mostly very

>expensive and cost a lot of shipping and taxes to import so it is not easy

>to access a wide range of authors. i search continuously the internet, but

>until now there appeared only good hints concerning literature and

>articels, but no really helpful sources for profound study.

>so that is how i found you, i beg you, if you have any first-hand

>knowledge or know of online sources about demon medicine in china, please

>contact me.


>with deep respect and highest regards,











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I can add one little piece, the " ghost points " are suggested to be used for

epilepsy also... thank you for the information, I have been trying to get

info on the ghost points, not much is avail.


Lady Melody


Robert Polzar [polzar]

Sunday, March 21, 2004 3:51 AM

Chinese Medicine

Re: " Demon " medicine?



hi pete,


this is exactly my problem - me lacks the knowledge to be more specific. i

can tell you this far:

there are different theories. one says, in ancient times, the chinese

healers believed every illness to be a result of the influence of a ghost

or demon. like with the pathogen factors cold, heat, dampness, etc. ,


ghosts can only attack the body when the wei qi is weakened

to cure the suffering persons, the healers stabbed the air with long


to hit the demons and kill or weaken them. one legend says that this i how

initially acupuncture was discovered.

now, there are 13 points on the body which are still called " ghost points "

besides there normal names. these points are still treated when there are

symptoms of psychic derrangements, for the thought of malady through

possession has not vanished yet.

some ghost points are du 26 (gui gong - ghost palace) or lu 11 (gui xin -

ghost faith), but you also find hints in gb 41 for example, which is

indicated to be needled to clear your aura from people clinging to her.


so far what i know, so if you find any more material, please send me.











" Pete Theisen " <petet

<Chinese Medicine >

Sunday, March 21, 2004 6:21 AM

Re: " Demon " medicine?



Hi Robert!


" Demon " medicine? I have never heard of this. Might you be more specific?


At 04:59 AM 3/20/2004, you wrote:

>Hello and greetings,


>my name is robert, i am studying traditional chinese medicine with


>focus on acupuncture and shiatsu for 2 years now and my final exam is

>coming up in june.

>additional to practical and theoretical examinations, i write an essay

>about demon-medicine in china. unfortunately, there is very literature to

>be found in germany and english and american books are mostly very

>expensive and cost a lot of shipping and taxes to import so it is not


>to access a wide range of authors. i search continuously the internet,


>until now there appeared only good hints concerning literature and

>articels, but no really helpful sources for profound study.

>so that is how i found you, i beg you, if you have any first-hand

>knowledge or know of online sources about demon medicine in china, please

>contact me.


>with deep respect and highest regards,











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<Chinese Medicine- > from the email

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recieve messages for a few days.


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hi lady melody,


thank you very much. i can give you a short excerpt i found in the net about

the etimologie, may be you can use that, and a link about sun si miao who

documented these points. the rest i have is in german, sorry.


here the link:



and the text:


Sun Si Miao's 13 Ghost Points


These originated from 'Thousand Ducat Formulas' in the Tang dynasty (618-907

A.D., near the end of the middle ages), which was when the first book was

ever printed, and a push to make Buddhism the state religion was attempted.

Quite possibly an idea of forced religion, and the beginnings of

information-overload provided by the invention of printing, both played a

role in the need for more empirical practice concerning mental disorders

(Kuang Dian), which we now refer to as mood, personality, and/or

Schizophrenic patterns/disorders. Now, early in the new millennia, it seems

to be of great importance for Traditional and particularly

Acupuncture with it's unique ability to regulate many aspects of our health

and life, to step forward into what seems to be another age with the need

for mental health treatment options.


The 13 Ghost Points:


a.. Guigong - Ghost Palace (Renzhong Du 26)

b.. Gui Zhen - Ghost Pillow (Fengfu Du 16)

c.. Guitang - ghost Hall (Shangxing Du 23)

d.. GuiShi - Ghost Market (Chengqiang Ren 24)

e.. Guixin - Ghost Faith (Shaoshang Lu 11)

f.. Guitui - Ghost Leg (Quchi LI 11)

g.. Guichuang - Ghost's Bed (Jiache ST 6)

h.. Guilei - Ghost Fortress (Yinbai SP 1)

i.. Guixin - Ghost Heart (Daling PC 7)

j.. Guicu - Ghost Cave (Laogong PC 8)

k.. Guilu - Ghost Path (Shenmai BL 62)

l.. Guifeng - Ghost Seal (Haiquan extra point below tongue)

m.. Guicang - Ghost Store (Huiyin Ren 1)

It has been said that Guixin - Ghost Heart (Daling PC 7) is actually Taiyuan

Lu 9 (connecting these points may be of benefit). It is of popular belief

that Guilu - Ghost Path (Shenmai BL 62) is actually Jianshi PC 5. Another

text includes Shenting Du 24, Ruzhong ST 17, Yanglingquan GB 34, and

Xingjian LR 2, and did not include Shenmai BL 62, Shangxing Du 23, Quchi


LI 11, and Huiyin Ren 1.


















Die Chou Zeit und die Dämonenmedizin

Vor etwa 2200 Jahren war man der Ansicht, dass Dämone die Verursacher von

Krankheiten seien, und so wurden dann von böswilligen Menschen verschiedene

giftige Insekten, Würmer und Schlangen in ein Gefäss gefüllt. Nach etwa 100

Tagen hätten diese Tiere sich gegenseitig gefressen, bis nur ein Tier, das

giftigste - so die damalige Meinung - übrig blieb. Man nahm an, dass es das

gesamte Gift des Ausgangsmaterials in sich vereinen würde. Dieses letzte

Wurmtier wurde nun mit einem zweiten in ein Gefäss mit Wasser verbracht,

worin sich die beiden miteinander vereinten. Der Samen des männlichen Tieres

trieb an die Oberfläche und bildet dort das sog. ku-Gift (ku = chin.

Bitter). Der " böswillige " Mensch nahm nun mit einem Nadelöhr dieses Gift auf

und gab es - noch am gleichen Tag- in das Essen eines anderen Menschen.

Sobald der Empfänger den ku-Samen zu sich genommen hatte, entwickelten sich

daraus Würmer, die ihren Eltern glichen. Als Beweis für eine derartige

ku-Vergiftung wurde es damals angesehen, wenn nach dem Ableben eines

derartigen Opfers Würmer aus den Körperöffnungen der Leiche krochen. Wollte

man feststellen, ob ein lebender Mensch unter dieses Dämonen litt, dann

liess man ihn in Wasser spucken; im positiven Fall sank der Speichel nach



Das es sich bei dieser Geschichte um reinen Aberglauben handelt, ist für den

modernen Menschen klar. Dennoch, zur damaligen Zeit wurden die Dämonen

behandelt. Man erinnerte sich u.a. daran, dass Tausendfüssler Würmer fressen

und verwendete diese in getrockneter Form dagegen. Seitdem gilt also auch

heute noch - dass getrocknete Tausendfüssler ein probates Wurmmittel seien.

Was geschieht nun, wenn ein unbefangener Besucher von dieser Indikation hört

und daraufhin für seinen Praxisbedarf chinesische Tausendfüssler kauft?


Mir ist nicht bekannt, ob dieses Mittel von " Kennern " hier in Europa gegen

parasitäre Erkrankungen eingesetzt wird. Es ist aber vorstellbar, dass in

dem ganzen System noch andere " Würmer " existieren, die nur durch profunde

Kenntnis der Hintergründe vermieden werden können.


Zu diesem Thema liefert Prof. Paul U. Unschuld weitergehende Informationen

in seinem Buch " Medizin in China " . Es ist im Verlag C.H. Beck in München




Klaus Radloff



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Robert, thank you for the info.. I have a special needs child that Western

Medicine cannot diagnose, they have told me what is NOT wrong, but cant tell

me what is out of balance, so ... being a soon to be grad of TCM.. I am

trying to find... help for him. He was not walking when I started school 3

years ago (he was 3 at the time) one of my teachers started treating him

and we had him walking in 6 months.. WS could not say why and told me

nothing was coming up on the tests that was abnormal..

a happy go lucky child.. just behind.. anyway thanks.


Lady Melody






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