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Dental Problems

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Homeopathy works very well for dental health by balancing the entire

body. There are comples remedies out there but classical can give

some outstanding results.


I am currently treating 2 of my own patients and advising a dentist

who has a heart problem and doesn't desire the root canal to cure an

abcessed tooth.


I have cured my own abcess tooth in the 80's with it as well.


While I am on the dental topic a few years ago I developed severe TMJ

problems soon after the abcess pain began. I actually think I through

the jaw out trying to compensate for the tooth pain but the dental

profession mildly agreed and said I needed to check out an oral

surgeon and or an orthodontist.


I went to both. Both said I needed whatever modality they offered but

no guarantees. The oral surgeon was willing to break my jaw and

realign it properly. The orthodontist said two years of braces would

work but both said no guarantees the treatment would work. The point

is just like when people come to us we tell them how we can help

them. It should be the persons choice which modality to use without

fear. They told me very big scare stories so I would do the suregery.


They both said to reduce stress in my life. I got rid of my ex and

while in homeopathy school we took my case and both the TMJ and the

abcess cleared completely. It was also noted at that time something

I had forgotten about. I had my wisdom teeth removed 15 years before.

I had 5 wisdom teeth and all of them were under all of my other

molars and the fifth one growing upwards into the zygomatic process.

They took out 2 molars on all sides to get out the wisdom teeth and

then sewed the molars back in. I had over 160 stitches. I had a great

surgeon and out of all the test people they studies (military study

where they followed up for 15 years) I was the only one that kept all

of the molars they took out and replaced. Many of them lost them in

the next 5 years. I still have all of my teeth except the wisdom

teeth. I was told tyhat for every tooth you remove it cuts 18 months

off of your life. I can't quote the study a corpsman told it to me.

However they removed my jaw to make it easier to get the teeth out.

Something that changed the alignment and I believe the meridians were

affected. The nerves grew back in different places than where

dentists were taught to inject anesthetics. Now I would like to see

if that has produced other changes on a TCM level.


In my practice every case might require a different remedy. However

getting alkaline is very important. Acid can help keep the disease

process going. Lots of green veggies and green drinks can help some.

That's another topic.


Some worthwhile books

A really good textbook


Textbook of Dental Homoeopathy Textbook of Dental Homoeopathy covers

many problems and remedies for abscesses, bad breath, cold sores, gum

disease, dental problems, Gingivits, tooth decay, tooth grinding,


Homeopathic remedies to use to recover from dental work, oral

surgury, dry sockets, infections and fractures.

Easy to use alphabetical format.

The book is written to be used by dentists, oral surgeons, and health

practitioners, but is equally useful for family oral health. You will

not find this valuable information elsewhere. Illustrated. Authored

by Dr. Colin Lessel. Indexed. 210 pages. Published 1995


Dr Phil Parson a dentist in Florida has also written a good book



Homeopathy for Dental Problems

By Dr.Philip K. PARSONS, D.D.S.

Minimum Price Books sales rank: 2565

We take orders for this item and have it shipped directly to you.

#199118, $12.00



Another dental chart



Dr Lockies site (He passed away last month and will truly be missed)



For those who like the keynote effect (small symptom set)



Some cell salts might also be helpful



Calcarea Fluoride is homeopathic potency of Fluoride. Homeopathy uses

the term Cell Salt to refer to minerals in homeopathic potency.

Fluoride is an important mineral to help Calcium bond to teeth and

bones. Calcarea Fluoride, Calcium Fluoride, Calc Fluor, Calc Fl are

all terms for this important mineral. Fluoride works by bonding

calcium from the saliva to the enamel of the teeth.

Using Calcium Fluoride is so much safer other forms of Fluoride that

are chemical byproducts and actual poisons. Over the counter

Fluorides are only to be used topically on teeth, not swallowed.

For internal use, use Calcium Fluoride 6X in Cell Salt tablets. Calc

Fluor will not cause mottling and darkening of the teeth, that can be

a problem in areas that have naturally high amounts of fluoride in

the water.

Calcium Fluoride is an important mineral for teeth, skin, bones.

Calcium Fluoride is useful for teething pain and toothaches. Safe for

all ages.

If lacking in Calcium Fluoride, emotional symptoms include uncertainty

and difficulty making choices.

Symptoms may feel worse in damp weather.

Useful in skin problems such as rough, chapped skin.

Colds with green mucous.

Calcium Fluoride is important for tissue strength for varicose veins

and muscle tone.

Useful for fistulas; hemorrhoids, varicose veins; weak muscle


Calcium Phosphate #1 mineral for bones. Important support for

thinning bones during menopause or for growing pains in youth. Calc

phos aids many conditions with structural stress, growth or weakness.

Calc phos is helpful for blood cell's, healing of bone injury or bone

growth. It can be great for dentition, puberty and growth spurts and,

at the other end, when systems begin to weaken and shrink. It can be

used for ailments that cause stress or weakness such as simple

anemia, persistent cough, weak digestion, joint pain, broken bones,

heavy periods or when your cells just seem to need a boost. This Cell

Salt is useful on a regular basis to help with absorbtion of Calcium,

with absorbtion of Calcium from your food. Helps solve the problem of

hard to dissolve supplements and high Calcium blood levels, but low

Calcium in the cells. Homeopathic Cell Salts are the ideal solution

and melt instantly to go directly into the system. Calc Phos helps

for numbness in extremities, painful joints, tooth decay problems,


Sore throats that are painful upon swallowing. Children's headaches.

" Know Your Remedy " book mentions Calc Phos is recommended as a safe

supplement for weak children with adenoid problems. Homeopathic Cell

Salts are useful on a regular basis to help with calcium absorption.


Calcarea Phos's Mini Materia Medica:

HEADACHES: Especially of school children

RHEUMATISM: Especially in cold weather; returns each autumn.

SLOW-HEALING FRACTURES, " GROWING PAINS " of youth. Pains in joints &

bones. Knitting of bones from hairline fractures, or bone breaks.

Pains in muscles & bones. Important support for growing bones.

Help the body take up Calcium to help with tooth decay problems.

TEETHING DIFFICULTIES: delayed or painful teething, Calcium


Better Summer, warm, dry weather. Worse Symptoms aggravated

by cold, damp weather, stress. Changeable of weather, Mental exertion.

Calcium Phosphoricum, Calcarea Phos and Calc Phos all refer to this

important mineral.


Kali Phos can be useful for dental problems. Potassium is an

important electrolyte. Potassium controls pH balance and water

balance. Regulates the transfer of nutrients into the cells. Kali

Phos for Dental Problems:

Dry Mouth

Spongy Gums

Bleeding Gums

Receding Gums

Bad Breath

Dental problems worse with Anxiety

Kali Phosphoricum, Kali Phos, is the homeopathic Cell Salt from the

mineral Potassium Phosphate.


Homeopathic Vitamin K for better absorption of nutrients. Important

in dental and gum problems. Vitamin K can help the body absorb

calcium and improve mouth health. Homeopathic Vitamin K ensures the

vitamin will be absorbed at a cellular level. Tone down redness, heal

bruises faster, relieve pain from burns, including sunburn. Lighten

under eye circles, deeply moisturize extremely dry skin. Minimize the

appearance of broken broken blood vessels. Homeopathic Vitamin K can

help with absorbtion of Vitamin K from foods such as green vegetables-

lettuce, green beans, soy foods, whole grains.


Plantago is from the plant Plantain, known for its healing

properties. Main indications - toothaches; earaches.

Pain going between teeth and ears. Sticking pains in ears. Sensitive

teeth. Toothache with pain going into ears or eyes. Inflammation,

worse open air. Emergency remedy for toothache prior to being able to

get to the dentist. Sharp pains between ears and teeth, decay by gum

line. Apply right on the sensitive area. Also listed for enuresis-

bedwetting, earache, aching eyes


Even if it's not TCM you might give this a try. If it doesn't work

you can always get your dentures. However for bridges it usally

creates an electrical stimulation and traps food and acids causing

what4ever tooth it touches to become decayed and then one by one you

lose you teeth and get new bridges at quite a big cost. Better to try

and keep your own teeth as long as possible.



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