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Supplement Wars Update: Never in America?

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IAHF List: Please read " A NAFTA/FTAA Rogues' Gallery of EU Founders "

(below my

comments) and click on the photos of the Rogues Gallery of EU

Founders in order

to fully understand the level of orchestration we're up against as we

strive to

defend our access to dietary supplements world wide, including in



The SAME PEOPLE responsible for shoving the EU Dictatorship down the

throats of

the people of Europe are trying to do the SAME THING via the Free

Trade Area of

the Americas which (unless stopped) will " HARM-onize " all the laws


Canada, the US, Mexico, Central and South America- making them the

same, and

harmonizing them to the EU's.


Identical globalist scams are being orchestrated world wide, and its

high time

everyone woke up to fight this evil in unison, using the vitamin

issue as a

catalyst to awaken everyone.


Grasp that this is a EUGENICS agenda we're up against. Dovetail the


below with Chapter 3 from the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush-


Hygiene- Three Bush Family Alliances



Read the commentary at that link which I've copied below (with the

exception of

the photos and hypertext links from them since the emails I generate

to this

list are not in html format.)


Fully grasp as you read this that as goes the EU, so goes the WORLD.


article documents that via the FTAA, a carbon copy of the EU

Dictatorship is planned

for our hemisphere....We MUST use this vitamin issue to wake people

up to the

much LARGER issue of freedom on a WHOLE in order to STOP the FTAA. As

goes the

EU, so goes the WORLD:


Please make a donation to the Alliance for Natural Health's lawsuit

to overturn

the EU Food Supplement Directive at http://www.alliance-natural-

health.org and

please forward this to everyone you know. Encourage more people to

sign on to

the IAHF email distribution list at http://www.iahf.com Need more


connecting the dots on how the US Dietary Supplement industry has

been set up from

within? Read http://www.thehealthcrusader.com/pgs/article-0104-







Rogues' Gallery of EU Founders


by William F. Jasper



Click on photos below for additional segments of this article.



The emerging European superstate, now moving forward under the EU, is


result of a deliberate scheme put into motion many years ago by

powerful planners

and plotters.


Few Americans realize how closely linked are the onrushing


transforming Europe into a regional superstate and the campaign

underway here to

create a similar hemispheric entity for the Western Hemisphere.

Europeans have only

recently begun awakening to the fact that the decades-old politico-


convergence process behind the European Union (EU) seriously

threatens their

freedom. Belatedly, they have started to react.


The " European project " is a euphemism for the plan to gradually

enlarge the EU

until it includes all European nations (including Russia and Turkey)


increasing EU jurisdiction over more and more areas now reserved to


nation-states. On the immediate horizon is the merger artists'

proposed European

Constitution, completed on June 18, and designed to lock Europe into

the EU trap. If

carried to completion, as envisioned by the EU founders, this project


utterly destroy the national sovereignty and independence of its

member states. It

would destroy all representative government in Europe and concentrate


legislative, executive and judicial power in the hands of an




Obviously, it would have been far better for the peoples of Europe

never to

have ventured into the trap in the first place. And therein lies the

lesson for

Americans. Very few Europeans saw or understood the warning signs and


disguised snares during the period of the 1940s through the '80s, as


Lilliputian threads were being transformed into steel cables. It has

only been in

the past decade or so that the enormity and severity of the trap have

begun to be

apparent. We will have no excuse if we follow the same path.


Yet, that is what we are doing, via NAFTA and the proposed CAFTA


American Free Trade Agreement) and FTAA (Free Trade Area of the

Americas). The same

world-government-promoting organizations that were propelling

the " European

project " — the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the British


Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and the international

Bilderberg Group (BG) —

are the major forces working behind the scenes to merge North and

South America

into a centralized regional government patterned after the EU. In

fact, our

previous article " A NAFTA/FTAA Rogues' Gallery " (see our April 5

issue and

stoptheftaa.org) included a profile of an American Insider who played

a key role in

establishing the Common Market/EU more than half a century ago, and

is playing a

central role in the current NAFTA/CAFTA/FTAA deception: David



Mr. Rockefeller, now 89 years of age, was 30 years old at the end of

World War

II. He had graduated from Harvard in 1936, then gone on to study

economics at

the Fabian Socialist Society's London School of Economics and the

University of

Chicago. Following the war, David Rockefeller was appointed secretary

of the

CFR " study group " that put together what became known as the Marshall

Plan. He

would later become chairman of the CFR, a founding member of the


(where he is now the " senior statesman " ), and founder of the


Commission, the Council of the Americas, the Forum of the Americas

and the Americas

Society — all leading engines in the drive for hemispheric



Joseph Retinger, one of the major architects of the Common Market/EU


profile below), noted in his diary:


In November 1946, I had a very long talk with Mr. Averell Harriman,


Ambassador in London.... Averell Harriman was my sponsor and arranged

my visit

[to the U.S.].... At the time (the end of 1946) I found in America a


approval for our ideas among financiers, businessmen and politicians.


Leffingwell, senior partner in J.P. Morgan's, Nelson and David

Rockefeller, Alfred

Sloan, Chairman of the Dodge Motor Company … George Franklin, and

especially my

old friend, Adolf Berle Jr., were all in favor, and Berle agreed to

lead the

American Section. John Foster Dulles also agreed to help us.... Later

on, whenever

we needed any assistance for the European Movement, Dulles was among

those in

America who helped us most.


All of the individuals mentioned above were leading CFR Insiders.

They and

their CFR colleagues and European counterparts were the real movers

behind the

" movement " that was portrayed in the CFR-dominated U.S. media as a


grass-roots effort to unite Europe. In the past few years, official

European and U.S.

documents have been released showing that the organized European

Movement was

almost entirely bankrolled with U.S. funds, courtesy of the (unaware)


taxpayers, much of it illegally funneled through CIA fronts. While


revelations have received some coverage in Europe, they have been

almost totally

ignored by the American press.


The following profiles provide important information largely unknown


difficult to uncover) by the general public regarding some of the key


and events involved in the founding period of what is known today as

the EU. What

becomes strikingly obvious, once the facts are laid on the table, is

that the

EU engineers have employed massive deception, lies and propaganda to

foist a

hidden, criminal agenda on the unsuspecting peoples of Europe and

America. That

hidden agenda is now moving into a new phase that aims at replicating

the EU

program in this hemisphere. By understanding the tactics that have

been used by

these merger forces in Europe, Americans will be better equipped to


oppose and expose those same forces pushing the same hidden agenda

here today.

For Health Freedom,

John C. Hammell, President

International Advocates for Health Freedom

556 Boundary Bay Road

Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA



800-333-2553 N.America

360-945-0352 World

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