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Topic Gone out of Bounds and a New Rule

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I feel that the thread around western medicine being a leading cause

of death, and the rigours of making statements of fact has gone beyond

where it is of use to the TCM list, and will not be approving any more

messages that relate to it.


I would like to put the following rule out to the list for

consideration. In future whenever a fact is stated, the poster is

required to state the source of the information. Messages where this

is not done, will not be posted to the list.


- Mark (Moderator)

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Hi Mark!


It is a good idea to state sources but to make it a " rule " is a little

*too* restrictive. What would Dr. Homi's poems look like then?


At 02:04 AM 7/22/2004, you wrote:<snip>


>I would like to put the following rule out to the list for

>consideration. In future whenever a fact is stated, the poster is

>required to state the source of the information. Messages where this

>is not done, will not be posted to the list.


>- Mark (Moderator)





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I think Mark's idea is a good one and aims to direct the group to a more

professional level rather than just throwing any information into the

group's pit. It is not restrictive at all, more the opposite.


As for Dr Holme's poem's, I believe they are his own and therefore do not

need to be referenced. Although a fan of poetry I don't believe it should be

included so strongly in the group.


So, until further notice, all quotes should be referenced.


No need to reply to this message.


Kind regards





Pete Theisen [petet]

25 July 2004 11:40

Chinese Medicine

Re: Topic Gone out of Bounds and a New Rule



Hi Mark!


It is a good idea to state sources but to make it a " rule " is a little

*too* restrictive. What would Dr. Homi's poems look like then?


At 02:04 AM 7/22/2004, you wrote:<snip>


>I would like to put the following rule out to the list for

>consideration. In future whenever a fact is stated, the poster is

>required to state the source of the information. Messages where this

>is not done, will not be posted to the list.


>- Mark (Moderator)









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