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hypothyroid: herbs or Armour?

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Hi, I'm curious to hear your personal experiences with hypothyroid

and using Chinese herbs vs. medication. I know that in theory

Chinese herbs should work, but I'd like to know if you have actually

seen evidence. A teacher told me that its not as simple as

hypothyroid equals yang deficiency. Anyone know what other diagnosis

to be on the lookout for?


I have several patients with this diagnosis, and one is on a megadose

of Armour---literally about 100 times the regular dose. She wants to

get off it.


I'm also wondering if anyone is clear on the downside to using Armour

thyroid for hypothyroid. Its derived from a natural source, so I

thought that it might be ok.


Thanks! Laura

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Here's some information for you on Hypothyroidism. Before I treat anyone I will

always get a amino acid profile from http://metametrix.com/. The serum test is

the one I reccomend. The patient can also be evaluated for iodine deficiency.


I would never put a patient on any of the supplements recommended below unless I

test for them first for a baseline reading. A recent patient of mine has now

been of her thyroid medications for 3 months and her tests are still normal,

although it tooke her about a year due to severe deficiency of several amino

acids, especially tyrosine which is the main amino acid you need to look at for

thyroid disorders.


You also need to run the right blood tests.


Total T3

Total T4

Free T3

Free T4

This are the basics that should always be ran, there are others but in my

opinion this are some of the most important.


Hope this helps





Hypothyroidism is an ailment characterized by under-activity of the Thyroid

Gland (i.e. insufficient production of Thyroid Hormones). The most “observable”

sign of Hypothyroidism is a low basal temperature upon awakening in the morning.


Prevalence research

Hypothyroidism occurs most frequently in women over the age of 40 (however men

and teenagers are also prone to Hypothyroidism):

- 12.5% of women aged 35 to 60 are affected by Hypothyroidism.

- 15% - 20% of women over the age of 60 are affected by subclinical


- Hypothyroidism is believed to be more prevalent than once thought - up to 10%

of the overall population is believed to be affected by some degree of

Hypothyroidism - this Hypothyroidism is severe in 2% of the population and

subclinical in 8% of the population.

- Approximately 50% of people with Hypothyroidism are unaware that they have


These Substances Alleviate Hypothyroidism


Capsaicin alleviates Hypothyroidism (by stimulating the Thyroid).

Amino Acids

Tyrosine (500 - 1,000 mg per day) alleviates Hypothyroidism (by stimulating the

Thyroid and by contributing to the production of Thyroid Hormones).

Electromagnetic Radiation

Exposure to Sunlight alleviates Hypothyroidism (by stimulating the Thyroid).


Thyroxine (T4) alleviates Hypothyroidism - insufficient secretion of Thyroxine

is the primary cause of Hypothyroidism.

Triiodothyronine (T3) alleviates Hypothyroidism - insufficient secretion of

Triiodothyronine can cause Hypothyroidism. research


Forskolin assists the treatment of Hypothyroidism (by stimulating the production

and release of Thyroid Hormones). research


Iodine (approximately 1 mg per day) alleviates Hypothyroidism (by stimulating

the Thyroid and by contributing to the production of Thyroid Hormones).

Selenium is useful for the treatment of Hypothyroidism (due to its role in the

conversion of Thyroxine (T4) to Triiodothyronine (T3). research

Thyroid Hormone Precursors

Thyrotrophin alleviates Hypothyroidism (by stimulating the release of Thyroid

Hormones - Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine).

Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) alleviates Hypothyroidism (by stimulating

the release of Thyrotrophin which in turn stimulates the secretion of Thyroid


These Foods/Herbs Stimulate an Underactive Thyroid


Kelp stimulates the Thyroid (due to the Iodine content of Kelp).

Animal-Derived Supplements

Thyroid Extract helps to increase Thyroid Hormone levels in Hypothyroidism



Chillis stimulate the Thyroid (due to the Capsaicin content of Chillis).

Ginsengs stimulate the Thyroid.

Guggulipid (Guggal extract) alleviates Hypothyroidism (due to Guggulsterones in

Guggulipid stimulating the production of Thyroid Hormones).

Other Factors that Alleviate Hypothyroidism

Physical Therapies

Regular Exercise helps to raise the Basal Metabolic Rate of Hypothyroidism


Orthodox Medical Treatment of Hypothyroidism


The usual orthodox medical treatment of Hypothyroidism is exogenous,

pharmaceutical Thyroxine (e.g. Levothroid; Levoxine; Synthroid).

Defects in Orthodox Medical Treatment of Hypothyroidism

T4 Monotherapy

By using exogenous Thyroxine (T4) as a monotherapy, orthodox medical treatment

of Hypothyroidism does not address the deficiency in the synthesis of other

Thyroid Hormones. Ideally the treatment of Hypothyroidism should supply all of

the Thyroid Hormones (T1, T2, T3 and T4). The minor Thyroid Hormones (T1 and

T2), however, are not as important as Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4).

Therefore it is almost as effective to prescribe a mixture of Triiodothyronine

(T3) and Thyroxine (T4). Progressive health professionals usually prescribe any

of the following therapies for the treatment of Hypothyroidism:

- Combination of Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) in a 1:4 ratio (e.g.

12.5 - 180 mg of Thyroxine combined with 3.125 - 45 mcg of Triiodothyronine.

Products containing this combination include Euthroid; Liotrix and Thyrolar.

- Combination of all of the Thyroid Hormones. Products containing this

combination include Armour; Desiccated Thyroid Hormone; Nathroid; Natural

Thyroid Extract; Thyrar; Thyroid Strong; Thyroplex and Westhroid

Clinical studies have demonstrated that treatment of Hypothyroidism with

combination Thyroid Hormone therapy is more effective than treatment with

Thryoxine (T4) alone. research

Orthodox medicine assumes that replacement of Thyroxine as a monotherapy will

result in conversion of Thyroxine to Triiodothyronine within the body. Research

(i.e. frequent measurement of Triiodothyronine levels and Thyroxine levels in

Hypothyroidism patients) indicates that this is not the case. Many

Hypothyroidism patients have a defective mechanism for the conversion of

Thyroxine to Triiodothyronine.

These Substances can Cause Hypothyroidism


Consumption of more than 30 mg of Cobalt per day can cause Hypothyroidism.

Excessive consumption of Fluoride (form of Fluorine) slows down the Thyroid

Gland which can lead to Hypothyroidism.

Pharmaceutical Drugs

Exogenous, pharmaceutical forms of Interferon Alpha can cause Hypothyroidism.


Sulfuric Compounds

Some types of Isothiocyanates can cause Hypothyroidism (by blocking the

utilization of Iodine.

These Ailments can Cause Hypothyroidism

Aging Process

The risk of Hypothyroidism increases in tandem with the progression of the Aging


Digestive System

Hypochlorhydria may cause Hypothyroidism. peer-reviewed research


Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is believed to be the most common cause of primary

Hypothyroidism in Western nations.

Nervous System

Excessive Stress can cause Hypothyroidism. research

Hypothyroidism Increases Levels of these Toxic Substances

Amino Acids

Hypothyroidism causes elevated Homocysteine levels. research

Hypothyroidism can Cause these Ailments

Cardiovascular System

Hypothyroidism increases the risk of Atherosclerosis (as a result of increased

serum Cholesterol and Triglycerides levels). research

Bradycardia can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Hypothyroidism increases the risk of some Cardiovascular Diseases

(Hypothyroidism patients generally exhibit elevated LDL Cholesterol and

Lipoprotein (a) levels). research

Hypothyrodism increases the risk of Heart Attack. research

Hypothyroidism patients are at greater risk of Hypertension. research

Hypothyroidism increases the risk of Stroke. research


Hypothyroidism causes impairment in the Energy-producing capability of the

Mitochondria of Cells. research

Digestive System

Hypothyroidism can cause Constipation (this occurs from a reduction in

peristalsis). research

Excretory System

Hypothyroidism can cause impaired function of the Kidneys. research

Immune System

Hypothyroidism is a common (although rarely diagnosed by orthodox medical

practitioners) underlying cause of Allergies:

- Hypothyroidism causes a decrease in the body's production of Cortisol Binding

Globulin (CBG).

Hypothyroidism impairs the function of the Immune System: research

- Hypothyroidism causes a significant reduction in Thymulin activity. research


Lowered Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the principal symptom of Hypothyroidism.


It is speculated that the underlying cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

may be Hypothyroidism (indicating that replacement doses of Thyroid Hormones may

alleviate CFS). research

Elevated serum Cholesterol levels can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism.


Lack of Energy can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Fatigue can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism and is one of the principal

symptoms of Hypothyroidism. research

Hypothyroidism is the primary cause of Goiter.

Hypothyroidism can cause Hypoglycemia.

Hypothyroidism can cause elevated LDL Cholesterol levels.

Hypothyroidism can be the underlying cause of Lethargy. research

Hypothyroidism can cause elevated Lipoprotein (a) levels. research

Low Body Temperature can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. This manifests

as excessive feelings of coldness. references

Obesity is often attributable to the recued Basal Metabolic Rate that results

from Hypothyroidism. research

Elevated serum Triglycerides levels can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism.


Musculoskeletal System

Hypothyroidism is a possible precipitating factor (and possibly a direct cause)

of Fibromyalgia. research

Muscle Cramps can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Muscle Pain and stiffness are some of the earliest symptoms of Hypothyroidism.


Impaired Muscle Tone can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Muscle Weakness is a symptoms of Hypothyroidism. research

Hypothyroidism increases the risk of Osteoporosis. research

Nervous System

Anxiety can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Hyperthyroidism is the underlying cause of some cases of Attention Deficit

Disorder (ADD). research

Poor Concentration ability can occur as a result of Hypothyrodism. research

Confusion can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Depression (including Major Depression) can occur as a result of

Hypothyroidism: research

- Hypothyroidism can cause Manic Depression. peer-reviewed research

When women are afflicted with Hypothyroidism during Pregnancy, their offspring

experience a significant reduction in Intelligence. research

Impaired Learning ability can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Memory impairment can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Sluggish Mental Function can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism.

Neuropathy can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Poor (delayed) Reflexes can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Slow Speech (Scanning Speech) can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism.


Lack of Willpower can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Sexual System

When women are afflicted with Hypothyroidism during Pregnancy, their offspring

experience a significant reduction in Intelligence. research

Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Hypothyroidism can cause a lack of Sexual Desire. references


Brittle Hair can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Dry Hair can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

(Non-Scarring forms of) Hair Loss can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism.


Thin, brittle Nails with transverse grooves can occur as a result of

Hypothyroidism. research

Thickened Skin or Dry Skin can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research

Slow healing of Wounds can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism. research


Mild Hypothermia (manifested in the form of constant feelings of coldness, even

in warm environmental temperature) can occur as a result of Hypothyroidism:


- Maintenance of body temperature is one of the major uses of body Energy

(decreased Energy production therefore reduces the ability of the body to

maintain correct body temperature).

- When Energy production is impaired, the body conserves heat - one of the most

effective methods of conserving heat is to decrease Blood Circulation to the


- This accounts for the cold hands and cold feet often experienced by

Hypothyroidism patients.

Hypothyroidism Interferes with these Substances


Hypothyroidism often causes a decrease in Testosterone levels (in men).

peer-reviewed research

Contraindications - Hypothyroidism Patients Should Avoid these Herbs

Under no circumstances should Hypothyroidism patients use Bugleweed (due to it

further lowering already depleted Thyroid Hormone levels).

Diagnosing Hypothryoidism

Laboratory Testing

Elevated Thyrotrophin (TSH) levels are indicative of Hypothyroidism:

- Normally the Pituitary Gland secretes Thyrotrophin in response to a negative

feedback mechanism instigated by low Thyroid Hormones levels.

- Thyrotrophin measurement is regarded by some progressive health professionals

as being somewhat insensitive and that reliance on this method for diagnosing

Hypothyroidism will not detect many cases. Many patients with TSH levels of 1.5

(or greater) are subsequently diagnosed as having Hypothyroidism.

Measurement of Free T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (Thyroxine) levels is regarded

by many progressive health professionals as the most accurate means of

diagnosing Hypothyroidism.

Forms of Hypothyroidism

Subclinical Hypothyroidism (also known as Diminished Thyroid Reserve; Mild

Thyroid Failure) is the first stage of Hypothyroidism, during which Thyroxine

levels are normal while Thyrotrophin (TSH) levels are slightly elevated.

In-Tele-Health © 2002 (from Hyperhealth Pro CD-ROM)


heylaurag <heylaurag wrote:

Hi, I'm curious to hear your personal experiences with hypothyroid

and using Chinese herbs vs. medication. I know that in theory

Chinese herbs should work, but I'd like to know if you have actually

seen evidence. A teacher told me that its not as simple as

hypothyroid equals yang deficiency. Anyone know what other diagnosis

to be on the lookout for?


I have several patients with this diagnosis, and one is on a megadose

of Armour---literally about 100 times the regular dose. She wants to

get off it.


I'm also wondering if anyone is clear on the downside to using Armour

thyroid for hypothyroid. Its derived from a natural source, so I

thought that it might be ok.


Thanks! Laura

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--- heylaurag <heylaurag wrote:

> A teacher told me that its not as

> simple as

> hypothyroid equals yang deficiency. Anyone know what

> other diagnosis

> to be on the lookout for?


Don't be on the lookout, just do a clear, careful

pattern differentiation and treat for that.


> I'm also wondering if anyone is clear on the

> downside to using Armour

> thyroid for hypothyroid. Its derived from a natural

> source, so I

> thought that it might be ok.


The problem with supplementing with any thyroid

hormone, synthetic or natural, is that the thyroid

gland dies, turns into a big scar. This means that

once someone is on the thyroid med for more than a

year or two (scarring occurs at differing rates), they

can't come off. Or maybe they can.


See you,








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In a message dated 8/26/2004 10:23:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

heylaurag writes:

Hi, I'm curious to hear your personal experiences with hypothyroid

and using Chinese herbs vs. medication. I know that in theory

Chinese herbs should work, but I'd like to know if you have actually

seen evidence. A teacher told me that its not as simple as

hypothyroid equals yang deficiency. Anyone know what other diagnosis

to be on the lookout for?


I have several patients with this diagnosis, and one is on a megadose

of Armour---literally about 100 times the regular dose. She wants to

get off it.


I'm also wondering if anyone is clear on the downside to using Armour

thyroid for hypothyroid. Its derived from a natural source, so I

thought that it might be ok.


Thanks! Laura



Ask yourself,,, why is the person giving symptoms of thyroid deficiency?

Is it low TSH?

is it low conversion of active hormone?

Is there a nutritional deficiency that would make it impossible for the

thyroid to make the correct level of hormones.

Is there a food acting as a suppresser?

Are there emotions tying up Chi, slowing function?


It is way beyond a simple yang deficiency.


Unfortunately, if we bypass the normal hormone feedback mechanism by

supplementing hormones, the body tends to shut down the feedback mechanism. The

longer you abuse the system the less likely it will be that the body will go

back to regulating itself.


I've seen people warm right up with a change of diet and I have had

people I through in the kitchen sink and got nowhere.


Thyroid is tricky some times.






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yeesh! has anybody looked at her TSH levels?


Avery L. Jenkins, DC, DACBN, FIAMA

Chiropractic Physician

Diplomate, American Clinical Board of Nutrition

Fellow, International Academy of Medical Acupuncture

Kent, CT



" There is no meaning in life except the meaning that man gives his life by

the unfolding of his powers. "

--Erich Fromm


" heylaurag " <heylaurag

<Chinese Medicine >

Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:42 AM

hypothyroid: herbs or Armour?



> one is on a megadose

> of Armour---literally about 100 times the regular dose. She wants to

> get off it.


> Thanks! Laura









and adjust



> If you , it takes a few days for the messages to stop being





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TSH will be off if on any Thyroid medication.


She needs to be evaluated for Wilson's syndrome.


And have a Anti TPO antibody and a anti-TG antibody titer run.


and evaluate the patients Iodine level


Dan Martin DOM




" Dr. Avery L. Jenkins " <ajenkins

<Chinese Medicine >

Friday, August 27, 2004 8:00 AM

Re: hypothyroid: herbs or Armour?



> yeesh! has anybody looked at her TSH levels?


> Avery L. Jenkins, DC, DACBN, FIAMA

> Chiropractic Physician

> Diplomate, American Clinical Board of Nutrition

> Fellow, International Academy of Medical Acupuncture

> Kent, CT



> " There is no meaning in life except the meaning that man gives his life by

> the unfolding of his powers. "

> --Erich Fromm

> -

> " heylaurag " <heylaurag

> <Chinese Medicine >

> Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:42 AM

> hypothyroid: herbs or Armour?



> > one is on a megadose

> > of Armour---literally about 100 times the regular dose. She wants to

> > get off it.

> >

> > Thanks! Laura

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Actually, it would tend to be lowered on meds, although not in all cases. I

would be more interested in the existence of elevated values.



Avery L. Jenkins, DC, DACBN, FIAMA

Chiropractic Physician

Diplomate, American Clinical Board of Nutrition

Fellow, International Academy of Medical Acupuncture

Kent, CT



" There is no meaning in life except the meaning that man gives his life by

the unfolding of his powers. "

--Erich Fromm


" Dr. Martin " <nfc

<Chinese Medicine >

Friday, August 27, 2004 11:47 AM

Re: hypothyroid: herbs or Armour?



> TSH will be off if on any Thyroid medication.


> She needs to be evaluated for Wilson's syndrome.


> And have a Anti TPO antibody and a anti-TG antibody titer run.


> and evaluate the patients Iodine level


> Dan Martin DOM



> -

> " Dr. Avery L. Jenkins " <ajenkins

> <Chinese Medicine >

> Friday, August 27, 2004 8:00 AM

> Re: hypothyroid: herbs or Armour?



> > yeesh! has anybody looked at her TSH levels?

> >

> > Avery L. Jenkins, DC, DACBN, FIAMA

> > Chiropractic Physician

> > Diplomate, American Clinical Board of Nutrition

> > Fellow, International Academy of Medical Acupuncture

> > Kent, CT

> >

> >

> > " There is no meaning in life except the meaning that man gives his life


> > the unfolding of his powers. "

> > --Erich Fromm

> > -

> > " heylaurag " <heylaurag

> > <Chinese Medicine >

> > Thursday, August 26, 2004 8:42 AM

> > hypothyroid: herbs or Armour?

> >

> >

> > > one is on a megadose

> > > of Armour---literally about 100 times the regular dose. She wants to

> > > get off it.

> > >

> > > Thanks! Laura

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