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Religion and Politics

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Howdy folks,


As I always say .. pretty much - anything goes here - except porn ;) I'm

just not the kind of list mom who feels that grown ups need to be cattle

herded " on track " or moderated. What I do want is everyone to be able to

come here, sit down and relax for a little bit of time out of their day,

enjoy some herbal tea, and enjoy the list posts.


Mercury (the " planet of communication " ) goes out of retrograde today -

and like on a rollercoaster ride, the beginnings and endings of

retrogrades are the most intense times of them. Mercury is particularly

like that - and it tends to get all sorts of communications fudged and

haywire. Keeping all of that in mind - speak freely, think before you

speak, and if stuff is going to go so totally off topic for umpteen

posts, or maybe get " personal " , and its not stuff that over 350 folks

need to really read, remember that it is totally acceptable to take it

off list and go forth with thy conversations one on one :) But at the

same time also not going to make my list members feel that their

conversations about stuff is unwelcome and/or that their passions or

opinions are to be censored - even if it is " off-topic " . We are all

grown ups and I want everyone to be treated with that respect. SO,

please folks, everyone take a deep breath, the world is an intense place

to live in, sometimes more than not - and people are intense to live

with (some more than not ;) And the lovely thing about e-mail and

properly titling posts and topics (especially those listed as OT) is

they can be easily, quickly and painlessly be deleted.


I don't wanna see anyone getting upset, offended, bickering or otherwise

for any reasons about general political (or religious) matters here - we

have enough of that going on in the real world (is it utopia here, maybe

not by a long shot, but it can be a semi-serene nook). War is bad, but

sometimes a necessary evil - and I'm not going to debate here and now

about current events whether any war the world may face in the near

future is or isn't (a necessary evil). Religion can also be bad, but

once again, like war, sometimes a necessary evil ;) - and once again I'm

not going to debate here and now about what religion in the world is or

isn't (a necessary evil) ;) NOW, lets say thank you to all the folks who

give of themselves in this world in one way or another, lets pray for

what we can maybe some day accomplish, and lets get some talk about

going on here too - it is up to all of us to bring up

stuff and talk about it, especially if we don't like the current flow or

topics of conversations ;)


I'm still trying to feel better enough to get onto the computer and get

to work (including posting to my list here). I promise as soon as I feel

better for more than 10 minutes at time I'll be posting a buncha new

stuff - including - my brand spanking NEW newsletter!!!! :) :) :)



Chris (list mom)


FREE Salt - January Special









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