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Drug Induced Malnutrition!

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Drug Induced Malnutrition!

© by Lena Sanchez






Malnutrition is running rampant worldwide caused by foods that no

longer contain the proper nutrients. In centuries past the fruits,

grains and vegetables contained more and better minerals and

vitamins, created and absorbed from the ground they were grown in. As

farmers dropped normal rotations of ground-building crops, the

nutrient content dropped to about one-tenth of the past nutrients.

But another danger looms large in the malnutrition arena, and, when

added to the lack of nutrients in our foods, it creates a HUGE pool

of illnesses.


Some commonly prescribed drugs cause severe nutritional deficiencies

all by themselves. Nearly every man-made drug takes a heavy toll in

unwanted and dangerous side effects with malnutrition being the most

common. The following medications and chemicals contribute to

malnutrition and chemical toxicity and set the stage for serious



Diuretics for high blood pressure wash potassium, magnesium, sodium,

zinc and vitamin B2 right out of your body with the water. Even more

alarming is the report from the National Institute of Health

(November 1998). Their researchers stated that diuretics increase the

risk of kidney cancer.



Cholesterol-lowering medications deplete many vitamins; B2, C, D,

niacin, folic acid, biotin as well as the minerals; calcium, iron,

magnesium, potassium, zinc and several trace minerals.



Estrogen-replacement drugs, such as Premarin, can leave you deficient

in all the B Complex vitamins and vitamin C, as well as magnesium and

zinc, two important heart-healthy minerals.



Antacids steal from your tissues important life altering vitamins A

and B1, folic acid with the minerals calcium, copper, iron and

phosphorus. Antacids like Rolaids or Maalox can weaken bones by

hindering mineral uptake.



Antibiotics deplete numerous vitamins: B2, C, D, niacin, folic acid,

biotin, and the minerals, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and

zinc. At the same time, they kill the good flora that keep our

intestines healthy, create an inability to absorb the nutrients we do

consume, make waste elimination very difficult, and create the

atmosphere for yeast growth.



Shampoos and conditioners are often created from a variety of

chemicals, but a couple that have drawn attention in the last decade

are DEA and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS). When these chemicals are

absorbed into your bloodstream, they create changes in hormonal

systems that in turn create an environment for cancer and other




Chlorine in our municipal water systems is linked to cancers of all

types, with bathing in chlorinated water being worse than drinking

chlorinated water. Neither is healthy! Bottled water still contains

chlorine, so don't feel that you are safe just because you drink

bottled water.



Anti-inflamatories (NSAIDS) stop the production of good

prostaglandins that promote healing of the joints and cartilage. The

lack of prostaglandins causes further damage to your joints and

muscles and creates an environment for arthritis and other bone and

joint damage.



Oral contraceptives can result in a folate deficiency!



Aspirin taken on a regular basis by an arthritis or heart patient

depletes the body of iron. In addition, aspirin can disintegrate the

stomach lining, hindering digestion of anything put into it!



Then comes the champion killer! Cortisone! Cortisone is a steroid

hormone produced naturally by our adrenal glands. It helps the body

store glucose, an energy-food source. It helps the body regulate its

use of fats, salts and blood and helps the body deal with stress. The

synthetic form of cortisone is called prednisone.

Doctors use cortisone because it is a powerful drug for reducing

swelling. Available as a pill or injected directly into joints,

cortisone is a magic little potion that stops pain right now.

However, it does not address the underlying problem that has created

the swelling and problems.


What does cortisone/Prednisone do to you?


First it masks the pain but does nothing to treat the cause of the



Second, ongoing use begins wearing away and eroding the naturally

smooth bone surfaces that glide against each other at joints and sets

you up for bigger problems later.


Giving your body cortisone sends your adrenal gland wrong signals,

making it wonder what to do next and over prolonged time will shut it

down from that confusion. Then come the mood swings, the weight gain

caused from a voracious appetite created by the cortisone/Prednisone.

Kidneys struggle to keep up the filtration needed to washout the

chemicals; the liver is overworked and may end up with Hepatitis or



Prozac (fluoxetine) can decrease the appetite in some while

increasing the appetite in others and depleting the system of more

nutrients than I have space to list here! Judging from the myriad of

side effects probably just about every nutrient! I watched

devastating things happen to patients after Prozac came on the

market, yet until I looked at the drug company's website I didn't

know the half of it. This is one scary prescription!

My point? Your medications may be creating more illness for you! What

to do?


Do some research and try natural treatments.

Try taking care of the area of the body that is causing the problem.

Proper eating, exercise, supplementing with minerals, vitamins and

herbs can create a healthy body!

Stop being lazy and letting someone else determine whether you are

healthy or ill.

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