Guest guest Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 An electrifying possibility; a Swedish radiologist posits an astounding theory; the human body has the equivalent of electric circuits - Bjorn Nordenstrom Discover, April, 1986 by Gary Taubes Watching Bjorn Nordenstrom operate will give you some idea of thenature of the problem. Unorthodox, to say the least. It's a winter morning in Stockholm; still dark, although well into the day. An old man lies on the operating table, his chest quilted with scars from previous cancer operations. He has a new tumor in what the surgeons have left him of his lungs. Nordenstrom has been given permission to treat him, because the old man doesn't have enough lungs left to remove, and if something isn't done he'll be dead in a year. Still, the old man, prepped with Valium, is conscious and smiling. Nordenstrom is tall and greying, with a military bearing; the deep lines under his eyes are signs of both his 65 years and his propensity to overwork. Beneath his surgical gown he wears a rubberized radiation vest. He takes hold of a foot-long needle and stares down at the old man's chest. Guided by x-ray equipment of his own design--which gives views of the patient's chest from front to back and side to side--Nordenstrom inserts the needle, with a slight jerk to get it through the chest muscle, directly into the center of the tumor. He takes up another needle and slips it in ten inches below the first. The needles are platinum electrodes. He hooks wires to each, then turns to his assistant and nods. The assis tant twists a dial on an orange box, and the treatment begins. Nordenstrom asks his patient if he feels any pain, and the old man says no. A few minutes later, Nor denstrom doffs his gown and radiation vest and settles down on a chair next to the operating table. One of the nurses brings him and the old man coffee and cookies. All the while, electric current courses through the old man's chest. So there Bjorn Nordenstrom sits, calmly sipping his coffee whilehe tries to save the life of another man with a technique that looks as if it has been cooked up by a maniacal electrician with delusions of grandeur. But Nordenstrom is no quack. Not by a long shot: his track record, as a physician and researcher, is as good as any one's. In the 1950s he pioneered a series of remarkable innovations in clinical radiology that seemed radical at the time but are now routinely employed at every major hospital in the world. In the 1960s he was promoted to the most respected position in his field: head of diagnostic radiology at Stockholm's Karolinska Institute, then the pre-eminent radiological research labora- tory in the world. In 1985 he served as chairman of Karolinska's Nobel Assembly, which chooses the laureates in medicine. He is, in the words of Morris Simon, the director of clinical radiology at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital, ''a brilliant, very innovative, very imaginative scientist, who has made significant contributions to radiology and medicine.'' In 1983 Nordenstrom published a 358-page book covering more thantwo decades of experimental work. It's entitled Biologically Closed Electric Circuits: Clinical, Ex- perimental, and Theoretical Evidence for an Additional Circulatory Sytem, and it's potentially revolutionary. Nordenstrom claims to have discovered a heretofore unknown universe of electrical activity in the human body--the biological equivalent of electric circuits. As Nordenstrom describes his body electric, the circuits are switched on by an injury, an infection, or a tumor, or even by the normal activity of the body's organs; voltages build and fluctuate; electric currents course through arteries and veins and across ca- pillary walls, drawing white blood cells and metabolic compounds into and out of surrounding tissues. This electri- cal system, says Nordenstrom, works to balance the activity of internal organs and, in the case of injuries, represents the very foundation of the healing process. In his view, it's as critical to the well-being of the human body as the flow of blood. Disturbances in this electrical network, he suggests, may be involved in the development of cancer and other diseases. The idea that electric currents can stimulate bodily repair, alert defense mechanisms, and control the growth and function of cells is not a new one in medicine. Bioelec tromagnetics dates back at least 200 years. But the field picked up a dubious reputation at the turn of the century, when researchers who had proposed electromagnetism as a panacea were proved wrong, and the stigma has lingered ever since. Enter Nordenstrom. His book is neither an esoteric piece of theorizing nor the result of a single isolated ex- periment. He backs up his statements, theories, and conclusions with a wealth of meticulous and ingenious experi- ments, with one clinical ob- servation after another, with theoretical proofs, and with known facts. He makes a strong case, and, at least as far as he's concerned, he has proved it. Nordenstrom doesn't spare his medical colleagues from the jab ofhis needles. To him their attitude toward elec- tricity in the human body is almost medieval. Knowing of the ''enormous importance of closed electric circuits in modern electronic technology,'' asks Nordenstrom in the conclusion of his book, ''is it seriously plausible that biology can 'afford to ignore' the ex- ceedingly efficient principle of transporting electric energy over closed circuits?'' Classical medicine certainly doesn't deny that there are myriad electrical forces at work within the body, in addition to chemical ones exerted by hormones and enzymes, and physical ones like the pressure of the blood in the arteries and veins. Every human thought and action is accom- panied by the conduction of electrical signals along the fibers of the nervous system. Indeed, life wouldn't exist at all without a constant flow of ions across the membranes of cells. Yet Nordenstrom argues that this picture is incomplete. As he sees it, medical research has provided a descriptive view of the chemical and physical processes at work in the human body, but hasn't explained how they're interrelated. It's a picture of effects without causes. In Nordenstrom's view, the cause behind many of the effects is the ebb and flow in his biologically closed electric circuits. If Nordenstrom is right, these circuits may explain many fundamental regulatory processes in the human body, and even the seemingly inexplica ble therapeutic effects of acupuncture and of electromagnetic fields. To prove that his theory is more than just an academic curiosity, Nordenstrom has put his ideas to work, using electricity to treat lung and breast tumors. Considering the immaturity of his science, he has had remarkable success. In the two hours before Nordenstrom unhooks the electrodes and sends the old man home, he sips his coffee and talks about the complete lack of impact his work has had. He's talking less about his cancer treatments than about his basic research, and there he's a little perplexed. Medical researchers have barely acknowledged Nordenstrom or his book. ''If I'm right,'' Nordenstrom is saying, ''time works for me.'' His voice is raspy; though heavily accented, his English is good. He tells of years of care- ful experimenting--hypothesis and test. Classic scientific method. ''When I had the whole material ready'' he says, ''nobody wantedto publish it. 'To whom should we direct the message?' they asked. I said to everybody--to biologists, to all doctors. They should know about this. Then they said, 'We don't dare to publish it.' If I had done only one experiment, they would probably very easily accept it. But to prove my theory I had to do so many things based on the same principle and they [the medical community] say it's crazy because I say it explains everything. I understand, but this is the difficult thing for me. It's so basic and so important because it plays so many roles in every biological reaction. It's not my fault.'' Nordenstrom laughs. In 1984, a full year after his book came out, the first review appeared in the medical press, in the journal Investigative Radiology. The journal doesn't usually print book reviews, the editor wrote, but Norden strom's work presented such ''fundamental and far-reaching concepts that a review was deemed desirable . . . The importance of the concepts presented in Dr. Nordenstrom's book cannot be overemphasized.'' The reviewer went on to call the book ''remarkable'' and ''a seminal work.'' A year later, a second article appeared, this one in the American Journal of Roentgenology. The AJR is one of the two most important journals in the field. The article was a rewrite of a Nordenstrom lecture, and it, too, came with an editor's note: the publication of the paper, it said, was unconventional and required an explanation. The work was unique, the editor wrote: unlike the multi-author publications common in journals, it was all the work of one man--Nordenstrom. ''He alone is responsible for the original concepts, the experiments, the analysis and the text. Al- though employing modern terms and instruments, his performance has been in the tradition of the pioneer scientist: complete and isolated immersion in the research.'' The journal said that a final judgment was premature, but that, at the very least, the work was ''imaginative, experimentally ingenious, and provocative'' and deserved serious examination by the medical community. No such examination has yet been made, although four small groups of researchers--one each in France and Italy, two in Japan--are be- ginning to replicate Nor-L denstrom's experiments. ''His work is far too original,'' says John Austin, a Columbia University radiologist, who helped edit the book. ''It's far too wide ranging. Nobody in this country is beginning to touch what he's doing.'' Some of Nordenstrom's American colleagues--highly respected men in the world of medicine--say his work is undeniably revolutionary. If it's right, it's important not only to medicine but to all of biology. (They'll compare it to Harvey's 1628 treatise on the circulatory system, but they don't want to have such claims attributed to them.) And if it's wrong, they say, the experiments them- selves are brilliant in any case. What Nordenstrom desperately needs, says Beth Israel's Simon, ''is to have people persuaded that it's worth making a major effort to prove or disprove what he says.'' The mystery is why the medical community has barely oticed that Nordenstrom's theory exists. If you were to ask radiologists at random about Bjorn Nordenstrom, you'd be lucky to find one who knew his name. If you asked cancer experts, or biophysicists, or pathologists--scientists whose disciplines are the heart and soul of Nordenstrom's book-- you'd probably get a blank stare. Bjorn who? Nordenstrom was born in 1920 in Ragunda, a village in central Sweden, and was raised in the city of Bollnuas, where his ancestors have lived for three hundred years. He studied at the University of Uppsala, and finished his medical training in Stockholm. After World War II, he joined the Swedish Red Cross and spent three months touring southern Austria with another doctor, immunizing orphans against TB. He estimates they had inoculated 25,000 children by the time his wife called to tell him she was pregnant (with the first of their three boys). Back in Stockholm, in 1949, he began a career in radiology. He picked his speciality the way many people do--someone offered him a job that paid well, and it turned out to be interesting. He also apprenticed for a year with the Swedish surgeon Clarence Crafoord, one of the pioneers of open heart surgery, before going to the University of Michigan on a one-year fellowship. At Michigan he was an innovator in the use of both radio-opaque chemical dyes and a method known as balloon catheterization, for producing more distinct x-ray images of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. In the autumn of 1956 Nor denstrom returned to Stockholm and began searching for a way to determine, without cutting open the chest and lungs, whether a lung tumor was malignant or benign. He had an ingeniously simple solution: under x-ray guidance, stick a needle through the chest wall and into the tumor and remove a tissue sample, then examine it under a microscope--''a practical, valid approach to the thing,'' he calls it. Nordenstrom had pioneered what's now known as percutaneous needle biopsy, a diagnostic technique used in every major hospital in the world. But before he could put it to use, he had to redesign the biopsy needles employed to penetrate deep into the body, and the x-ray equipment needed to steer them to the tumor. His colleagues showed the usual hesitation: much too danger- ous a procedure, they said; Nordenstrom was much too aggressive. And it was nearly two decades, not until the 1970s, before Nordenstrom's biopsy technique finally caught on in America. Says Richard Green span, head of radiology at Yale Medical School, ''Before Nor denstrom came along, if some- body had told me you could take a needle and shove it into a lung and biopsy a tumor, I'd have been shocked.'' Nordenstrom refers to these innovations as the first waves of his career. The latest wave is his theory of biologically closed electric circuits, which also began building in the 1950s, when his curiosity was piqued by a subtle phenomenon he observed in his practice. Every so often he would see in his x-rays the forbidding mass of a tumor nestled within the lung, and around it a halo of light-colored streaks radiating from its edges. Because the image reminded him of the rays of the sun, he called it a corona. He looked at thousands of tumors, but only some were surrounded by coronas, while others--of the same size, shape, and location--had none. More puzzling, a corona might show up in one x-ray and then fail to appear in a later one. When Nordenstrom showed his x-rays to other radiologists, they seldom spotted the coronas. When they did, they considered them trivial and wondered why Nordenstrom cared. For nearly ten years he tracked the coronas on his x-rays, but found nothing that could explain their origin or significance. Even when he used his biopsy needles to sample tissue from tumors with and without coronas, he discovered no consistent differences between them. Finally, in 1965, he decided to perform what he calls a systematic exploration, and began to test the electrical properties of the tumors. This was as much by necessity as by choice. First, he had little else left to try: a tumor in the body is inaccessible to the resources of a labora- tory, but take the tumor out of the body and you may destroy the conditions that created the corona. Second, because he was working with human cancer patients, it was one of the few experiments he could perform without increasing the risk to the patient beyond that already entailed in doing a biopsy. Nordenstrom says, ''I thought to myself, 'Isn't this silly, just to introduce a needle to take out samples of materials? Perhaps I could see something more, study somethingmore when I'm in there with my instruments.' '' So Nordenstrom turned his needles into electrodes and combined the sampling of tissue with the study of the electrical properties of tumors in the body. He measured the electric potential of the tumor compared to that of surrounding tissue--the voltage, in essence-- and found that tumors with coronas were frequently associated with an electric potential. Moreover, he noticed that in many of these tumors the innermost cells had begun to die. Such tissue death, or necrosis, occurs when the cells at the core of a tumor are cut off from the blood stream as the outer cells continue to proliferate. These experiments absorbed Nordenstrom almost totally. By the late 1960s he was no longer doing conventional radiology; instead he was slowly moving, experiment by experiment, into physiology, oncology, and pathology. He had created his own field of science, and had left the establishment behind. To understand the electric potentials in the tumors, Nor denstrom measured the potential of blood as it slowly deteriorated. Blood was the only tissue he could extract from the body without worrying about damaging it in the process. He found that the electric charge in the decaying blood was first positive, then negative; over the course of days it oscillated slowly between the two states until all the blood cells had died off. These results could explain the variations in volt- age he had discovered in the tumors, and became the basis for one of the key points in his the- ory: any injury to the body creates a voltage that continuously fluctuates between positive and negative until it finally reaches electrical equilibrium--a state Nordenstrom believes is associated with healing. Nordenstrom later found that the release of energy by injured and dying cells could be the driving force--the battery--of his electric circuits. Next, Nordenstrom carefully measured the electrical properties of veins, arteries, capillaries, and blood in living animals. He found that the electrical resistance of the walls of the veins and arteries was at least 200 times that of blood. In effect, he claimed, these vessels were acting as insulated cables, and the blood flowing within them conducted electricity between the tumor and the surrounding tissue. That much was high school physics. Then he designed experiments to test his theory. He hooked his electrodes to the blood vessels of dogs and showed that the current flowed preferentially through the veins and arteries. When he applied an electric current to the blood vessels, white blood cells, which carry negative charges on their surface, were attracted to the positive lectrode. Blood clots, too, would form in the vessels in response to the current. The attraction of white blood cells to injuries isn't well understood by scientists, yet Nordenstrom seems to have demonstated that a simple, fundamental principle underlies it. Nordenstrom spent most of his waking moments on his research. Hemade mistakes; he repeated experiments again and again. He worked absurd hours for the laid-back Swedish life style. He got to bed by ten but woke up to do his creative thinking between three and five in the morning; he would lie in the dark, reviewing his problems from the previous day and planning his experiments for the next. He refused to take on a junior researcher, because he wanted to do every experiment himself, so that he would have firsthand information and would know how best to proceed. By 1978 Nordenstrom had completed his basic research: he had identified all the elements of an electric circuit in the body. In the vascular interstitial closed circuit, or VICC, as he called it, necrosis in a tumor functioned somewhat like an AC power source. It built a fluctuating potential, driving the circuit with a slowly alternating current. The blood vessels served as electric cables between injured and healthy tissue. The blood served as one segment of the conductor in the circuit; the fluid between the cells of tissue--called interstitial fluid, it's as conductive as the blood--served as the other. Enzymes in the cells of the capillary walls formed the system's electrodes. Says Nordenstrom, ''When you have found all the elements that correspond to an ordinary electric circuit, and each element performs its defined function, it must work.'' By then the medical establishment and Nordenstrom had lost touch. He had given few lectures on his research and had published only a handful of papers. When he began writing his book in 1979, he was convinced he had proved his thesis of biologically closed electric circuits. But even the handful of colleagues who knew of it didn't seem to care. When he finished the book in 1983, medical publishing houses refused to take it seriously, so he raised $50,000 and published it himself. Of the 2,000 copies printed, only 400 were sold. What he considered the most important work of his life languished in obscurity. Nordenstrom was as much to blame as anyone. He had committed oneof the cardinal sins in research: he rarely bothered to publish in the medical journals, the traditional network of information in this branch of science. Instead he chose to pack two decades of effort into a single tome. (Although Nordenstrom has published 140 papers in his life, only a few are on his biological circuit research.) Researchers hesitated to buy a book about a seemingly bizarre new field--even more so because Nordenstrom was asking $135 per copy to cover his publishing costs. Moreover, the book hadn't been subjected to peer review, as articles in a top journal would have been. Says Melvin Figley, a professor of radiology and medicine at the University of Washington, and recently editor of the AJR, ''It's conceivable that it's all very solid, but it's not presented in the conventional way.'' Nordenstrom responds that he did publish three papers, one in 1971, one in 1974, and one in 1978. ''But there was no response whatsoever,'' he says. ''I published and I talked about it with my colleagues, and they didn't understand. They just said it was a crazy idea, nothing of importance.'' After that, he insists, he was more interested in pursuing his research than in publishing it, which isn't quite as rebellious as it sounds. Most researchers write up their experiments to earn promotions in academia's highly competitive publish-or- perish climate. Nordenstrom needed no promotions; he was already at the pinnacle of his field Part 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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