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Thousands In NY Dying Of '911 Disease' - Uranium Probable

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Thousands In NY Dying Of '911 Disease' - Uranium Probable

9/11 Cough - More Than Just " Asthma " Indeed

By Cathy Garger



What in the world could Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration

possibly be thinking in appealing a deputy mayor's workman's

compensation case to cover his doctors' costs in order to care for his

9/11-related illness? Wouldn't ya think that, knowing what they know,

(wink wink) at the very, very least Bloomberg's office would pay his

doctors handsomely to treat his " asthma " and provide top-knotch,

skilled 24/7 nursing care to keep Mr. Washington comfortable - not to

mention, uh, very calm, sedate, and, primarily... quiet?


Penny-wise and pound foolish, oh Mr. Mayor. When deathly sick Deputy

Mayors talk, Mr. Bloomberg, no doubt the press will be listening to

his words - between the coughs, that is.


With highly radioactive levels found at the Pentagon on 9/11

(www.rense.com/general67?) what would make anyone think any

differently about the air surrounding Ground Zero?


Ten bucks it's not asbestos, computer part fragments, and concrete

powder dust alone that's making this NYC Deputy Mayor sicker than sick

by this, uh NYC " mystery " disease. What do you want to make a bet that

no physician has ever been encouraged to order (or, rather been

allowed to order) a special test using a mass spectrometer to test for

the presence of Airborne Uranium Particulates on the Deputy Mayor (or

on any of the thousands of other New York residents and workers who

are succumbing to this " mysterious " disease, for that matter)?


To read more about mass spectrometry testing for the presence of

Uranium, go to the Uranium Medical Research Center site at:



Call it just a hunch, but my guess is that testing of this Deputy

Mayor and other New Yorkers for the presence of Uranium radiation

poisoning for that nasty hacking cough might be more than worth every

GZ resident and worker's last dime.


The test is reportedly costly and not easy to obtain, but if I were a

GZ resident or emergency worker like Mr. Washington? I'd indeed be

high-tailing it in less than a New York Minute from Manhattan to a

clinic 6 1/2 hours in a northwest direction away to Waterport, NY

(http://www.umrc.net/clinical_services.aspx) at the first sign of any

nasty " asthmatic " post-9/11 Ground Zero cough.


New Yorkers with the mysterious Ground Zero illness, in all

likelihood, never received this test in a regular Manhattan hospital.

And I would doubt very much that the NYC Health Department is ever

going to recommend it, either.


If high radioactive levels were found near the Pentagon (and they

were) it certainly would not hurt to similarly test for the presence

of radiation sickness in those who spent time around Ground Zero, as well.


Cathy Garger http://www.mytown.ca/garger



NYC deputy mayor claims 9/11 illness


NEW YORK, May 17 (UPI) -- A New York deputy mayor who was caught in

the plume of debris in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks claims he

contracted a lingering respiratory illness.


Rudy Washington, 52, filed a state worker's compensation claim late

last year to cover his doctors' costs, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg's

administration is appealing it, the New York Post reported.


Washington, who became a consultant after the end of the Rudy

Giuliani's administration, arrived on the scene at Ground Zero soon

after the attack and was caught in the plume after the first tower fell.


Sources said Washington became sick almost immediately after the

attack and was hospitalized with a mysterious illness. He was later

diagnosed with asthma, which he never suffered prior to the attack,

and is now on several medications.


Worker's compensation claims are not publicly available and officials

are barred by law from talking about them, the newspaper said.




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