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Don't let your child be labelled--THIS IS IMPORTANT!

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At first sight this post may appear " off-topic " to this fine group, more

political than HEALTH or " birdflu " (SARSw/Wings) themed on the surface, and is

somewhat of a " rant " but read on ---(and if you are reading it--so far- kudos

to our insightful moderator.)

option A--all I request is clk


or option B is: go to " in a nutshell " below

or option c-- consider the possibilies of the background information---but

PLEASE don't forget http://www.teenscreen-locations.com/photos.htm and





Don't let your child be labelled--THIS IS IMPORTANT!


Avian2005 , " Shag Spencer " <shaaag2000 wrote:

Forgive me sending this as a " Special Notice " but this is important to all--I

want to reach EVERYONE I can and hope that you will help by contacting all your

friends and relatives----and what the heck--2 special notices in 8 months

shouldn't clog your mail box.


IN A NUTSHELL---scroll down about 1/3 to ( THIS IS IMPORTANT- I am asking for

an add'l 42 secs of your time -- self explanatory even for me.... click on




..and--b-t-w thanks for your participation and for making avian2005's first 8

months far more sucessful than I could have imagined---I have learned plenty!






Rather than label your kids, love 'em, and reward them, honor them just for

still breathing. They are under attack.


All I know is that first you've got to get mad. Understanding that, you

may want to skip the following, presented with that in mind.


Autism was first diagnosed in 1938 at Johns Hopkins, statistical records began

in 1943 about 10 years after thimerosal was introduced into vaccines.Today there

are over 300,000 afflicted, or 6 times as many as died in America's longest

war--Viet Nam.


Study Links Air Pollutants With Autism


At the beginning of the 20th Century, Diabetes affected less than one-tenth

of one percent of the U.S. population; by the end of the 20th century, almost 20

percent of U.S. citizens will contract types I or II diabetes. This is a 200

fold increase(20,000%) Do you have a hard time, as I do, attributing all of

this to the improved diagnostic procedures of our medical profession?



In 1930, about 3,000 people died of heart disease; by 1997 this number had

increased 250 times (25,000%) to almost 800,000.


From 1938 until 1990, average human male sperm counts drop by almost 50

percent; during the same period the incidence of testicular cancer triples.


From 1960 to 1966, a total of 33 pharmaceutical companies tested 153 different

experimental drugs at Holmesburg (PA) -ONE prison alone. Over the next few

decades tens of thousands, many foster children, will be used by pharma without

any oversight other than the state.


In 1960, the FDA approves a medication called Ritalin for use by children with

behavior problems. By 1975, about 150,000 children in the U.S. will be taking

Ritalin. By 2005, about 6 million U.S. children will be using Ritalin,

representing 85 percent of total Ritalin consumption in the entire world. The

Federal Government is doing ALL that it can to increase these numbers--remember

Bush's idea re: mental health screening for EVERYBODY?. Strange NAME for this

legisaltion " The New Freedom Initiative " . It is a plan to screen the entire

U.S. population for mental illness. This bumbling fool is trying to position

himself to judge your very thoughts.

Bush's Mental Illness Screening Squad On the Move


What Teenscreen Doesn't Want You to Know about Parental Consent




(THIS IS IMPORTANT- I am asking for an add'l 42 secs of your time --clk

here--Your photos can be added here:





and then click here---- http://www.petitiononline.com/TScreen/petition.html



and finally--click here (and join -suggest " no email " mode



and here http://health.SSRI-Crusaders/



From 1963 forward, scholastic aptitude scores for U.S. high school children

plummet every year. By the end of the century a " possible link " will be drawn to

their inoculations and synthetic chemicals which are foreign to their livers. NO



From 1977 forward to 1994 the number of children in special education

programs as a result of learning disabilities increases 191 percent. " Dumbing

down " takes a little different meaning in this light, does it not?


From 1982 to 1992, one decade, the annual death rate from asthma among young

people increased by more than 40 percent.


In 1989 a laboratory study in Boston finds that rats given moderate amounts of

fluoride in their drinking water give birth to hyperactive babies, while baby

rats exhibit retardation and other cognitive defects. Many Americans are

routinely exposed to higher relative levels of fluoride than the levels

administered to these rats. From 1990 to 1996, 6 years, the number of children

suffering from diabetes in the U.S. increased by 40 percent.


A study in 1997 in the medical journal, Pediatrics, reports the results of a

survey of 17,000 girls that finds by the age of eight about one in seven white

girls and one out of every two African-American girls are starting puberty with

breast growth and pubic hair. Even more startling, one out of every one hundred

white girls and three out of every one hundred African-American girls show these

characteristics at the age of three years old! The explanation for this early

onset of puberty seems to be what they a re ingesting



TODAY Vitamin and mineral levels in foods are lower than ever before; and GE

grains are common place. More inoculations are now required just to attend

public school, where they could be subjected to mandatory vacs and " mental "

screening so that more chemicals can be added to the mix. More new synthetic

chemicals in foods and everyday products are in circulation than ever before.


MERCK of VIOXX and Bill Gates/Africa fame has now developed a $360 " jabbing "

procedure to be MANDATORY for all 11 and 12 year old girls; I suspect it will be

heavily subsidized by " our " government, don't you? This is the REAL MCCOY first

class if you are a smiling " population control guy " ---EVERY potential mother at

your mercy. http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2006/07/11/cancer


SSRI-Crusaders Moderator <SSRI-Crusaders-owner > wrote


Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder



Combined, these statistics approach abortion type numbers. Survivors CAN'T

be as aware as you or your parents.


I pray that the attacks on children (and all of us) are simply due to good old

fashioned GREED; don't know, But I do know that Prince Philip is on record as

saying " If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer

virus to lower human population levels. " I do know that Prince Philip's British

royal Windsor family privately controls at least one commodity--D.U-- through

investments in uranium holdings worth over $ billions through Rio Tinto Mines in

Australia. (Coincidentally, Halliburton , no bid contract, of course,

justcompleted a 1000mile rail link from the mines to the Northern port city See

link showing Queen profiting from use of Depleted Uranium in middle east war.

Radiation now detected in Britain - 70% of Iraqi births since 1992 have been

abnormal. D.U. numbers will eventual drwarf the above mess.


And I do know that W. Buffett saying , " I admire very much the vaccination

work of the Gates and Merck Foundations in Africa. " just " volunteerly " gave 90%

of his 2nd largest fortune on the PLANET to #1, Bill Gates, who is heavily

invested in VIOXX Merck,


Heck, sorry-- without mentioning AIDS or aerosol spraying or " war-on-drugs " or

the " dead microbiologists club " this rant has gotten way too long. ARE YOU MAD

YET? All I know is that first you've got to get mad. see


here's two other recommended links.. http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm



Be a bigot; cultural diversity be damned. Rumsfeld, Kissinger, Cheney,

Windsor, Gates, Buffett, Rockefeller, Rothschild are among family names of

folks you don't want to welcome into your neighborhood. That's likely not a

problem for most of us. These people aren't typical of our learning disabled

populace--they routinely think in terms of generations.


Baby steps--- easy to follow prompts-- just click and see if your zip code is

in data base.... that's all I ask for now.


CONTACT Your Congressman

Senator or Representive (and various committees) available; sfollow simple





Find elected officials, including the president, members of Congress, federal

agencies, governors, state legislators, local officials, state and local

authorities, information on current legislation--the whole 9 yds plus prompts to

get your email or fax or hand delivered letter done.



__AND..don't forget__<http://www.petitiononline.com/TScreen/petition.html>

Kindest regards, be aware, take care and DON " T let anybody jab ya' Capt.

Chemtrails, James Spencer, USN






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