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Table salt is a poison

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Table salt is a poison, "

JoAnn Guest

Jul 11, 2006 16:30 PDT




" The soil, and all that grows in it, is not something distant from

us,but must be regarded as our external metabolism, which produces

thenutrients for our internal metabolism.


Therefore, the soil must be cared for properly. It must not be

depletedor poisoned Otherwise, changes will result in serious

degenerativediseases in animals and humans. "




This sounds much like text from any biology textbook that I've

taught from.


" Mass-produced, commercially-grown fruits and vegetables are

fertilized with only three minerals: nitrogen, potassium and

phosphorous, " says the narrator.


Yet plants " need over 50 more. " As a consequence, " the plants are

sick, and must be kept on life support with toxic chemicals until

market. "

On the other hand, organic farming methods enable both the plant,

and you, to resist disease. This especially includes cancer.


The film states that the two key factors that are " the underlying

cause of cancer are deficiency and toxicity. "


A radical, organic raw vegetable juice-based diet is proposed as the

primary remedy. Why juiced? Because " Dr. Gerson discovered early in


research that fruits and vegetables must be juiced to flood the body

with nutrients that have been lacking within the human organism for


very long, sometimes for decades. . . When juice is drunk, it can


the blood stream almost as fast as alcohol. . . Dr. Gerson required


patients to drink one 8 ounce glass of juice 13 times a day. " That

amounts to some 20 pounds of produce, yielding " an organic


straight from the table of Mother Nature. "


The Gerson therapy calls for an expensive grind and press juicer,


as a Norwalk.


On the other hand, the film states, Norman W. Walker, that


juicer's inventor and namesake, died June 6, 1985 at the age of 117.

All of Max Gerson's brothers and sisters died in the Holocaust.


Now for the second aspect of the Gerson therapy. Drinking such


quantities of fresh juice every day " dislodges accumulated body


which are absorbed by the liver, somewhat overwhelming it. "


Therefore, to help out the hard-working liver, the Gerson approach

employs an unusual detoxification technique. " Organic body-


coffee administered rectally stimulates the liver's bile ducts to


dump those scavenged toxins into the colon for evacuation. " This,


film states, ensures that " the immune system will now have the upper

hand " and the patient is more likely to recover.


You will not be disappointed to know that the film does indeed


step by step directions on exactly how to prepare a coffee enema.

Boil 1

quart distilled water, add 3 tablespoons drip ground coffee, reduce

heat, and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and add sufficient water to

again have 1 quart. Cool to body temperature, and then introduce


inches into the colon with an enema kit. Retain the enema for 12 to




The movie's sound track music chosen to accompany the coffee enema

recipe preparation sequence is a performance of Beethoven's Concerto


Violin and Orchestra in D Major by the City of Magenta, Italy


Orchestra. The violin soloist is Francesca Ettorina Dego, Dr.


great-granddaughter, age 14. Her rendition is excellent.


There is more to the therapy than juices and coffee enemas.


" Table salt is a poison, " says the narration. Our " unrelenting " use


sodium " causes displacement of potassium found naturally in human


leaving them vulnerable to attack by disease. "


For this reason, debated to this day, Dr. Gerson gave patients on


already very-low-sodium, potassium-rich diet still more supplemental

potassium in the form of equal parts of potassium gluconate,


acetate, and mono potassium phosphate.


Flaxseed oil was the preferred fatty acid source, and was to be " raw

and cold " and not to be used for a cooking oil.


Pancreatin, acidophilus, and vitamin B-3 (niacin) were also provided



The most common criticisms of the Gerson program are that the diet


restrictive and that the coffee enemas are excessive. It is true


the Gerson therapy is an extreme diet, but then cancer is an extreme



One extreme may indeed call for another; it takes a lot of water to


out a burning building. Chemical, radiological and surgical extremes


the oncologist's stock in trade. Why not extreme nutrition?


I enjoyed the section of the movie where the camera follows Dr.


daughter and successor, Charlotte, as she interviews patients under

actual treatment at the Gerson facility in Mexico. There, it is


patients in " as little as two weeks are free from cancer. " 35 years

after man first walked on the moon, this remains a revolutionary

statement, one that may invite either a physician's ridicule or a


patient's serious investigation.


Charlotte Gerson, now 82, practices what her father preached. " I

cancelled my health insurance when I was 34 years old, " she

says. " The

reason was that I'm not interested in the kind of hospital or


treatment that might be covered by insurance, because it's toxic. "


says she saved money, plus feels good in the bargain. She is


and emphatic. On camera, she states, " I'm always telling women:

'Wouldn't it be wonderful if you never had to worry about finding a


in your breast?' But if you eat healthy, that's what happens. Living


this manner, you don't risk cancer. "


She is in a position to know, having seen her father's work at close

range for so many years. I asked Charlotte about this, and she told


" My earliest childhood memories of helping my father go back to my

playing in our sandbox when I was about five years old. My father's

medical office was in the same house where we lived and patients


come to see him there. Many of those were from the agricultural area

surrounding the city where we lived, Bielefeld (Westphalia),


The farmers who consulted my father could hardly believe that one


survive in good health without meat and animal proteins. So my


would send for me, a little dirty and full of sand, to show me off.


was sturdy, tall for my age, healthy and rosy-cheeked and presented


good picture of the effectiveness of vegetarian nutrition. "


She still does. Filmmaker Steven Kroschel says, " Working with


Gerson touched me deeply, as she reminded me of my German


and the old fashioned hospitality that went along with it. I have to


that I cannot recall meeting anyone quite as honest, compassionate


giving as she is. "


Doctor-vexing patients' testimonials form the backbone of Kroschel's

documentary. There are plenty of them. One man with prostate cancer,

confirmed by biopsy, decided to go Gerson. After 18 months on the

therapy, his PSA was an extraordinarily low 0.06.


Ascites, the abdominal fluid buildup all too commonly accompanying

cancer or liver disease, may be reduced by way of the Gerson


One patient interviewed in the film reports a decrease of 8 cm on


first day of the therapy, with 2 cm/day afterwards.


One woman, diagnosed with ovarian cancer and given 6 to 9 months to

live, speaks on camera of how she lived not nine months, but nine


and is still in excellent, cancer-free health. Her therapy was the

Gerson diet. Three other women she knew, all of whom selected

chemotherapy, were, as predicted, dead in nine months or less.


Possibly the most moving testimonial comes from a child, named

Stephanie, who was diagnosed with widespread cancer in the kidney,

lungs, vena cava and heart before she was even six years old. After

conventional treatment had been tried and had failed, she (and her

parents as well) embarked on the Gerson program. Asked what she


of the diet, the girl responded quite frankly: " The food? At first I

thought it was kind of weird. But after, like, a week, it started

tasting better. "


Stephanie, who had been given six months to live, was very much


over two years later and shown horseback riding. The narration


her as not fully cured, but " on the road to recovery " to the point


her doctors were " astounded. " Stephanie herself described her

quality of

life improvement as well as it has ever been described: " I've been

feeling lots better. I've been having more energy when on the diet.


feel very healthy, and stronger, and much better than I did. "


The most skeptical viewer cannot possibly watch the scenes of this


horseback riding and not be at least a little bit persuaded.


Then there is Pat, a woman with pancreatic cancer which had spread


her liver, gall bladder, and spleen. Throwing up blood, she was

diagnosed at age 46, and given 3 months to live. That was in 1986.


bleeding and pain stopped in 10 days of Gerson therapy. After two


of Gerson, a CAT scan showed that the cancer was gone. Pat is now 65.


Hollywood star Michael Landon was similarly diagnosed with


cancer. He, too, had been given three months to live, and he


tried the Gerson therapy. Landon appeared on the " Tonight " show,


hale and hearty after only a short time on the Gerson program.

Immediately afterwards, the narration says, Landon was warned off of


Gerson diet by his physicians. He abandoned it, and his condition

promptly worsened. He later personally telephoned Pat and told her


he " should have stayed with the Gerson therapy. " Michael Landon died




As a very young man, I made a documentary film about the pollution


proposed reclamation of the Genesee River in Rochester, NY.


camera motion was the byproduct of my limited equipment and poor

technique. Although it may be an intentional stylistic tool, I for


would ask that directors of feature documentaries everywhere lose


hand-held camera reality-look and get themselves better tripods than




The Gerson DVD has no menu for chapter selection, and for those


to re-study any one of the 30 chapters in this 90 minute feature, a

chapter menu would be most helpful.


This film makes no attempt at conciliation nor compromise, with


unabashedly in-your-face statements, such as: " The only area of


established orthodox medicine in the US is superlative is in the

cost. "

Another: " The viability of life hinging essentially on what we pour


our cups, and place on our plates, is so simple, and yet profoundly


to grasp by modern medicine. " The film also emphasizes the


effects of all manner of pollution on our internal environment.

Mercury-based dental amalgam condemned; Ritalin is ridiculed, as is


Standard American Diet ( " SAD " ). Even milk-drinking is eschewed by


Gerson approach. " With every meal, we are either digging our own


with the silverware, or ensuring a healthy and productive life. "


There is something in The Gerson Miracle to provoke practically


On the other hand, there is such value in Gerson's therapy to


the film being seen by everybody.


We have to face the facts: Dr. Gerson saved lives and his methods


do. Here is the very first movie to offer this essential message to


new and ever-widening audience. To say that such a message is


controversial is understatement akin to saying that the Beatles


influenced popular music, or that Citizen Kane was a pretty good


Fact is, the Gerson therapy exists. You can say that it doesn't


but you can also find living, breathing people who will tell you

differently. This documentary does exactly that, and this is what

documentaries should be doing.


(The Gerson Miracle. 91 minutes; 2004. VHS: 29.95; DVD: $24.95, from

Charlotte Gerson, 355 Greenwood Place, Bonita, CA 91902. lg27-


.. Shipping is $3, CA residents add 7.5% sales tax.)


To learn more about how to do the Gerson Therapy:



http://www.doctoryourself.com/gersonspeech.html is the transcript of


speech by Dr. Gerson himself.


http://www.doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson_therapy.html is a


of published clinical studies showing the demonstrated benefits of


Gerson treatment


http://www.doctoryourself.com/bib_gerson.html is a bibliography of


of Dr. Gerson's scientific writings.


Review copyright C 2004 by Andrew W. Saul, 23 Greenridge Crescent,

Hamlin, NY 14464 USA


JoAnn Guest



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