Guest guest Posted August 16, 2006 Report Share Posted August 16, 2006 How Bio Frequencies Can Help You by A. E. Baklayan Translation into English by David P. Amrein Introduction Ever since electricity was discovered, a variety of medical applications was developed in diagnosis and therapy. For a long time electricity has been used in pain therapy. Its effect in different intensities, frequencies and modulations on pathogens and on different functions of the human body have repeatedly been examined. It was more than 70 years ago that Nikola Tesla thoroughly worked on this subject. Royal Raymond Rife and Dr. Hulda Clark - to mention just a couple - have carefully investigated this field and made a number of extraordinary findings. To be able to understand their discoveries one should know about a discovery made by Dr. Voll in the 50ies. He found out that the measurable electrical skin resistance is lower at acupuncture points than on other places on the skin. This resistance can change immediately (this change can be measured) if electric, magnetic or other information is brought to the body. This discovery was developed further in many variations so that today we have a large variety of testing procedures similar to electro acupuncture. These processes, generally characterized as " bio-energetic testing " , are practiced by more than 5,000 practitioners, MDs, dentist, naturopaths and even veterinarians. So, this method is able to measure the change of a vital flow within the human body, caused by external, electric, magnetic or medicinal influences. Biologist Dr. Hulda Clark, who worked for many years in public research, developed one practical use of this principle. She found out through bio-energetic testing that all living beings and organic substances have a certain band width of frequencies. To do this, she used a frequency generator which produces precise electric frequencies, chosen by the tester. With a simple resonance phenomenon she could detect that any organism - e.g. a bacterium - will only go in resonance with a specific set of (mostly adjacent) frequencies, termed the pathogen's " band width " . For example, systematic research resulted in the knowledge that in a certain bacterium the characteristic resonance would begin at 99kHz and stop at 101kHz. Thus, electronic signals within this frequency band yield a resonance that can be measured through the skin. Every organism sends its own frequencies in a defined band width and level. The higher developed a life form, the higher are its own frequencies, and the larger is the band width it oscillates. A further discovery was that micro organisms apparently cannot tolerate electric current within their own frequency band, using alternating current of low voltage. Relatively simple experiments can be done on small living beings like insects or worms that are exposed to very weak current in their own frequency band. You can watch them either die or become numb and not recover from this treatment. The next logical step was to find out whether this treatment would work within a human body. This was the hour of birth of treatment with a bio-frequency generator. The results were overwhelming. Thus, an organism's band with could not only be used to detect it through a resonance phenomenon, showing the presence of certain viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites, but we are now also able to treat these organisms without harming the human body. After such a treatment the pathogens in question could not be measured any more for a while. Now a completely new way of therapy leading to the future was created in conjunction with the frequency generator. A human organism whose immune system is too weak to get rid of bacteria, fungi or parasites in question, can now successfully be cleaned out with the aid of the frequency generator. Based on these pioneering findings, a number of bio-energetic practitioners went ahead to find bacterial, parasitic, fungal and viral burdens as well as the pertaining band widths and treat the patients accordingly with the function generator. It was the merit of Dr. Clark to have first expressed the well-founded conjecture that an array of heaviest chronic diseases are linked with different parasitic burdens. It is known that most parasites go through various stages of development. From the ovum they develop miracidiae, rediae, cercariae, metacercariae and finally full-grown flukes. Other species have different stages of larvae. The attack by parasites, which is an enormous strain to the organism, was not recognized in clinical tests as there are uncommon biological mechanisms at work. First of all these stages of parasite development in the human body were not specifically looked for in biology and clinical tests because according to orthodox biology they take place outside a human being on intermediate hosts such as pets, insects, snails etc. Secondly, due to the limits of laboratory possibilities, clinical studies have only been interested in massive infestations. This means that generally parasites are detected only when they occur in the stool, accompanied by vomiting, fever, anemia and so forth. However, it seems to me - this is my discovery - that the metabolites of parasites contain a lot of allergens due to a number of foreign proteins and acids. The complete organism is therefore permanently overtaxed in its fight against these substances. I was able to prove this in hundreds of testings. The attack need not be massive. Just a few parasites or stages of parasites - which are much more difficult to find clinically as they can be detected only by large scale technical effort - are sufficient to initiate or continuously keep pathological processes going. The success in treatment of allergies, asthma, migraine, cancer, diabetes, rheumatic diseases and non-specific problems of digestion (just to name a few) in some cases can be so impressive that it might look like spontaneous healing. Be aware that this brochure cannot deal with the exact connection between the parasitic toxins, bacteria, mycoses, viruses and metabolism. More information concerning this can be found in my book " Parasites - The Hidden Cause Of Many Diseases " , published at Goldmann-Bertelsmann in German. Another important discovery was that very good results can be obtained with a frequency generator working with a positive offset rectangular wave (usually at a frequency of about 30 kHz) instead of a regular sine wave. This rectangle wave is a current that similarly to battery current goes from a positive voltage to zero and not like mains current in a sine curve from positive to negative voltage. It is a kind of universal therapy effect on most parasites, bacteria and viruses and fungus. It seems that this current has a temporary, general suppressing respectively weakening effect on all foreign organisms so that the human immune system can then attack the invaders. At the same time an activating and revitalizing effect on the immune system itself is observed. An exact explanation for this effect has not been brought forth. Nature does not know such a rectangle wave. It is a completely unnatural oscillation and obviously has a very destructive potential against living foreign organisms that can stand these vibrations even less than a sine curve. This experience was the birth of the possibility to treat by using a simple device, the bio-frequency-generator, called " Zapper " . I will further use this expression in this brochure. The zapper is an universal aid for every kind of illness or disease, including serious chronic diseases. It works extraordinarily well, as we can see from meanwhile thousands of reports of improved conditions. Attention: The zapper is not a replacement for a careful medical treatment and a therapy plan in case of a serious disease or a life-threatening condition! Experience shows that for most patients an additional herbal parasite program, a mycosis therapy or other steps must be taken to get rid of the parasites and pathogens in question for good. Regular use of the zapper will bring relief from many symptoms, especially if other methods were not effective. Another possible explanation for the zapper's success is that perhaps the positive charge of the current detaches the negatively charged bacteria from their electro-magnetic adhesion in the body, so that the immune system can fight them. This phenomenon is subject to research that is intensively done in the youngest field of university research: biophysics. If current kills all organisms, you might ask, why does the zapper have to be used several times? There is an easy answer: As current always takes the shortest way respectively the lowest resistance, it tends to flow on the surface of organs. This means that if there are pathogens inside you which you got by inhaling or eating contaminated food, only those are killed that can be caught by the current as long as the treatment is going on. This fact makes a daily application for an extended time necessary. Chapter 1: How to use the zapper The zapper, used on a daily basis, has proven very valuable, namely used three times 7 minutes. Bio-energetic testing has reconfirmed the value of this regimen time and again. The reason lies in the very nature of the treatment. It was a discovery of practitioners working with bio-energetic testing devices that there is a symbiosis between the different pathogens. It became obvious that certain bacteria can live on or in certain parasites, and can in turn harbor other bacteria or virus; the same applies to fungus. Although this phenomenon may seem strange at first sight, it is sufficiently well-known in orthodox medicine. It has, for example, been described that Ascaris can accommodate dozens of species of bacteria, like E. coli, Staph, Strep or Proteus bacteria. It is also known that fungus can live on the surface of worms. This can be verified in any primer on microbiology. Therefore, the findings of clinical research and bio-energetic research coincides - an acknowledgement of the " medicine of the future " . Certainly this kind of testing will become quite common in the near future, for the medicine of the future will not be able to do without the physical, bio-energetic testing. Treatment regimen with a zapper You should use the zapper during 7 minutes. This first treatment will kill or weaken a number of parasites, bacteria, virus and fungus. The affected parasites will release a large number of bacteria, which the immune system has to cope with. Thus, after a break of 20 to 40 minutes, a second 7 minute round of zapping must be undertaken. This time the same mechanism holds, the current kills bacteria that will release fungus and bacteria, which makes a final third 7 minute round of zapping necessary after a 20 to 40 minute interval. The total treatment time is an hour to an hour and a half, which can be made use of for reading, watching TV or relaxing. The only condition is that the electrodes are held or attached to the body. Pattern #1: * 1st application: 7 minutes; * 20 to 40 minutes break * 2nd application: 7 minutes; * 20 to 40 minutes break * 3rd application: 7 minutes. If you suffer from a chronic disease, you should keep following the treatment of pattern #1 for at least six weeks daily. Afterwards, zap 5 days per week for another 3 weeks. Once you are doing better, zap once daily for 10 minutes for another 3 weeks, 5 times per week. This maintenance is intended to keep new pathogens from establishing themselves in the body, while your immune system fully recovers to do the job on its own, which is the goal of every treatment. Pattern #2 * during six weeks: daily application; * during three weeks: five days and break of two days; * during three weeks: once daily 10 minutes. This pattern should not be considered rigid, because it should be adjusted to the needs of the individual patient. While zapping, it can happen that your body gets overloaded with the dead organisms and toxins released by parasites, fungus und bacteria. These toxins must then be eliminated from the body. For this purpose you should follow the measures described in the chapter " Additional Measures " . If you are very weak and feel strong reactions like lack of energy or an aggravation of the symptoms, your body is not able to detoxify sufficiently and your immune system can't absorb the toxins. You should then switch to the " 5 day zapping - 2 day break " regimen, or reduce further to zapping only one 3*7 session every 4th day. This leaves your organism enough time to recover. As soon as the reactions subside, you can step up to every 3rd or every 2nd day, then daily. If, on the other hand, improvement is very rapid - as we have seen it happen many times - you can go on the maintenance earlier. Chapter 2: Application of Electrodes The zapper has two hand held electrodes or wrist bands. You would usually take these in your hands or put them around your wrists. ***Please note: The wrist bands must be wet in order to ensure good conductivity. If the bands are not wet enough, the zapper will beep to signalize insufficient conductivity. Also, if the bands are not wet, some persons may develop burn like marks on the wrists. If you are extra sensitive to current, try using the wrist bands on your ankles instead of the wrists, or use the brass pipes that are available. Please remove all jewelry, finger rings, watches and other metal parts, otherwise the zapper effect will be greatly reduced. In the case of wrist watches, damage to the clock mechanism due to the zapper frequency could occasionally be observed. In the meantime, a number of other applications of the electrodes have proven valuable. If for example your problems are below the navel in the area of bladder, abdomen or joints, you can let the current flow through the soles of your feet. While doing this, your floor should be insulated. The simplest way to accomplish this is to place two strong plastic foils on the floor, place the pipe electrodes on top and then your feet. You can sit on a chair while zapping this way. Another variation: If you cannot exactly localize where the pain is - especially if it is between navel and chest - you can treat yourself in a diagonal way. This means that you take one electrode in your right hand during the first seven minutes, while the other one is under your left foot. For the second turn you switch: Take one electrode in your left hand and have the other one under your right foot. During the third turn, position one electrode on your abdomen or below the navel and the other one at the base of your neck, direction of the torso (see diagram 7 and 8). If your problems are between chest and navel on the right hand side of your body, then you will prefer to take the electrodes in your right hand and under your right foot. You do likewise if pain is on the left side of your body: Electrodes in the left hand and under the left foot (see diagram 9). Another possibility, indicated especially in the event of weakness or fatigue, is to hold the electrodes in your hands during the first treatment and to put them onto your abdomen and at the base of the neck during the second turn, as described before. The third possibility could be to lie on the stomach during seven minutes, one electrode on your coccyx, the other one on your neck. This has a tonic effect and is deduced from the Chinese teaching of meridians. To treat specific pain areas, there is another option of placing the electrodes: Take one electrode in your hand and position the other one directly where you feel your pain, for example on your hip, knee, or back. Some patients report that they felt an immediate relief when they glide over the area with the electrode, especially if it is a bigger surface. Chapter 3: Side Effects? Usually there are no side effects when you use a zapper. The current used is so weak that it does not influence the human bodily functions. But we advise persons that wear a pace maker against using a zapper as this has not been investigated. During pregnancy we also advise against it because we do not yet know how the dead parasites and toxins resulting from the parasites' massive die-off can influence the health of an unborn. Nevertheless a whole string of pregnant women have reported that they used a zapper without any negative results for themselves and their unborn children. On the contrary, both felt considerably better. I just want to advise that this is not yet systematically researched. Auto Aggressive Diseases: It is well known that when it comes to auto immune diseases, all measures taken to strengthen the immune system are harmful for the body, since the immune system works auto aggressively against its own organism or the immune system is nearly non existent. Results and patient reports vary considerably. Some were able to improve their immunity by removing foreign organisms from the body, others noticed an immediate worsening of their condition. An individual dosage must be found in these cases. It is e.g. possible that a treatment time of only 30 seconds is sufficient to start with for such patients - who in general are used to manage their condition -, with a gradual increase over the course of months. There is a simple rule of thumb: If there are slight reactions like fatigue, thirst, lack of energy, slight headaches, it is a positive sign, because it shows that pathogens are being killed and the body reacts and detoxifies. But strong reactions should not be tolerated, since they can be a sign of the body being overtaxed with the emitted toxins. In those cases the dosage must be reduced. Diabetes: Experience shows that diabetics (insulin patients) can experience such a dramatic change in their blood sugar values that they could only continue zapping under the supervision of an MD or by continuous self examination of the blood sugar level. Insulin shots may have to be reduced rapidly to avoid an overdose. Examples of Applications: * Beginning cold One of the most beautiful application possibilities of a zapper at any time in your life for the whole family is at the onset of a cold. The zapper has proven its value as an aid against the acute flood of bacteria, which is reduced immediately. We receive enthusiastic reports daily about how colds are either totally cut off or their course was shortened or soothed. If you or the people around you feel that you are coming down with a cold, you immediately zap a regular three times seven minutes session, take a high dose of vitamin C and drink much uncarbonated, low in minerals water! In most cases this is completely sufficient. The zapper is well worth its investment since it is like a medication that is never used up. Only the batteries must be changed occasionally, and the whole family can use this method to stay healthy. * Chronic Bronchitis: We have had a number of patients that had been suffering from bronchitis for years and that, after reading the pertinent quartature, have bought themselves a zapper. It has proven most successful to start treatment at a period without symptoms. To help the immune system break the cycle of chronic bronchitis, the patient should zap regularly for at least 4 months. In spring and summer, the 10 minute per day maintenance should be done preventatively for a few days from time to time; zap regularly in winter and at the maximum dose during the most dangerous time. We also recommend to take both homeopathic remedies and regenerative supplements like vitamin C, selenium and zinc orotate as a supportive treatment. Many a patient that had suffered from chronic recurring bronchitis for sometimes decades, has been cured this way and could experience symptom free winter months for the first time. * Chronic Cystitis: In case of chronic cystitis, especially for women, we have found it most effective to let the current flow through the feet and keep up regular treatments. The same applies to nephritis and pyelitis. The bio frequency emitted by the zapper can help reduce the dosage of medicine required. Also, make sure that your feet are kept warm at all times. Especially foot baths with increasing temperature have proven valuable. Do not forget to ingest sufficient amounts of high quality uncarbonated water as well as unspecific kidney/bladder teas from the pharmacy as a supportive treatment. * Pain of the Motion Apparatus Time and again rheumatic sufferers find it useful to use the zapper. Despite the fact that the root cause of rheumatism has nothing to do with parasites or bacteria, the inflammations at the joints are kept alive by germs. This bacterial burden can effectively be reduced with the zapper. In our practice we have often found a latent trichinella problem in rheumatics. Avoiding pork and a diet low in proteins will make you feel considerably better. * Asthma It is the great merit of practitioners who test bio-energetically to have found out that certain parasites - especially Ascaris - are responsible for bronchial asthma, so that the use of the zapper can often achieve amazing results. Many a patient was able to live without his asthma spray after consequently using the zapper. We have had the best results by placing one electrode on the chest, the place of incident, while holding the other electrode in the hand. Many patients report that they feel how something is released. Even with hard and persistent coughs relief can sometimes be achieved. After coughing up intensively, the condition increasingly improves. Some patients zap a bit longer in these cases - up to 3 times 12 minutes, until they feel a substantial improvement. Ingesting thyme juice or drops regularly can be a great help. * Cancer It is Dr. Clark's merit to have discovered the fact that parasitic burdens play a central role in cancer. You can find more information about this subject in " The Cure for All Cancers " and " The Cure for All Advanced Cancers " . Of course the zapper can't be regarded as a single measure against cancer, but the parasitic burden can effectively be reduced, so that the other therapeutic steps can be effective. * Stress of the central nervous system Burdens such as epilepsy, Parkinson's or other nervous disorders are caused by parasitic influences and environmental toxins. We have seen a large number of patients experience relief of their condition and they do not want to be without this support from bio frequencies! Naturally, one must work most intensively both on eliminating parasites and toxins as well as building up metabolism to beat these diseases. * Migraines and Headaches It is a revolutionary finding that Strongyloides (threadworms) can be found in most migraine patients. When this is the case, the migraine attacks stop as soon as the Strongyloides are gone. We have collected dozens of documented cases over 3 years. If the migraines return, one has reinfected oneself. Here too the zapper offers its indispensable help, in therapy, maintenance and prevention. * Menstruation Pains In case of menstrual pains and PMS the use of the zapper is promising. In most cases Enterobius vermicularis, round- and threadworms are part of the picture. You should start the therapy in between two periods and zap intensively during menstruation, i.e. twice daily 3*7 minutes. You can find more information about the connection between environmental toxins, parasites and chronic diseases in my book " Parasites - the hidden cause of chronic diseases " (German). * Allergies Through bio-energetic testing, I have systematically researched the connection between allergies and parasitic burdens in hundreds of patients over the course of two years, such that I can say with certainty that every allergic has parasites. The parasites prevent the body from interrupting the immune-allergic reaction. I have been able to determine exactly which parasites in connection with which foreign proteins cause an over sensitivity in the body. You can find these findings in my book " Parasites - the hidden cause of chronic diseases " (German). To get rid of the worst infestation, the zapper is a good first aid tool for any allergic in all kinds of allergies, while in severe cases other measures are necessary. Chapter 4: Additional measures In general, some additional measures to the use of the zapper are useful to support the therapy. * Drinking: It is not difficult to understand that a sufficient quantity of liquid is indispensable to regularly detoxify the body and maintain its vital functions. There is plenty of literature about this subject, e.g. " Your Body's Many Cries for Water " by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD. To eliminate waste products correctly, unbound water is needed. What does that mean? When a water molecule is bound to minerals and other substances, as for example in a mineral water (also uncarbonated), its structure does not have any left over capacity to bind toxins to eliminate them. This fact has not yet been sufficiently recognized in the general population. Because of the increased amounts of toxins that come about while zapping, it is pivotal to drink a minimum of two quarts of uncarbonated water daily, regardless of other beverages. Neglect of this rule is one of the most common mistakes when using the zapper. Our experience shows that tap water - even though the laws governing hygiene of tap water have a much higher standard in the US than in many other countries - is not a free, unbound water, since it contains many bacteria, heavy metals and environmental toxins. In our practice we have tested hundreds of samples of tap water, and not a single one was free of heavy metals. This can easily be shown physically by measuring the resistance of the water. From this viewpoint tap water is a qualitatively inferior water. It really is necessary to drink a qualitatively superior water with a high resistance while on this therapy. Water from a reverse osmosis filter or water from specific sources (like the Italian Plose water, which to my knowledge is the natural water with the highest resistance) is most suitable. [CAUTION: You must make sure that your reverse osmosis filter does not add lanthanide metals to the water, as Dr. Clark issued a warning in her latest book about this problem. Also, be aware that store bought waters generally contain solvents, which are worse than the heavy metals or the bacteria you may find in tap water. Syncrometer testing is needed to establish purity of a product. The NIMBUS Water Maker Mini is a very affordable reverse osmosis filter that has been Syncrometer tested not to add lanthanide metals to the filtered water.] Make sure that water is filled in glass bottles, not plastic bottles. To get an approximate picture, look at the following values. Tap water generally has a resistance of 2,500 Ohm. Plose water has a resistance of 28,500 Ohm. Therefore Plose water has a 10-12 fold detoxification capability. Water from a reverse osmosis filter has around 30,000 Ohm as well, so that the investment is amortized in the long run for a 3 or 4 head family. Drink your two quarts daily, even if this is hard for you at the beginning. Your body will thank you and go through a transition over a period of about 6 weeks! We urge you to drink a minimum of two quarts of uncarbonated, high-quality water daily when using the zapper. * Vitamin C It might sound a little bit profane and simplistic, but vitamin C is one of the most important catalytic converters our body needs for a large number of internal processes. It is important to ingest a sufficient amount because vitamin C cannot be produced by the body itself. It must permanently be supplied. Nowadays the content of vitamins in our food is drastically reduced. This is due to environmental toxins as well as the conditions under which vegetables and fruits are grown and processed. Various scientific studies have shown that nice looking fruit does not even have ¼ of the content of certain vitamins the same fruit had 20 years ago. For this reason, supplying additional vitamins has unfortunately become increasingly necessary in our civilization. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in metabolic processes, as well as detoxification processes of the immune system and is increasingly more important in the fight against pathogens. One must differentiate between naturally and synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The body can make much less use of synthetic ascorbic acid than natural vitamin C, like for example the Super C from Dr. Lange. It seems that the 5 to 10 fold quantity is needed to achieve the same result with synthetic vitamin C as compared to natural, organic vitamin C. Organic means here that it has been derived from fruit or plants. Despite the fact that organic vitamin C is 5 to 10 times more expensive than synthetic vitamin C, it ends up being cheaper and more healthy to the body, too, since large amounts of ascorbic acid taken over an extended period of time can irritate the mucous membranes. Vitamin C plays an important role in the many healing processes that take place in the blood vessels. Vitamin C is successfully used against mycotoxins (toxins from food molds). So, when you work with the zapper to support your immune system and promote elimination of toxins, make it a habit to take 1/3 to ½ tsp. natural vitamin C. In the course of my bio-energetic testing I was surprised to find that vitamin C is the only vitamin that shows a deficiency in every patient. * De-acidification A general phenomenon of civilization is of course the overabundance of acidifying foods that lead to an over saturation of the body with proteins and acids. Many chronic illnesses have their roots in this phenomenon. Most books on natural health talk about this. How to de-acidify the body correctly can be learned from my book " Parasites - The Hidden Cause of Many Diseases " . But you can start to de-acidify right away by keeping a diet low in proteins. Pork should be cancelled from your list of foods completely and for good. The consumption of meat and dairy products should be reduced greatly. Do not be afraid, you will not suffer from deficiencies like some propaganda is trying to make you believe. The most acidifying foods are known to be alcohol, sugar, coffee and black tea. These should be reduced as best as possible depending on the severity of the disease. On the other hand, eat a lot of vegetables, salad and fruit! Such a diet is unusual for many, so we provide a list with the main acidifying and base building foods for your orientation in the appendix. Besides, most people are unaware of the excessive amounts of sugar and proteins they ingest. Only a careful examination of their dietary habits can shed light on this subject. If you follow these four easy rules, you are on the best way to a nearly perfect state of health: drink approx. two quarts of water, balance acids and bases, take vitamin C and use the zapper daily. * Daily Check The daily check of your morning urine by using an indicator strip is a great help. The pH-value should be between 7.0 and 7.4. If this value is reached the foundation for recovery is laid. Indicator strips should have a scale from 5.4 to 8.0 in steps of 0.2. You get them in any pharmacy. * Eliminating parasites Of course it makes sense to follow the herbal parasite regimen in addition to the zapping to eliminate all pathogens and parasites thoroughly and for good. Dr. Clark's herbal parasite cleanse can be found in any of her books or on Appendix: The wrong nutrition (reduce if possible) Acids and acidifying food kernels and nuts * beechnut * Brazil nuts * peanuts * hazelnuts * almonds Cereals and rice * barley, peeled or flour * rice, white or natural * rye, peeled or flour * wheat semolina * wheat, peeled or flour * buck wheat * corn * rice flour * millet fish and meat * any meat * haddock * herring * caviar * codfish * eel * egg yolk * egg white dairy products * cream cheese * Swiss cheese * Parmesan cheese * low-fat cheese * butter vegetables and other products * lentils * yeast * Brussels sprouts * beans, cooked * margarine * artichokes The correct nutrition Bases and base forming items vegetables * chickpeas * olives * poppy seeds * haricot beans * beetroot * carrots * celery * turnip, white * sweet chestnut * leek * sugar beet * mangel-wurzels * chard * potatoes * cauliflower * kohlrabi * French beans * eggplant * savoy cabbage * white cabbage * pumpkin * asparagus herbs * dill * rosehip, dried * chives * watercress salad * radish, black and white * dandelion * cucumbers * celery leaves * radishes * chicory * endive * horse radish * corn salad * bell peppers * black salsify * onions * lettuce fruit * apples, fresh or dried * blueberries * redcurrant * blackcurrant * melon * strawberries * cherries, sour or sweet * grapes * figs, dried * lemon * coconut * blackberries * dates * yellow plums * pineapple * peaches * pears, fresh * oranges * plums * raspberries * bananas others * oysters * cream * mushrooms * milk, raw 1. Bibliography: " The Cure for All Diseases " by Dr. Hulda Clark - New Century Press 1996, ISBN 1-890035-01-7; " Parasites - The Hidden Cause of Many Diseases " by A. E. Baklayan (German) - Goldmann 1999, ISBN 3-442-14163-X; " Your Body's Many Cries for Water " , Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD - Global Health Solutions 1992, ISBN 0-9629942-5-1. [NOTICE: This article is written by Alan Baklayan, naturopath in Germany. He describes his extensive experience with the Dr. Clark Zapper. This article is not written by Dr. Hulda Clark or the Dr. Clark Research Association or by Biophysica and some views may differ. This book reflects the experience of a naturopath. It can not be a prediction of results that may be achieved by any untrained non-practitioner with the Dr. Clark Zapper. NOTICE: This article must not replace diagnosis and therapy control by a health care professional! Even if the results of a zapper and its electrical frequency can be impressive (even with very serious and chronic illness), it is not intended as replacement for a well controlled medical therapy. The zapper is not an FDA approved medical device in the US and may be used for research purposes only, not to treat illness. For our current prices click here To contact us phone (905) 827-9448 or e-mail info This site was last updated on March7, 2006 Back to Home page Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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